But if it is really sorted out and sorted out, according to the targeted help of the elemental force, all kinds of god's eyes spring up like mushrooms after a spring rain, that is another matter.

This is not a question of who is smarter, but a question of who is more reckless, who is more daring to try frantically on the verge of death.

At this time, even Munata, who seemed the most reckless, had an attitude of "I'm not good at using my brain" and refused to take this talk.

Since no one took the bait after rambling for a long time, in the end, as everyone expected, Barnabas, who did not show up, was unanimously elected as the brave man.

Anyway, she didn't even bother to hide it, and she certainly didn't mind taking everyone to charge again.

Of course, everyone is not worried about her not accepting it.

Inspired by the first battle of Oser, fools have recently begun to focus on the so-called "evil eye adaptability".

But now it seems that the so-called "adaptability" has a lot to do with the potential of elemental power.

Giving this technology to them will definitely make them even more powerful.

Don't look at the people in many countries who hate Zhidong's domineering, but at the level of earthly governance, a warrior who takes the lead in rebellion deserves all kinds of convenience other than direct help.

For example, the "doctor" who studies the world tree in Sumeru suddenly "has a flash of inspiration", which is also a normal thing.

Now that a consensus has been reached in this regard, the next step is naturally to divide the spoils.

How can the rewards of Zhidong be distributed fairly, without violating taboos, without reaching the height of the Eye of God, and without the need for large-scale organization, to help everyone complete the screening?

Everyone was scratching their heads about it.

How can there be such a good thing in the world?What is the difference between making long-term deals with Zhidong with great fanfare and directly doing it yourself?

Coupled with so many restrictions, do you really think that Barnabas, who has transformed from the most gentle and kind-hearted God of Cupids among the gods, into the Queen of Winter, is kind?

Even if Wendy tried to get close to her, she received countless closed doors, and deals beyond her acceptable range could not blow away the ice and snow around her at all.

But at this time, Jiang Yan, who was sitting on a small stool as a guest auditorium, listened for a while, and made a very "wise" proposal.

He, well, Nasida wasn't even trying to hide it.

She, who has not inherited a complete memory, has been eavesdropping on the conversations of several seniors.

Faced with this opportunity for the whole people to gain power, she does not intend to let Xu Mi miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity due to internal friction.

When the catastrophe came, people from other countries fought bloody battles, and Xumi could only rely on the lovely Lannaro to carry the banner.

But now, the mighty Lannaro has almost turned into a saran tree, and the fearless white swan knights are withering together with their ancient country.

When the catastrophe comes again, there will no longer be the brave Lan Muhu Kunda and Lan Disha, nor will there be another "Knight Marshal" Amfortas who went far away for friendship.

What's more, even if Aru is absorbed, Naxida doesn't think that the chaos in Xumi at hand can be resolved without any damage.

The most optimistic estimate is that at least half of the colleges need to adjust, and a lot of internal friction is inevitable.

If you don't work hard to improve the combat effectiveness of the scholars and the people of the desert, God knows how many people will survive when they face the dark beast tide again.

Therefore, although she has not yet controlled Sumeru, Nashida does not intend to miss this rare opportunity.

As the god of wisdom, of course she chose to use her wisdom to invest in this cooperation.

Her method is—Seven Holy Summoning!

In her plan, a version of Summon of the Seven Saints with dynamic card faces will be released.

Players only need to touch the card, and they can activate the spells encapsulated in the card by absorbing a small amount of elemental power in the body, so that the card surface "moves".

Xumi naturally does not have such a powerful production line, so he can only seek Zhidong, who has the most powerful mechanical technology of elemental force, to manufacture it.

The popular Tivat game, coupled with subversive version updates, will surely be popular in the Seven Kingdoms!

Of course, cards with different attributes require elemental power of different attributes, and the speed at which the cards move depends on the activity of the user's elemental power. This is also very reasonable...

That's right, it's reasonable, it's too reasonable, everyone present admires Jiang Yan's "wisdom" proposal.

In fact, if anyone could still be a little thin in front of Barnabas today, probably only the King of the Great Mercy Tree.

The once gentle and easy-going Barnabas, at the banquet of the gods, his only natural enemy was the King of the Mercy Tree.

The Great Mercy Tree King is good at everything, but he has a terrifying hobby that is unique among demon gods, and he likes to tell people stories.

A simple story is not terrible, the story of King Dacishu has always been vivid and full of meaning.

But the frightening thing is that her thinking is as jumpy as a tree branch, and stories are often contained in stories and stories in stories and stories in stories...

For example, "There was once a distant country whose king was as brave as a tiger, but also as stubborn as a tiger... In order to persuade him, his attendants told him a story: According to legends in other worlds, there is a Seven stars... the youngest one told his brothers a story: There was a talking stone..." And so, never ending.

The other colleagues, when they saw her relapse, would leave without saying a word, as if fleeing.

Only Barnabas, who is not good at rejection, can save her every time he hears the sunset and the star sinking, and the clink of glasses at the end of the banquet.

But because of this, the two also established a close friendship.

Although I don't know if Barnabas still recognizes the new bud of Nasida, but it is better to involve her than Wendy herself.

Since the idea was good and the face was stubborn, everyone readily accepted that she had a share in the good deeds.

With a tall person on top, there will be no problem in this event.

So soon, Wendy sent the message of "Let's do it" to Qin through Breeze.

"Let it go and do it? Let it go? How can you let it go?"

Qin, who was desperately mobilizing manpower to maintain order in the wind, covered her forehead in pain.

Ordinary people don't know what the threshold is, what the activation is.

In their eyes, the god's eye of the wind element was naturally issued by Lord Barbatos.

Being able to release a slight breeze meant that Lord Barbatos' eyes had finally focused on them.

As long as I continue to work hard, won't the eyes of God be stable?

In today's Land of Wind, although under the oracle endorsed by the West Wind Church, there are no extremists who play blood sacrifices;

But still being lucky one after another, the atmosphere almost fell into madness, it was a scene of a group of demons dancing wildly.

Making all kinds of weird and free prayer rituals and words on the spot;

Madness sends out its own breeze everywhere;

Crazy around the lucky one, asking about the skills of using the Seed of the West Wind, and the metaphysics skills;

Swing out the sword wind with a big sword, insisting that Lord Barbatos has blessed him;

The only thing that all kinds of performance art have in common is that they can no longer listen to human words.

Any uninformed person who comes here will feel that this is a gathering of demon believers from outside the world.

Even well-informed adventurers who obtained the Seed of the West Wind had this effect. Qin couldn't even imagine what tomorrow would be like.

What is needed now is not the "sarcasm" of the gods, but people!Sensible man!

——Qin cried out in the bottom of her heart.

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 541 Chapter 523 Is there something wrong with the construction in the middle of the night

Seeing the madman Wu who had finished the trial, more and more bewildered people gathered together, and in the end, the clever Kaiya came up with a solution full of Mond's characteristics-drinking wine!

He urgently dispatched a batch of dandelion wine from Qingquan Town. Any adventurer who left the secret realm would be given a small bottle of good wine without saying a word.

If it goes well, it's called celebration wine, if it doesn't go well, it's called consolation wine. In short, go first.

No one would turn down a good bottle of wine when the Monds were excited.

After taking a sip of good wine, the excitement will call for two more bottles.

But want to keep drinking?No problem, take this free coupon and go to the biggest tavern in Qingquan Town! Of course, not Jiang Yan's.

Vent on the spot, or vent with friends over fine wine, how do you choose?

Just like that, countless excited adventurers went straight to the bar with their emotions, ready to get high.

With unlimited wine and excitement, the next thing is easy.

The Zephyr Knights only need to carry the drunks out one by one.

This kind of creativity is beyond the imagination of the great gods, and Qin, who is strict with himself, cannot think of it;

Only Kaiya, who spends her time in "Angel's Gift" every day, can think of this kind of coquettish routine, which amazed the gods onlookers, and made a note of emotional counseling.

A day of flying chickens and dogs jumping around brought too much thinking to both gods and mortals.

The gods are considering how to give more hope to mortals.

And mortals are using their wisdom to release this hope.

But today is just a small scene after all, and the bigger test is still the next day.


In the early morning of the next day, as expected, the wind was blowing, and a vast crowd of onlookers arrived at the scene.

It turned out that outside yesterday's site, a strange large open-air building suddenly stood up overnight.

And the West Wind Knight was at the entrance, guiding the crowd who came to watch.

While everyone was astonished, they got the "truth" from the mouth of the guiding West Wind Knight:

In order to prevent everyone from being too crowded, causing accidents such as stampedes, or people on the periphery simply not being able to see anything.

The Zephyr Knights used resources and manpower to perform large-scale warfare and build a "theater"

All the granting and adaptation of the Seed of the West Wind to ordinary people will be carried out in the "theatre".

You can sit inside and watch the effect that the Seed of the West Wind brings to other people with a good view.

However, the "theater" has an upper limit on the number of people. In order to prevent everyone from rushing in, the Zephyr Knights decided to charge a symbolic ticket fee of [-] Mora.

Of course, the Knights of the West Wind is definitely not profiting from this. This fee will be used as an extra bonus for various events of the "Returning Wind Wine Festival" to increase the enthusiasm of the festival.

This convenient design was quickly praised by the people of Mond.

Although this so-called "theatre" has only the outer layer of earth walls, and the inner layer of layers of earth mounds.

However, being able to construct such a powerful technique overnight still made the Monds look at the strength of the Zephyr Knights with admiration.

It's only 500 moras, and it's not a problem at all in front of this miraculous technique.

Of course, it's just "worthy". If it's a miracle, no one will believe it.

The reason is very simple. Lord Barbatos would not be so stupid as to design the theater as a rhombus, or even crooked.

Listening to the complaints of the citizens of Mond, Jiang Yan, whose "art skills are so poor", has black lines on his face.

I was pulled out of the Mond Hotel by Qin in the middle of the night, is it easy to use the rock element to build an earthen wall and dust it?

The time is so tight, what details and construction specifications are you still pursuing?

crooked?Just crooked!Do you know how to build buildings?

There is no thread embedding, and no nail piles. This square can be built in the middle of the night. Well, a rhombus-shaped building is not bad.

What about you!Ke Qing!stop laughing!

It wasn't until Jiang Yan's expression broke down that professional engineering supervisor Ke Qing finally calmed down his blushing face from laughing.

Since she worked in Liyue Port, she has been engaged in land work. She can guarantee that even the 90-year-old mason in Qingcezhuang can't build such four solid but extremely abstract earth walls.

In Liyue, anyone who dares to build such a building does not need her review. The master of the builder will definitely pick up the shovel to clean the door first.

This earthen wall, which is comparable to a child's plasticine work, really touches the laughing point of her civil engineering figure.

Originally, she had an important mission and her nerves were tense, but she couldn't stop laughing when she first saw it in the morning.

She decided to use a photo camera to take pictures of this master of all mistakes from various angles, and use it to educate Quan Liyue's craftsmen who did not follow the standard construction.

You see, blindly pursuing speed will lead to what results.

Facing such a fun friend, Jiang Yan looked helpless.

He is not a scholar of the Miaolun School, nor is he a civil engineer, so he can't get a laugh at all.

The city was built overnight, and the piles of materials were full. Shouldn't it be a well-known legend?

How did it come to me that the style of painting is completely different?


The mere ticket price of [-] Mora didn't dampen the enthusiasm of the Mond people, and soon, the huge theater was overcrowded.

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