Scholars are naturally talented in violating the rules, and soon happily invented many more wicked methods.

It is rare to have a reason to use it in a reasonable and compliant manner. How can everyone not have a good time?

In the face of hundreds of attack methods used at the same time, even the most powerful manager would like to burn the heads of these bastards into roasted melons.

In any case, the short-term paralysis of the Heart of God is definitely nothing to worry about.


The element matrix is ​​the housekeeping skill of the Sulun School, which is equivalent to the original energy guide of the magic circle version.

This magical circle can guide a large amount of elemental power in the earth veins. Under the guidance of the original matrix disk held by the user, it can provide powerful assistance to teammates or launch a powerful surprise attack on the enemy.

Of course, the control distance of the original matrix disk cannot be too far, which is why Jiang Yan chose Lidu Valley with complex terrain as the battlefield for the decisive battle.

Only here, scholars can use secret techniques to hide as much as possible, so as not to be completely wiped out by a large-scale profound meaning.

However, as the "housekeeping" ability of the Sulun School, the element matrix is, in a sense, because it can only be regarded as a family.

The reason is simple, it is too rare.

Since the discovery of the original energy guide disk, until now, except for the equipment used for the element matrix, the total number of finished products produced has not exceeded the number of one hand.

This kind of prop that requires key parts found in a large number of ruins is not something that can be mass-produced at all.

For this battle, Su Lun sent a lot of money.

They have asked the disciplinary officials who have never been connected to the World Tree to go to the Sipandama Academy where the Sulun School is located, with the ornaments to protect their minds, secretly dismantle all the element matrices that have been arranged, and recover the key components.

If the teaching officer lifted the brainwashing and saw that the few equipments made out of the college's hundreds of years of inventory were violently dismantled by the disciplinary officer, he might cry to death at the gate of the college.

But even so, the matrix original disk is only a prop for single use.

It is not an easy task to transform it into a tactical weapon with elemental power provided by dozens of scholars.

Even if the attributes of the elemental forces are the same, if everyone injects elemental forces of different strengths into the original matrix disk at one go, it will only lead to scrapping one result.

Therefore, after brainstorming, everyone's methods somehow lead to the same goal.

Scholars of the Sulun School can derive their own elemental power to a certain extent through potions and instruments, and some strange potion bottles are just their masterpieces.

But this kind of chaotic and unstable power, of course, cannot be used as an energy supply.

Scholars will classify according to the attributes of elemental force, and then form several batches according to the strength of elemental force.

From weak to strong, with the assistance of the wave stabilizer co-produced by Miaolunpai, the wave of the elemental force can be input as smoothly as possible.

Only in this way can the element matrix smoothly output this part of the huge extra element force.

Recently, they have been doing this kind of adjustment work, but in front of outsiders, this kind of ceremony is a little scary.

A group of scholars surround a disc, chanting words (modulation rate);

Then they took out a talisman (wave stabilizer);

Rotate around the disc, reach out (inject elemental force);

Then the disc lights up;

Soon, another group of scholars came up and carried out the same process.

Even if they believed in the lunatic scholars who were stragglers, this group of people were no more like believers of evil gods, and even caused a lot of panic among the civilians in Huachengguo.

It took a long time to refute the rumors by the "big" forest patrol officer Tinari, who had a good reputation in Huacheng Guo, before he finally calmed down.

Of course, it is more likely that everyone is familiar with it.

In any case, the running-in is progressing smoothly.


Although the relic colossus is considered a strategic weapon even in Kanria.

But expecting him to be able to seriously injure half a god with one blow would be overthinking.

With this ability, Kanria will not be easily subjugated.

Therefore, the firepower system of the relic colossus must be strengthened and transformed in all directions.

Fortunately, the "light of the world" of Qunyu Pavilion has greatly inspired scholars, and the pre-research is still sufficient.

And since there are three relic colossi in Sumeru, there are enough spare parts.

So soon, various parts were disassembled and transported, and merged into the ruins giant statue located in Jiangzhumo Mountain.

However, as one of Kanria's highest technological achievements in those years, even with Jiang Yan's old acquaintance, how could it be so easy to modify the design drawings obtained by Miaolun School scholar Ghazali?

Just changing the relic colossus from the main mode powered by the chaotic core to the backup mode powered by energy blocks has made the scholars of the Miaolun school rack their brains.

Heart of Chaos is good, but the old problem of insufficient maximum output makes it completely useless in the occasion of killing gods.

Therefore, what the Miaolun School scholars have to do is to use countless energy blocks to directly supply energy to the firepower system, and after shooting an overload blow, change another "eyeball" and do it again until the enemy is completely down.

There are only two chances to fire. After the second time, the entire relic colossus will be completely scrapped according to calculations.

Not only that, after two times, all the reserves from the Port of Ormos, which is currently the only source of income and materials for Xumi, will be completely exhausted.

One shot is worth a quarter of Sumi's annual budget, yes, this is abyss.

If it doesn't succeed, probably all the leaders will be shot out by the council through their big eyes.

What?If it fails, there will be no council?That's fine.

For this reason, the "eyeball" in the relic colossus originating from Dachi Shahai has already been transported secretly, and it is only waiting to change the eyes for the performance of the "new god" to restore the power of the pupils.

Therefore, the most difficult part of the whole work is only the compression of energy blocks.

As a result, almost all the scholars of the Miaolun School were dispatched to stir, fill, and transform the energy spar into energy blocks in the ruins colossus every day according to a fixed ratio and structure.

This kind of life of "beating ashes" every day is so exhausting that they can't lift their heads at all.

"Is this the fate of the Miaolun School?"

Exhausted, they could only complain feebly, but there was nothing they could do.

Who made this kind of delicate work, only they can do it?

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 564 Chapter 545 Is there something wrong with manipulating fate?

Just as everyone was full of enthusiasm and preparing for the Lidu Valley battle plan, most people ignored a very critical question:

The "Doctor" and the stragglers were not locked in the seal and were beaten up as soon as they were released, but the Palace of Wisdom invited by the council.

The ways and means to understand intelligence are not much less than those of Huachengguo.

The reason for this obvious omission is also very simple. Almost all scholars agree that the sages of the council made such stupid decisions after being brainwashed by the "doctor".

How could the characters who represent the symbols of the wisdom of each academy be so stupid as to hand over Sumi's lifeline to fools with ulterior motives?

Even if man creates a real god, how can he guarantee that the dominant consciousness from the fools will solve the dead zone problem that has plagued Xumi for thousands of years as promised?

The kindness and credit of the exile?It's ridiculous.

Even the rough mercenaries of the Gilded Brigade would not believe such empty promises.

In this regard, even El Hessen, Tinari and Sano, who have some opinions about the Holy Order under the leadership of the great sage Azar, will not doubt his wisdom and ability.

However, perhaps the great sage Azar has been in charge of the Holy Order for so many years that everyone has forgotten that he has another identity:

——The strongest astrologer of the Minglun School in the past 500 years.


Wisdom can bring the knowledge to understand difficulties, the reason to analyze difficulties, and the means to solve difficulties.

But the only thing that can't be brought is the courage to face difficulties.

The great sage Azar is just such a powerful but imperfect wise man.

As the strongest prophet in the history of the Minglun Sect, his level of divination for the future is far above that of Mona.

Even if the same divination is related to his own affairs, there will be great errors, he can still indirectly understand the future direction of the colossus of the Holy Order through countless threads of fate.

The origin of all this began decades ago.

When Azar was only a "Minglun Genius Scholar", a divination guided by curiosity or fate pointed to an extremely terrible result:

Decades later, the Holy Order will be completely destroyed by the war with Solstice Winter.

Even with Azar's self-confidence, facing this terrible divination result, he still carried out countless methods and countless different divinations.

But the spindle of fate, no matter from any angle, will always stubbornly pull its thread to this frightening position.

Although "The Mandate of Heaven" is the theoretical foundation of the Minglun School;

However, in the long-term future, generally speaking, it is still possible to make gradual changes, so that the world can go to another branch on the course of the tree of fate.

For this goal, the young Azar did something that most Minglun scholars would not even bother to do—chasing power.

In the eyes of Minglun scholars who praise the starry sky and interpret destiny as the highest pursuit, power?Ridiculous stuff.

Compared with the vast majority of creatures in the world, they only have the powerlessness of drifting in the tree of fate;

There is only one kind of supreme power in the world, which is the real power—the power to change destiny.

However, they don't understand, if you can't fiddle with a small flying star, how can you change the entire starry sky?

Soon, in front of Azar, who knows the future, the road to power is as simple as an astrologer that can be touched by the table.

The genius scholar Azar, who soon became the Instructor Azar;

Then became Azar the Sage;

Finally became the great sage Azar.

The speed of the whole process, looking at the 500 years of the entire Holy Order, is not second-guessing.

This is of course not free.

Azar, who used to write books for a lifetime, started to slow down gradually after he embarked on this road of power, and almost disappeared after he became a great sage.

Although respected by others, within the Minglun Sect, his deeds have almost become a standard counterexample of word of mouth passed down from master to disciple.

However, Hazard is by no means exhausted, and the pursuit of power will not take him much time.

Instead, he spends most of his time on one thing—divinating the fate of Sumeru City, the Holy Order, and even the entire Sumeru.

However, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how many times he divination.

This terrible result seems to be like the main vein on the tree of fate;

No matter how many branches there are on the tree of destiny, they all miraculously gather together at the appointed time.

If you are a brave person, what you have to do at this time is probably to challenge the impossible from fate.

But Hazard did not have the courage.

He can give, he can sacrifice, but if asked to do the almost impossible, he cannot.

Since the destiny is predetermined, then from the established results, it is to find the one with the least loss.

Since in destiny, I can't become a hero, use my strength and wisdom to resolve the crisis and win my own glory.

Then it's not bad to become a clown who is obsessed with interests, easily deceived by the enemy, and let the enemy get what he wants without bloodshed.

As for his own future, a prison cell where he could see the starry sky from outside the bars wasn't bad at all.

After all, the most basic research environment of the Minglun School only needs a starry sky.

Hazard has almost succeeded. He blocked his glory as the protagonist of tragedy, but he also blocked the large-scale raid originally planned by the fools.

The successful implementation of the "Doctor" plan has changed the location of the originally planned experiment from Zhidong to Sumeru.

And Sumeru City, which provided important computing power resources in the plan, naturally did not become a battlefield.

However, he, who used wisdom to breed folly, was completely mocked by fate, and the divination results that had not changed for decades, but at this time, two strong main lines were separated:

The raids of the "protagonists" were so successful that the newly born gods could only hold on to Sumeru City in an incomplete state, and summoned a large number of fools and executive officers to support them.

And, under the report of the "interested" clown, he will use his tricks and start a big battle in Lidu Valley.

And these two "main veins" branched out into countless branches, either good or bad, life or death.

Maybe the difference in one's own words will produce completely different results.

And no matter which side, there are strong enough to make the fate shift slightly.

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