However, if a human-shaped nuclear bomb is released without any opportunity, no matter whether it is real or shadow, it is not at ease.

He is not afraid of thieves stealing, but he is afraid of thieves thinking about it. Even if the current Ying can subdue this disobedient child soon, but before that, he can easily create a no-man's land, and Dao Wife cannot bear this kind of loss.

And detention is not feasible, let alone Yae Shenzi, it is difficult to guarantee that he can prevent him from escaping from prison.

God knows if his nine little friends will find a chance to come to Dao's wife to save someone when the news is out.

So things have reached a stalemate like this, and they cannot be killed, released, or closed.

Hearing the classic revival of "Doctor", Jiang Yan suddenly thought of a way to break the situation.

The best way to deal with a willful crying child is to give him a favorite toy to attract his attention.

Being abandoned because of lack of strength has long become the obsession of stragglers.

He who only wanted to "become a god", faced with the opportunity to really become a god, who would have time to take revenge?

Jiang Yan can guarantee that once the news that Xumi is looking for a god driver is told to him, he will come to Xumi even if he can row his big hat all the way.

As for revenge after becoming a god? The "Doctor" worked so hard to create a god, is it for you to go to the rice wife to give away the head?

Without Ying making a move, Zhi Dong had to stop him first.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan shook his shadow in the arena and shared this rare "good news" with her.

However, Ying shook his head after hearing Jiang Yan's narration.

"That kid was designed from the beginning to carry my sister's God's Heart. If he forcibly carries Barbatos's or Buyer's God's Heart, it will only lead to the destruction of consciousness and body."

Jiang Yan doesn't understand the technique of making dolls by gods. The location of the heart of gods is not the slot for batteries, and there is no universality at all.

It is different from the "general" whose design goal is god-level combat power from the beginning;

The design goal of skirmishers, besides verifying technology, is the biggest purpose of "container".

Since it is a container, it will naturally carry out a large number of targeted adaptations for the load.

What flows out of the heart of God is not only power, but also powerful authority.

Therefore, if the synchronization rate of stragglers to Narugami's God's Heart can reach 80%, the synchronization rate of other God's Hearts is not even as good as an ordinary person.

Just when Jiang Yan was about to find another way, Ying changed the subject:

"However, I can allow him to take the heart of God in his body to Dao's wife."

Under Wendy's lead, several gods handed over the God's Heart to the Ice Queen, which was an established matter.

However, it is impossible for any country to give the Heart of God to Zhidong, who is clearly rebellious.

It's not because of any loss or not, but if you do this, you will not be able to take off the hat of "accomplice" and "accomplice".

So everyone must at least have a clear reason.

For example, Wendy's God's Heart was "stolen", and Zhongli's God's Heart was "traded". If Ying wanted to do this, he would naturally have to go through such a layer of processing.

Yiying's arrogance, of course, would not choose to be "taken away";

However, the value of the Heart of God is by no means comparable to ordinary things in the world. Even if you want to sell it, you have to find a trading item whose value matches it. This is by no means an easy task.

The deal with the Queen of Winter has not progressed, mainly because of this.

However, after hearing Jiang Yan's report that Xumi's artificial god plan and the materials had been collected completely, Ying came up with an idea.

Using a God's Heart to fulfill a long-cherished wish of a puppet that he owes, and in exchange for the materials for making the general's body, it is barely worthy of the value of the God's Heart.

Alas, that child, I hope that after that, I can untangle my heart and live a free life.


Jiang Yan was also very tempted when the shadow general mentioned this idea.

Jiang Yan didn't feel much for Jiang Yan, a bad-tempered and mean-spirited brat.

But for the hard-working and cute general, no one doesn't like her, everyone seems to have an extra cute sister.

Every time you come to Yaesha, you always have to tease the cute dolls.

She didn't give up until she said "stupid question!" angrily.

What's worse is that this poor little guy is usually with two foxes, Huzhai Palace and Yae Shenzi, and her consciousness can't escape in the sacred cherry tree. God knows how many times she is teased every day.

As the creator, although he doesn't say anything, in fact, Ying cares more about the general than anyone else.

She was the most active one who proposed to "visit the Yae Kamito" if there was nothing to do.

As a result, every time I came to Narugami Taisha Shrine, I would go straight to the sacred cherry tree without saying a word, until the person I was visiting couldn't wait for me to come and ask for rua, and then I started interacting with the fox with a look of disgust.

In fact, the general also had a [-]-[-] relationship with Ying. Although he didn't say anything, as long as Ying came, he would always be in a standby state waiting for interaction.

At this time, no matter how molested by other people, it will not be the same as usual, except to help the real god of cherry spirits, Fox Zhai Palace, to dredge the earth's veins and cleanse the dirt, and hardly say a word.

This pair of awkward sisters is so interesting that Zhen and Yae Kamiko would rather lose their temper against the shadow, and never miss every time they watch the excitement.

If he could get enough materials from Xumi to take care of a worry for the film, Jiang Yan would of course be very happy.

A god-level doll cannot be made casually.

Inazuma's thousands of years of reserves are nothing more than a general, a straggler who is a test product, and doesn't even have a spare body.

Since Xumi has stock, Jiang Yan certainly won't miss it. If he misses this time, God knows how many years the general will have to wait?

Even the extra materials can help Qiqi build a strong body that can retain memories, and repay the affection for Ying's healing. This wave of blood is worth it!


Continue to explode today, guarantee three updates, and crit four updates!

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Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 553 Chapter 534 Is there something wrong with the heart-to-heart relationship between mother and daughter

Although it was a good thing, Jiang Yan was still worried that Ying would mess up the matter if he fiddled with it.

Although the skirmisher has no heart, it is fragile and sensitive.

In any case, she couldn't make her feel that Ying Zai had abandoned her again, planning to sell her and replace her with the general's raw materials.

If Ying came back with a cold face, Jiang Yan was very worried that the stragglers would collapse completely. After becoming a god, he would immediately find Ying to fight for his life, or simply blew himself up on the spot, bleeding her all over.

The arrogance of the gods is inherent, and Ying is the most exaggerated among them, just like an extremely strict father.

In the name of "for your own good", the God's Eye can be confiscated without any explanation or hint.

In the name of "for your own good", he picked up a naginata and started education at every turn.

Mortals are not gods, who will understand what you don't say?

After Jiang Yan shared this worry with Ying, the response he got was as expected:

"Huh?" She looked blank.

In her plan, whether the stragglers are willing or not is nothing more than the difference between going to Sumeru by themselves or transporting the ice coffin to Sumeru.

But if you still want to resist, then let her go.

revenge?If she doesn't know good from bad, then come on!

After being beaten on the head by Jiang Yan, Yingcai reluctantly accepted, and promised to make some "weak actions" to persuade the scattered soldiers to go to Xumi.

But Jiang Yan is still completely worried about her comfort level.

After all, even if we don't talk about Ying here, there won't be any good mood on the skirmisher side.

Whoever changed, was thrown into the ice coffin to "calm down" for more than a year, and couldn't calm down after coming out.

So she hurriedly shook Zhen and Shenzi respectively, and asked her to watch Dianying, so as not to blow up the power furnace of the skirmishers.


"Why are you here?" Ying looked at Zhen and Shenzi impatiently.

In her opinion, this is obviously a problem between herself and the disobedient puppet. Jiang Yan is really a mother-in-law.

Is there any reason why naginata can't make sense?

Even if there is, the dream can make sense with one heart.

In front of my sister and Miko, how happy is "education".

Of course, Zhen knew her sister better than Jiang Yan, and she felt that this matter was unreliable from the beginning to the end.

Although I really don't know this trial doll at all, I have heard Miko tell her story.

Let my impulsive younger sister, besides not listening to other people's persuasion, persuade a puppet with the same personality?

Three sentences at most.You can basically declare a collapse.

"Let me talk about it first." After thinking about it, it is better to let myself establish a tone first, so there is room for change.

After all, it is related to the general's body, so I really think it is more reliable to let myself say it.

Faced with her sister's veto on her educational ability, although Ying was unwilling, she also didn't want to go against her sister's wishes, so she angrily moved away from the place in front of the ice coffin and waited outside the secret room where the ice coffin was stored.

Under Yae Shenzi's technique, soon, the multiple seals were lifted, and the ice coffin was thawed.

The straggler fell to the ground weakly, and was gently lifted up by Zhen.

Slowly opening his eyes from deep sleep, he saw the figure in front of him who had dreamed countless times, and the straggler showed extremely complicated eyes.

But soon, facing the real gentleness, his body shook suddenly, he squeezed his tiger's jaw tightly, frowned, and raised his spirits.

"No... who are you? Where is 'she'? "

Zhen gently wiped the water from the icy melt on her face, and said softly:

"I'm Shadow's older sister, really."

Great disappointment enveloped the stragglers, almost overflowing from her face, and even squeezed away the malice and mockery of the world that had been hanging on her face all year round.

She forcibly moved her limp limbs after being frozen for a long time, struggling to push away Zhen's embrace.

"Take me to see her, no matter what you want to wake me up, I will only talk to her."

In an extremely weak state, it reveals a steel-like will.

I really sighed helplessly, it really was a puppet made by my sister, what Shenzi said was true, it was completely made of the same mold.

In desperation, he had no choice but to take the stragglers out of the secret room.

Just two steps away, the skirmisher fell to the ground weakly, facing the hand that really stretched out, but pushed it away with all his strength.

Zhen had no choice but to nod to motion for Shenzi to help her up, but the scattered soldier did not refuse, and was helped all the way to Ying under the Shenying tree.

"Why did you wake me up?"

In front of Ying, the straggler pushed away the support of Shenzi, his legs that had not moved for a long time kept shaking, but he still stood alone, and asked her:

"In Sumeru, there is an opportunity to become a god that you have never forgotten, and your companions are ready."

Shadow answered her voice, emotionless, as severe as a god in the eyes of the world.

"I asked, why did you wake me up!"

This is not the answer the straggler wants, he has been looking for this answer for too long.

She took two steps forward excitedly, even if she staggered, she walked to the distance where Ying's expression could be clearly seen, stopped, and said to her with an accusing expression:

"Don't you need me?"

Ying didn't intend to explain it a second time, saying "I want my doll to fulfill my long-cherished wish" is already the weakest level she can do.

The preferential treatment as a "creator" has ended, and the following is a conversation belonging to "Narakami":

"Are you going or not? If you don't go, leave Dao's wife and go where you want to go!"

The stragglers did not capture Ying's kindness at all. In her eyes, this "mother" who ruthlessly created her, ruthlessly abandoned her, and ruthlessly transformed her, now wants to ruthlessly exile her.

She said mockingly:

"Wake me up when you need me, freeze me when you don't need me, what a convenient tool."

Then he stared at Ying, with endless anger and a trace of expectation hidden in it, and said viciously:

"Tell me, what do you need me for? I don't want to owe you anything, anything!"

The stragglers at this moment are extremely conflicted.

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