She desperately wants to be needed, but even less wants to be used.

But rather than being used, she is more afraid of being useless, waking up just to take out a pile of garbage.

please, need me;

If it doesn't work, just use me.

However, Kage, who was not on the same channel as him at all, ignored Zhen's reproachful gaze, turned his head directly, and said to Yae Kamiko with his back:

"Wait for him to recover from his injuries and send him away."

The stragglers, who were completely desperate, shook off Yae Shenzi and stretched out his hand.

"Let go, I'll go by myself!"

Next, after carefully looking at his creator, as if he wanted to carve her face into the power furnace, he said in a tone full of anger and despair:

"You will get everything you want, but after that, there will be a break between us."

After finishing speaking, he staggered, walked step by step, and left Narujin Taisha.

Never looked back once, whether it was a shadow or a straggler.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 554 Chapter 535 Is there something wrong with the group thought

It wasn't until the figure of the skirmisher disappeared that Ying turned his head and faced Zhen's reproachful eyes.

However, Ying has no regrets, whether as a human or as a god, his doll is too weak.

It is very difficult for such a creature to survive in this world.

Since I owe her something, then I should make her stronger, without any worries, so that nothing outside can hurt her.

After all, for her, life has just begun.

As for the exchange and appeasement, these things can save the general, but they will make the stragglers lose their last chance to become stronger.

So, forget it.

For those materials, I believe Jiang Yan will always have other ways.

Why hurt this child again for the sake of time?

Facing Ying with an expression of "I'm not wrong", Zhen could only shake his head.

It's like this all the time, so what else can I do?We can only wait for Jiang Yan to fill in the hole.


At this moment, Xumi, Jiang Yan and Naxida are still fighting with the "doctor".

After being swayed by Naxida in an unprecedented way, even with the ability of "Doctor", he can only gather the sages first to prevent them from running out and causing greater chaos.

However, as sages, the parts below the neck of most of them have already become useless organs, and most of the experiments are performed by scholars who follow them.

And the scholars at this moment, as soon as they heard Jiang Yan's "broadcast", they rushed home to download knowledge.

No matter how great your skills are, you can't get them back like looking for a needle in a haystack and let them bleed one by one.

Just like that, the experiment of the "Doctor" was suspended instantly in an extremely ridiculous way, and even the supplies of living materials were directly cut off due to the complete disappearance of the docking person.

No one knows who it is, no one knows who to ask for, no one knows when to send it, and no one knows where to send it to.

This group of schoolboys who wished to leave eating, drinking, and sleeping to the scholars under them, after leaving the scholars who served them, they were nothing more than a bunch of rice bugs.

And the leader of the rice bugs, "Doctor", is also full of absurd feelings about the current situation.

Although I thought about being broken by the opponent, this way of breaking the game is really...very creative.

If it wasn't for the opposing positions, the "doctor" would definitely applaud. Let's get to know each other over a meal at the hotel.

The "Doctor" who was once exiled by the Holy Order thought about how to take revenge on this ancient organization countless times.

He already has the strength to kill people, and he has enough strength to kill one's heart.

But these methods can only solve one person, a group of people, but cannot solve the behemoth of the Holy Order.

Even if people are killed, as long as this system is in place, relying on knowledge instillation, there will be a large number of scholars in a few years.

After all, it is much easier to raise these 500-year-old waste than to raise pigs.

In the end, it was his enemy who took care of this behemoth with his own hands.

Now, even if one's own mission ends, the Order Academy will surely become history.

Really, gratifying.

Even in the face of the strange trick that got him into trouble, the "doctor" was still full of joy in his heart, and he didn't worry about his situation at all.

"Doctor" is the second seat of the Fools, and he, who established the Fools' evil eye system, is certainly not comparable to those rice bugs.

Soon, he used the power of dreams and illusions to activate the heart of God to brainwash a group of scholars in the Palace of Wisdom, allowing them to participate in the work and deliver supplies.

Anyway, up to now, the escaped scholars have already leaked the situation, so what if it turns from the dark to the clear?

As long as you hold all the high-level officials in this country, you don't have to worry about the country's indecisive gods not being wary.

This experiment on "blasphemy" will never be interrupted by any existence!


In fact, just as the doctor expected, when Naxida was reluctant to kill, Xu Mi, who lost the people who managed the country, was completely unable to organize resistance at the mortal level.

Because at this time, Sumeru has become a huge social testing ground.

After everyone celebrated the great sage Azar's birthday millions of times, they found that everyone's authority had reached the peak, and a short period of national carnival began.

Everyone is a scholar, everyone is an expert, everyone is a technician, everyone seems to be able to choose their own destiny, it feels great.

But soon, everyone discovered that knowledge is not only in the void, but also worthless in reality.

A decent high-level profession has brought countless freshly-baked experts and scholars.

However, what is the use of experts and scholars who have no knowledge and no experience?

Without a job, not even an apprenticeship, what's the point of being empty-handed about dragon-slaying skills?

Everyone soon discovered that the more advanced knowledge usually means the fewer jobs and greater competition.

The instilled instant product was doomed to defeat almost from the very beginning.

Just like a blacksmith, it seems that the knowledge of blacksmithing is valuable, but in fact the most valuable is him who can use this knowledge flexibly.

In fact, this is true even when knowledge has a claim to authority.

As for low-level knowledge, most people already have authority, so what's the point?

Few people are willing to download low-level knowledge.

Because low-level knowledge is not only the knowledge itself, but also a tool for studying higher-level knowledge. Once the low-level knowledge is so rigid that it is condensed into one body, what is the difference between this person's head and a piece of wood?

No one is willing to sacrifice their growth potential for a momentary speed.

All kinds of cruel facts quickly poured cold water on the carnival crowd.

After a whole day, everyone has gained a lot of knowledge, and those who change their destiny are almost rare.

In the disappointment, everyone felt a strong emotion: What's the point of monopolizing knowledge and managing knowledge?The Holy Order is lying to us!

At this time, the Holy Order has no leisure to deal with the trend of thought among the people.

At this moment, they are even facing ten times the impact of ordinary people.

As the Holy Order on the top floor, after a period of madness, the scholars discovered that it was not only the knowledge in the void that became waste paper, but also their own precious papers.

The collapse of the knowledge system means that knowledge is completely worthless, at least for a short period of time.

No one reviews the uploads, and the reviewers are busy digesting newly acquired knowledge.

No one responded after the review, and the scholars who responded were also busy digesting knowledge.

After the defense, no one approved the funding, and the entire Holy Order was shut down. Who can I ask for funding?

Therefore, most of the scholars had no choice but to walk out of the laboratory and return to their homes.

But miraculously, the lives of the scholars were not affected at all.

Ashamed to say, the Holy Order has not produced any life-changing results in 500 years.

The kingdom of wisdom, except for emptiness, is no different from the lives of people in other kingdoms.

Therefore, the achievements of your various wisdoms are almost meaningless outside the void.

It is Xumi's tax money that feeds the entire Holy Order.

So a few days later, a wave of reflection emerged from the bottom up throughout the Holy Order

——We who cannot create value, what have we contributed to Xumi?

What's even more frightening is that the sages who can convince the public are all with the "doctor", and no one can guide the dual trend of thought from the folk to the Holy Order.

By the time a few well-known scholars realized that the situation was wrong and started trying to gather the Academy, it was already out of control.

Holy Order?Parasites!

Countless voices resounded through Sumeru City at a fast speed, and even began to spread rapidly to other cities.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 555 Chapter 536 Is something wrong with the heart of the puppet

Just as the situation in Sumeru was in chaos, the stragglers who were struggling to leave Narujin Taisha also contacted Shenetsfna and Shenetsovich from the "House of Hearth".

Although the group of spies who received the summons were surprised by the reappearance of the long-lost executive officer, and the operation was successful, they could only be identified by strength characteristics.

But since the motherland didn't think of him, well, she defected, she was still a noble executive, and the will must be carried out.

What's more, with the shining God's Heart in front of them, even if it was a deadly trap, they had to step on it without hesitation.

I will definitely report this to my superiors, but that will be for later.

Under the cover of their wits and courage against the air, the stragglers quickly arrived at the Zhidong warship moored at sea in a small boat on an unknown beach, and headed straight for Sumeru.

The extremely stubborn stragglers finally acted according to the route planned by Ying.

Although the shadow and the stragglers can't chat on the same channel, they can produce a wonderful chemical reaction.

Although in terms of process, it can't be worse;

But in terms of results, it was the best result that skirmishers would give.

If needed, the stragglers would never accept the warmth of charity after being abandoned.

If she is used, the skirmisher will definitely take revenge on her "mother" who has never had any kindness towards her.

If it is abandoned, the straggler will definitely spend the rest of his life to retaliate for this second abandonment.

On the contrary, the arrogant and violent "discipline" after giving her the heart of God now satisfied a certain need in the heart of the straggler.

Now, she wants to prove her mistake to her unreasonable creator with all her heart, and she never intends to owe her any favors.

And the worried family members still don't know anything about this extreme awkwardness.

Even if you know it, you will probably only feel the magic of one thing dropping one thing.


The news of the return of the stragglers with Narugami's God's Heart was sent back to Zhidong through the equipment on the warship, which unexpectedly did not cause any waves.

No one believed that she had escaped from Zhidong by her own strength, and no one believed that Naruto would send this awkward five-hundred-year-old over-age middle-aged boy as some kind of undercover spy.

Every executive thinks that her own empress has reached an agreement with Narugami.

Even Queen Winter herself thought that Barbatos's mediation had probably achieved results, so she silently waited for the other party's bid.

So under the wonderful atmosphere of misunderstanding and no misunderstanding, the stragglers came to Sumeru City unimpeded, and at the same time shocked the jaws of "Doctor" and Jiang Yan.

"How did she get here? Is she reliable?" The doctor who was nervous about the experiment and the confrontation, the news naturally lagged behind.

Seeing the sixth seat who had been missing from Daozuma for a long time, he naturally felt confused.

However, Narugami's divine heart is not fake, and the result of contacting Zhidong is no problem.

"Doctor" naturally thought of the same direction, and Her Majesty got Narugami done.

Thinking of this, the "Doctor" was overjoyed. This long-stalled research has finally made progress.

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