After the two exchanged and recounted the past, Keqing finally knew what the so-called "Seed of the West Wind" was.

Of course, Jiang Yan omitted the part about the emperor, but even so, Ke Qing was very interested in the promotion system developed by the joint efforts of several gods.

The whole people's cultivation of immortals uses the method of resonance, in the final analysis, it still relies entirely on the power of mortals themselves.

Whether it is spar, talisman or magic circle, they are just auxiliary props.

Although this suits Keqing's wishes, even Keqing admits that the talents of most mortals have an upper limit.

Even if there is a better way, it only increases the lower limit of practice and the final upper limit.

But for the vast number of people who have no hope of reaching the threshold of Longmen, they will only gradually reach their limits through continuous joint training.

Then in the painful stagnation, they were brutally eliminated, and finally they could only watch helplessly as more talented people rushed forward.

Although this is reasonable, but when talent clearly divides people into grades and grades, what is the meaning of the weak continuing to struggle?

Keqing hopes that everyone in Liyue is like a dragon, that everyone has the fighting spirit like a dragon, not that a small number of people become dragons, and the rest accept their fate.

With the aloofness of the immortal, it is natural to think that all living beings are equal under the extraordinary.

However, Ke Qing, who was born in a big family, knows very well that power and power don't need to do anything, as long as they are put there, they will naturally oppress those who don't have them.

What's more, power and power are always around the corner, but how can a fairy be willing to pay attention to such a dog?

If this kind of batch after batch of Leaping Dragon Gate is followed, this generation is fine, but after a few generations, Liyue might become an abyss of purgatory for those without talent.

Therefore, Keqing, who firmly believes that there should be no only one road to the extraordinary, has great expectations for this trip to Mond.

Especially under the premise that the secret realm itself was built by the Liyue people, a workaround could definitely be found to find a new path for ordinary people.

Jiang Yan agrees with Ke Qing's point of view very much, and the two people have always been very close in terms of three views and political views.

If he hadn't been completely taken down by Ying later, Jiang Yan felt that he must have become the number one officer under Ke Qing's subordinates.

Of course, it was more likely that he was dismissed from the General Affairs Department as a lazy dog ​​because he really couldn't get her involved, so he could only become a spiritual supporter.

For this kind of view that won his heart, Jiang Yan sold his own face to Ke Qing without saying a word.

Let her go directly to the head of the piano team and ask to watch the ceremony at close range. If there is any need for cooperation, she can just mention it, and all the debts of favor will be paid by herself.

Jiang Yan was so generous, of course, because he knew the inside story.

Qin is very scratching her head about the order maintenance of "Gao Feng's performance test". When she meets free combat power, even if she has no favor, she will definitely accept it.

This is not a loophole in the planning. The personnel arrangement during the event was originally carefully planned, but even Qin can hardly imagine that the wisdom of the gods working together and the seeds of power created are so powerful.

After seeing the immediate results one after another, the hearts of the members of the West Wind Knights also began to stir.

Mond is not a place where people can starve to death.

Without the pursuit of power, who would become a Zephyr knight?What a freedom to be an adventurer!

So Qin has received more and more leave requests in the past few days. Even if she transfers people after the activities one after another and cancels some people's vacations, it becomes extremely stretched.

At this time, who owes whom to the free laborers who are delivered to the door?It's really hard to say.

Of course, as the main supporter of technology and manpower, Jiang Yan's face will definitely not be sold in vain.

With his words, Keqing's research in any aspect will not be hindered in any way.

After receiving strong support, Ke Qing's complexion turned from cloudy to clear in an instant, and he put down his wine glass with a snap:

"Business comes first. Brother Jiang, I will go to Miss Qin to apply first. We will meet again after everything is over."

After all, she, who acted vigorously and resolutely, left directly.

Okay, that's pretty cool.

Jiang Yan was not angry at all, this person has always been like this, and he will not delay business because of red tape.

This is not aimed at herself, even in the face of Ningguang, she is the same.

Because of this, she can do things so efficiently.

After shaking his head, Jiang Yan motioned for the witch to clean up the table, then got up, respectfully walked to an inconspicuous table in the corner, and bowed his hands:

"Dijun, is this arrangement possible?"

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 534 Chapter 516 Is there something wrong with the seeding for all people

The Guest of the Pastoral Hall, who is wandering around in the world, actually arrived yesterday.

He didn't like to be disturbed, so he first strolled around the ruins of the tower, the temple of thousands of winds, the collar of the wolf, and several unknown ruins;

It wasn't until sunset that he found his disciple and grandson and asked him to arrange board and lodging.

It is Liyue's tradition for disciples to do their best, and of course Jiang Yan will not refuse.

In fact, the best room in the Mond Hotel had already been reserved by Jiang Yan when Wendy informed Dijun of his upcoming visit.

Otherwise, due to the popularity of the Homecoming Wine Festival, it may not be possible to book a room.

After thousands of years, the emperor who finally had the opportunity to travel was different from the serious and unsmiling Jiang Yan when he met him before.

In fact, this is also the case. For Zhongli, an "old friend" is probably buried every hundreds of miles in Liyue, even if he travels in his spare time, how can he not be nostalgic?

Although people live in the present, they still feel imprisoned in the past mentally, which is uncomfortable.

Until he arrived in Mond, a relatively unfamiliar land, he finally had a feeling that his body and mind were finally in one place.

Even the dusty stories of these ruins, he has heard;

Even among these fallen demon gods, he had met many of them, and even dealt with them.

However, after all, these are some pasts that have left no trace on the rock.

An unprecedented sense of ease enveloped the oldest god.

In this state of mind, even the most ordinary scenery is full of attraction, which makes him deeply moved.

It's not unreasonable to swim dragons into the clouds, travel across the world, have high aspirations, and be boundless.

East, west, north, south, where is not happy.The world, the mountains and the sea are full of exquisite places.

It seems that if you have time, you still need to go out for a walk.

Therefore, Zhong Li simply gave up the original plan to meet with the two True Monarchs and listen to the report;

I also gave up having a small banquet of the gods in Mond with several earthly rulers to exchange recent events;

Why seek the yoke?Wouldn't it be nice to go on a real "outside the world" trip?

He has nothing to do, because he can't pay the bills of the Hall of Rebirth in Mond, so on the day when the ceremony started, he simply took a break at the disciple's small shop with peace of mind, stealing half a day of leisure.

Once the magic of concealment is activated, other than the ruling world, everyone else will unconsciously ignore him.

It's not bad to quietly enjoy the fine wine and Daozuma-style delicacies of disciple and grandson Xiaojing, feel the changes of the "seed of the west wind" in the distance, and wait here to observe the various states of the world.

Unexpectedly, the first "everything in the world" that he saw was Yuheng Xing, whom he was very optimistic about.

However, even if Trouble ran to Zhongli's side on his own initiative, he did not intend to change his original intention.

Gently waved his hand, with a relaxed expression that he would never show normally, he said with a smile:

"Don't worry about me. I'm an idler now. This trip is just a stroll. Go get busy."

Jiang Yan has heard this kind of words a lot in his previous life, if you are serious, you will lose.

"Idlers" and "walking around" are templates that are used by the old village head, the old president, and any retired old leaders.

If he and Keqing really wanted to discuss something like "getting into the Qunyu Pavilion and taking the bird position", I'm afraid they won't be idle.

Of course, having said that, the emperor's outing this time is for entertainment no matter how you look at it, and Jiang Yan will naturally not make a work report to spoil the fun.

I would like to ask for instructions, even if the attitude is exhausted, even if it is over, I am not like Gan Yu's style of painting, so why make things difficult for myself?


Unfortunately, everyone's wishful thinking did not come true.

Everyone's plans were very good, but after Keqing left, the bar was deserted, which made it impossible to talk about any plans.

What are the various states of the world, what about people?

What's feeling the holiday spirit, people?

What threshold is overcrowded, what about people?

It's not that the facade and decoration of the tavern are not good, but that the venue of the Homecoming Wine Festival, apart from the merchants, there are very few tourists soon.

Even some merchants withdrew their stalls inexplicably, and what's more, they left their stalls here, and people disappeared directly.

what's the situation?Mond City has distributed money, and everyone is grabbing red envelopes?

In desperation, Jiang Yan had no choice but to go to Qin to inquire, but as soon as he walked on the main road, he saw a queue as long as Liyue's driveway during the Sea Lantern Festival. .

What's the situation, is the Seed of the West Wind so fun?

Monde has a vast land and few people, even if all the martial arts practitioners are counted, a few days in turn is enough.

Jiang Yan soon met Qin, who was rushing from Mond City to maintain order, and Ke Qing, who was communicating with the head of the Knights' office, and came together. Only then did he know what happened:

The Seed of the West Wind, which has gone through many tests, naturally has no major problems.

If only this is the case, everything is still within the controllable range.

However, after a middle-level adventurer obtained the Seed of the West Wind, after a period of adaptation and training, the sword he swung suddenly had the unique green light of wind elemental power.

This situation was actually within the scope of Wendy's consideration when planning.

Participants with talent in elemental power will indeed be driven by the Seed of West Wind to activate part of their elemental power, thus displaying simple elemental skills.

However, this kind of display is not much different from Hai Chaogui's talisman paper in essence, and it is not the same concept as God's Eye.

Maybe people who have reached the threshold of elemental force strength and wish force strength will indeed obtain the God's Eye in this way, but at least this adventurer is not.

But in the eyes of others, this person is being blessed by Lord Barbatos, is it not a matter of time before the eyes of God?

Now, the whole wind rises, and it boils instantly!

This news, as if the wings had been inserted, the event venue was blown up instantly, like a large sponge, absorbing all the flow of people in Mond City and Qingquan Town.

The original plan was only to design levels and secret realms for warriors, how could it withstand thousands of people, even the constant influx of visitors?

If it weren't for the West Wind Knights desperately maintaining order, tragedies such as stampedes would have already occurred.

Hearing this situation, Jiang Yan also slapped his head in annoyance, everyone really took it for granted.

Among the discussants of Wendy's grand plan:

have mighty gods;

wise wise men;

gifted and strong;

But there are no ordinary people in the true sense.

So they can't realize at all that the desire of mortals for elemental power is just like the desire of a bird with broken wings to fly.

"Blessings that allow people to feel stronger in advance" and "blessings that allow people to obtain elemental power" are completely different things!

The former is the gospel for warriors, while the latter is a glimmer of hope for mortals to become "Original Gods"!

"Original God" does not need the threshold of force, as long as the eyes and favor of the gods come, even a weak nun can instantly become an extraordinary existence!

So the Mond people who got the news, without saying a word, all dragged their families to the land of wind, ready to receive the blessing of the gods.

This kind of good thing has never happened in 600 years. After this village, will there still be this shop?

Row!Line up to Fontaine also lined up!

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 535 Chapter 517 Is there something wrong with the introduction of troops into customs?

In the face of this kind of hope of reaching the sky in one step, it is meaningless no matter how you try to refute the rumors.

Not to mention Captain Qin, even if Barbatos descended from the sky and explained himself, the Mond people with the dream of reaching the sky in one step would only think that this guy is a fake.

And even Orion can use the Seed of the West Wind, if you say how high the threshold is, no one will believe it.

So Qin immediately made an announcement: Due to the overwhelming response to the event, some of the seeds of the West Wind will be allocated, and an exclusive venue for ordinary people will be added, which will be available to everyone tomorrow.

Of course, today's team will not be in vain.

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