
And in an unknown corner, the people of the desert surged up like gravel in a sea of ​​sand.

The changes brought about by the liquefaction of knowledge are far greater than those of the people of the rainforest.

The arrogant sages will always refuse the knowledge download requests of the people of the desert. Their void terminals have pitifully small permissions.

The complete abolition of authority this time, in addition to the huge surprise, also liberated all the constraints of the people of the desert.

Work that cannot be performed due to limited knowledge?

Limited by knowledge, things that cannot be understood?

Once the ropes that had been tied to the people of the desert for a long time were all untied, the people of the desert who had been discriminated against for a long time released a huge amount of energy.

What's even more frightening is that, as the vested interests of the people of the desert under the order of the Holy Order, the "30-member regiment" led by the flag officer Lukesha was all trapped in Sumeru City.

Without the "mainstream" voice that tends to maintain order, the leaders of the desert peoples in the rainforest area have been completely replaced by mercenary groups everywhere.

They communicate and encourage each other in the tavern, in the camp, and in the Adventurer's Association.

As soon as chaos comes again, they will act accordingly and never miss this feast of status redistribution.

A storm sweeping the entire Xumi is about to strike!


Today's explosive update starts again, with three updates for guaranteed bottom and four updates for critical strike.

Once again, since the post was blocked, if you have anything to say, welcome to join the group: 850920702 to discuss together.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 557 Chapter 538 Is there something wrong with distributed attacks

When the storm was raging around Quanxumi, Huanalanna in the dream became the only piece of paradise.

Naxida was surrounded by a group of curious little heads, and worriedly reconfirmed to Jiang Yan:

"At this time, we don't do anything, isn't it good?"

Naxida and Jiang Yan, who worked hard to complete the "Liquification of Knowledge", became spectators in this turbulent situation.

"Don't be distracted, let's finish it quickly, it will be the greatest help to them." Jiang Yan knocked Naxida on the head angrily.

Jiang Yan and Naxida didn't come here to hide, but to seek help from the Lannaluos.

Facing this kind of confrontation with no progress, neither Jiang Yan nor Nasida lost patience.

If there is a battle for dreams, the doctor will definitely not be the opponent of Jiang Yan and Naxida with a single God's heart.

But the void that traps all the Xumi people is built on Nasida's heart of God, and the advantage of the home field is enough to smooth out these gaps.

Although the last time I used the outside trick like Shishan to break the dream, but this time I am going to fight a battle from darkness to light. Simply breaking a dream will not play a decisive role.

And the same move, used many times in front of smart people, is simply waiting to humiliate oneself.

Now that the "Doctor" has demonstrated the ability to write memories, Jiang Yan himself would not believe that there is no countermeasure against this surprise move.

More importantly, this kind of battle can only be meaningful if the winner is determined in an instant.

Otherwise, under repeated violence, regardless of whether they win or lose, the spirit of the people of Sumeru City will be like being crushed by a millstone, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, after discussing with Naxida, Jiang Yan decided to use huge computing power and the power of dreams to launch a full-force surprise attack at the moment when the stragglers "became gods", directly trapping the doctor in the dream.

Although I don't know how the stragglers "become gods", the power needed for the moment of "becoming a god" is enough for the "doctor" to have no time to care about him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to launch a crushing surprise attack is the only hope to save the people of Sumeru City.

To this end, Nasida intends to use the dream to link the Dream Tree and the King Jue Tree at the same time, use the assistance of hundreds of Lannaluos, and integrate Aru's huge computing power to accomplish all in one battle.

In an instant, he created an output far beyond his own God's Heart, directly regaining the control of God's Heart.

Of course, with this level of big moves, Naxida would definitely not be able to use them by herself.

As a reference, even with the assistance of a large number of temples and believers, King Dacishu almost brought himself down when he tried to eliminate a large amount of taboo knowledge.

If Nashida performed this level of moves alone, there might not even be a single seed left this time.

Therefore, in Jiang Yan's plan, Naxida is responsible for snatching the ownership of the Heart of God;

Her power only needs to be used to open her own dreamland, providing a channel for Juewangshu, Dreamtree, Lannaluo, and Jiang Yan's own dream attack on "Doctor".

Simply providing and maintaining channels requires much less power.

At least it won't consume Naxida, who is already small enough, directly into a baby. Isn't that a blood loss?


Faced with the visit of the gods, the Lannaluos gave great enthusiasm and immediately surrounded Naxida, expressing their admiration for her.

The rush of words and warm hugs directly turned Nasida into a small tree full of vegetables and exuding various ensemble melodies, unable to move at all.

It was not until a long time later that under the persuasion of the owner of this dreamland, Lanlaja, the Lannaluos on the "tree" jumped down one after another, and Naxida had the opportunity to introduce the purpose of her visit.

Facing Nashita's request, Lanlaja didn't even hesitate for a moment, and immediately mobilized all the Lannaras in Huana Lanna with ballads, and asked them to sing the ballads they summoned to every Lannaruo in Sumeru. dream.

Thanks to the just dozens of moonrises held on the Worry-free Festival, most of the Lannaluos have not gone far, nor have they fallen into a deep sleep.

Hearing the unique "dream melody" that has not been played in 500 years and represents the uniqueness of King Dacishu, all the Lannaro in Sumeru were boiling.

No matter where they are, no matter what they are doing, they used their fastest speed to pass through the nearest dream gate and return to Huana Lana.

Soon, in the gate of Huan Nalana's dream, different tunes representing the return of different Lannaluos sounded one after another without stopping.

And every time Lannaluo returned, there would be another pendant on Naxida's body with different mounting times, which made Jiang Yan deeply feel that the reputation of the Great Mercy Tree King in Lannaluo's mind was simply invincible.

Soon, nearly one hundred Lannaluos were almost all recalled to Huanalana, and they surrounded the gods they hadn't seen for 500 years, expressing their closeness.

Nasida was simply flattered. She had been confined since she was born, and she was so moved that she almost cried when she was treated like this.

This kind of little guy who never lied has almost all his emotions written on his face.

Mother, friend, god, creator, favorite person, those lovely faces are almost filled with these things that make Naxida happy.

In Lan Naluo's eyes, there is no difference between King Dacishu and Naxida today.

Lannaro will turn into a seed when he is seriously injured, and re-grow into a new Lannaro in a safe environment.

Although the body is different and the memory no longer exists, Lannaro still regards this new Lannaro as "self".

This is Lannarot's unique outlook on life.

So, even if Nashida thinks she is a new existence;

But in Lannaro's view, Nasida is nothing more than the King of the Great Mercy Tree who has grown up again after being turned into a seed, so he will naturally have the same intimacy and admiration for her 500 years ago.

Lannaro, who has even turned into a Saran tree and can no longer speak, expresses his feelings with the melody of "rustle" of the leaves being blown by the wind.

Need our help?Say it, we do it!

If it wasn't for Xumi and a bunch of people waiting for her to save, Naxida was already so happy that she planned to settle here.

But now it is not the time to enjoy a happy life, so Nashida has no choice but to give up agreeing to a group of Lannaluo who want to play with her;

With the cooperation of Lan Rama, the incarnation of the Jue Wang Tree, Lan Raja, the incarnation of the Dream Tree, and Jiang Yan, they lead the ensemble together with all Lan Na Luo, and use this method to connect each other's dreams.

Soon, in Nashida's dream, two powerful double trees of sala were born, as well as a huge dream hall that symbolized the power of Lannaro—the Temple of Maya.

Of course, this is just a mirror image, just like the projection made in Jiang Yan's spiritual world.

If you want to truly maintain a stable and strong link, no matter which side you are on, you must continue to practice and cooperate.

But it is a pity that most of Lannaro's dictionaries do not have the word "hard training" at all.

The logic of these little guys is very simple:

Although you are my favorite King of Thousand Trees.

Although I would do anything for you.

But if you don't let me play for a long time, I will die.

So, play with me first.

There was no other way, Nasida had no choice but to keep accompanying Lannaro, who said "If you don't play with me, I'm going to die", singing, playing hide-and-seek, running, counting, and cooking.

Nashida, who was concerned about the safety of the people of Sumeru City, was so anxious that she laughed out loud.

While worrying, while laughing;

After laughing happily, a strong sense of guilt brought out new worries.

Of course, Jiang Yan couldn't bear to see this cute little guy suffering so much, so he immediately persuaded her:

"Xiaocao, you are our trump card, just practice here with peace of mind. The safety of the people in Sumeru City rests on me."

"I'm going to Sumeru City now to talk to the Doctor. "

"He and I are old acquaintances, at least we can stabilize this guy before the stragglers become gods."

Naxida didn't believe how good Jiang Yan's relationship with this "old acquaintance" was.

In the Red King's Mausoleum, Naxida saw Jiang Yan confronting an old acquaintance.

If there is a chance, Nasida completely believes that both parties will attack each other without hesitation and turn the other party into an "old acquaintance" with thousands of degrees.

Seeing Naxida's worried gaze, Jiang Yan skillfully put his hands on her favorite spot on her little head, gently stroking back and forth to comfort the little guy.

After defeating Wendy, although his fighting power may not be very strong, he is almost invincible in terms of starting distance.

"Don't worry, don't say "doctor" now, even if the Queen of Winter comes, she won't be able to keep me, I will go back as soon as I go. "

After all, he turned into a gale and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 558 Chapter 539 Is the plastic teammate wrong?

The cooperation between the "Doctor" and the skirmishers was not smooth, and the "Doctor" left a lot of behind-the-scenes in the original transformation of the skirmishers.

Later, when Ying transformed him into a beautiful girl, he conveniently removed all these transformations that were eager for quick success, sinister, and life-squeezing.

And according to the general's standard, it was redesigned, which made the "doctor" scratch his head.

A doll is a very sophisticated technology, and a slight change is enough to cause a complete change.

Faced with all kinds of modifications without any notes, the doctor can only gradually explore.

But this kind of efficiency will naturally not satisfy the stragglers.

Although he can't understand the transformation of "Doctor", it doesn't prevent him from understanding it simply and crudely:

——This bastard is planting mines in his body.

The reason is simple. When the two first met, "Doctor" did the same thing.

Otherwise, how could the rebellious scattered soldiers completely obey the orders of the fools?

"Doctor" wants to have an artificial god for himself to control, this is no problem;

There is no free lunch in the world, and the stragglers fully understand;

If it were the skirmishers themselves, they would do the same.

But since waking up, he felt that the few backhands he could detect in his body had been dismantled by "she", and the skirmisher's mood was very complicated.

It is even more unpleasant to see the "doctor" who is currently focusing on doing bad things to the enemy.

He is wholeheartedly waiting to adapt to the brand-new "body of God" and "spirit of God";

As a result, this bastard colleague wasted such precious time and planted mines in his body?

We are currently in the center of the enemy camp!

Can we solve the immediate predicament first, and then consider the issue of internal strife?

The entire country is in turmoil, and the stragglers have also felt it along the way. If they play so exaggeratedly, even if they succeed in making gods, the end will not be very good.

The real enemy of the Fools has never been the other six countries.

For the sake of great ideals, it is true that some things can be taken with peace of mind from those who don't work hard, but it's another matter to make everyone the enemy.

The huge plan is being promoted simultaneously in all countries. If the bastard "Doctor" has made too much and is hostile to all countries, there will be a collective attack in the Winter Palace.

What's more, if it exceeds the limit of the mortal world, maybe some disliked mortal ruler will kill them both.

It is recorded in Daozuma's classics that the times of helping each other in power are not once or twice. Who would pin their lives on luck?

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