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Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 551 Chapter 532 Did the driver make a mistake in the audition

Jiang Yan's classical deception combined with the real effect, the effect is so outstanding that the entire Sumeru City has been completely bewildered.

As one song goes:

Every street, every mouth;

The first thing you say when you meet is congratulations on your birthday.

Congratulations to Hazard, congratulations to Hazard.

The huge amount of downloads even caused the semi-paralysis of God's Heart.

In this environment, scholars who serve sages are no exception, so what are the rules?The first time I ran home to get the void terminal.

The most powerful temptation at the hands of the sages is nothing but the knowledge of the gods.

But living in a country with this authority, no scholar thinks that he can obtain enough knowledge of gods from the hands of sages.

That being the case, why not hurry up and download ready-made knowledge?

So the scholars who served the sages ran away in a blink of an eye, and they were squatted upright by Jiang Yan and Naxida who were waiting for the rabbit.

After using "Fantasy Dream" to get around, the two quickly pieced together the general outline of the matter:

As early as 500 years ago, the Academy took back the little auspicious grass queen who had a mind like a child, and gave up counting on this new god to save the ubiquitous dead zone for a short time.

After all, the growth of gods is based on the unit of thousands of years. Although it is a stupid thing to kill a chicken and take eggs, no one is so moral that he sacrifices himself to make future generations happy in 1000 years.

So the sages took away the God Heart of the Little Auspicious Grass King, and started a full-scale research on how to reproduce the great power of the Great Mercy Tree King.

Regarding this, even the loyal followers of King Dacishu expressed silence.

After all, even if you have integrity, you can't just watch Sumeru being completely swallowed up by the dead zone before the gods have fully grown.

However, such actions have already violated the fifth "root sin" set by the sage himself: fearing God and not doing devotion;

Perhaps because of this, although there have been powerful gains such as the Void Network, the 500-year research on the Heart of God still has not made enough progress in dealing with the stubborn disease of the dead zone.

What is extracted is only knowledge without any power.

Even due to the side effects of rigid thinking brought about by the indoctrination of Void Network knowledge, the City of Wisdom has hardly made any qualitative breakthroughs in terms of academics in the past 500 years, and has almost become a pool of stagnant water.

In recent years, the World Tree has withered more and more seriously. In despair, the sages ushered in the "Doctor", an exile known as "Monster" and "Madman".

Carrying the heart of Fengshen, he came to the teaching academy.

With a simple sentence "Do you want to create a god?" He convinced all the sages present and started the journey of god-making that has lasted for several years.

The Academy spared no expense to build a "God's Body" based on an exquisite bionic doll;

Afterwards, all the power of mining for the whole people was injected into the void, and using the endless dream of the day before, it was successfully ignited, and the power in the "God's Heart" was derived.

But the research has come to a standstill, and a doll with no power and body is not what the "doctor" and the Holy Order want.

What the Holy Order wants is the wisdom of the gods, and what the "doctor" wants is to surpass the gods, so naturally he will not be satisfied with the current results.

In order to solve this problem, they began to use human brains to dig out the knowledge of the Red King in the Great Red Sand Sea.

Naturally, the knowledge of the gods would not be understood by mortals. Scholars who were consumables went crazy batch after batch, but they didn't care at all.

But this is still not enough, without a "subjective consciousness" that can carry this knowledge, it is still impossible to create a god.

That's how things came to a dead end.

Although Nasida can completely serve as this "subject consciousness";

But it has been offended for 500 years, neither scholars nor "doctors" have considered this option at all.

At present, we have to select candidates who can act as this "subject consciousness" from among the powerful people of the gods' family level.

However, although there are many strong people at the level of gods and relatives, there are not many who are willing to participate in this kind of near-death experiment.

As for the enemy, let alone use it as a material, who would be stupid enough to create a god that is hostile to him?

Therefore, Zhidong is fully mobilizing the state machinery, striving to cultivate and find a suitable "subject consciousness".


After receiving such horrifying news, Naxida and Jiang Yan looked at each other in blank dismay.

Nasida directly broke her defenses. Since she possessed her mind, she has been learning all kinds of knowledge non-stop, just to grow into a qualified god faster and start guiding the people as soon as possible.

If it weren't for the threat of the "taboo" approaching day by day, why wouldn't she want to take a break temporarily and see the countless creatures of Sumeru with her own eyes?

What about the Holy Order?

Taking her God's Heart to study and clear the dead zone is a trivial matter, even Nashida herself is happy to see it.

But even if he created the "body" and "power" of a god, he didn't even think about the new god who was ready to protect his people at all times?

This is too much... How could I treat you badly?

Naxida lowered her head in frustration, and tightly grasped Jiang Yan's hand, absorbing his warmth.

Although the gods don't cry, they are also sad.

While Jiang Yan comforted Xiaocao, he sorted out the huge amount of information that he had pieced together.

Unlike Naxida, Jiang Yan's same story produced a very serious sense of disobedience and déjà vu.

No, these "truths" are just the truth that these scholars can know!

Jiang Yan suddenly discovered the biggest source of disobedience.

The "doctor" and the Holy Order were not said to be utterly irreconcilable back then, nor were they in a relationship that allowed them to get along peacefully.

During the preparations for the group fight against Oser, Jiang Yan witnessed many times the passionate confrontation between the "doctor" and the scholars.

Although the language is elegant and double-entended, the content of the expression is really good. To sum it up, it is basically:

"You are a Miao Lun school waste who can't even be a sage, you understand!"

"—Student, I don't think you are qualified to debate with me."

"How many elemental force machines have you seen, a ground mouse of the Sulun School?"

"—Brother, what diploma do you have?"

This kind of line-up continued until the celebration banquet, and the scholars of the Academy of Order did not take a look at this "monster" and "lunatic" in their eyes.

"With a simple sentence, "Do you want to create a god?", he convinced all the sages present. "

What joke?Can this group of arrogant old men who don't recognize anyone except the Great Cishu King trust you?

What's more, exchanging the God's Heart of Fengshen for the research rights of Naxida's God's Heart seems to be a fair deal, but it doesn't make sense at all.

Nasida's Heart of God is related to the lifeblood of the Order Academy - the Void Network.

Handed over to a "monster", "crazy", no matter what, how could there be no voice of opposition?

Even the most conservative Shenglun School did not have any objections to the various retrograde methods later.

You know, scholars are the most precious resources of the Six Schools. Batches of them are used as consumables and thrown into the desert to fill pits. It's no wonder that the instructors of the various colleges don't rebel!

And the most discordant thing is - when did the Holy Order become so united?I do not know how?

According to Lisa, every year the Academy of the Holy Order holds a cross-talk and passionate crosstalk for funding and student resources.

Among them, the Sulun School fought against the Shenglun School;

The cause school swept other schools with the banner of political correctness;

The five schools of thought are crazy and wonderful;

They are all annual dramas that cannot be missed every year.

In this environment, there is no voice of opposition, unanimous vote?The Great Mercy Tree King himself probably doesn't have such a big face.

The equipment pulled to the Golden Apple Islands must have been fully activated in the council until it was smoking, otherwise they might not be able to wash away the heads of this group of extreme shafts, Jiang Yan complained silently.

After sharing her deduction with Nasida, Nasida regained her spirits instantly.

After all, she has seen and used that machine before, and it is normal for the sages to follow the Tao.

No wonder they don't like themselves so much, it's understandable to be controlled, eh!

"Let's hurry up to destroy that machine and save the sages."

After all, he took Jiang Yan's hand and wanted to go to the Wisdom Palace to rescue the hostages.

Seeing Xiaocao's smile returning to her face, Jiang Yan was too embarrassed to tell her: People have disliked you for hundreds of years, and the "doctor" will not take the blame.

However, it is not feasible to rescue the sage.

If this kind of core plan of the fools is really going to be beaten, it will be a vengeance to the death.

Although Jiang Yan is confident that he can overthrow the "Doctor", but he can't imagine what will happen if such a ruthless person who takes human life seriously is forced to a corner.

If it was just to tear up votes for all the sages, Jiang Yan could even applaud and give a reward;

But if the "Doctor" urges the heart of God, which has already been aroused with power, to have a reverse spiritual impact on everyone in Sumeru City, I am afraid that few people in Sumeru City will not survive.

Why bother?

Of course, there is another point that Jiang Yan doesn't want to tell Xiaocao;

The lovely gods who live in dreams should not bear the malice of mortals.

What if my deduction is wrong, if the sages are really the accomplices of the "doctor", what if she cried in anger under the second blow?

So this explanation, at least in front of Nasida, must be the truth.

As for the things under the water, it's fine to handle it by yourself.

After communicating with Nasida about the "above the water" matter, Nasida also fell into distress.

Although he succeeded in making the other party unable to do anything, the other party also held all the Xumi people as hostages.

This meaningless confrontation made it impossible for both sides to take any action.

The other party is a vicious terrorist, and he can afford it, but he can't.

Thinking of the great danger of the people, Nashida was so frightened that she couldn't think, so she had to turn her eyes for help to her own "sun".

Jiang Yan did not disappoint her. When he was putting together this story just now, he was full of desire to complain.

"Doctor", did you pay the copyright fee for this job?

There is nothing new under the sun. Now that there are repeated stories, it is natural for the previous dream chaser to continue playing.

"Don't worry, Xiaocao, aren't they recruiting "subject consciousness"? "

"I have a relative who has been frozen for a long time. He was born to do this, and he will definitely be successful in the application!"


Today is the third change, and tomorrow will continue every day!

Since the post is blocked, if you have anything to say, welcome to join the group: 850920702 to discuss together.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 552 Chapter 533 Is there something wrong with bringing capital into the group?

If "Doctor" hadn't reproduced Ying's job back then, Jiang Yan would have almost forgotten about the stragglers who were frozen.

The original plan was to take his, well, now her body for the general to use.

But at that time, Kage was in the spiritual world of Kami Sakura, and in the heart of the battle with the general, he felt that he had neglected the dolls he had created a little too much, and had not fulfilled the responsibility of the creator at all, so he finally gave up this plan.

The poor stragglers who had nowhere to settle were frozen and sealed in the Narujin Shrine.

Of course, this is not what Ying wants, and to "calm down" him in this way is by no means a "responsibility of the creator".

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