And Dolly holds these commodities in her hands, so she is naturally the only merchant in Twat.

Hearing Jiang Yan's words, even in Dolly's city, she straightened up happily, and happily listened to Jiang Yan's request:

"Now that you know me, things are easy, Dolly, I hope to buy all the void terminals you have, of course, which one, you know."

Dolly heard the string song and knew the elegance, nodded, and looked at Jiang Yan with challenging eyes:

"No problem, but are you sure you need that much?"

In the business world, the first cooperation has special significance and is valued by all businessmen.

"Demonstration of strength" is a very important part of it, which is directly related to the trade status between the two.

Dolly doesn't intend to let her idol be underestimated, an idol belongs to an idol, and Mora must have one.

And because he is an idol, earning Mora from him is more challenging and fulfilling.

"I'll sit in the coffee shop here for half a day. How much money you can make depends on your ability."

Sensing Dolly's fighting spirit, Jiang Yan was happy to see it succeed, and directly added fire, and the effect was outstanding.

"The omnipotent Dolly will definitely surprise you, just wait!"

Dolly, who made up her mind to make her idol look different, turned around and left without saying a word, mobilizing her channel to transfer goods.

It wasn't until she came to the coffee shop that Nasida finally had the opportunity to ask doubtfully:

"What is that kind?" "

Facing the bewildering tone of the initial Void Terminal, Jiang Yan patiently explained:

The reason why Port of Ormos is able to attract so many students from the Order Academy is that apart from selling filling knowledge, the black void terminal is also a very important "supporting product".

Generally speaking, Xumi people's void terminals are all bound to their identities one by one.

However, the "ignorant and rough" remote tribal desert people in the words of the Holy Order are not good at using the knowledge network, and they do have some trading needs.

Therefore, upon the application of the Insensitivity Sect and the special approval of the Council, a group of unnamed Void Terminals were released on the basis of tribes.

These unnamed void terminals suffered the same fate as the black calling cards, and were widely used in various illegal knowledge transactions, and even became the main source of income for these tribes.

After all, the knowledge of illegal downloading will find traces no matter what, as long as it is caught by the discipline officer, it is basically stolen.

But if you use the Black Void terminal, it's a different matter. If you throw the terminal away, no one will know that you used it.

Even the low-cost recycling of black void terminals has become a popular business in Port of Ormos.

In fact, this situation has already been reported to the council by the disciplinary officers.

But uniting the people of the desert is the political correctness of the entire Sumeru.

Even the council cannot order a complete ban on these black void terminals.

In addition, even if the stolen goods are not obtained at the same time, the people who are caught by the disciplinary officers probably have nothing to do with death rather than submission.

So everyone can only pinch their noses and acquiesce in the existence of these illegal terminals.

At most, trace back afterwards, find one, and turn it into a vegetable leaf.

This is the information that Jiang Yan got from talking with the head of the business group when he went to Nata last time.

Enthusiastically at the time, he recommended Jiang Yan to build a black void terminal first, which was much better than the green vegetable leaves without permission issued by Xumi officials.

It wasn't until Jiang Yan took out his customized version of Naxida that he stopped.

Nasida was dumbfounded. What the hell did this group of people do in the name of "unity"?

Although she can roam freely in dreams and knowledge, how does she know that there is such a shadow behind the dream?

The dream Nacida lived in was, after all, just a dream.

In fact, for most people, despicableness is just a way of survival in the world.

And the best evidence is: no matter how evil people are, most of them will pay tribute to virtue in their dreams, and they will no longer be as evil as usual.

So these "truths" are naturally not something Nasida can see.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Naxida possesses kindness and virtue beyond the world.


Soon, in order to prove her strength, Dolly hurried back, took Jiang Yan to her "secret base", delivered a large package of "leaves", and filled in an astronomical figure on the receipt with peace of mind.

Dolly is not a peddler who walks around the streets to support her family. There is no 100% profit transaction, and she doesn't even bother to pay attention to it.

This time, I just earned a double "basic price".

The establishment of friendship between businessmen will never start with a real "special price". A price that cannot be maintained will soon turn this friendship into an enemy.

Jiang Yan didn't take it seriously at all. If it was a fat pig like a student from the teaching academy, it would be normal for the price to be half as much.

To be able to make a deal at this price is Dolly's rare goodwill.

So, he didn't even inspect the goods.

After all, doing such a big deal with yourself is usually done with your life for after-sales protection, as long as you know yourself, you won't be so hard-pressed.

So Jiang Yan simply accepted this small favor, and promised that he would give priority to Mr. Sangge Mahabay for any purchases in Sumeru in the future, and then said goodbye to Dolly and returned to Sumeru City.

Carrying this big bag of vegetable leaves, Jiang Yan opened the largest room in the big hotel near the Wisdom Palace.

The proximity of the coordinates will cause great misleading and interference to the Holy Order's backtracking;

These tiny details are also extremely important in the race against time for authority.

After purchasing a few large shelves for growing flowers, the black void terminals purchased at sky-high prices were neatly arranged in an array.

And Naxida turned into a human form with the power of "dream", and sat in front of these arrays together with Jiang Yan.

After recovering the connection port, Nasida also regained her courage and confidence.

Facing the enemies who occupy the magpie's nest and cut off their own nets ingeniously, and also hurt their own people, even the kind-hearted Naxida is full of fighting spirit.

Void offensive and defensive battle, start!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 550 Chapter 531 Is there something wrong with the classical scam

Even if the power is cut off, Nasida's God's Heart is Nasida's. No matter how many rules are written, this fact cannot be changed.

All the other party can do is to discover and disconnect Nasida's power connection from the near side of God's Heart, and counter it.

In other words, it was impossible for the other party to delete Nasida's super administrator account, at most they banned Nasida's IP.

This is Nasida's greatest chance of winning.

This seemingly powerful quick defense is in the final analysis just a manual passive defense.

When Naxida launched power connections from hundreds of void terminals at the same time, this kind of defense seemed extremely cumbersome.

One by one ban, where is the opponent of multi-line attack?

What's more, for Nasida, multi-line attack is as simple as eating and drinking for ordinary people.

For 500 years, it has been living in knowledge and dreams, and observing the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of countless people at the same time is her favorite thing to do.

Just opened a hundred windows to attack, and she even had enough energy to make a feint.

In an instant, under the cover of more than ten feint attacks on the control of God's Heart;

Nashida put all the remaining void terminals into the modification of the download permissions in one go.

Moreover, Nasida, who has been fully prepared, used her best data algorithm-fragmented access.

Nashida disassembled the modification of the download permission into hundreds of fragments, and each void terminal, after successfully connecting to the void, would go straight to the fragment it belongs to.

Although during this process, the void terminals were cut off one by one;

However, the Void Terminal, which completed its own fragments, immediately followed Nasida's diversion, continued to complete the cut off part, and continued the progress of the task.

The biggest advantage of this method is that it is unexpected. When the other party finds that cutting off the first link only affects one percent of the speed, it is already too late.

In just 85 seconds, when the enemy rewrote the rules and disconnected all links at the expense of accidental injury, the modification of permissions had been successfully blitzed and written to death in Nasida's super administrator account.

"Oh, it was placed together."

Along with the unknown place in the distance, a self-deprecating sigh.

The foundation of the Holy Order's rule over Sumeru has completely collapsed!

Next, it will be the joint performance of Naxida and Jiang Yan.

"Well, do you really want to say that? How strange..."

Nasida used the body made of "fantasy", because she finally successfully fought back against the ferocious enemy, she was so happy that her two little feet kept shaking.

Due to her lack of height, she couldn't touch the highest void terminal while sitting on a chair, so she had to use the power of "fantasy" to put a few green transparent "bricks" on her, she was indescribably cute.

"Let's talk about this matter. It's such a big mess. Only the Faculty, which is about to collapse, can bear this responsibility."

Jiang Yan said indifferently that when it comes to splashing dirty water, Tivat's moral limit is a bit high.

I have already considered Xiaocao's physical and mental health, so I used the most original version, okay?

If you really want to play hard, you can definitely cover Xiaocao's ears and dare not listen.

"Okay..." Naxida accepted this point of view with suspicion, slowly leaned her forehead forward, closed her eyes, and touched the forehead of Jiang Yan who was squatting down, and their dreams were connected as one.

Opening up her own dreams brought Nasida the combined power of the two with almost no loss.

A demon god is enough to change the world of one place;

So what would it be like if the power of the two demon gods was added together?

The green dream flower suddenly bloomed throughout Sumeru City, enveloping the entire city in the realm of "dreams".

Almost all the people in Sumeru City suddenly heard a strange sentence:

"Today is the 65th birthday of the great sage Azar. In order to thank the people of Sumeru for their support, the Academy of Orders, as long as you pass this news on to someone you know, the permission to download knowledge will be upgraded by one level. The personal test is effective. Hurry up. let us go!"

Afterwards, the dream flower disappeared without a trace.

This incomparably absurd and inexplicably touching remark confuses all Sumeru people, but it doesn't hurt to give it a try, since there is nothing to lose anyway.

"Have you heard? Today is the 65th birthday of the great sage Azar. In order to thank the people of Sumeru for their support, the Academy of Orders, as long as you tell this news to someone you know, the permission to download knowledge will be increased by one level. …”

"Huh!?? It really works! Quick! Listen to me!"

"I'll talk first! I'll talk first!"

"Shut up! Today is the great sage..."

"I don't listen, I don't listen! Listen to me, today is the great sage..."

The entire Sumeru City fell into madness in an instant.

After everyone frantically spread the news to anyone they knew, they quickly tried to download the knowledge they had longed for.

Although the download speed is pitiful, no one cares about it at all.

The promotion of authority requires a huge amount of knowledge and a jump in class in exchange. For the vast majority of people, it is almost hopeless for a lifetime.

Can you get such a high reward for celebrating the great sage Azar's birthday?This old guy is crazy!

Of course, when some people want to acquire knowledge beyond their ability, they are still blocked.

But they didn't take it seriously at all, success examples are everywhere, it must be that they are not doing enough to celebrate Hazard's birthday!

quick!Go to Port of Ormos!Go to Kawan Station!Go to Huacheng Guo!Go to Aru Village!

If it's late, those who haven't celebrated their birthdays will be snatched away!

Seeing this crazy scene, even Nasida, who had expected the chaos, was completely dumbfounded.

Outrageous rumors inexplicably gave this chaotic and strange order.

Everyone is not scrambling to download knowledge crazily, but to do their best to do "privilege escalation" that does not exist at all.

After all, successful examples are everywhere, and Hazard’s birthday can’t always issue unlimited promotions, and it’s really gone if it’s too late.

Moreover, all unreasonable things and all restrictions will be rationalized by "insufficient authority".

Now, even if Hazard himself stands in the Wisdom Palace and broadcasts that today is not his birthday, he will probably be thrown down by the angry people, shouting "Don't think about repudiation".

What kind of absurd and crazy wisdom is this?Is this friend of mine really a Liyue who is famous for following the rules?

But no matter what, the order of Sumeru City has completely collapsed. Next, it depends on what cards this "doctor" plays!

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