She dissipated her main body consciousness, cut a small piece of herself, and prepared to replace "herself" to witness all these mortals told with her own eyes.

The view of life and death of elemental creatures is so difficult for flesh and blood creatures to understand.

Although most of it remains, a brand new subject consciousness will soon be born.

This new subject consciousness will continue to live under the name "Lodia".

But is this really the same "Lodia"?

And this little pure water elf in my hand, after fusing a lot of pure water elves in Fontaine, and then re-merging back, is it still "Lodia"?

Faced with such a brain-burning problem, which is completely different from human ethics, Jiang Yan resolutely gave up thinking. She thinks it is.

There is only one question to consider:

"Little guy, what's your name?"


Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond?

At this point, the purpose of several gods in Mond has finally come to an end.

Under Dijun's guidance, this time, it was just a matter of finding out, not pulling the strings.

Jiang Yan, who is in control of Lodia, does not need to be exposed to the sight of any Fontaine people at this moment.

There are pure water elves and their followers, taking risks to come to the door.

According to their different performances, it is safe to establish a safe connection when they arrive at Fontaine.

So overnight, the tavern disappeared without a trace.

But having said that, what happened during the Homecoming Wine Festival is purely normal operation.

Although the event venue outside Qingquan Town is a bit larger this year, over the years, everyone has shared their home-brewed wine here, and it is common to open a small shop.

However, most people's self-brewing can only be regarded as edible.

If the wine is so good, there will be no wineries in the world.

It's a trivial matter if the wine is lightly brewed or slightly bitter. There are even fools who don't seal it well every year and turn the wine into vinegar.

Although the vinegar can be sold, these light wines, sour wines, and bitter wines cannot be thrown away directly, so they are usually given away here for free or sold at a very low price.

As a result, if things go on like this, "being able to drink for free" has become a major attraction of the Return to the Wind Wine Festival.

The idea of ​​Kaiya giving away free wine stems from this custom.

The freedom of the Mond people can be seen from this.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for small shops that disappear without a trace in one day.

Deliberately collecting some of their strange and bad wines as raw materials for jokes and pranks during the festival, it is a unique way of entertainment for the Mond people.

However, this kind of Mond's sense of humor is obviously not acceptable to the people of Fontaine.

A few days later, when the Supreme Judge of Fontaine, Navillette, and the secret envoys sent by other secret forces arrived in Mond, they were all in vain.

None of Mond's officials claimed to know the group who opened the tavern, nor did the surrounding townspeople.

However, they are not in vain.

Lodia's remaining power still flows in this water system and has not dissipated, giving them great hope.

It is no secret that she has lived in Qingcezhuang for nearly 500 years.

If it weren't for the prestige of the Emperor Yanwang, he would have been surrounded by assassins and other pure water elves' endorsers.

Everyone didn't dare to disturb her before, but if Lodia had an idea, it would be a different matter.

So the visitors from Fontaine soon came to the Qingshui lake next to Qingce Village.

It's a pity that the newborn Lodia, like the previous Lodia, didn't intend to pay attention to this group of untrustworthy mortals, perhaps because the cut part was very small.

No matter what familiar names are spit out from their mouths, the only result is to be driven out of this water system by the phantom of water.

Even those who came here with ill intentions towards Lodia didn't have the courage to kill the fugitive who protected Qingshui in Qingcezhuang's side under Qianyanjun's eyes.

In the end, no matter what the purpose was, the group of uninvited guests could only leave angrily.

But they tried every means to persuade Lodia, and all the powerful information they provided had been recorded one by one by the ninja who had ambushed long ago and reported it to Jiang Yan.

He didn't show up at all, and he didn't stick to karma at all, but he got everything he wanted.

Jiang Yan was dumbfounded when the emperor taught himself to open this head.

This lesson is simply more disappointing than any elemental force teaching.

As expected of an emperor who can complete Liyue's one-year development plan in one day;

This pattern, compared to myself, is completely the difference between a chess player and a flag.

After Jiang Yan was hit hard, he began to reflect deeply on himself. Although it was fun to perform ruthless work, it ultimately limited himself to the level of being a chicken.

It seems that apart from elemental power, I still have a lot to learn.

With this kind of Tianhu start played by substitutes, if I still can't figure out that crazy new god, I'd better go back to Haizhi Island to raise fish honestly!


The troublemakers went back to their homes happily, but the work of the Knights has just begun.

Although it is a Liyue proverb to miss relatives every festive season, almost all countries have similar words.

The expeditionary force in the northern border, although the last batch of supplies sent by Zhidong has just arrived, but the wind of the hometown is always irreplaceable.

A large number of this year's festival "Thousand Winds and Fine Wine" have already been dispatched urgently and are about to arrive in the northern border.

Of course, there is more importantly, the letters and greetings from the family members of the expeditionary army that the Knights of the West Wind patiently sorted out and collected.

In the northern region where horses were scarce and camels could not be raised, Miss Herta was able to maintain such a huge supply line. Miss Herta was worthy of the name of the top ten captains of the West Wind Knights.

In addition, the most important work at present is of course to continue to complete the "Seed of the West Wind" ceremony bestowed by the gods.

The succession of lucky ones led to the wave that was finally quelled by dual operations of intelligence and psychology, and it is likely to rise again. It is necessary to continue to increase manpower to maintain order.

Fortunately, the "Wedding Team" who rushed over from Liyue, under the leadership of Fengyan, the first instructor of the Qianyan Army who "jumped over the Dragon Gate", passed through the Shimen overnight and came to Qingquan Town to wait for Keqing's dispatch.

Faced with this kind of army that ran for hundreds of miles, the team was complete and could immediately move into action. It was Qin's turn to be envious.

Almost all the ordinary knights of the West Wind Knights were transferred to the northern border, and the quality of the remaining knights was outstanding.

There are even strange creatures who live in the wild and pretend to be part of an expedition.

He didn't know that he disappeared without reason during the expedition, so he would be punished as a deserter?

If Qin hadn't signed the pardon, Goodwin, who blatantly asked someone to deliver countless letters, would have celebrated several Homecoming Wine Festivals in prison.

Looking at others, and then thinking about her own hands, Qin sighed deeply.

But the biggest problem right now is not that the "wedding team" is not professional enough, but that they are too professional.

Although there is no spear or armor, but the atmosphere of a soldier stands there, it is incompatible with the whole festival.

When Qin and Keqing were in Qunyu Pavilion, they cooperated very well. After some brainstorming, they quickly came up with a good idea.

After seconding almost all the attendants of the Mond Hotel, this group of straight and energetic young men immediately became professional waiters and even future housekeepers with their military atmosphere.

Then cover it up by building various facilities to maintain order, adding various professional processes, and mixing with the West Wind Knights;

Soon, the oppressive force of the soldiers was fully disguised as a "Fontaine style" of service.

Let the people of Mond only have curiosity and admiration for this professional "wedding team" without too many doubts.

And because of the "professionalism" of the local organization in Mond, many people who want to hold large-scale events or weddings even approach Qin directly, intending to hire after the festival, but Qin smiles and declines.

Where can these people be hired?At a glance, Qin recognized several small captains who took the lead. They all met in the battle of Qunyu Pavilion, and the leader was the head coach of the Qianyan Army.

The total salary of this "professional team" hired once, is afraid that even the West Wind Knights will vomit blood.

Fortunately, this time the employment does not require Mora, and of course it is impossible for Liyue to let the main force to earn extra money.

This troop was urgently compiled by Gan Yu after selecting some samples based on elemental strength, martial arts, elemental attributes, and the progress of leaping through the Dragon Gate.

If it weren't for the head coach to lead the team, it would be really difficult to quickly organize this group of Qianyan troops belonging to different troops.

Therefore, the purpose of the "wedding team" is also very clear, everyone is here to catch the seeds of the west wind.

Although Qin does not need to pay, but instead, the coordination and arrangement of Seed of the West Wind, as well as data sorting, is an extremely huge workload.


Until half a month later, all the wheat fragrance floating in the whole of Mond was locked in the barn.

And the returning westerly wind gradually turned into a cool cold wind in the north.

This is the first time that the super-long version of Returning Wind Wine Festival blessed by the gods has come to an end.

Countless joys and disappointments, with the efforts of Qin and Keqing, turned into pieces of data, which were passed on to several drinking buddies in the tavern in Wendy's thousands of winds.

They will make their own decisions based on this data, and wait for the release of the new version of the "Seven Saints Call" card.

Everything went so smoothly, except for poor Jiang Yan.

With the "Tianhu start", he did not advance smoothly into Fontaine as planned;

Everything was almost ready, just as he was looking for clean water to feed Undine on Haizhi Island like a Pokemon trainer, he suddenly got bad news from Nasida.

I only heard an anxious sentence:

"Help me! I'm being cut off from the void!"

After that, I couldn't get in touch.

After Jiang Yan got the news, he was in a bad mood.

He said that he couldn't figure it out even if he died, and he worked so hard to get "A Ru" to help Xiaocao, and successfully used it for his own use.

With this external computing unit, she is almost invincible in the void as long as she uses these computing power to liberate her power that has been protecting people on the verge of mental breakdown.

After all the flying dragons were on their faces, Jiang Yan came to Mond with Wendy in peace.

As a result, just after a festival, you told me that the lineup with a group of mortals in the Holy Order collapsed?

How could it be possible to play like this at the beginning of this kind of bullshit?

Xiao Cao, are you the King of Grass or the King of Vegetables?

When I rescue you, I must be ruthless and laugh at you for a month!

While complaining about his bad teammates, Jiang Yan didn't even have time to wait for the ship, so he forcibly used the power he hadn't fully mastered, and flew towards Xumi at high speed with the help of thousands of winds.

Wait for me, little one!


No.20 volume is over, sprinkle flowers!

Please look forward to the second volume of No.20-Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru?

Is there something wrong with the Trojan Horse in Sumeru: Chapter 546 Chapter 527 Is there something wrong with Storm Rescue?

Guiding Qianfeng to travel long distances with her is Wendy's specialty.

However, even if he defeated him, with this skill, Jiang Yan would not have the face.

Fortunately, the route from Haizhi Island to Sumeru happened to be a monsoon belt. He could easily transform into a gale and "car" against the wind all the way to the sea area south of Port of Omos.

In the process of hurrying, Jiang Yan thought carefully.

No matter how good Xiaocao is, he is still a real god, and even a surprise attack cannot be successful just relying on the rubbish of the Holy Order.

The only thing that could make her overturn was a sudden external force, and this incident was obviously inseparable from the fools who had been cooperating with the Holy Order.

Thinking of this, the figure of the "doctor" who had met in the desert flashed in Jiang Yan's mind.

As the top three of fools, this guy will definitely not be weak.

Although he made concessions when facing him in the Red King's Mausoleum, it was just a reason why he didn't fight to the death with him at that time.

But now, when it comes to gods, the long-standing goal of the fools, there is obviously nothing to talk about.

I just don't know, how good is he, how many heads?Jiang Yan was thinking with murderous intent.

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