That's good too, maybe this is the right place for me, isn't it?

However, when the news of "Seed of the West Wind" came and Lin's brain resumed thinking, she had already joined the first batch of queues.

Who likes the damn "right spot"?

Looking around, the entire queue is full of young adventurers who are not up to their expectations but are unwilling to succumb to fate. People like myself abound in the Adventurers Association.

Eyes full of anticipation and fear, as if reflecting a mirror.

Looking forward, is looking forward to Lord Barbatos's divine grace, who can give them a pair of wings that allow them to dream.

Fear is fear. If Lord Barbatos's grace can't save mediocre self, what kindness is left for them in this world?

Worrying about gains and losses, Lin accepted the "Seed of the West Wind", which seemed to be the same as the wind seeds encountered in the adventure.

Lin was extremely devout to let this seed enter her body from her chest, and felt the "breathing" of this seed in a prayerful mood.

And the "Seed of the West Wind" responded to her. It was not powerful, but it had real power, constantly nourishing her body that was still dry no matter how much she exercised.

This feeling of flowing power made Lin burst into tears. The place she had never set foot before was so beautiful.

How to stay on this road for as long as possible will be the most important survival test in my life as a "wilderness survival expert".

Sensing the flow of power, Lin clearly understood that the accumulation of power would affect the strength of the "breathing" of the West Wind Seed.

So she launched a fierce but inefficient attack on the Qiuqiu people who were her "training partner", just to quickly consume her strength.

And at the same time, constantly cooperating with the "breathing" rhythm of the West Wind Seed, trying to carry out its own "breathing", trying to slow down the speed of the West Wind Seed's disintegration.

But for ordinary mortals, this kind of behavior is tantamount to learning to breathe with non-existent gills, and of course it is futile.

In this way, Lin could helplessly perceive that the West Wind Seed, which represents all her dreams and hopes, is getting smaller and smaller, and the intensity of "breathing" is getting lower and lower.

Probably soon, he will no longer be able to continue to bring the sweet power into his empty body.

How is this possible?

Lin is not an expert in elemental power. With her mortal thinking, she can only think of drying herself up so that the interference of "breathing" will be less.

And so she did.

She treated herself like a sponge, and squeezed out all her strength, trying to squeeze out all the strength to lift her fingers, so as to provide even a little convenience for "breathing".

Perhaps it was Lin's talent for patience that finally came in handy;

When her life strength became weak, the Seed of West Wind, which also became weak, was still breathing gradually, rather than disintegrating.

However, there is a limit to the weakness caused by the exhaustion of strength.

Soon, the Seed of the West Wind showed signs that it was about to disintegrate and fully integrate into the circulation of the body.

Since the life itself is too strong, let it be weakened. Lin gave up the fight without hesitation, found a safe corner, and cut her finger with a knife.

While the blood flow continued, her pulse, heartbeat and other life forms were also directly affected.

Lin knew very well that if she was injured again in an extremely weak state, the consequences would be disastrous.

But even if she is good at patience, she can't bear hope to leave her at all.

At this moment, she is extremely grateful for her status as a "wilderness survival expert".

Because she can keep her life at the limit that can be saved, let the wings of dreams fly until the last moment.

Finally, before she precisely and cruelly controlled the speed of her bloodletting to the limit, she felt that her body was producing the simplest "breathing" along with the West Wind Seed that was about to collapse completely.

So she used her last energy to seal the wound and ignited the signal flare for help.

——Even if the sky gives me eternal silence, I will return its eternal question.

With such thoughts in mind, Lin was wrapped in the gentle west wind and fell into a warm dreamland.

"Hey, hey, the seeds I brought you are not used in this way."

In the tavern, Wendy, who was drinking fine wine, had a bitter expression on her face.


This is from yesterday. The first edition tasted wrong, so it was rewritten. Everyone has been waiting for a long time.

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 539 Chapter 521 Is there something wrong with surprises

The Seed of the West Wind is an optimized "green and harmonious version" that Wendy feels is too picky and cruel, and deliberately risked the taboo.

As a result, one of the first batch of users almost drowned in his own blood, making it look like a scene where the blood god was sacrificed instead of the wind god.

Thanks to Wendy who has been patrolling the entire Fengqi Land with her spiritual sense, she found out in time, and contacted Qin immediately.

Qin, who arrived later, felt that Lin was not strong, but was indeed shocked by the circulating wind elemental force, and quickly blocked and cleaned the scene.

You know, whether it is the appearance of imitators, or the fact that "the blessing of the seed of the west wind will make people close to death" itself is enough to set off a storm.

Qin made a decisive decision and sent Lin to the base of the West Wind Knights in Qingquan Town for secret treatment under the pretext of "accidentally getting injured during the exercise", so that there was no riot.

But this bomb is only a delayed explosion.

Both Qin and Wendy understand that when she wakes up, the real storm will come.

If he could rely on the blood sacrifice to obtain elemental power stably, Mond might not immediately become an evil god sacrificial site.

For such a completely unexpected result, not to mention Wendy, even the other gods were extremely speechless, and I am deeply grateful that Wendy saved everyone from the thunder.

It is easy to solve this problem. The Seed of the West Wind slowly disintegrates in order to maximize the utilization rate for mortals.

In order to avoid danger, it is enough to add a mechanism that will automatically disintegrate the Seed of West Wind after it decays to a certain minimum intensity.

Of course, the more important thing is to use the oracle to strictly prohibit this kind of behavior.

Even the evil eyes of fools are not so evil, are you my believers, or are you sent by the evil god of the outer sea to blackmail me?


Therefore, Wendy, who was forced to do nothing, had to hurry to the secret realm, and went to modify the mechanism of the secret realm together with the two true kings.

Not only this new mechanism, but because the "Follow the Wind Challenge" has become a public participation, the entire system needs to be modified to a certain extent.

Wendy designed the Seed of the Zephyr, not a perpetual motion machine.

The recovery of the West Wind Seed is to be channeled through the wind field in the secret realm.

For the adventurers of Mond, it is not a big problem to take a few rides in the wind field.

But for ordinary people who have never taken risks in their lives, how can it be so easy to do?

Once ordinary people cannot channel the Seed of West Wind from the secret realm, whether it is the interference of the remaining elemental force on the human body, or the seed of West Wind is unable to make ends meet, making it impossible for future generations to continue, it will be enough to put Qin and the Church of West Wind on the pillar of shame. .

So after Wendy arrived at the secret realm, she urgently communicated with the two True Monarchs, and temporarily added a "common difficulty" challenge for the secret realm.

Ordinary people don't need to make any actions at all, just like on Sumi's bouncing mushroom, it is bounced several times by the wind field with a set path, and the guidance is automatically completed.

And after the two true masters saw the crowd, they also knew the priority of the matter, and immediately started urgent construction.

Fortunately, at the very beginning, the Secret Realm had designed a diversion channel when people were congested, and it only needed a little modification to realize the function Wendy wanted.

However, it's no wonder that this kind of unresponsive means will not cause problems when the time comes.

As for how to remedy it on the spot, Wendy can only choose to trust Qin's wisdom.


But it's a pity that the current Qin is completely devastated and only wants to seek the wisdom of Lord Barbatos.

Even after persuading ordinary people away, the large-scale participation of adventurers still produced problems that were not found in various small-scale tests.

A small number of adventurers experienced obvious discomfort, not only caused a slight degree of weakness, but the production of the Seed of the West Wind was also extremely difficult.

There are also a small number of adventurers who are very adaptable to the Seed of the West Wind, and can even bring out a little wind element power in their moves, which created quite a commotion and made the atmosphere of the scene even more enthusiastic.

After Lisa used the method of screening Jiang Yan's elemental force attributes at that time to screen all the special individuals, she discovered the problem:

Elemental power is the foundation of Tivat. Everyone has elemental power in their body, and they all have different degrees of activation, but none of them have reached the threshold of the eye of God.

The degree of activation of this unconscious elemental force is the potential of this person's elemental force.

Because there is no eye of God, these elemental forces cannot "breathe", and naturally they cannot be used. They can only strengthen their physical fitness in a subtle way.

However, when there is a temporary "eye" called the Eye of West Wind, problems arise.

For ordinary people whose elemental activation intensity is not high, it will naturally not cause any interference to the "breathing" of the elemental force of the Seed of the West Wind.

On the contrary, there are some people with potential for other elemental powers, because the active elemental powers will conflict with each other, while weakening the effect of the Seed of the West Wind, it will also lose the support of the elemental powers they are accustomed to, resulting in a sense of weakness.

Fortunately, it is the "Seed of the West Wind". If it is the "Seed of Fire" or "The Seed of Water", God knows if it will have a strong negative impact.

Of course, if it happens to be someone who has the potential of wind element power, it will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

If it is a person with excellent potential and who is close to the threshold, it is only natural to release the elemental power with this kick.

The role derived from this phenomenon is simply subversive. Everyone can use the power seeds of various elemental forces to discover the aptitude attributes of any mortal and carry out targeted training.

If supplemented with enough external force, it is possible to double the chance of producing the Eye of God several times.

Even if it doesn't produce the Eye of God, it will at least greatly increase people's physical fitness, and even release a small amount of elemental power moves.

All this sounds great.

But after Lisa introduced Sumi's situation, Qin immediately dismissed the idea.

According to Lisa, even in the Kingdom of Wisdom, there is no sign of any relevant research, pay attention, there is not even a sign.

Even the brain hole papers brought by students for graduation, which can be published in the void, all avoid this direction.

In other words, papers in this direction have never been approved.

Lisa herself is a scholar of the Sulun School, if there is research in this area, she will definitely know.

After thinking about it carefully, Qin couldn't help but shed a cold sweat.

Although this kind of behavior is extremely beneficial to human beings, but for the sky, where is the sanctity of the eye of God?

The eye of God is "the gaze and favor of the gods", isn't it a lie?

But now, the closed "taboo" box has been unintentionally opened by myself.

Even if you don't do anything, when the participation of the whole people is over, there will be a lot of results, and those who are interested will naturally come to the same conclusion.

So now, what do we do?

Lord Barbatos, you came up with a good idea, save me!

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 540 Chapter 522 Is there something wrong with the matryoshka doll

After hearing Qin's report, Wendy didn't know what to do.

If the seeds of power of various attributes are degraded into fairy arts or magic formulas, so that mortals can understand their elemental power attributes early and exercise them, it will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

Whichever way you think about it, it's a good thing.

But if the Eye of God produces explosive output, who knows that Tianli will encourage this kind of behavior to climb the peak of performance.

It was still a nail smashed down, "Hugh is presumptuous!" Wendy was not sure.

But all the people in Mond are waiting for tomorrow. If it stops suddenly, it may become the biggest joke in Tewat in the past few hundred years, but it will arouse the attention of those who care.

After thinking about it, Wendy, who had returned from adjusting the secret realm, had no choice but to throw the problem on the wine table and let everyone discuss it together.

Fortunately, as a pioneer, Zhongli gave Wendy a set of reassuring statistics.

The mental power and elemental strength threshold required for the Eye of God is quite high. Even with the help of the Seed of West Wind, a strong person who can be promoted to the level of having the Eye of God will never exceed the dangerous amount.

In fact, it is not yet known whether there will be any.

This is Zhongli's conclusion based on the long-term practice of cultivating immortals for all.

The winding path leads to the secluded territory, and the assistance to "Yuelongmen" is still being continuously optimized.

In this process, not only was the environment endowed with external force, but also overdrawn taboo talismans were used, and resonance was used to guide "breathing".

In terms of effect, it will not be under the Seed of the West Wind.

But judging from the results, it is only that most of the powerhouses who have crossed the dragon gate can release elemental power skills in the state of resonance.

After such a long time, although there are a few of these people who later obtained the God's Eye, they are not too conspicuous given the huge base number, and no matter how you think about it, it will not trigger the taboo.

However, it's okay to simply sift out a kind of elemental power from the people, and there will not be too many people who are only a step away from the standard of the Eye of God.

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