But of course no one is entangled in winning or losing in this regard, even Zhen and Ying are laughing from ear to ear.

It is a pity that this sport is not extended to Inazuma.

500 years ago, the ghost clan under Ying's command loved wrestling the most. This group of extremely powerful guys would throw people into the sky and catch them at every turn.

If he saw this situation, he would probably run to Longji Snow Mountain to wrestle with the Lord of the Snow Mountain.

But it's not their turn to do this, the Monds are already doing it.

There is a relative of the forest pig, the snow pig, on Longji Snow Mountain.

But the number is so small that the Sumerians believe that they have been extinct for a long time.

For the desolate and lonely Longji Snow Mountain, the snow pig is an important hope for the establishment of an ecological circle.

With this group of guys who can live on snow mountain mint and sweet flowers, there will be predators, there will be decomposers, and there will be more plants.

The Mond people are very happy to see that this group of fat guys who have adapted to the environment can gradually make Longji Snow Mountain a place full of vitality.

Of course, the premise is that they don’t always come to the farmland below the mountain to eat buffet in autumn and winter like their relatives in the forest.

Since the snow pigs cannot be killed because the number is too small, beating the Lord of Snow Mountain every year has become a repertoire during Mond's autumn hunting.

Every year, Mond would organize a group of strong men with the eyes of God to go to Longji Snow Mountain to beat the snow pig king in front of the snow pigs.

First use bait to lure it out, and then take turns to beat it violently. It cannot be killed or seriously injured, but it must be miserable until the conditioned reflex is activated.

It is said that the effect is indeed there. After the public execution every year, it is rumored that the number of snow pigs going down the mountain has decreased significantly.

However, no one really counts it, because no one cares whether it is true or not.

The reason why the owner of the God's Eye is called the "Original God" is because the physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people.

Therefore, the owner of the Eye of God cannot participate in most festival activities.

It is rare to have the activities of the owner of the Eye of God, so I dare not study maliciously.

It would be too evil to say that everyone lined up to beat pigs for the joy of the festival.

If it is for the sake of ecological balance, wouldn't the conscience feel much better this time?

Is there something wrong with holding a wine festival in Mond: Chapter 532Chapter 514 Is there something wrong with starting seed

As the happy autumn hunting season ended successfully, Mond also entered a busy harvesting period.

Even in Mond, which is like spring all the year round, harvesting is a competition with the sky for food, and we have to fight desperately for time.

Otherwise, a heavy rain can easily reduce the farmers' harvest by half or even more.

Therefore, neither the Zephyr Knights nor the Adventurers Association would mind accepting temporary employment to help the villagers of Mond harvest food.

After all, there are only two opportunities to make short, flat, fast and big money throughout the year.

As a result, Mond City, where people come and go, has suddenly become much more empty in the past few days.

And Jiang Yan also took this opportunity to hurry up and prepare for the opening of the store.

Regarding the opening of the store, after hearing Jiang Yan's narration, Ying and Zhen were quite interested.

During rice wife festivals, people often set up a temporary stall with a cart.

Some do it to make money, while others do it purely to immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere.

Although Zhen Yuying has visited many festivals, it is also very interesting for those stalls that fish for goldfish, sell masks, make fried noodles, and throw darts.

However, they can't ask the society to enshrine a cart.

This time it is a rare opportunity to pretend to be a mortal to experience, Zhen Yuying readily accepts, and intends to have a good time.

But at the stage of implementation, Jiang Yan realized that it was sloppy.

I really know how to cook, but at most it’s just a food box for snacks when viewing flowers. This thing is not even liked by girls in Mond.

To be honest, although the cooking skills of the Mond people are not bad, the taste is full of the style of the Northland, which is really not flattering.

Almost ninety-nine percent of the main dishes are grilled meat, stewed meat, or fried meat.

The side dishes are usually sausages and ham, which can be eaten 360 days a year without getting greasy.

Vegetables for a balanced diet, there are only three ways, stewed into meat, made into salads, and sandwiched into the staple food.

Jiang Yan has eaten many deer hunters, and the Mond Hotel also has dine-in meals, and [-]% of them are this kind of recipe.

They would rather make a hundred kinds of sausages than order all kinds of vegetarian dishes other than green vegetable leaves.

What are you doing?Compared to you, Andreus is an omnivore!

This kind of taste preference is naturally incompetent for this dessert master. In the end, Miss Luzi recommended herself to save Jiang Yan's small bar that almost died before it was established.

Since Haizhi Island couldn't grow anything except radishes, for a long time, the main food was fish.

Although Miss Luzi can't cook a hundred kinds of fish dishes, it's easy to make dozens of kinds of appetizers.

Fighting sausage and ham in Mond is purely self-defeating, but when it comes to fish dishes, Miss Luzi is still very confident.

In fact, Miss Luzi personally prepared the dishes for Jiang Yan, the two gods, and Yae Shenzi when she came to Haizhi Island several times.

Jiang Yan recalled the special food of Haizhi Island, and nodded, indeed.

Miss Luzi's grilled fish was enough for Keli to learn from her on the spot, and for other dishes, it was enough to crush the Mond people who were not very good at cooking fish.

The first problem is solved, but the second problem is more difficult to deal with.

Although Yae Kamiko brought a lot of liquor from Inazuma, the liquor that can be offered to Narujin Taisha Shrine is used for ceremonies, so how bad could it be?Not to mention the self-brewed Shenying wine.

Once it is put on sale in festivals, even if the taste is not the same as the several wines of Mond, but the quality is here, I am afraid that the threshold will not be overwhelmed.

In the end, Jiang Yan thought about it directly, and raised the price until many people couldn't afford it. Naturally, he could accurately screen users.

Fontaine is somewhat similar to Sumeru, knowledge and wealth can be equated in a sense.

Fontaine people who have thoughts about the gods, if they can't even afford a glass of wine, forget it as soon as possible.

But even so, Jiang Yan recruited several witches to be on the safe side, and planned to serve as guest waiters during particularly busy times.

However, it turned out that he was thinking too much.


In just three days, Mond's vast fields have been harvested.

The rice wife farmers and craftsmen who came to work made a lot of money. The price of dried meat and grain here made them all exchange the mora they got for food.

They don't have to worry about the transportation problem at all, and the agency will directly settle the settlement in another place after deducting the transportation fee.

And after they left, the carnival was officially announced.

In the large plains around Fengqidi, a large number of green "dandelions" bloomed overnight. The seeds of the wind fluttered with the wind and floated on the ground, waiting for those who are destined to pick them up.

And the West Wind Knights, which had been prepared for a long time, had already divided the venue into the primary field for beating the forest pigs, the intermediate field for beating the Qiuqiu people, and the advanced field for fighting in Dadaupa Valley.

What followed was a joint announcement from the Zephyr Knights of the Church of the West Wind and the Adventurers' Association:

Bishop Simon received an oracle a few days ago, and this year's Homecoming Wine Festival was blessed by the gods.

Lord Barbatos will bring the powerful "Seed of the West Wind" to the Mond people through the crescendo of the West Wind.

These "seeds of the west wind" can bring the sublimation of skills, spiritual breakthroughs, and prospects for the future to those who aspire to become stronger!

Of course, this powerful blessing is certainly not unlimited.

Adventurers who have completed their tempering need to go through the magical secret realm to sort out the scattered residual wind in their bodies to avoid future troubles.

And create a new "Seed of the West Wind" for later challengers.

The speed at which you create the "Seed of the West Wind" will directly prove your talent and potential.

Those who are in the forefront will be personally guided by the named knights of the Zephyr Knights, and even admitted in an exceptional way!

When the news came out, it immediately became a hot topic in Mond City.

Although the number of adventurers in Mond is slightly less than other countries due to the peaceful environment;

But counting a large number of hunters who make a living by hunting, Mond's martial arts is not inferior to any country, and most people have a certain level of understanding of cultivation.

Being able to temporarily experience powerful power, is there such a good thing in the world?

New Mond has been established for more than 600 years, and I have never heard of such a powerful blessing.

Suspicious, countless hunters, warriors and adventurers flocked to Fengqi Land.

After many tests, everyone really felt the blessing of the gentle west wind.

Both strength and reaction have grown under the protection of the power of the wind.

Being able to see one's future path is of great significance to the practice of skills.

Because the vast majority of people's practice is to look at other people's paths, and then slowly adjust to the form that suits them.

During this process, incoordination and maladaptation abound, and many people even stagnate directly.

But spoiling one's own path in advance is completely different.

This will mean that there will be a smooth road on the path of self-cultivation.

The stronger one is, the more clearly one can realize how precious this blessing is.

Everyone joined the ranks with praises to Lord Barbatos.

And the long-awaited "observation team" also came to Mond one after another as scheduled.

"Keqing? Why are you here?"

The small bar that just opened soon ushered in the first batch of unexpected guests.

"Long time no see, why don't you buy me a drink?"

It was clear that the guest had no intention of paying the bill.

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 533 Chapter 515 Is there something wrong with the foreign inspection

Liyue's review of the last stage of "jumping over the dragon's gate" for the whole people's cultivation of immortals has been in the hands of Ke Qing and Zhenyue Zhuyang.

Keqing has always been extremely cautious about this glorious responsibility, not daring to relax at all.

Almost every candidate is accompanied by a thick pile of files, and Ke Qing will not sign until he investigates and confirms in person.

Although the time is short, none of the selected people has gained power so far, and they have a record of doing evil, and they don't even have negative comments such as "unhealthy intentions".

Among them, Ke Qing has contributed a lot, and she is very proud of it.

However, strict review will inevitably mean that the speed is low.

There is a "universal cultivation" for all people to cultivate immortals, but it may not be possible in 1 years before "all people become immortals".

Keqing hopes that Liyue will be a world where everyone is like a dragon, so naturally she is not satisfied with this progress.

But strict review is indispensable, and this kind of contradiction troubles her very much.

However, this is also stimulating her fighting spirit.

This system was launched before the emperor left. If the "mortal Liyue" is improved and the efficiency is improved by a thousand times, is it possible that in a sense, he can say that he has surpassed the emperor's expectations?

Therefore, after hearing Gan Yu's report that the neighboring country Mengde planned to launch a similar system of "teaching without discrimination", Ke Qing directly led the review team of the General Affairs Department to visit Mond without saying a word.

After all, stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. If there is no threshold, I believe that the excellent Miss Qin of Mond will definitely have other corresponding measures.

As a result, as soon as I arrived in Mond, I found that my "long time no see" friend was here with the god of rice wife, um, to experience the people's feelings?

No wonder!This matter has nothing to do with the creator of the universal cultivation of immortals, so hell!

Today's friend is more than ten thousand people in Dao's wife, and it is only natural that he will not live in Liyue for a long time.

But if you have time to come to Mond as an international friend, why not come to help yourself who is busy every day until late at night?Am I worse than Miss Qin?

Well, I'm just angry at his favoritism, absolutely not angry. This guy hasn't sparred with me for a long time, absolutely not!

Therefore, Keqing decided to kill this dishonest friend happily before talking.

The relationship between Jiang Yan and Ke Qing is no better than others, but they have been with him from the beginning, from being a teacher to being a classmate to being a student, no matter how the relationship changes, the friendship between the two is still irreversible.

Facing the "I'm not happy" friend with trembling ponytails, Jiang Yan hurriedly asked the maiden who changed into casual clothes to comfort the purple cat with Shenying wine and grilled fish.

There is no way, God knows if there is any mischievous magic hidden in the thing brought by the fox, Jiang Yan really dare not use it, so he can only use Haizhi Island witch who is full of loyalty to his pocket money.

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