But right now, before Xiaocao's safety is confirmed, it's obviously not a good time to start filming directly.

In order to avoid startling the snake, Jiang Yan raised himself to a high altitude. At this height, even the gods would not notice his arrival without paying attention.

It wasn't until he reached the sky above Sumeru City that he just fell from the sky in the form of a gale without using any power, and landed on the sacred tree supporting the entire Sumeru City.

After returning to human form, Jiang Yan did not find any traps or barriers around the "Jingshan Palace" after careful and careful inspection.

trap?Already been transferred?Too late to set up the cage?

There is no time to hesitate. In this situation, racing against time is far more important than a perfect strategy.

Jiang Yan went directly to the ceiling of the "Jingshan Palace" - the huge branches of the holy tree, and input a lot of grass element power.

The branches twisted slightly, opening a small skylight for the "Jingshan Palace". After Jiang Yan thanked the sacred tree, he unfolded the jade shield for himself and jumped down.

Scanning left and right cautiously, after fully sensing, he looked helplessly at the unharmed Naxida.

Seeing Jiang Yan falling from the sky, Naxida hugged him excitedly, and rubbed against Jiang Yan's stomach with her soft face.

"You! Forget it... are you okay?"

Nothing happened, she was not even mentally imprisoned, and Jiang Yan was taken aback.

Jiang Yan originally complained that her plea for help was endless, and he thought that this little guy was caught mining or simply sacrificed.

Is it easy to fly with your own life, flying all the way from Haizhi Island to Sumeru?

But feeling the slight trembling of her body, sensing her fear, and the fact that she was not connected to the void, Jiang Yan had no choice but to continue to use himself as a large pillow to comfort this little guy first.

You must know that, as the original void terminal, Nasida has been wandering in the minds of the Xumi people almost from birth like an angel in a dream.

It can even be said that the thinking in the void is Nasida's body, and the body in front of her is just a sprout of birth consciousness.

Although I don't know how to do it, but she was suddenly "disconnected" for the first time in 500 years, and the fear and anxiety it brought can be imagined.

It wasn't until a long time, when Naxida, who hugged Jiang Yan tightly and kept drawing body temperature and courage from Jiang Yan, stopped trembling and returned to calm.

Gently returned to the chair and sat down, Naxida, who had a blushing face, understood the urgency of the situation, and even gave up her usual favorite wonderful metaphor, and briefly introduced the current situation to Jiang Yan.

Until a few days ago, Nasida had been repeatedly digesting "Aru", replacing the Sumerians who had a mental crisis, and liberating the cycle of computing power.

The control over "Aru" is getting higher and higher, the mentally overwhelmed Xumi people are getting fewer and fewer, and the power they can use is getting stronger and stronger, and everything is developing towards a good situation.

But the day before yesterday, Nasida suddenly found that she had lost any control over the Heart of God in an instant.

This is simply unbelievable. You must know that even if the rulers of the world want to isolate mortals from the control of their God Eyes, it is very difficult to do so without the help of a higher level of power.

The eyes of gods are like this, but what kind of power is needed to isolate the heart of gods from gods?Nacita has never heard of it in the endless knowledge, it is unimaginable.

But the reality is already in front of him. Nasida, who has lost the heart of God, has lost the "port" to connect to the void, and all remote dream operations are impossible to talk about.

However, she did not give up, and soon, through the power left on the believer, borrowed the believer's void terminal, opened an "agent" to reconnect to the void, and secretly traced back to who performed the operation.

However, the other party's reaction was unexpectedly quick, and soon completely closed the authority of this Nasida follower to connect to the void.

Even before that, the cruel use of the Void Terminal to carry out a violent mental shock made this one of the few believers of the Little Auspicious Grass King faint to the ground in an instant, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Faced with this blatant attitude of "If you dare to open an agency, I will dare to physically seal the title", Naxida was completely shocked by the viciousness of the other party.

But it was precisely because of such cruel methods that Naxida made up her mind.

Even if a friend doesn't agree with the means of helping him, it's better than putting the lives of the people in the hands of such a ferocious enemy.

Nasida immediately made a decision and was immediately connected to the mind of another believer.

After asking for her opinion, Naxida quickly sent a distress message to Jiang Yan, and immediately took the initiative to close the link between the believer and the void, and directly unplugged the network cable to avoid the upcoming mental shock.

But even so, this small victory is meaningless to Naxida in front of her.

Not daring to use believers to connect to the void again, she was completely isolated from the void by the double isolation method.

Although she can completely walk out of the "Jingshan Palace", she can easily use the direct connection of her mind at close range to occupy the mind of any Xumi people and launch a counterattack.

However, this kind of competition to kill one's own people has never been within the scope of Nasida's consideration.

So she chose to sit here quietly, waiting for Jiang Yan's rescue.

In these two days, Nasida had never been so alone, never been so lonely, never been so afraid.

Nasida's day usually begins by watching the lives of dozens or hundreds of people at the same time.

When she meets a believer who needs help, she will not hesitate to consume her teleportation power.

When meeting believers who hope to guide, she will patiently provide wisdom and companionship.

This body?Apart from the necessary food and rest to maintain the operation, she is not even willing to perform any unnecessary manipulations.

But these days, when I was completely imprisoned in this body;

She just discovered that this smallest cage is so terrifying.

What can be perceived is only the size of the whole body;

All I can see is the green in front of my eyes;

All that can be heard is the rustling of leaves;

What I brought for myself was only hunger, thirst, sleepiness and fear.

She hugged her legs hard and passed the day;

Feeling the breath of the outside world on the second floor, spent a night, and ushered in an even more sad second day.

The world is not beautiful, Nasida told herself the next day.

She even doubted whether the countless beautiful dreams she experienced in the void were actually just beautification in the memory of mortals.

Paleness, indifference, and loneliness are the real appearance outside the void.

This suspicion is not surprising.

After all, even after experiencing 500 years of other people's dreams, for the individual "Nashida", the time for her to know the world with her own eyes is only a handful.

To her, the world is an old book, but it is also a blank sheet of paper.

The pictures on the old books are so beautiful that it makes people forget to return.

But the first stroke of blank paper was not good.

Fortunately, the world bestowed good blessings on her sprouts.

A round of warm sun descended from the sky, tore through the barrier of cruelty and malice, and shone on Nashida's body.

Before the brain full of wisdom reacted, Nasida had already embraced the sun and embraced the beam of light.

This ray of light is by no means a projection of memory;

It was her eyes, her cheeks, her ears, her nose, all perceived together.

It will be the "truth" that belongs to her alone, firmly engraved in her heart.

The little grass bathed in the beautiful sunshine reached a reconciliation with its own body for the first time:

——In addition to the "moon" of memory, I am still a new shoot in the world, I am a grass.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 547 Chapter 528 Is there something wrong with the knowledge liquefaction

Facing the [-]-year-old God of Cooking whose spring water was blocked in the wind, Jiang Yan deeply realized that "what is done on paper is always shallow, but you never know that you have to do it yourself".

The wisdom of others belongs to others, and it is of no use at critical times.

But now that the chess player has been replaced by himself, Jiang Yan will naturally not make the person who bullies this little guy feel better.

When it comes to strategy and tactics, Jiang Yan thinks that in two lifetimes combined, he can't compare with the talents of these countries.

But I also have my own strengths - insufficient "success" and more than "failure".

Don't look at getting things done, Jiang Yan is average;

But when it comes to taking advantage of loopholes to cause harm, he, who comes from the world where everything is worse, can penetrate the moral bottom line of the Tevat people to another eighteen floors.

But it's a pity that this little guy in front of him severely restricted his performance.

For example, the first quick, clean, and thorough solution that Jiang Yan described to Nasida was to lure the Qing soldiers into the pass, ah no, to lure the people of the desert into the pass.

Since the Holy Order Academy has dug up the knowledge of the gods of the Red King, it has long been known to the Gilded Brigade.

Then why don't you just spread the word in Dachishahai that the Holy Order is digging up the ancestral graves of your gods.

Although the little auspicious grass king tried his best to stop him, he was still imprisoned in the Jingshan Palace, waiting for the rescue of his allies thousands of years ago.

Now that Candice is vigorously promoting the "historical truth", King Dacishu's reputation in the sand sea is no longer what it used to be. As the successor, King Auspicious Grass naturally has good persuasive power.

Anyway, there are at least dozens of scholars from the Yin Lun School archaeologically in the Red King's Mausoleum, and there is no need to search for evidence.

It is also well known that the leader of the Eye of Achmal was turned into a lunatic by the knowledge of the gods.

For hundreds of years, the people of the desert have been discriminated against by this group of intellectuals, no matter in terms of living standards or status, there must be a lot of grievances.

Moreover, using knowledge to manage the country's Faculty, in the final analysis, has no coercive power over the people of the desert, and even the strongest force comes from the mercenaries of the people of the desert.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they only need to summon the Qing emperor once in the name of the two gods, and then they can join forces with the 30-member group and directly enter Xumi City to cleanse this group of reactionary school lords.

The bad things are all done by the evil Holy Order, and of course it has nothing to do with the little auspicious grass king who was imprisoned in the Jingshan Palace.

And in order to repay the benefactors who rescued her, from now on, the successor of the best friend of the Red King, the Great Mercy Tree King, the Little Auspicious Grass King, will definitely care for the people of the desert and the rainforest equally.

With the head of the Holy Order, releasing the hundreds of years of grievances of the people in the desert, it is just right to rebuild the new Sumeru of unity.

Sacrificing a Holy Order in exchange for a new Sumeru is really great!


"It's not just right!If the maliciousness of hundreds of years is released in one breath, it will be like the sudden removal of the sand defense wall, and there will be big problems. "

Although Nasida didn't have much experience in spiritual life, she also knew how many people the Six Schools could survive by doing this. Her head was shaking like Lannaro's small propeller, and her ponytail was frantically flicking left and right.

Of course, Jiang Yan didn't intend to really do this, it's too untechnical, and he said it just to scare this little guy.

After all, before opening the window, you have to shout that you are going to smash the roof.

In order to prevent this overly kind little guy from making demands on himself such as "try not to kill one of them".

Scaring the intact children, the two began to get down to business.

This matter is a bit strange, the heart of God cannot be isolated in a simple way.

As for the cooperation between the Holy Order and the Fools, as long as the participating sages are not crazy, it is generally impossible to touch the core lifeline of the Holy Order - the void network.

Something very important and unknown must have happened.

However, obtaining this information is not an easy task.

Nashida's God's Heart was hidden in the secret room of the Palace of Wisdom, and all the sages who participated, even the guarding mercenaries, did not use Void.

And the "Doctor" is most likely sitting in it, making this secret room the strongest fortress.

So much so that until Xiaocao was disconnected from the Internet, there was no news that made her take precautions.

Originally using Bluetooth, well, "Dream", sneaking in quietly is the best way.

But the other party can even isolate the power of the heart of God, presumably the power of "Fantasy Dream" will definitely not work.

Faced with this kind of physical online disconnection, strong offline guards, and military protection that even banned Bluetooth connections, Naxida racked her brains but was helpless, and her cute face was a little wrinkled.

However, Jiang Yan didn't take it seriously. In the rotten world, any perfect protection rules would be destroyed by the unstable factor of "people".

Even due to the lack of security awareness, the flowers in the greenhouses of the Order Academy will definitely show their flaws.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan suddenly had a good idea.

"Xiaocao, what do you think the Holy Order relies on to make the orders issued in the entire Sumeru execute?"

"Although I really don't want to admit it, but at present, it is indeed because of the monopoly and control of knowledge."

Nasida thought for a while, pouted her lips, and replied very unhappy.

500 years ago, the Holy Order did not have the power and ability to govern the country.

Explorers of knowledge are seldom willing to be swayed by power.

At that time, the only thing that could be managed by the Holy Order was to prevent scholars from touching the seven taboos through the disciplinary officers.

However, since King Dacishu disappeared into the sea of ​​sand, the Holy Order has gradually taken over the governance of the entire country, and the "emptiness" of managing knowledge distribution can be said to be the core of their wishes being implemented.

Scholars may not be afraid of power, but in the face of knowledge, most of them will bow their heads high.

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