
Just as Jiang Yan was about to turn around and leave, "Doctor" suddenly turned around and asked:

"Such a heavy gift, what is the transaction?"

The "doctor" whose sense of accomplishment has shrunk greatly, couldn't restrain his frustration even with his city, and asked questions that should not be asked as a "chess piece".

"It's just tuition fees. One day in the future, I will come to Solstice Winter to learn art from Her Majesty the Empress."

Jiang Yan said one of the gifts lightly, of course, it can be regarded as the truth in a certain sense.

"%@%^&* (to winter swearing)!"

Behind Jiang Yan, the sound of tables and bookshelves collapsing could be heard endlessly.


Today's four updates, the explosive update is over, these few days have been enjoyable enough!

In the new January, everyone is welcome to continue to support and vote more!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumi: Chapter 560 Chapter 541 Is there something wrong with cutting the void?

The frightened birds in Huacheng Guo naturally didn't know the bottom line that Jiang Yan set for "Doctor".

Scholars have rebelled and failed for ten years. It has been the third day, and they are still arguing endlessly on the topic of "should we completely disconnect the void".

"We must sever the connection with the void!" the sage of the Shenglun School said excitedly.

The Shenglun faction suffered the least loss in this catastrophe, because the Shenglun faction is the faction with the most scholars abroad. Whether it is the experimenters in the Channa Garden or the residents of Huacheng Guo, they have maintained a complete organization.

Moreover, the Life Theory School has always regarded the void as a useful tool, not a lifeline.

Because "results" are far greater than papers for the School of Biosciences;

Your writing is so colorful that it is better to actually cultivate the plants you mentioned.

Therefore, the Shenglun faction is the most "considerable" among the six major factions present here, and it is also the most radical in tone.

"I solemnly remind you that the emptiness of the classics of various universities has been carried out for more than 300 years. Books have long been regarded as recreational items. Once the emptiness is involved, the current knowledge system will almost collapse."

A scholar of the Ono School retorted excitedly.

Contrary to the school of biogenesis, the school of causality is the school that relies the most on emptiness.

Hundreds of years of research on history have already covered all directions that normal people can think of.

Today, if there is no plagiarism check in the void, the Yinlun School may not be able to publish a paper.

However, his excitement was ridiculed by other schools of thought.

"I don't think there is any need to keep the knowledge that the number of downloads is zero."

"For example, I have seen a paper titled "A Brief Analysis of the Aesthetic Orientation of Chiwang Civilized Buildings by Taking the Inclined Angles of the Four Sides of the Crimson Mausoleum as an Example". This kind of stupid academic garbage, in addition to occupying empty resources, also has What's the point?"

"Is there any impact on our academic research after we piece together the knowledge we use in our work and then rebuild a stripped-down version of the Void, or even a much smaller library?"

A Sulun School scholar sarcastically said.

As one of the most practical schools, he has always had a lot of opinions on the waste of research funds by these bastards who don't know the so-called.

In his opinion, all the rubbish created for the purpose of not conflicting directions should be sent to the discipline officer to correct his mind.

"Gentlemen, let me remind you that maybe our knowledge doesn't need emptiness, but the Holy Order does."

"Without a future of void, all I see is chaos."

A scholar of the Minglun School said calmly while stroking the astrologer in his hand.

"Fate" and "future" are the domains of the Minglun school, even if others speak lightly, there is no need to worry about other schools not paying attention.

The Minglun Sect, whose entire staff died in the house, was the school that suffered the most losses in this catastrophe. The top leaders were almost completely annihilated, so the remaining scholars attached great importance to preserving the knowledge in the void.

Moreover, the Minglun School is the school with the highest requirements for computing power and data. Losing the void is almost equivalent to cutting off an arm.

After all, not everyone has the ability of Meggistus to calculate fate purely in his mind.

"Oh? In the future you saw a few days ago, did the misfortune we suffered count?"

A scholar of the theory of knowledge said in a strange way, and scholars of other schools also nodded in agreement.

To be honest, everyone has suffered so much, it is fake to have no opinion on Minglun Sect.

Especially the Knowledge Theory, the loss of knowledge is the biggest among all the schools.

The difficulty of ancient characters and symbols lies in collecting, not learning.

Therefore, the knowledge theory school is the only one who downloads knowledge from the void and is not particularly worried about becoming mentally retarded.

So they are also the most dependent on the void in the process of education.

After all, a set of commonly used vocabulary before the Era can be assembled from countless ancient cultural relics.

How many museums do we need if we use real objects to teach?How many cultural relics will be damaged in the handling?

Thinking of this, this knowledge theory scholar became angry with the Minglun school.

You usually blow the mountains loudly, but no one foresees the crisis?

Can you only divination love luck?What do you want?

"There is no time to blame each other. This is the original structure diagram of the library we found from the dusty archives of the academy. When did we launch the raid?"

Miaolun School scholars, as always, are pragmatic.

But pragmatically, he is completely out of place here.

The topics discussed by everyone, apart from criticizing each other, are always:

"Do you want to keep the void?"

"Sumi City is controlled by the enemy, who should be held accountable?"

"How to quickly establish a temporary paper review mechanism and a scholar promotion mechanism?"

"How to restore research funding channels?"

"How to rebuild the temporary council?"

"How to distribute the number of representatives of each school in the interim council?"

"How to choose the representatives of each school?"

"If materials are quickly mobilized to Huacheng Guo for temporary research"

Apart from the details of the counteroffensive, all issues are open for casual and heated discussion.


On the second day after Secretary Al Heisen came to Huacheng Guo, he clearly realized two problems:

With this group of insects, we will never try to save Sumi.

And Void really can't be used anymore. Although this group of people is full of knowledge, their brains have been completely broken.

The reason why Sumeru has not had any creative inventions in the past 500 years has also been found. With this kind of brain, what is the point of having more knowledge?

If it were not urgent, he would have written a revolutionary paper:

"On the Damage Analysis of Downloaded Knowledge to Human Thinking System"

Therefore, in the rest of the time, Elheysen only did two things, observation and connection.

In two days, he sorted out the list of scholars whose brains have not been damaged by knowledge downloads, as well as the structure diagrams of Xumi City and Wisdom Palace library compiled by the Miaolun School;

With the like-minded Tinari, they came to Kawan Station together, seeking military support from the Dafeng Disciplinary Officer.

During this period of time, the discipline officials have made a lot of efforts to save the people of Sumeru City.

However, whether it is the enchantment of spiritual protection, the jewelry that protects the will, or the link that completely cuts off the void, they can only guarantee safe entry into Sumeru City.

But once you enter the Palace of Wisdom, you will soon become a captive of dreams.

After sacrificing several disciplinary officials who tried bravely, the helpless Sano was planning to act urgently and seek cooperation with some scholars with clearer minds. The three of them could say that they hit it off.

Only two days later, at the routine quarrel meeting, Al Heisen, surrounded by a large number of discipline officers including the discipline officer, broke the meeting procedure and initiated a proposal to nominate himself as a temporary sage and integrate all resistance forces .

After 15 minutes, the proposal was passed in its entirety.

The mortal's counterattack, although extremely slow, finally started.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 561 Chapter 542 Is there something wrong with network hijacking

In fact, Elheysen's behavior is not too much, he has always been a man of influence in the Holy Order.

As a gifted scholar of the Knowledge Theory School, he has been a child of someone else's family, a tourist of another family, a formal scholar of another family, and a clerk of another family since he entered school.

If he wanted to, the position of Dafeng Disciplinary Officer would have been owned by him a few years ago, not the young Senuo.

Therefore, among the scholars in the entire Huachengguo, Elhaysen is at the top of the list both in terms of status and prestige.

If it is said that scholars are asked to nominate a leader, there may be waves, but in the end, it is likely to be none other than him.

However, Elhaysen had exhausted all his patience these few days, and he didn't want to waste any more talk and time with this group of insects.

He will not consult any "everyone" before taking back Sumeru City.

His patience will only be open to those on the list.

Of course, breaking the rules so recklessly is not without cost.

"Rule breakers" have arguably the most unpopular reputation in academic circles.

By doing so, Elheysen would most likely make himself out of the council and the position of great sage for the rest of his life.

But Elhaysen didn't care about that.

Identity is only a tool to facilitate academic research, not the other way around.

Fortunately, there are some reliable guys around, so that he won't be alone.

So Elheysen's first order after "muting to the top" was:

All scholars who are living in the wild language of the forest must sever their connection with the void.

No matter how close it is to the complete period of silence, even if you have to pass through the customs tomorrow, you must turn it over to the void and stop any connection.

At the same time, even scholars in the period of complete silence are prohibited from linking to the World Tree during this period.

Violators will be judged by the disciplinary officers and even eliminated!

This order immediately caused an uproar. Obtaining knowledge from the World Tree is the most important way for scholars to download knowledge from the void knowledge base.

Because from the world tree, incomparably precious knowledge can often be obtained.

For scholars who have gone through the semester and started to study, this method is even more important than downloading knowledge from the empty knowledge base.

It can be said that this order of Alheisen completely cut off their research path, and it would be strange if they were not strongly opposed.

Facing the flood of objections, Elheysen was not accommodating at all.

Instead, they threw out the statistics compiled by the disciplinary officers who risked their lives.

——In just a few days, a large number of scholars in the "forest maniac period" connected with unknown gods and fell into madness.

Considering the "god-making" plan of the great sages, the reason is self-evident.

However, there are never fewer people who are lucky.

"The scope of the other party's brainwashing only radiates the entire Sumeru City."

"It is impossible for the other party to enslave all the scholars who are in the wild language period of the forest dweller."

All kinds of opinions are endless.

In the face of these opinions, Elhaisen's handling method was very straightforward. He directly dispatched discipline officers to violently confiscate all the void terminals of scholars in the wild language period of forest dwelling according to the list.

Scholars face the temptation to upgrade, and their so-called self-control is completely unbelievable.

Elhessen would rather not give them the chance to make mistakes.

Not only from Huacheng Guoguo, Zen Garden, but also qualified scholars who practice in the wild.

Soon, in the midst of overt and implicit objections, Elheysen proved him right.

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