But soon, everyone discovered that although miracles exist, the reason why miracles are miracles is because they are too rare.

Everyone can only see the boring beating of small slimes, or being chased and hit by slimes.

Although there have been one or two lucky ones who have brought a little breeze on their sticks.

However, due to the long distance, the effect of the program is extremely poor.

Secondly, it is completely inconspicuous in front of the huge base.

This thing is worth five hundred moras?A hundred moras are not worth it!Refund! Refund!

In less than half a day, except for those who were about to start the trial, the disappointed audience left the venue one after another and went straight to Qingquan Town for the festival.

However, this is exactly the strategy that Qin, Lisa, and Kaya came up with after discussing overnight.

Watching the excitement is the habit of all Tivat people, and nothing can stop it.

And under a huge base, miracles are bound to happen.

Therefore, if you want to reduce the sense of expectation and gain of the onlookers, you must let the audience anchor a certain value for their time.

Five hundred moras, the price is like a joke, these days, even a bunch of wild mushroom chicken skewers cost 450 moras, okay?

No one would think that the Knights of the Zephyr charged indiscriminately, it was just an anchor.

However, once everyone spent five hundred moras, but did not see anything they wanted to see;

These five hundred moras reminded himself all the time that he had made a wrong choice.

Moreover, the huge theater can effectively dilute the impact brought by the appearance of "miracles", and the intuitive display of extremely rare chances is even more helpful to disappoint the audience.

So, on the first day, the impact of "miracles" appeared one after another at close range, and in this way, amidst the ubiquitous psychological hints, it completely changed into another appearance.

"It doesn't make sense to get that bit of wind. I heard that only adventurers can use these elemental powers."

"I stayed for so long, and I never saw anyone who was really blessed."

This kind of boredom and anxiety will soon form a group trend of thought and radiate to everyone.

Sure enough, on the second day, the "theater" of the West Wind Knights became deserted.

The act of exerting great effort to release war tactics has also become a fuss in Mond's mouth.

And there was a lively discussion in the tavern, how much Mora lost to the "miscalculated" West Wind Knights for not fooling smart people like you.

What a joy.

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 542 Chapter 524 Is there something wrong with Matryoshka fishing?

Seeing that Qin dug Wendy's big holes and filled them one by one, several earthly rulers had a sincere feeling of "Mond is good at everything, but Barbatos is not good at it".

Especially Zhongli, who seldom had a clear opinion, also showed a rare appreciation.

The mortals I have cultivated for thousands of years have abilities, but they are too worrying.

Apart from thinking about surpassing him all day long, he just wants to "surprise" him with some big work.

Since "retirement", endlessly filling the pits dug by mortals;

Like Mond, the pits dug by the gods are filled by mortals one by one?

Seeing Wendy's proud face, everyone was speechless.

What are you proud of?Didn't you dig the pit for mortals?

Envy turned into a desire to drink, but Wendy didn't mind picking a few in this battlefield, and her expression jumped even more.

Just when everyone was making eye contact and planning to "close the door and let Munata go".

The door of the tavern was pushed open, and Lodia in human form, with blue clothes, blue hair, blue eyes, and skin as delicate as a freshly peeled egg, entered the tavern.

Pure water elves are creatures longing for "love".From the beginning of their birth, these noble creatures have been looking for "love" with a strong curiosity to "take a good look at the world".

And take these "loves" to merge with each other, and finally flow into the sea.

And in the world, there is nothing more abundant in this emotion than human beings.

Therefore, in order to facilitate communication, most of the powerful water spirits can be transformed into beautiful human forms like many legends.

However, this is not a good thing.

The "love" of human beings is to have each other, but the pure water elves only want to take "love" away.

Therefore, the pure water spirit has no way to love others, and other lives will only drown in pure water's overly broad mind.

The "love" between the pure water elves and humans almost always ends with the pure water elves withdrawing and leaving human beings with heart-wrenching pain.

Seeing Lodia's human form, Jiang Yan, who had just returned, finally understood why there were so many people jumping into this kind of puddle even though there were so many tragic legends.

Jiang Yan seriously doubted that this group of people had any relationship with the fairies of the Moon Palace, and they might even be descendants of the degenerated spirits of the Moon Palace.

The prototype is extremely beautiful, and after being transformed into a fairy, with the curse of "love", it looks alike in every way.

Of course, now is not the time to do historical research, Jiang Yan warmly greeted Lodia:

"Lodia, you're here."

But the pure water elf just said indifferently:

"I came as promised, but there is nothing I am looking for here, and I will leave soon."

What really made Lodia come was not any kind of favor, or the "love" that repaid the Rock King Dijun.

The pure water elves don't have the concept of "return" for what they have obtained. In their view, they just learned and copied "love".

The reason why she came here is precisely because she doesn't understand what the "love" of Emperor Yanwang is, so she can't let herself get the "love" she wants.

But she couldn't find the god of Liyue, so after communicating with Jiang Yan, she came here according to his request, hoping to get the information of King Yan.

If you can't find it, go back.

Anyway, now that filth is everywhere, being able to guard a side of clean water is enough for me.

Naturally, Jiang Yan couldn't understand this kind of weird thinking logic even among the elemental creation creatures.

Probably only the fairies sealed in the silver bottle can be compared.

All he knew was that the pure water elf he caught with great difficulty was about to run away.

Although I can subdue her, but the start of the game is like this, how can the subsequent plan be carried out.

The forced Jiang Yan had no choice but to look at Zhongli with help-seeking eyes.

what to do?Dijun, save this disciple!


Seeing Lodia pushing the door and entering with the fragment of the old god of Fontaine, several earthly rulers all had strange expressions.

Although I've heard about Jiang Yan's fishing plan, I didn't expect you to be too good at picking baits.

Several other gods looked at Zhongli in unison, with incomparably unified expressions: "This is also in your plan"?

But Zhong Li's expression did not change, he was noncommittal.

Asylum favor?That's right.

It's just that the favor is not Lodia, but the fragments of Fukaros that she fused.

This matter is not a big secret, it's just that the few present here have been sleeping for the past few hundred years and don't know it.

The dominant consciousness of the pure water spirit can easily collapse because of the fusion of a small consciousness with evil thoughts.

And Fukaros, who had purified a lot of disasters, disintegrated because of this.

Most of the wreckage merged with each other, giving birth to a new Fukaros and a new dominant consciousness.

But when everyone's "love" is completely different, the pure water elves will naturally not accept this brand new god.

Pure water elves are noble creatures, and there is no compromise in their dictionary.

Many pure water elves who survived the disaster directly fused with the fragments of the disintegrated gods and scattered along the water system, even resolutely severed their connection with Fontaine.

And they each look for a side of clean water to nourish themselves, hoping to re-integrate into a familiar Fukaros with the same "love" of everyone.

What this Lodia fused was exactly one of the purest fragments.

So Jiang Yan's "fishing", it's really hard to say who is the fish, Lodia and the others have been waiting for 500 years.

However, Zhongli did not intend to point this out to his disciples, and even directly agreed to his plan, intending to let him witness it with his own eyes.

No matter how high the wisdom is, it cannot completely replace the accumulation of time;

The pure water elf is such a creature whose nature has been concealed by time.

Although the pure water elves were born from the essence of water, they are descendants of faceless angels sent by Sky Island to teach mortals.

Talking about the "common sense" of Tiwat with this group of guys who have only logic and no emotion in essence is completely talking about chicken and duck.

You can't satisfy them, you can't trade with them, and once you get what you want, they will leave immediately.

These creatures only have "needs" and "results" in their minds, and the contracts of the world are meaningless to them.

Always let them not get "results", but can be driven.

This is exactly the wisdom of Amon of Sumeru, who used the silver bottle to drive the survivors of the Moon Palace.

However, these "taboos" cannot be told to his disciples and grandchildren, and he can only experience them by himself.

Thinking of this, Zhongli lightly tapped the table with his index finger, revealing some of his "existence" through the spells that concealed several earthly rulers.

Barbatos' "let it go" to mortals works well.

Then let's make a good start by myself and let my disciples "let go and do it", Zhong Li thought so.

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 543 Chapter 525 Is there something wrong with the group water separatism?

After Lodia sensed Zhongli's aura, her desire to leave immediately dissipated.

After everyone isolated the water veins of Fontaine, integration became a difficult task.

How can a pure water elf who can fuse fragments of gods be weak?

Using water slime to achieve water body jumping is something that the smallest pure water elf can do.

The malice that Lodia exudes can cover the entire water system from Qingcezhuang to the entire Mond;

Just her existence can change the hydrology of a side, how can it be easily moved?

Everyone's "love" has not progressed, so they can only seek the support of other living beings.

But pure water spirit spies are everywhere, who in the world can go against the will of the gods?

Other mortal rulers have become the only choice for these pure water elves.

And the only country that walks with the gods is here.

So Zhongli didn't plan to do anything, just showing his breath was enough.

Sure enough, after sensing the aura of the emperor, Lodia stood here quietly, quietly accepting the arrangement and dressing of the "Lobby Manager" Yae Shenzi, quietly accepting various orders, and never raised any opinions .

Jiang Yan was dumbfounded by this magical way of playing.

He only saw a small amount of divine aura emanating from the emperor, and Lodia was transformed into a beautiful doll in an instant as if she had been taken away.

Why?Brainwashing is not so fast!

Actually, this is normal.

Pure water elves are the most patient creatures. In order to get "love", time is never a problem.

If they don't get "love", they will only think that they haven't waited enough.

They will stay here forever, waiting silently, until the creatures are soaked in the "love" of the pure water elves, and they will take the initiative to give their "love".

Then, they will leave without hesitation, look for the next "love", or merge with other pure water elves full of "love".

Therefore, as long as she senses that Zhongli is still here, Lodia will do whatever she wants in order to be able to stay here.

So soon, the brand-new Kanban lady held up the sign "Contains Fontaine wine" and opened for business.

In order to avoid messy annoyance, Zhen cast a disguise on all the maidens in the hotel and herself.

You know, playing the lyre in front of a beautiful woman's window is the traditional culture of Mond.

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