All participants who came here today can get a serial number first to determine the order of participating in the activities tomorrow.

The Zephyr Knights will tell you the approximate time, there is no need to wait here for a long time, and everyone is guaranteed to have a share.

Miss St. Gurnhild's golden signature is persuasive when there are definite arrangements.

In an instant, the order that was about to collapse returned to rationality.

And Qin struck while the iron was hot, directly at the scene, and methodically issued various orders to the Zephyr knights, making the crowd of onlookers more confident.

Arrange Zephyr Knights to capture the most docile small rock slimes and water slimes as test materials for ordinary people;

Arrange craftsmen, urgently plan the site and the route to the secret place;

Arrange the rotation of the Zephyr Knights to ensure the order and safety of tomorrow's queue.

Arrange medical and supply personnel to provide emergency assistance to the crowds that are about to gather.

Arrange for the nuns of the West Wind Church to tell everyone how to deal with the blessings of God's grace.

Under Qin's orders one after another, people's urgent hearts gradually calmed down.

In the final analysis, no one dared to really make trouble in front of God's grace.

Divine grace is the attention of the gods. If you mess around, wouldn't it be easy to transform into divine punishment?

So everyone began to follow the queue, and after receiving the serial numbers for simple anti-counterfeiting using elemental power, they returned to Mond City happily one after another, preparing to pray devoutly before receiving the "blessing".

A big storm has subsided since then.


Facing Qin who retreated a large crowd with quick wit in a blink of an eye and arranged in an orderly manner, both Jiang Yan and Ke Qing could only say admiration.

However, this ruthless person who maintained the management of the entire country by himself didn't care at all, but directly started to ask them for help.

Maintaining today's situation is just the beginning, and bigger problems are yet to come.

Even if the counseling is carried out, in Qin's view, with the urgency shown by the people today, there will be at least thousands of people who will watch the excitement early tomorrow.

How could the Knights of the West Wind maintain such a large-scale order by relying on many people on leave?

So Qin prepared three batches of reinforcements:

First of all, she plans to recruit adventurers who have completed the challenge from the Adventurers Association. After all, she has enjoyed the blessing of Lord Barbatos, and it is only natural to give some feedback.

Naturally, this kind of favor cannot be used indefinitely.

With a shortage of manpower, Qin intends to ask Keqing to dispatch a group of Qianyan troops from Liyue.

Of course, when a group of heavily armed Qianyan Army came to Mond, it would remind the Mond people of the "secret agreement with Leeward" and bring panic.

Therefore, Qin intends to let them wear casual clothes, in the name of adventurers, to help maintain order.

After all, the mutual support between the Adventurers Association of the Seven Nations is not uncommon.

However, the distant water obviously cannot meet the near thirst. In addition, Qin also hopes to urgently second the rice wife witch who is experiencing the festival tomorrow for a day, as long as the supporting Qianyan army arrives.

Naturally, Qin would not let them do this kind of state-level support in vain.

In addition to satisfactory remuneration, a collective experience of the Seed of the Zephyr will also be arranged afterwards.

Of course she is not a fool, and she has seen all the "enthusiastic help" from various countries during this period.

If it is just a personal favor, maybe it can also be said to be for friendship;

But it is very happy to allocate the country's resources, no matter how you think, it is all directed at the "seed of the west wind".

Considering that they got the news even before themselves, it was obviously brought by their own gods...

That being the case, what is there to hide?

When she was in Liyue, she had witnessed the method of selling tickets for sky-high prices one by one.

Finally it was my turn to sell tickets, and I felt really good.


The idea of ​​Qin hit it off with Jiang Yan and Ke Qing.

They came this time because they wanted to see the new mechanism of Mond, what problems would there be, and how to make up for it.

This sudden, but somehow inevitable surprise is exactly what they want to see.

How to deal with this kind of group thinking stemming from differences in talent, even the gods in the distance are very concerned, let alone the front-line executors.

Although the auditorium is good, how can it be more intuitive to go directly to the stage?

So Keqing readily agreed, and asked the two real monarchs who maintained the secret realm to contact Gan Yu through the communication talisman, and then made a formal support application to Ningguang.

To be honest, the matter of borrowing foreign soldiers is not only very sensitive to Mond, but also to Liyue.

However, this kind of procedural problem naturally cannot trouble Gan Yu, who has been a civil servant for 3000 years.

After the report with Ningguang, soon, a group of "professional wedding team" with crew-cut hair and imposing manner set off from Liyue Port and headed straight for Qingquan Town.

As a society with a history of thousands of years, which has hosted countless Liyue festivals, is it strange that the "professional temperament" is stronger?

Of course, as for Dao's wife, there is no such problem at all.

Who would believe that a group of young and beautiful witches are here to invade?


After resolving this sudden situation, Keqing and Qin dealt with the finishing touches of the "wedding team".

When Jiang Yan returned to the tavern, he found that the atmosphere in the tavern had become extremely subtle.

The small table in Dijun's corner has become a full table for four people.

And the familiar back figure with fiery red hair and gorgeous red and black costumes is complaining to Ying:

"It's a good wine, but it's a bit weak. It's almost like clear water to me."

"I thought that the little guy's wine festival would have endless wine, but it turned out like this? There are only various fruity mouthwashes, which are not as good as the wine you provided us in Liyue, Morax."

Regarding the well-prepared wine carefully prepared by her sister being dismissed as "fruity mouthwash", Yingxin's old and new grudges immediately rushed to her heart, and she said unhappily:

"Are you here to fight? When I get back to Dao's wife, I will accompany you at any time."

Even Yiying, who is belligerent, knows that things here are a little sensitive, and he needs help maintaining the transmission of the Seed of the West Wind, so he has no time to entangle with this defeated general.

And Jiang Yan just came back at this time, seeing the familiar red hair, his scalp was numb.

"How did you come?"

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 536 Chapter 518 Is there something wrong with Qianli

In Jiang Yan's plan, there was no plan for this god of Nata to come to Mond suddenly for a long distance.

God knows if she'll get high and mess everything up.

Apparently, Wendy, sitting next to her, thought the same thing...

He looked at Munata's expression, which was humble and obsequious to the naked eye.

"Why, do you think it's inappropriate for me to appear here?"

Munata, who turned her head, looked at Jiang Yan with her hunting eyes:

"After you left from me, you had a lot of fun with little Buyer. Use my strength to curry favor with that little girl. Shouldn't this account be settled?"

Jiang Yan had black lines on his face, although it would be unkind to blame her for her strength.

But when I told you at the time, weren't you very happy?Why did you settle accounts again after autumn?

But the situation is stronger than others, so I had to put on Wendy's same expression:

"It's easy to say, I paid for all your consumption in Mond."

But Munata didn't want to let Jiang Yan go:

"This perfunctory sentence, the green guy next to you has already said it, change it."

Jiang Yan glanced at Wendy, this guy who owed favors like him, Wendy put on a helpless expression with a sympathetic face.

In desperation, Jiang Yan had no choice but to sell miserably:

"Today's Sumeru is already in power of the second-generation god Naxida. He has just turned [-] years old, and even the heart of God has been taken away by the Holy Order. I really can't stand such a presumptuous behavior..."

What Jiang Yan was talking about was a person full of emotion, with a rich voice and appearance, who almost didn't come to a paragraph:

"Xiaocaoben lives at the highest point in Sumeru. There is a house and a field at home, and life is boundless."

"Who knows that great sage, he is arrogant and merciless, colluding with fools and making everyone blind, occupying her body and her heart."

"Xiaocao turned against him, was mined and beaten to the ground;"

"The believers scolded him for lying to the good people, but he caught him in a dream and danced a hundred times, a hundred times..."

Of course, this is not really miserable, Xiaocao is really miserable, at least Jiang Yan has never seen such an earthly ruling being bullied by mortals.

Munata, however, was completely unimpressed.

"It's not like she once or twice, she will grow back after hundreds of years, the god closest to "birth", why worry about her? "

She, who is the closest to Xumi, knows the details of the so-called "Naxida" even just by perception.

The concept of life for the elemental creation creature demon god is different from that of ordinary people.

They believe that power is the so-called "soul", and memory and emotion are not important.

If a demon god falls, even if a thousand years later, a new demon god with the same power is born from its residue, they will think that they have been reborn.

Creatures created by elements, they are born of power, it is normal to have this kind of concept.

But as the daughter of the World Tree, King Dacishu, his understanding of life is obviously closer to human beings.

As she puts it in The Way of the Endless Life, which she teaches to the students of the Life School:

Whoever dies will be born again in another body,

What is rotten will spur forth pure and young shoots.

Nacita is like this, thinking that she is just the ashes of the "sun", which produced the "moon".

Maybe one day she will pick up the memory in the World Tree for reference;

However, that is just someone else's memory after all.

One day, she will let the world forget this memory and make herself a new round of "sun".

As a creature of flesh and blood, Jiang Yan certainly supports Nasida's point of view.

What is the soul?Most humans would think of it as a combination of thought power, memory and emotion.

Without these, what is the difference between this person and thousands of other people?

However, this kind of words is really difficult to argue with the wind that has turned into a human form, the fire that has turned into a bird shape, the talking stone, and the thunder that has turned into a human form.

Jiang Yan had no choice but to bow down, and honestly brought a stool over;

Prepare to hear what this god who came so far away is doing.

Unexpectedly, the purpose of this guy coming to Mond was unexpectedly serious.

After passing on the power to Jiang Yan, Nata's road to light and flames has reached the point.

Although as a form of enhancing the power of the whole people, it still has its meaning.

However, Munata also began to consider whether the excessive internal friction at the cost of complete disappearance should be stopped.

After all, even if a weaker strong man is recreated, it is meaningless.

Especially when the price of this strong man is a lot of powerful souls.

However, the Path of Light and Flame and the Day of Resurrection have long been deeply engraved in the souls of the Natalians, and have become the biggest bond that unites the entire country.

Any change will bring fluctuations that subvert the entire country.

That's why Munata simply gave Wendy all the money. She also needs to refer to where Nata's future will go in other modes.

So, following the guidance of the former mercenary people, she set foot on the passenger ship in Jingfu Port from Ormos Port.

Anyway, my own country has long been used to living without my own.

As soon as she set foot on the land of Mond, she felt the track of the familiar but unfamiliar power flow.

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