This system was the original creation of Munata. Of course, she could easily find the eye of the magic circle. Following the flow of the familiar Seed of Power, she quickly found this seemingly inconspicuous tavern.

Since the day of the appointment with Lodia had not yet come, there was not even a receptionist in this tavern, so Munata pushed the door directly and entered, and was taken aback.

The water is not deep, there are dragons, and although the gods completely conceal their own existence, how can they hide from Munata, who is also in charge of the world, at such a short distance?

Faced with such a gorgeous configuration, Munata was surprised and overjoyed.

She never expected that her bait would actually catch so many big fish.

So Munata sat down unceremoniously amidst the surprised expressions of the gods, asked Zhen for a drink, and asked Wendy to pay for her.

Attitude cannot be said to be implied, but only expressed:

Sly guy, sell my things, have you asked me?

No matter what your conditions are, you can't miss my share!

God is sorry, although everyone planned to fish here, they really didn't plan to catch this whale.

In the world of demon gods, of course, there is no such thing as "exclusive authorization". All trading rules depend on the steelyard in your heart.

If Wendy relied on the technology of the Seed of the West Wind in exchange for various exchange conditions from other gods, in theory, Munata should indeed have a share.

However, for this technology, Wendy has embraced open source and joint development from the very beginning, so how can there be any quid pro quo?

However, the posture of several gods secretly sitting in a tavern, if it is not a secret transaction site, let alone Munata does not believe it, even Wendy herself does not believe it.

Unable to explain it, Wendy could only pull her into the plan, ready to use time and facts to prove it, and her aura naturally fell by three points.

Faced with Munata's attitude of "finally catching the pirated disc seller", Wendy was devastated, but the most helpless thing was actually Zhongli, whose happy mood flew away without a trace.

What am I doing?Am I not on vacation?How did you all get together?Why are we discussing business again?

Is there something wrong with holding a wine festival in Mond: Chapter 537 Chapter 519 Is something wrong with being old and prudent?

Although Jiang Yan pulled the emperor's banner in the plan, he really didn't intend to trick him into coming here to support the scene.

Such deceitful deeds and extermination of ancestors, Master Laolu would fly from Sumeru to Mond without hesitation, and give himself a lesson in respecting teachers and emphasizing Taoism.

And, in fact, there is no need to do this to this extent.

The two gods of thunder and the god of wind, as well as the disciple and grandson of himself, the god of rock, are here, and their attitude and strength are completely sufficient.

No matter how much, it would not be beautiful to cause some inexplicable misunderstandings on the other side, such as "other countries plan to implement an extermination order in Fontaine" and the like.

However, Jiang Yan didn't intend to dig a hole, which didn't mean Zhong Li wouldn't jump into it.

The biggest disadvantage of Xiangshengtang is that there is no channel for international transfer payment.

And Zhongli, as a nobleman who is very particular about basic necessities of life, didn't intend to just make do with it in Mond.

Without bothering the two masters, he simply found his disciple and grandson.

Although Jiang Yan had already told him that several gods were about to fish here.

But Zhongli didn't care about it, he was just a mortal, seeing or not seeing him was according to his own mood?

Met a few old friends, just happened to have nothing to do, simple reminiscing about the past is also good.

What's more, Zhongli is also a little bit interested in the matter of Fontaine.

You must know that the governance of the world is polluted, but it is a big deal.

Although there is no movement on Sky Island for 500 years, once there is a problem with the Heart of God, all the maintainers can still breathe and will not sit idly by.

At that time, no one can say whether to throw a nail down or simply restart the era.

Especially this guy who was supposed to be the most opposed to the law of heaven, he didn't keep pace with everyone, which made people very difficult.

No earthly ruler intends to be buried with Fontaine.

Therefore, when taking Lodia for 500 years, Zhongli originally had the idea of ​​"in case of a critical situation, just find a way to melt that new god".

However, in the past 500 years, the entire Tivat has generally been relatively calm, and this backhand has never been used.

But if a few colleagues plan to eliminate this hidden danger together with his disciples, he will naturally be happy to see the success.

But the arrival of Munata completely changed the nature of the whole thing.

When all the earthly rulers sat together, everyone habitually looked at the respected Zhongli, with an expression of "top order, take us to rush again".

Zhongli, who has already retired and "flying to the moon", can't help being very entangled...

But think carefully about these few people in front of you:

A dead man came back to life, theoretically there is no such person;

One has disappeared for thousands of years, and no one counts on him at all;

Another one has been using robots for 500 years, playing autism by himself;

The one in the distance is also resurrected from the dead.

Everyone has faded out of the world's field of vision, why bother to retreat and make things difficult for each other?

But even if he didn't want to, the topic was like a group talk, and after a few relays, it turned to Fontaine.

Forced to be helpless, Zhong Li had no choice but to return to work and express his opinion.

Just like he has always been, conservative and rigorous, directly negating everyone's hard work.

In his opinion, if you ask me if I support it, I definitely support it.

But none of us can take action directly, we can only let Jiang Yan go by himself.

It's okay to let him escape, but you must not kill him.

Although everyone worked together to have a chance to instantly kill this new god, it was still not feasible.

Since the sky has not responded so far, it can only show that the replacement and pollution of Fukaros has not affected the heart of God.

Therefore, no matter how suspicious this guy is, in the eyes of Tianli, she is still a recognized earthly ruler.

Even if some conclusive evidence is found, the God of Water is no more powerful than other elements, at worst, it will directly detonate the Heart of God to disintegrate.

The heart of God is blown up, as long as Tianli is not really dead, he will definitely enter the arena.

But sometimes, everyone is covered in mouths and can't tell clearly, even if there are traces of pollution, it can't prove that it is her body, waiting to be punished by heaven.

Therefore, when everyone does not want to see the law of heaven, any evidence is meaningless.

This matter can only be completely eliminated by Lodia taking her "followers" to defeat the 2.0 version of Fukaros and successfully merging into a 3.0 version of Fukaros.

So he only supports the "fishing" part, and Liyue will never enter the rest of the action.

In his view, whether it is a hidden danger or a situation, it is far from the point where everyone is fighting for their lives, and it is really unnecessary to end in person.

And this reaction was not beyond the expectations of all the gods.

Although Pan Yan's decision is conservative, there are no mistakes or omissions, which is why all the gods with different personalities admire him.

In fact, Wendy and Ying didn't have much confidence in the original plan.

However, how can we get everyone to cooperate to open the windows without talking about smashing the roof?


After solving the problem, the atmosphere of doing business disappeared in an instant.

As if the "Brother please come out of the mountain" just now was all an illusion, everyone laughed and tasted the fine wine, recounting the past that had not been seen for 500 years, and by the way felt the effect of the "Seed of the West Wind" in the distance.

Different from what mortals see, from the very beginning, several gods had a reason to attach great importance to the "Seed of the West Wind".

Although the "Seed of the West Wind" is based on Munata, in terms of core, it is completely different from the heart of flame that grows by devouring each other.

The heart of flame is completely based on the characteristics of creatures created by elemental power, and a magic core is forcibly inserted into human beings. Only those who meet the adaptation conditions can be given.

To be honest, the person who was given the Heart of Flame was already a semi-elemental creature in a sense.

That's why they can achieve effects such as devouring and resurrection that mortals can't imagine.

The "Seed of the West Wind" is not so much a seed of power, but rather a temporary built-in God's Eye, using its pulsation frequency and rhythm to guide the host to "breathe" the wind elemental force.

Tevat is made up of elemental power, which is everywhere and cannot be used by mortals, but there is no organ that can "breathe", so that it cannot be guided.

Of course, the "seed of the west wind" cut out by Wendy cannot become an ever-moving heart, which is the power of heaven.

Once it is activated, it will disintegrate all the time, and it can only exist for a period of time. With Wendy's power, it can only reach this level.

However, during this period, how much you can "remember" and how much you adapt will be your own strength.

And after the "Seed of the West Wind" disintegrates, the wind element power remaining in the body will also become a brand new "Seed of the West Wind" in the secret realm of "Follow the Wind Challenge" for future generations to use.

Therefore, half of the reference of "Seed of the West Wind" is to refer to the circulation method, and the other half is actually to pull this banner to cover up.

Can the function of the eye of God be coveted by the rulers of the world?

Even if it is a temporary effect, Wendy's behavior is extremely sensitive, and it is no exaggeration to say "fire thief".

This is also the reason why other gods came to witness one after another. He was the first one who dared to play so big.

If he's out of play, everyone can organize a ceremony for him to send off the gods nearby.

The game is finished, which shows that everyone can be more bold in teaching mortals to "breathe" with elemental power.

Can you take a look at this?

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 538Chapter 520 Is there something wrong with the way of use

Lin is a survival expert of the Mond Adventurers Association, and is good at long-distance exploration and investigation activities without supplies.

But even if she could eat the roasted horned lizard, cold slime, and frog soup without changing her face, the upper limit of her detection and exploration ability was still limited to her own combat power.

No matter how many survival skills you have, you will die in dangerous places, you will die when you encounter powerful traps, and you will die in environments that exceed your physical fitness.

Therefore, Lin can only stay above the title of "Expert in Wilderness Survival".

Although the Adventurers Association is well-known for her skills, 14-year-old Amy is still the only choice for most dangerous scouting missions.

Little Amy was a little strange, but undeniably a good child, and Lynn liked her very much.

But Lin still very much hopes that she can help more companions of the Adventurers Association like cute little Amy, so that the name of "expert" is worthy of the name.

But unfortunately, whether it is the gaze of the gods or the potential of the body, it is not a problem that can be solved by hard work.

Adventurers are a profession before they are a hobby or an ideal.

And as a profession, its odds are blunt and brutal.

If you can't deal with the Chuqiu warrior that will appear with a [-] in [-] chance, your commission failure chance is at least [-] in [-].

If you can't deal with the abyss mage who will appear with a [-]% chance, your commissioned death chance is at least [-]%.

And even if there is a [-]% chance, for adventurers who live every day, it will happen sooner or later.

So "effort" is the least valuable thing in the Adventurer's Association.

In addition to only being the weak who can complete the work safely, or the strong who has no taboos.

No one can live with the probability of death and failure every day, and he can be so big that he doesn't work hard.

But will hard work pay off?

Even without considering the power brought by the flying Ozzy and God's Eye;

As the child of a former powerful adventurer, little Amy's physical fitness and archery talent are among the best among her peers.

But Lin doesn't even have this talent that ordinary people can achieve.

Physical exercise has little effect.

The training of weapons, even the spear technique that is extremely unpopular in Mond, has been learned, but it is only the talent of the middleman.

The only thing I can call a talent is probably patience.

Endure pain and survive in harsh environments;

Endure mediocrity, and survive under the gods' harsh distinctions about people's wishes and dignity.

Sometimes Lin even thinks that her so-called "expert in wilderness survival" is as ridiculous as "the strongest hunter aged 24 to 25 in the north of Qingquan Town" in the face of reality.

But after all, patience is my strong point;

I will still use unimaginable long-term continuous exploration for the partners of the association when they need it, and bring them some invaluable but accurate information.

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