Under the monopoly, knowledge has also become a necessity for production and life in all walks of life.

Even though Nasida was very disgusted with this kind of behavior of monopolizing knowledge, she had to admit that without the control of knowledge, the Holy Order could not manage this country at all.

"So, let's liquefy the knowledge of the entire country while they are away!"

Jiang Yan throws out his hard work.

"Liquefaction? What do you mean?" Even the god of wisdom has difficulty understanding this Fontaine-style vocabulary.

"Liquefaction is to make the distribution of knowledge into a calm water, and everyone is the same."

When Jiang Yan thought of this stalk, his expression was full of smirks:

"Since they are so tightly guarded, we make it impossible for them to stay in that tortoise shell at ease."

"Let's raid the Void Network and open the permission to download knowledge to everyone in Sumeru, so that beggars and great sages can also get the same knowledge permission."

"As long as you don't burn your brain, it doesn't matter how much you want to download."

"When all the Sumeru people are downloading knowledge crazily, who will have the time to serve those sages who are planning big plans?"

"When they are locked in a secret room, no food, no drink, no one to care about, no matter how strong the fortress is, what's the point?"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 548 Chapter 529 Is there something wrong with throwing the Junfu card?

Although the term "knowledge liquefaction" is a bit strange, even if Nashida just imagined it, she understood what kind of crazy scene it would be.

The technology of filling knowledge originally originated from the wisdom of King Dacishu. When a certain technology needs to be popularized quickly, she will use this method very carefully to spread seeds on a small scale.

According to the knowledge records passed down by Nashida, King Dacishu is very opposed to the abuse of this method.

The reason is simple. Knowledge is constantly evolving. Even if the knowledge is correct now, it may not be correct in the future. If it is directly engraved in the mind, it will definitely hinder the development of knowledge.

In addition, other people's knowledge, in the final analysis, belongs to others, without chewing and digesting it in the learning process, the effect of using it will naturally vary greatly.

However, learning and digesting is so difficult and painful that it may not even succeed.

But filling it is so convenient and easy, how many people will study it seriously?

Sure enough, after the fall of the Great Mercy Tree King, the Academy of Teaching Orders inevitably fell in this direction.

If the Holy Order wants to be the manager of the country, it must meet the needs of all classes. How can it buy so many people with pure knowledge and education?

Hidden dangers and so on are things to come later;

At that time, if there was no immediate way to feed mercenaries, craftsmen, scholars and businessmen, there would be no "after".

When drinking poison to quench thirst and wrapped in the skin of "last resort", it will naturally get out of hand.

500 years later, knowledge, as the most important wealth of Sumeru, has already penetrated into everyone's heart.

If all of a sudden, everyone becomes an endless wealth of knowledge, then what will the whole country use as the anchor point to measure value?

More importantly, if everyone can fill in the knowledge they like as they please, is there any point in the existence of the Holy Order?

There is no need for "teaching", and naturally there is no "order". Will this behemoth collapse into a small research institute in an instant?


However, Nasida could not object to this bloodless plan that was ten times more cruel than "bringing people from the desert into the customs".

A mistake is a mistake, whether it is the inheritance of King Dacishu or his own wisdom, he has already revealed the result of this route.

No matter how strong the Holy Order is rooted in "mistakes", sooner or later it will collapse violently due to the wrong foundation.

Even a benevolent person like Nasida thought that rather than crushing the entire Sumeru when it fell, it would be better to take this opportunity to completely reshape it.

However, despite making this decision, Nasida is still the kind Nasida who even spoils mortals too much.

After thinking carefully, Naxida said to Jiang Yan very embarrassed:

"Adjust the authority to acquire knowledge. In theory, only great sages have this qualification."

"Although as the original void agency, I can do it, but now I can't directly connect to the void, and I don't want to involve believers and innocent people anymore."

It has to be said that Naxida was really frightened by the viciousness of the other party's direct mental shock at a disagreement.

Even in retrospect, she was still very afraid of the other party's ferocity, paused for a while with a pale face, and then continued:

"What's more, in order to avoid confusion and even mental breakdown caused by sudden downloading of too much knowledge, I need a period of time to modify and operate this kind of authority adjustment."

Filling knowledge is not a panacea. Although the human brain can be loaded with countless information, the human body cannot provide enough energy for the brain.

According to the research of Shenglun School scholars, even in ordinary times, ordinary people have about 40.00% of the energy of the whole body to supply this small brain.

And when thinking or knowledge retrieval, this ratio will increase;

And when knowledge is filled and filled with knowledge is called, this ratio will increase again to a terrifying level.

Because filling knowledge is not learned and digested knowledge, any call is an overall call.

Human beings have their limits, whether it is blood circulation, element force circuit or body signal transmission.

If you don't want most of the people to choose to download all of them under the excitement, burn their heads into idiots, or even blow up their heads with a "bang", Nasida must increase and improve the rules of speed limit and limit.

Nasida estimated the rules and workload she needed to increase, and shook her head helplessly:

"The response speed of the other party is very fast. If you visit indirectly through the void of other people, the time should not be enough."

Although not calculated, Jiang Yan had already expected Naxida's answer.

If it is true that the whole people can become an almost "omniscient and omnipotent" genius casually, King Dacishu would have done it long ago.

Knowledge also has its "weight", and no one has more say in this than Jiang Yan.

The innumerable powers, innumerable tactics, and innumerable moves obtained through the arena can only be fully digested bit by bit before they can become his real improvement in combat power.

But since he dared to make such a proposal, of course he had something to rely on:

"Xiaocao, wait for me, I'm going to Port of Ormos to buy something, and I'll be back in half a day."

Jiang Yan got up, put a secret on his face, and was about to turn around and leave.

However, two small hands held his right hand tightly:

"No, I'll go with you."

After finishing speaking, Naxida pulled Jiang Yan to a squat, and then placed her white and fleshy hands on Jiang Yan's custom-made void where the net was broken.

Soon Nashida lodged her will in it, and her body was huddled on the seat, falling into a deep sleep like a green and white kitten.

Was this what her body looked like when she was in the Golden Apple Islands and the Great Chisha Sea?cute!

This shape is so cute that Jiang Yan even wanted to reach out and stroke it twice, until he was interrupted by a voice from the void:

"Let's go."

Returning to the feeling of familiarity and peace of mind, Nashida's tone became cheerful.

Jiang Yan smiled helplessly. This internet addict was really frightened by the disconnection.

Forget it, just take it with you.

Anyway, leaving her here, Jiang Yan was also a little afraid that the "doctor" would get a "lady" and suddenly come to the Jingshan Palace, planning to make a barbecue.

It is not uncommon for this kind of lunatic who is dedicated to surpassing the gods to do something.

So Jiang Yan took Naxida in this way, swaggered away from the Palace of Good Views with the power of dreams, and went straight to the port of Ormos.

Today's Jiang Yan, even without the power of the demon god, can travel extremely fast.

Using the four-leaf seal to shuttle infinitely in the air, he quickly reached the city that was not fully covered by the power of the Order.

"What we need now is a terminal that can safely connect to the void. Could it be that there are similar devices in other countries here? There is no record of this in the void?"

Nashida asked curiously.

"Haha, no, the wisdom of King Dacishu is beyond the reach of ordinary people. We are here to buy the local products of Dachishahai."

"Huh? Is it a relic of the Red King?"

Naxida is very curious, what is it that can crack a system with the heart of God at its core?

"It's not that magical, you'll understand when you see it."

While chatting with Nasida, Jiang Yan came to the entrance of the Port of Ormos Hotel, and greeted the petite traveling businessman next to him warmly:

"Dolly, here comes the Big Pen Mora!"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 549 Chapter 530 Is there something wrong with the black calling card

"What kind of big business is it? Mora doesn't wait for anyone, so hurry up and talk!"

"The almighty Dolly store has everything you need, and everyone knows everything. As long as you have enough mora, you can only think of it, and you can buy anything. If you need anything, or encounter any difficulties, you can come to me!"

Although she didn't know this strange Liyue person, Dolly was still triggered by the keyword "big pen Mora" and immediately entered the business state.

"Mola, I have enough. How much I can get depends on your ability."

Jiang Yan casually handed Dolly a document of acceptance signed by the Dao Wife Shogunate, and picked up a stone, shaped it into Huang Cong Baoyu's personal seal, and stamped it on.

It is too inconvenient to use Mora's words for the large-scale trade between the countries of Tevat, and it is easy to leak important information using the deposit certificate of the Bank of Northland.

Therefore, countries generally use the acceptance documents signed by the rulers to settle the rest of the barter.

As the sole agent of Alice, the Immortal Witch, Dolly has done many high-priced transactions that need to use this kind of documents for settlement.

Although there is no lovely crisp voice and beautiful golden light of Mora, this form of Dolly is also acceptable. After all, not everyone can pull a car and a boat of Mora through the city.

But the document in hand is really hot.

The data column is blank, and the seal is stamped by the other party in front of his eyes.

If this is a hoax, it would be a bit blatant.

But when Dolly saw the familiar name, everything made sense.

After all, it is really difficult to imitate this supernatural existence. With the ability to knead stones into gems, naturally there is no need to come out to deceive Mo La.

Moreover, the acceptance documents of various countries all have strong characteristic element force imprints and the seal of the contract with the Emperor Rock King. Those who can imitate them will certainly not worry about Mo La.

What's more, in the territory of Port of Ormos, Dolly is willing to pay a tuition fee if she can still deceive her own people.

"You are the famous demon slayer? In our circle, there are many rumors about you...of course it is not about fighting and killing, but about your operation in big business, which made us Small businessmen are amazed."

Although Jiang Yan has done some extremely exaggerated things in various countries, most of them are not known to the people at all.

It wasn't until he confronted Oser, the demon god of the vortex, and killed him, that he became famous all over Tivat.

After all, this is the first mortal to face the demon god and defeat him under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Perhaps the Executive of the Fools has done many more exaggerated things, such as the one-for-one exchange between "Lady" and the wind god Barbatos.

But Zhidong didn't intend to let the Mond Expeditionary Army turn around and come to the Winter Palace to avenge the gods, so naturally they would not publicize such great achievements.

Therefore, Jiang Yan still represents the courage and upper limit of mortals, and is praised by all countries.

However, in the circle of businessmen, Jiang Yan's reputation is different, he is completely like a god.

He has never bothered to make small money, and signed large-scale multi-country trade cooperation at every turn, opening up huge business routes like a stream.

A small shopkeeper, buying and selling commodities one by one;

Ordinary merchants buy and sell goods again and again;

A successful tycoon, a shipful of contracts to do business.

And this famous Liyue man drew on the map with a pen, and it turned out to be a river flowing with Mora!

Even if the order is just leaked from the fingertips, it is enough to satisfy the rich merchants of a country, and they can only eat together.

This kind of pattern, this kind of momentum, is simply the demon god of trade in the hearts of businessmen!

So Dolly is full of enthusiasm for him, even with a kind of idolatry.

Of course, Jiang Yan doesn't feel that he has any talent for business. With a country behind him, he can make money by looking for Taro Maru. What kind of skill is this?

So he smiled kindly and replied:

"I'm really honored to be able to have Master Sangge Mahabayi say that! If you were a small businessman, the entire Tiwat would probably not be big."

This sentence is not flattery. Except for the extremely willful function of Alice's works, each piece is a unique masterpiece of Tivat.

It condenses the inspiration and technical ideas of many worlds, all of which are priceless treasures.

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