The "God's Wisdom" that gradually began to be absorbed gave the skirmishers great perception.

After linking to the World Tree with the cooperation of the "believer", he can clearly perceive who is using his spiritual wisdom to connect to the World Tree.

The link with the "God" is equivalent to establishing a stable channel, and it is no longer limited by the scope of brainwashing.

So this group of scholars who were "captured" by the stragglers came out of Sumeru City one after another, and according to the will of the "gods", they found these scholars from the "Longyu Mad Language Period".

Then through the short-distance synchronous link, they shifted their link direction to the "god", and became new "believers" of the stragglers.

If it weren't for El Hessen's decisive action, the victim would have expanded many times.

However, the "doctor" who suffered a small loss quickly adjusted his strategy:

The difference between the "Silence and Consummation Period" and the "Silence and Consummation Period" is nothing more than that the sages in the Silence and Consummation Period can more accurately select the approximate area of ​​the World Tree link.

If you can't fall into the trap, then just brainwash them and let them take the initiative to step on it?

Anyway, there are as many "experimental materials" as you want in Sumeru City!

In this way, after being brainwashed by the "doctor", a scholar who was in the silent consummation period actively connected with the "god" and became a "believer".

If the quantity is not enough, then make up the quality, which is the same.

Even if he is restrained, the "doctor" will not become a good man and a believer.

A "big plan" consumes dozens of "experimental materials", what's the fuss about?

Until the noble sages turned into walking dead, wandering around Sumeru, and turned other scholars connected to the world tree into the same appearance;

The scholars of Huachengguo gave up all their illusions.

One's own identity, one's own position, one's own wealth, one's own knowledge, are nothing in front of that exile.

In order to complete his fantasy of "creating gods", all people in Sumeru are regarded as equal "experimental materials" by him.

So many days of "experimental materials" did not wake up scholars, but an "equality" woke them up;

This kind of arrogance made El Hessen, Sano, and Tinari firm in their belief that after everything was over, regardless of whether these sages lived or died, the Holy Order must be rebuilt as a whole.

And this kind of determination made Naxida and Jiang Yan, who saw it from the dream, nodded silently.

Compared with the man-made gods, although Naxida does not have a powerful body, she has elemental power as deep as the ocean;

But she was born a god, and she was born with the gnosis of gods that scattered soldiers dream of.

So Nashida, who seems weak, can easily connect to the dreams of any Sumeru.

There are no secrets in any mortal's heart, if she will.

After telling Nashida the good news that "Doctor" has been solved;

Naxida, who let go of her heart, began to practice the power to get through her dreams with peace of mind.

In the dream, whether it was the Shaluo Twin Trees, the Maya Temple, or the Dream Flower taught by her, Jiang Yan had already begun to see its power.

But when everything was going well, Jiang Yan gave her a new task.

Every move of mortals is of course under the observation of Naxida and Jiang Yan.

The scholar's greed, arrogance and cowardice, although Xiaocao is no stranger to it, almost made Jiang Yan's lungs explode.

If Xu Mi relied purely on Jiang Yan and Naxida to save him, even if a "New Order Academy" was born, wouldn't it still be a group of giant babies?

In the past, he was completely dependent on King Cishu, but now he is completely dependent on Naxida.

Without the gods, it was like losing the sun well, making Jiang Yan, a Liyue who had just passed the "adult ceremony" perfectly, feel sick to see it.

Lovely little grass, should not bear this group of precious things;

So Jiang Yan decided to refer to the emperor's thinking and give the Holy Order a strict trial.

They must face the gods, they can lose, they can be defeated, they can die, but they are not allowed to retreat.

Only in this way can the true spirit of mortals be tempered, not the mushrooms growing on Tan Zhu's body.

"Xiaocao, listen to me, my trial plan, the emperor will agree after hearing it!"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan Horse in Sumeru: Chapter 562 Chapter 543 Is something wrong in the decisive battle at Lidu Valley?

Facing Jiang Yan's proposal, Naxida was full of resistance.

In her opinion, it is only natural for the gods to protect mortals, and she has worked hard to grow every day since she became wise, just to meet this responsibility as soon as possible.

Naturally, Nasida had heard about the "trial" of the senior next door.

This coming-of-age ceremony that excited everyone in Tiwat, the council participated with great interest, and almost all the outstanding scholars from the Miaolun School and the Sulun School sent out.

In the end, it was really rewarding, and countless papers were produced explosively.

However, the best trials are usually the trials of other people's homes.

Where in Sumeru is there a mortal who can fight against a demon god?

Where are the massive and rare resources to build the sky fortress?

Where is the Qianyan army that unites as one and dares to face the demon god?

Thinking of this, Nasida shook her head again and again.

She has wandered through Xumiren's dreams countless times. Courage is not an excellent quality that can be seen everywhere.

Not to mention fighting against the demon god, just standing on the Qunyu Pavilion and opening the rock wall to face the demon god directly, there will not be a few people in the Academy who can persist in standing.

Until Jiang Yan took Monde, Liyue, Dao's wife's mortal appearance, and told Naxida the importance of mortal self-reliance;

Xiaocao, who dotes on mortals, reluctantly "bargained" with Jiang Yan and came up with a new plan:

First of all, the stragglers must be led out of Sumeru City.

Although the current opponent has a limit, it does not mean that he will stand still;

At least there needs to be a clear reason to keep it away from Sumeru City, so that the opponent can leave this extremely beneficial home field.

And at this critical moment, the only way to achieve this is to successfully interfere with their grand plan of "becoming a god".

Therefore, Jiang Yan planned to let all scholars, at the most critical moment of the straggler's "becoming a god" ceremony, risk being controlled and brainwashed together, and launch a massive distributed access attack.

For a period of time, Nasida's God Heart, which is the hub of the void, was completely paralyzed.

At this time, because the "Doctor" needs to lead the ceremony and is about to be attacked by Jiang Yan and Naxida, he must have no time to clone himself.

The stragglers who have lost the support of huge computing power, if they want the ceremony to be a complete success, they can only drive his "newborn god" to Huacheng Guo to clean out this group of obstacles.

And the final battle will take place in Lidu Valley, an inaccessible and convenient location for ambush.

In Jiang Yan’s plan, scholars will be divided into two parts:

Scholars worth cultivating, and brave people who volunteered to sign up, will set up the most powerful element matrix trap of the Sulun School in Lidu Valley, and the Miaolun School will crack the imitation Kanria floating machinery.

And remote control was carried out at the scene to assist Jiang Yan to face the new god.

There is no need to worry about safety issues. With Jiang Yan, an "old acquaintance", I believe that the hatred will be firmly established.

Scholars who successfully pass this "trial" will become the seeds of the new Holy Order and the new council.

And other scholars will concentrate all their wisdom and strength to transform the firepower system of the giant statues in the ruins of the Demon Mountain.

Compress half of Xumi's elemental power into an energy block, which is used to suppress the "new god" with self-destructive overload firepower at the most critical moment.

Of course, if there are any remaining scholars who are afraid of fighting in Jiangzhumo Mountain, they will not force it.

It's just that this person will have nothing to do with the Holy Order from now on.


Facing Jiang Yan with an expression of "It's all like this and then shrinks, it's not as good as my own solo" expression;

Although Nasida was worried about the safety of the scholars who participated in this Lidu Valley blockade, she also had enough confidence in her "sun", nodded with a tangled expression, and agreed to the "trial" plan.

Unlike in Liyue, where the gods let go completely;

With Naxida around, the communication of things is much easier.

Soon, Elhaisen, Sano, and Tenari had "inspirations" one after another.

Of course, in their "inspiration", the three of them will sacrifice their lives, cooperate with the matrix and machinery to block the new god, and then the final decision will be made by the giant statue of the ruins infused with half of the elemental power of Sumeru.

After the three people had a "hit it off" discussion, the plan was announced at the meeting, and received an unexpectedly positive response.

Scholars' fear, resistance, escape, and opposition are much smaller than they expected.

How should I put it, people are never as good as imagined, nor as bad as imagined.

The loss of the research environment has given all scholars a sense of humiliation as a lost dog.

After all, Huacheng Guo is not a research environment, the void does not dare to connect, and there is no experimental equipment;

Under the current situation of the enemy, he didn't even dare to go out for research.

In just a few days, a powerful withdrawal reaction that could not be studied enveloped all scholars.

For a long time, everyone has never discussed any effective details, because no one thinks that a group of academic staff can defeat a new "god".

But since someone came up with a practical plan and decided to take the lead in the charge, it's not a vain deception to death, which naturally has another effect.

Facing the opportunity that can change all this, it may be the only opportunity, many scholars do not mind betting their lives on it.

After all, being unable to conduct research is actually not much different from "dead" for pure scholars.

If it fails this time, the Holy Order will naturally cease to exist.

The "Yu Sheng" that cannot be studied for the rest of life is just a redundant life, so what is there to cherish?

Soon, the number of people who signed up to participate in the sniper battle at Lidu Valley even exceeded the requirements for arranging the matrix.

This kind of enthusiasm, on the contrary, did not make El Hesen and Sano happy at all.

There is a very famous paper by the Inheritance School, which is about the people who are the most tuneful and usually the most unreliable when facing difficulties.

This kind of passionate and desperate person will usually seamlessly transform into escape and conservative whenever he encounters a little setback.

Only those who persist after careful consideration can rely on trustworthy people.

But until the wind is headed, it is impossible to screen out this group of people who scream louder than anyone else. When the wind is strong, they will even be heroes.

But who dares to use this group of unstable bombs to resist the gods, especially when they are desperate, as a cover for firepower?

Even Sai Nuo, who is the most fearless of life and death, doesn't want to encounter such an unsightly death method that he is desperately trying to collapse and sell off behind him, so he personally serves as the interview examiner.

Only those who can survive a personal interrogation by him are eligible to participate in the frontal blocking battle.

After the number of applicants was screened out by 90.00%, this large-scale trial of Sumeru finally began.

Its name is: Sea of ​​Knowledge.

It means:

Defeat the God of "wisdom" with wisdom.

With the sea of ​​knowledge, bury the enemy of ignorance!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 563 Chapter 544 Is there something wrong with the pre-war preparations?

When the scholars put their heads into their work wholeheartedly, whether it was Jiang Yan, who despised them the most, or El Heisen, who was determined to vacate the cage and change the bird, they all had to admit:

If this group of people is just doing things, there are still merits.

Scholars who are obsessed with research and chasing academics and fame, although they have various problems, but this kind of enthusiasm like a bug's "phototaxis" is also an excellent quality.

Even if there are no papers, there is no incentive for research funding;

But whether it is a distributed access attack, or the element matrix, or the relic colossus, the speed of progress is very satisfactory.

This misfortune of Xu Mi, in a sense, can be regarded as the luck of related researchers.

After all, these can be regarded as "groundbreaking directions" that would never be encountered in normal times.

Distributed access attacks are actually the simplest thing. Scholars are doing distributed access attacks every day, but the processing power of the Heart of God, which is the hub of the void, far exceeds the daily needs of scholars.

How to make the void hub quickly reach the processing bottleneck?

Then you can only find it from the criminal law, ah no, the violation operation record.

After Jiang Yan's Shishan attack, the regulations for illegal operations became much thicker.

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