Although Dottore is stronger than himself, he is definitely not an opponent in the face of the top-ranked mortal ruler.

This kind of meaningless sacrifice probably wouldn't even buy half a day off from Zhidong.

Therefore, during this period of time, the stragglers were not at all angry with the "doctor", and kept urging him to carry out core project experiments as soon as possible, and stop doing some inexplicable things.

The "doctor" really has nothing to do with such a dark, uneducated bastard.

I have really been getting acquainted with the new body of the skirmisher, and making adaptive adjustments with the spiritual wisdom of the gods.

After "becoming a god", he even had to replace his body with a "god's body". What's the point of burying his hands in the old body?

The real backhand has already been carried out in the "body of the gods", and will they wait until they are buried now?

If the skirmisher is an insider, the "doctor" has a hundred ways to fool him.

But in the face of this attitude of "I don't understand technology, but I understand you", the "doctor" has nothing to do.

The two were like this, threatening and choking each other every day, cooperating closely.

That's right, even if they don't get along well, no one is willing to hold them back in the face of their respective long-cherished wishes. They can only continue to cooperate with this completely incompatible ally.

Soon, the transformation of the "body of the gods" from wind elemental power to thunder elemental power was completed;

The adaptation of the stragglers to the "body of the gods" was also announced to be initially completed.

His next work is somewhat similar to what Nasida is doing.

The "Doctor" will brainwash a large number of scholars in the "Linju crazy language period", link to the consciousness of the straggler through the void, become the slave of the straggler's intelligence, and provide him with auxiliary computing power.

After mounting enough auxiliary computing power, the "doctor" will infuse a large amount of god filling knowledge extracted from the world tree into the skirmishers, so that his intelligence can instantly rush to the level of gods, so that he can completely control " body of a god".

In this process, a large number of scholars will become believers of the stragglers, and the stragglers must also adapt to the way of thinking of the gods, and at the same time understand and respond to dozens, hundreds, and thousands of thoughts.

While the two were adding new "believer" connections, they were sarcasm at each other;

Jiang Yan swaggered into the Wisdom Palace, found a table in front of the bookshelf, picked up a book and sat down, and read it calmly.

"This bastard! I'll kill him!"

Ever since the spies of Hearth House learned a lot of information about him while he was sleeping, the stragglers were full of murderous intent towards this Liyue man.

Leaving aside the old grievances in Longji Snow Mountain and Bayun Island, just the fact that "she" has eyes for this bastard is completely unacceptable to the stragglers.

It is not incomprehensible to say that he is not worthy of being a god and was abandoned because of his strength.

But this mortal in front of him was an ordinary person a few years ago, why is he favored?

Do you see the attitude of people only relying on strength?

growth?I'm growing up fast too!Why didn't you hesitate when you abandoned me?

Facing this enemy who made "her" full of "double standards", the stragglers directly stopped the "believer" link, ready to draw their swords.

Seeing this "brainless" and "unhappy" attitude, the "doctor" got dizzy.

Is it not good to live?Are you better than Osiel?

As the second seat among fools, if you don't want to be an enemy if you don't have to, who gave you the courage?

The heart of God that can't be fully stimulated?Or is it the "body of a god" that hasn't fully adapted?

The high-end deathmatch in Tivat is actually very difficult to happen.

Because the destructive power of high-end battles is too great, as long as it is not an instant kill game, no matter whether you win or lose, all the things that everyone cherishes will not be left behind.

The "Doctor" doesn't think that he is incapable of fighting with the skirmishers.

But after fighting here, what is left of his god-making plan?

He is from Liyue, smashed Sumeru City, he patted his ass and left, the blame is ours, what shall we do next?

What's more, few masters of their level will be the loyal lackeys of the sky, and they are also in a foreign country. What is the reason for the death fight?

Last time I took a step back, this time it's his turn to take a step back, isn't it?

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumi: Chapter 559 Chapter 540 Is there something wrong with Sumi's foolish show?

"You continue to link with the "believer" here, and I will deal with him. "

After looking at the stragglers with stern eyes, the "doctor" unlocked the barrier of the secret room in the basement of the library, opened the door and left.

"It really is you. To be honest, your method of dealing with the Academy is very creative."

"Doctor" slowly walked out of the elevator, came to the opposite of Jiang Yan, and sat down.

Faced with the identity of this enemy hiding in the dark, the "doctor" was not surprised;

When the chaos happened, he had doubts about the "old acquaintance" he had seen in the Red King's Mausoleum.

When Dadalia was played with this kind of intelligence operation method, the "doctor" and his colleagues were very happy and impressed.

It's just that he didn't expect him to come back to Daoqi from Mond so quickly within a few days.

The speed of this long-distance travel is too outrageous.

Of course Zhidong was aware of the large-scale experiment that Mond was conducting.

Many "Solst Winter Merchants" participated in the blessing of the Seed of the West Wind, even the ambassadors of the Fools.

Everyone spoke highly of this method, and preparations for communication and quotations with the Zephyr Knights have already begun.

The "Doctor" doesn't care about the so-called blessings of the gods, he just wants to create gods.

Facing this powerful enemy, "Doctor" is very distressed.

If it's a conflict of interests, it's okay to say, everyone can sit down and talk.

But even after many contacts and conflicts, the Fools still haven't analyzed what the important person wants.

Perhaps it has something to do with his rapid growth in strength?

This kind of "unknown", but the obstacle that blocks one's own way, is really extremely annoying to the fools.

"Is there anything you want in this country?"

"Doctor" directly throws out the topic, facing his long-cherished wish, he can accept a certain degree of concession.

"It's nothing. If you say it hard, it's probably friendship. I don't think you will understand this thing."

Sure enough, upon hearing these words, the face of "Doctor" was full of disgust, which could hardly be concealed by his city.

A guy who is proficient in manipulating people's hearts, a monster in human skin, how can he pretend to be the joys, sorrows and joys of ordinary people?

"I thought we could be fellow travelers."

The "Doctor" said regretfully that although he did not want to have a conflict, but when he could not make concessions, the Fools were never afraid.

After finishing speaking, he was about to get up, but Jiang Yan stretched out his hand and pressed down far away, motioning to sit down.

"This time, we won't be fellow travelers, but we still have something to talk about."

"Go on"

"Doctor" tapped the table with his fingers, alleviating the passivity caused by his first impulse.

"It's rare to meet, let me give you a gift first, after all, you are probably the only one in your group who can understand."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yan threw the stack of papers in his arms over.

The stack of papers, which obviously had no binding, flew into the doctor's hand without any bending, without any change in the gap, and without any change in the trajectory.

Another power, the bloody bastard.

The doctor's heart was full of turmoil.

Regarding the speed of progress of this monster, Hearth House has already listed a thick file of bookcases.

But there is no reason that can explain how he can change from an ordinary person to a monster of the ability to fight the demon god within a few years.

practice?What nonsense are you talking about?

The power of the demon god?Demon God himself doesn't have this ability.

Forbidden power?If the taboo had such power, the order of Tivat would have collapsed long ago.

The information collected by all efforts, detailed enough to record every word, deed and every action, is completely inexplicable.

Arechino had regarded it as a disgrace to Hearth House a year ago, but until today, there was still no result.

"Doctor" knows the goods, wraps a stack of papers with wind elemental force and throws them over, what fools can do is not one thousand but eight hundred.

However, he didn't use any wind elemental force, and directly controlled the wind for his own use. This is the power of law at the level of a demon god, and no matter how strong the elemental force is, he can't learn it.

The rock element, the thunder element, and the wind element, how is this possible?

Faced with the problem that Arechino couldn't solve, the "doctor" simply gave up thinking, and carefully looked at the magic power of these few pieces of paper, which was worthy of being a "meeting gift" for himself.

"Seed of the West Wind...Elemental Power Quality Screening...The Adaptability of the God Power Seed...The Threshold of the Eye of God..."

The "doctor" just read the review, then decisively turned over the stack of papers, and buckled them upside down with his hands.

It's not because it's worthless, but because it's too valuable, and the "doctor" can't accept it.

This kind of systematic screening of suitable candidates for element Ligao is enough to bring earth-shaking changes to Zhidong.

Evil eye high adaptors will spring up like mushrooms after rain.

As for the cost of card printing and risk taking, it is simply not worth mentioning.

In terms of the value of Solstice alone, the value of this technology is already higher than the "artificial gods" in front of us.

But for the doctor, man-made gods have always been his obsession, and the evil eye is just a stepping stone for him to gain unlimited support from fools.

So even if this deal is extremely cost-effective, the "doctor" cannot agree.

"For researchers, the "research value" and "exchange value" of things are not necessarily equal. Your chip is very attractive, but unfortunately, I refuse. "

The "Doctor" was extremely firm in his will, and since he decided to reject the deal, he never took a second look at this pile of valuable materials.

However, what responded to him was Jiang Yan's words that were calm but as important as a thousand pieces of gold:

"It's not up to you to accept it or not. In addition to this information, this gift also includes two newly obtained God's Hearts in your hand, understand?"

"Doctor" looked bad when he heard this.

No one is comfortable when they discover that their grand plans are mere pawns on the chessboard of the gods.

Especially for him who is dedicated to surpassing the gods, this is simply a great humiliation.

However, Narugami's heart, the precious information that he got in his hands inexplicably, and Scaramucci, who was sent just right, would be an insult to his IQ if he said that he was not on the chessboard.

The ideal of the "doctor" is to surpass the gods, even his own queen, apart from reverence, is also the goal of transcendence.

However, knowing that all his most important experimental materials came from the charity of the gods, although he did not pursue "pure human power", he also felt that the sense of accomplishment had greatly shrunk.

Silently, after accepting this document, "Doctor" got up and planned to leave.

Now that the gods have a tacit understanding, many extreme methods have naturally become meaningless, and there is nothing to talk about between the two.

As a qualified pawn, he will perform his role perfectly until the curtain ends successfully.

Seeing that "Doctor" took it seriously, Jiang Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The transaction of the gods is true, the transaction of materials is true, and the transaction of the eye of God is also true.

However, the plan to create artificial gods is not part of the deal.

Jiang Yan successfully misled the "doctor" by using information manipulation.

"Doctor"'s only threat to Jiang Yan and Naxida is nothing more than his long-cherished wish, he can do any cruel actions outside the framework.

But what if he thought he was still on the board?

Naturally, it will follow the rules of "chess pieces".

The tacit understanding of the gods has no clear boundaries.

As long as he follows the rules on the chessboard, he will get the victory and result in the rules.

And victory will rationalize all abnormalities.

So, when the "doctor" thinks it's true, it's true.

This is the suppressive power of unequal information and the wonder of intelligence operations.

With three payables, Jiang Yan created a rule that did not exist and protected the mortals of Sumi.

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