When it comes to "subjective consciousness", how can it be more suitable than this natural "container" in front of you?

When it comes to understanding the experimenter, how can anyone be more familiar with the puppet he has personally modified in front of him?

To be honest, the original plan of the "Doctor" was to master the technology of man-made gods by turning "Scatterers" into gods.

But the "straggler" has strength but no brains.

After the car overturned in Longji Snow Mountain, Zai Daoqi committed a car accident again, and disappeared directly from the world, which is really a shame for the executive.

Although I have considered rescuing her, Daozuma's god is by no means invincible, and there is another monster;

In desperation, the "Doctor" had no choice but to make a new plan with the Fengshen Heart he had already obtained.

Although it is a bit late now, but at least it has returned to the original point, and on the basis of a large amount of pre-research, it can always catch up with the progress.

Thinking of this, the "doctor" greeted the stragglers with rare enthusiasm:

"Scaramucci, you're finally here, uh, you've changed a lot..."

Even the "doctor" who doesn't pay attention to appearance at all, can't help complaining about this kind of big change, the little boy turns into a beautiful girl.

"During your absence, the body of God and the sight of God have been completed."

"As long as you conquer the gnosis of God, we can create an artificial god that surpasses gods."

As a "doctor" city, when it finally made a decisive progress, it was rare to get excited.

However, the straggler was not moved by this enthusiasm at all, and said plainly:

"God's Gnosis? I will do it." Then the topic changed.

"Dottore, how many materials do you have for making god dolls?"

"According to your habit, there will be at least one copy of trial requirements, a backup?"

The "doctor" was very surprised. You must know that the puppet in front of him has never cared about any details of the research.

Even when I implanted a brand new "heart" for her, I never had any doubts.

"Why are you asking this?"

"Give all the back-up parts to Dao Wife." The straggler said flatly.

"I will succeed. I don't want to see any trials, and I don't want to see any backup." Speaking of this, his tone was full of resentment.

The tone of "Doctor" suddenly became unfriendly:

"Scaramucci, who gave you the right to dictate my experiments? The "heart" I gave you? "

As a rebellious researcher, the "Doctor" once unceremoniously demanded the right to conduct independent research even in the face of a "clown" with aloof status.

How could a mere research material be so arrogant?Looks like she needs to "adjust".

"You have no choice. You can create countless powerful dolls, but there will be no second one. There is such a big hole in the chest that can fill the heart of the supreme god full of divinity."

Even when talking about his own pain, the skirmisher still mocked the whole world.

There is only one god who can hurt her now from the beginning to the end.

"Reason, I need a reason." "Doctor" said impatiently.

After calming down, he also knew that this would not be a request for no reason.

Although he pursues the absolute dominance of research under any circumstances, accepting "objectivity" is also a quality that any researcher should have.

The loss of materials is never within his consideration, but this kind of behavior will seriously affect the risk and construction period.

But if this is the price of Naruto's heart, he can accept it.

Before surpassing the gods, he can have a minimum level of respect for these "objectives".

"Take it as a deal." The straggler didn't want to tell anyone about his thoughts.

If they understand it as trading and using it, it doesn't matter.

Sensitive and fragile, she is far above the general in terms of wisdom.

On the way to Xumi, she pieced together the outline of the matter.

When the general's consciousness was injected into her body before he fell asleep, the skirmisher knew what his "mother" was thinking.

There's nothing wrong with that, discarded dolls, eventually replacing perfect ones.

If one's absurd life ends in this way, it is not bad to use life to mock one's Creator.

But because of disgusting sympathy and guilt, his "mother" actually gave up this behavior.

Perhaps these disgusting feelings will prompt her to release herself.

But everything still needs an opportunity.

And this opportunity, the stragglers hardly need to think;

Because the same story 500 years ago is almost like a carving knife, engraved in my soul.

Due to his "sister", disgusting sympathy, guilt?This damn fate!

The straggler thought of what happened 500 years ago again, and was almost so sick that he wanted to vomit.

The straggler didn't want any of the damned feelings, and decided to return these things back exactly.

Dolls don't need these nasty feelings, just "needs"!

Long-cherished wish to become a god?who?She's always like this and doesn't understand anything!

Since the first need and the last need for oneself are the same, let's fulfill it.

Only in this way, by proving her wrong, can I be freed from all this.

At that time, how should I live?

She hadn't thought about it.

But at least it's better than it is now...


The fourth update is completed today, and the ten thousand updates will continue tomorrow. I hope you enjoy watching it!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 556 Chapter 537 Is there something wrong with the approaching storm?

Facing the firm request of the stragglers, the "doctor" agreed to his request.

Anyway, in the final analysis, what was spent was Xumi's reserves, not his.

With the enemy at hand, why bother with this heartless and brainless guy in this kind of place?

What's more, now his enemies are not just Jiang Yan and Naxida.

It would be strange if all the forces in Sumeru couldn't react when this happened.

The liquefaction of knowledge is a good thing, but no one likes this kind of unbridled madness and power vacuum.

Especially when the mysterious enemy in Sumeru City used the evil weapon of brainwashing recklessly, no one was not afraid of becoming the opponent's marionette.

In fact, this is also the case. After being attacked by Jiang Yan and Naxida, since it has turned from darkness to light, the "doctor" simply used the power flowing out of the heart of God to start the mode of forced extraction again.

Now the people in the entire Sumeru City, like the endless birthdays of the flower gods, have once again been shrouded in endless dreams, and no one can escape from the Sumeru City.

Different from the last secret experiment, this time because of the "Happy Birthday to Azar" event, everyone in Sumeru saw the boiling Sumeru City and returned to silence in an instant.

What's more, the scholars who participated in the experiment at the time, many of them had a guilty conscience and ran out of Sumeru City directly during the chaos, and now they have become important witnesses.

Brazenly kidnapping the entire Sumi City?

Such a crazy move completely shocked all the forces in Sumi.

Almost all of the Order Academy was trapped in Sumeru City, and only the clerk Al Heisen led the remaining scholars of the six colleges to gather at Huacheng Guo, the fixed research site of the Bio-Sect.

So here are the first areas to know the "truth" about things.

Faced with such insane behavior by the fools, the True Monarch who cut the moon and built the sun planned to fly directly to Sumeru City to kill the evil;

However, his identity as Immortal Liyue is very sensitive after all, if he acted without an invitation, once the people of Xumi were killed or injured during the battle, the reputation of the emperor would definitely be damaged.

Therefore, in the face of the flood of fleeing scholars, True Monarch Moon Cutter and Zhuyang had no choice but to arrange a large soul-suppressing magic circle with the cooperation of Tinari and other scholars, so that these frightened birds could get enough sense of security.

And the huge magic circle prompted the remnants of scholars from the six major schools to flock desperately to Huacheng Guo from various research bases such as Zenayuan, and Huacheng Guo was overcrowded immediately.

Fortunately, there are scholars of the animist school and the Miaolun school, and tree houses and wooden houses are always enough.

In such an emergency situation, instead, the six schools, who usually disliked each other, sat together closely by accident.


The second batch of people who reacted were the disciplinary officers.

Due to professional characteristics, most of the working hours of the disciplinary officers are on missions in various places, so when the "doctor" flipped the table, the disciplinary officers were the department with the most complete survivors.

After discovering the great changes in Sumeru City one after another, the discipline officials came to Kawan Station one after another, found the great discipline officer Sai Nuo, and asked their role models and idols for the next action arrangement.

However, in the face of this kind of ruthless work done by the great sage himself, Sano didn't know much more information than them.

In a hurry, I had no choice but to gather the personnel first, and at the same time send trustworthy juniors to various places to investigate and obtain further information.

It wasn't until the detailed information from Huacheng Guo that the discipline officials were surprised.

You must know that the establishment of the disciplinary officer system is precisely to prevent scholars from being destroyed because of their knowledge.

Therefore, the sages established six "root crimes" as the highest standard of law enforcement by the disciplinary officers.

The "six root sins" are as follows:

One, the matter of human evolution;

Second, talk about life and death in vain;

Third, explore things beyond the universe;

Fourth, investigate the origin of speech;

Fifth, fearing God and not performing devotion;

Sixth, speak slowly and mysteriously without fear.

Good guys, as managers, you haven't missed any of them, and you've violated them all?

To attempt to presume to be God is sin one;

Trying to live forever is sin two;

Coveting the high heavens is the third crime;

Pursuing the secrets of the creation of the world is a sin four;

To abuse the world and govern is the five crimes;

The wanton spread of taboos is the sixth crime.

The Holy Order was established 500 years ago, how did this group of things occupy a high position?

Almost all the discipline officials were filled with righteous indignation.

You must know that in the country of wisdom, the vast majority of people regard the pursuit of knowledge as the right way.

To become a disciplinary officer, whether it is wisdom, courage, or force is essential.

This kind of proud man is willing to give up his glamorous academic journey to take up this blood-stained job, almost all because of his sense of responsibility and sentiment.

Upon receiving this shocking news, almost every disciplinary officer felt that his persistence had been treated as a rag by the council, and even stomped on their faces frantically with his feet.

Immediately, someone suggested: this council can no longer be wanted, and simply let the exile kill them all, and then re-select a group of sages based on the style of study and teacher's morality.

This suggestion was approved by most of the angry disciplinary officers, but was rejected by Sano shaking his head:

"Everyone, the sacred authority of the disciplinary officers stems from the self-restraint contract at the beginning of the establishment of the Holy Order, not from the current group of corrupt and depraved people."

"Even if they need to be wiped out, it is the sacred duty of our discipline officers, and we must never do it to others."

If there is reason and evidence, the discipline officials nodded one after another. In this chaotic moment, the discipline officials should firmly guard their duties.

"So at present, our goal is to find opportunities to wipe out all the "root sin" people. "

"Until this biggest "trial" and "purge" is completed, the disciplinary officers will no longer be restrained by scholars. "

Just like that, the angry judges spontaneously joined the battle.

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