If Yae Shenzi received the waiter in his original form, the bar would have been full by now, so why fish?

But Lodia, who was used for fishing, naturally couldn't carry out this kind of camouflage. This beautiful pure water elf attracted the attention of a large number of tourists in a blink of an eye.

Fearing that they would not be able to catch Fontaine's fish, everyone specially dressed her up in a Fontaine-style blue and white maid uniform, and the effect was outstanding.

Most of the passing drinkers were greeted by the beautiful lady on the signboard, and after looking at the prices, they said goodbye...

The cheapest wine in it is not something that adventurers on the tip of their knives can squander, let alone that ordinary citizens can enjoy.

Although a few wine drinkers known for their wealth, after tasting it, they sighed that it was worth the money, but they can only become the ghost stories of the Homecoming Wine Festival.

If you have good wine, if you don’t go to the fine wine competition or the second-floor lounge of Angel’s Gift, who would drink high-priced wine here?

Isn't it nice that the big tavern is giving away dandelion wine for free?


But they are not interested, after all there are interested people.

When a Fontaine businessman who came to Mond to sell strange mechanical paintings saw Lodia holding a billboard with both hands, his jaw almost dropped and he ran away in a hurry.

After a long time, he returned as if nothing had happened, and walked into the tavern.

While looking at Lodia from the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the menu and almost popped his eyes out.

"30 moras for a glass of sapphire wine? I'm going to court to sue you!"

Of course, Daozuma doesn’t have too many good Fontaine wines. Daozuma’s wines generally have a low alcohol content. Except for foreign businessmen on outlying islands who love to drink Fontaine’s distilled wine, almost no one in Daozuma’s locals cares about it.

Before I really left, although I ordered Kan Ding Xing to collect some, but the matter was urgent and the quality was not satisfactory at all, so I simply took out some gifts from Fukaros as a return gift of Shenying Wine during the Banquet of the Seven Gods.

Therefore, Yae Shenzi was not happy when he heard such words that questioned his own god.

"My guest, we are in serious business. Please don't slander us at will before you have a drink."

But in fact, the Fontaine merchant was not at all to blame for this incident.

Whether it is real or shadow, I don't know much about wine, and I don't know the name of wine, and it will change with the changes of the times.

Nearly a thousand years ago, alchemy distillation technology was used in wine making, which was still regarded as heresy in Fontaine.

In order to reward the mortals who have made great achievements, the gentle majesty personally purified the essence of the wine with his divine body, and then flowed through the flower basket filled with countless kinds of aromatic plants.

The last thing that flows out of her fingers is the fragrant sapphire wine.

This kind of wine has already become an eternal legend in the wine country, let alone 30, 3000 million, you don't even want to have a sip.

But that's not the problem. The mortals who got the reward were intoxicated by the deliciousness of the divine wine, and tried every means to restore that taste.

Whether it is heresy or not, it is natural to go back a little bit.

In the end, after multiple distillations of the wine using alchemy, a high number of inferior imitations were reproduced.

These imitations of various flavors, collectively referred to as sapphire wine, have become a mainstream variety outside of wine.

Among them, the high-end products are usually marked with the name of the winery or the place of origin, such as "Fuller Premium Sapphire Wine", and the more advanced ones must even be marked with the year.

A glass of sapphire wine without any label sold for 30 moras, which was a bit beyond his acceptable range.

If the news of this injustice gets back to Fontaine, he will be laughed into the world mode by his companions in the "Fantasy Club".

However, Phyllis Yogg really couldn't refuse the opportunity to get in close contact with Lord Lodia.

Looking at the other wines, the price was not that cheap, so he just accepted this sky-high priced wine like a defeated rooster.

"Please bring me a glass of sapphire wine!"

At the same time, his eyes had been staring at Lodia motionless, expecting to see a reaction.

However, Lodia didn't even look at him.

For her, being able to stay here is enough, and any other feedback is superfluous.

In the end, it was Yae Kamito who shook his hand in front of Felice's eyes, interrupting the rude direct gaze.

"This guest, Shenghui 30 Mora."

"By the way, if you keep staring at our kanban lady, you will have to pay extra."

Even if he was fishing, Yae Shenzi didn't have any good feelings for this stupid fish who wanted to eat the hook.

Demeanor, what about Fontaine's so-called gentlemanly demeanor?

Phyllis did not explain, but without hesitation took out a large deposit certificate from the Northland Bank.

In Petric Town, there is an adult who has been looking for the whereabouts of Lord Lodia.

The whole town has received too much kindness from that lord, no matter how much Mora can pay it back, even if it is 300 million, Phyllis has to find a way to get it out.

Of course, gratitude is gratitude, and pain is pain;

For this part of the money, Phyllis plans to ask Xavier to reimburse him afterwards. Who made him a native of Petrick Town?

Faced with the customers who paid readily, although the style was a bit low, Yae Miko also forgave her.

After all, there were so few people all day yesterday, which made his two gods not particularly happy. In order to make everything very happy, this kind of taking advantage of is always necessary.

When a glass of wine with a strong floral fragrance was served, the "bad guy" was completely stunned.

Phyllis is not a poor person. To be able to devote herself to her hobbies, she naturally has a corresponding financial foundation.

And he doesn't lack the "exquisiteness" and related knowledge corresponding to nobles.

With a pilgrimage in his heart, Felice took a sip of the smooth wine in the glass, and the aroma of countless plants and flowers came from his mouth softly and layeredly.

Phyllis can guarantee that any kind of sapphire wine on the market, even the finale wine that he attended various high-end receptions, can't catch up with the fur of this glass of wine in his hand, as if they are all poor imitations.

Wait, knockoffs?Could it be?

Lord Lodia, the rare wine bestowed by the gods...

Phyllis Yogg seemed to have caught something.

Of course, there are more important things to do before getting down to business.

"Excuse me, can I buy a whole bottle of wine to take away?"

Phyllis felt that if he missed this opportunity, even if he saved Fontaine, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

"Okay, Sheng Hui..." Yae Shenzi was about to quote a price ten times higher, but when he turned his head to look, the bottle of wine had disappeared and disappeared into the corner of the bar.

"Wow! You still have some in stock? It's all mine!" The green poet hugged the bottle and didn't let go.

This kind of wine with the fragrance of flowers and herbs is very suitable for his appetite.

In his words: the wine has the smell of the breeze blowing through the flower fields.

But it's a pity that he couldn't produce Shenying Wine of the same quality back then, so naturally he couldn't get the reward from Fukaros.

Later, I lay down on my own, and I didn't have anything to drink.

This is a rare encounter, how could I let it go?

Seeing the helpless shaking of the head, Yae Kamiko had no choice but to turn around:

"Sorry, there's only one cup left."

Phyllis lowered his head in disappointment, looking at the remaining half glass of wine with a pained look on his face.

As a scholar who studies perpetual motion machines, he is of course an optimist.

If you are not optimistic, you will be crushed by reality long ago.

But in the face of this life, there must be only one chance, no matter how optimistic he is, he can't happily say the optimist words like "there is still half a glass".

He could only drink up this glass of god-given sapphire wine that has not been seen in the world for nearly a thousand years, as if he wanted to lick the glass clean.

Since the other party used such a large capital to deal with the code, Felice felt that he should also be open and honest, so he said to Lodia seriously:

"My lord Lodia, today's Petric Town has become the purest place in the entire Fontaine River system. Many adults have come here and are looking forward to your visit."

Even after hearing the familiar name, Lodia still didn't respond, as if Felice's frankness was speaking to the air.

Until Felice, who was extremely disappointed, walked out of the tavern, she still had even the slightest fluctuation in her expression.

The spies of the pure water elf are everywhere, and what comes out of the mouth is no longer a secret.

Lodia only believed in what she saw, because what she was going to do could not tolerate any risk.

Pure Water Spirits are extremely powerful, as they are almost impossible to destroy completely.

Even if it is completely evaporated and turned into steam, the world is constantly raining and dew, and hundreds of rivers are rushing, and sooner or later they will be revived again in the water body.

But the pure water elf is also extremely fragile, destroying the main body consciousness of an extremely powerful pure water elf only needs a small evil consciousness.

Therefore, even Lodia, the most powerful of them, is still afraid of Yandora who can even hide in the water slime without knowing the details.

Today's Lodia will never repeat the mistakes of the gods.

Every fusion, she will thoroughly feel the "love" of the other party before proceeding.

She knew Petrie, and she would go.

However, the words of mortals, true and false, are meaningless.

She only knows the "Petric of the past", and what she wants to fuse is the "Petric of the future".

All of this needs to wait and verify after all, she only believes in "herself".


Phyllis is just the beginning. As the most powerful and famous Lodia among the pure water elf agents, her status is comparable to that of Tewarin, who is also a member of the gods.

Portraits of her human form and prototype are recorded in many ancient books.

But after seeing her, the Fontaine people reacted completely differently.

Some did not recognize at all;

Some panicked and fled in a hurry, fearing that the court would think it was related;

Although some looked normal, they turned their heads and left in a hurry.

Some showed a hint of hostility, but no further action was taken.

Some were similar to Phyllis. After entering the tavern, they planned to talk to Lodia, but they also failed to do so.

The only ones who have gained a lot are the spectators who watched the whole process.

From the big drinkers, we got a lot of important information:

The water system of Fontaine is no longer connected all the way as before, and the pure water elves have cut off the connection between the elemental forces of the water system.

Although Fukaros supports the entire Fontaine Court, there are everywhere pure water elves occupying one side of the clean water.

Even though the pure water elves are famous for flirting and running away, there are still countless mortals who are grateful to these elves who protect one side with clean water, and are willing to serve them.

The new god "without a trace of dirt", but not many pure water elves are willing to merge with it;

On the contrary, it was Lodia who was far away in Liyue, a group of spokespersons who expressed their desire to merge with the pure water elves when they met for the first time.

Fontaine, what an interesting country.

Soon, the busy day came to an end.

When Zhongli's aura disappeared without a trace, Lodia also left very simply.

She didn't even change her maid uniform, so she planned to jump into the river.

This kind of straightforwardness of turning his face and denying others made Jiang Yan feel stupid about his original plan.

After the emperor's patient explanation, Jiang Yan understood that this group of guys who seemed to have human love were farther away from humans than beasts.

They collect emotions, but leave only logic to themselves, worthy of the descendants of faceless angels.

Therefore, Jiang Yan changed his previous method, directly stopped Lodia, and threw out his own plan:

"After a while, I will go to Fontaine, whether it is the town of Petrick or other places, I will go."

"Compared to Water Slime, do you want to follow me and verify what they said "by yourself"? "

Just spread the things she needs in her hands, and don't need to say anything else. This is Jiang Yan's painful realization after suffering a loss.

Sure enough, after a long while of silence, Lodia's body suddenly changed drastically along with the sound of gurgling water.

Her entire body suddenly turned into a stream of water, which merged into the river south of Qingquan Town.

What was left was only a small pure water elf the size of a bird, which flew into Jiang Yan's hands.

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