Hazard, who has unintentionally become the pivot of fate, still does not have the courage to make a decision.

So, lacking in courage, he decided to give everything to wisdom;

Using his proud astrology, he exhaustively calculated the outcome of everything.

Although, this calculation must make use of the void already in the hands of the "doctor".

Although, once things fail, he will inevitably become the first sacrifice for the birth of a god.

Although, even if he succeeds, he will probably change from "judgment" to "purging".

But Hazard still didn't hesitate.

After all, this is not courage, but the "wisdom" that I am best at.

At least Hazard thinks so.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 565 Chapter 546 Is there something wrong with adding blood to the monster?

Hazard's "wisdom" has not suffered much setbacks.

Neither the calculation of fate nor the precise guidance of the boundaries caused the other party to have any doubts.

The plastic collaboration between the two, to use the word "skeptical", is even slightly naive.

There is no need to think about what the other party says, and every sentence can be assumed to have ulterior motives by default.

The reason why the "Doctor" didn't brainwash Azar immediately was because he held the highest authority in the void except Nasida;

And he, who has been guarding the heart of God all the year round, after so many years of research, can naturally build a small ornament with the power to isolate it by stacking materials, so that the power of dreams cannot easily hypnotize himself.

And it is this authority that gives Hazard the confidence to bargain.

Although he can't destroy the Heart of God in the slightest, he has the authority to uninstall the Void and stop the Void completely for maintenance.

Either way, for the "doctor" who relies on the void to provide "God's gnosis", it is a reason why he cannot turn his face for the time being.

But other sages don't have such good luck.

When necessary, at any time, the "doctor" will use the power of dreams to mislead the consciousness of linking stragglers, becoming walking dead, and even a source of infection for "believers".

Azar qualified to play a clown who is obsessed with interests. He only needs to ensure that the artificial god can be used by him. Besides, he doesn't even care about what happened to his followers.

This also made the "doctor" heave a sigh of relief, but at the same time it was very regrettable.

In fact, the council has never been monolithic. Even if this great sage is very sensible, the "doctor" will not think that the entire experiment will have the current execution power.

The original plan of "Doctor" was not so gentle.

The "doctor" has never concealed his attitude towards the Holy Order who exiled him and regarded him as a "heretic" and a "lunatic".

If he can take down this corrupt organization by the way when he completes the task, he will definitely give himself a day off to celebrate.

But in the face of such a situation where he only needs to deal with one person, and the rest can be whatever he wants, he is very disappointed.

There is no excuse for the feeling of being ruthless, what is the use of this test tube?

As for the scholars who were eager to beat the gongs and drums in Lidu Valley, the "doctor" didn't care at all, and even wanted to cheer on the spot.

Artificial gods, even in the solstice of winter, are quite sensitive things.

Even if the "Doctor" and the stragglers provide endorsements, it is impossible for the "Harlequin" to let such a big bomb enter the country directly before going through a complete test.

In case the straggler, a mentally unstable guy, broke his defense with those words and blew himself up into a big pile of demon god's grievances, the sales of champagne in the other six countries would not be out of stock.

Therefore, even if the scholars do not resist, the "doctor" intends to find an enemy with enough weight to conduct a test in Sumeru.

Whether it's Liyue's monsters or angry scholars, they are all acceptable to the "Doctor", even if they come together.

After all, all he needs is the technology of "artificial gods";

And stragglers are only interested in the result of "becoming a god", not their status.

The god created by absorbing the fragments of the "God's Wisdom" of the long-fallen Red King is destined to be an experimental product, and stability is naturally out of the question.

As for whether this "artificial god" can be brought back to the winter after its birth, it is actually not particularly important.

After all, Zhidong needs the heart of the gods in order to seize the authority of the gods, and it cannot be used for man-made gods all the time.

It was barely made, and sooner or later the battery would be dismantled, so what is there to do with this kind of character?

Zhidong actually thinks the same way:

A mere man-made god is not enough to break the balance between heaven and earth;

If you are too ostentatious, you will startle the snake.

What is really valuable is actually the props of this experiment - the heart of God.

A small Sumeru, at most, even concentrated three hearts of gods, how could Zhidong only send two executives?

In fact, when the stragglers recovered and reported the situation on board, the "captain" rushed to Sumeru from the northern border and took away the God Heart of Barbatos, which was originally a substitute;

Accompanying him are the "servant" Arechino who also came for secret support, and all the mobile elites in the entire "House of Hearth".

She will serve as the observer who witnesses the experiment, and the escort of the two God Hearts.

Once things change, the "Captain" after sending back the Heart of God can also launch support from Nata at any time.

In the face of a possible surprise attack by Liyue's monsters, this level of preparation is not excessive.

With the "House of the Hearth" almost in full swing, where is the need for this great sage to reveal anything?

The daily progress reports of the scholars have long been handed over to the "doctor" by Schneidsfna and Schneiderswitch who were disguised as craftsmen or simply scholars.

"Doctor" is even difficult to fully test the limits of "artificial gods" because the scholars' indicators are too low. "Doctor" deliberately asked Schneiderswich, who pretended to be scholars, to submit several technical improvement plans.

Zhidong may not be able to do anything else, but his mastery of Canria's technology is absolutely unmatched among the Seven Kingdoms.

After all, other countries are restoring and cracking, while Zhidong is the executive leader who brings funds into the group, and the technical system and integrity are not at the same level at all.

Especially the energy block system that is troubling Xumi scholars, probably only the Solstice Winter and the Abyss Cult have information in this regard in the whole Tivat.

When Kanria was known to the Seven Kingdoms on the surface of the earth, the power source of equipment in the entire country had already changed from an energy block system to a convenient and perpetually moving chaotic core system.

When the catastrophe came, except for the soldiers, even the Carrians themselves, few people could understand the system of energy blocks that were only used for backup energy at that time.

Therefore, it is only natural that the scholars of the Miaolun School have gained nothing from the pile of old papers.

If the "Doctor" hadn't collected urgent information from Zhidong, he might have created all the gods on his side, and the colossus of the ruins would only blink.

In this way, in the mutual help of the crazy you with me and me with you, the situation of Sumi became a mess.

The stragglers were at ease as silkworms, waiting for the two waves of praying mantises, the scholars and Jiang Yan, to attack.

The scholars thought they were praying mantises, but everyone knew that they were going to launch a sneak attack, but everyone cheered for them, lest they would not succeed in the sneak attack.

Jiang Yan played the praying mantis with peace of mind, and didn't mind if there was a oriole in the way.

The "servant" and the "captain" who was not present will only become orioles when the heart of God is threatened. Of course, they will not just watch their colleagues die.

The "Doctor" thinks he is a hunter and everything is under control.

But unexpectedly, Voldemort Nasida, who was harmless to humans and animals, was leading nearly a hundred of her friends, and was about to stare at him and fight.

As for the great sage who has exhausted everything, without strength or courage, he only did one thing, changing the direction of the wind.

You can say that he did nothing, or that he changed his fate, but the magical fate never gives people a definite answer.

Is it futility, heroism, wit, or self-satisfaction?Maybe it will never be known.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 566 Chapter 547 Is there something wrong with the backward version

Just as the situation in Huacheng Guo is very good, everyone is working together to teach Zhidong people a lesson.

El Heisen, Sano, and Tinari were sitting in the small meeting room, their expressions no longer full of confidence in front of outsiders.

The reason is very simple. Although Jiang Yan and Naxida's plan to "trigger inspiration" went smoothly, it was actually a superficial plan.

It's not that Nashida's manipulation of consciousness was discovered, but several of Sumi's strongest scholars and warriors came to a conclusion after secret discussions:

This kind of thing looks beautiful, but in fact, it is impossible to succeed.

Consciousness operation has this inevitable shortcoming.

You can let the other party "inspiration trigger" for a while, but when the other party's rationality regains the high ground afterwards, they will reconsider, and it is easy to overturn the previous answer.

Because Naxida and Jiang Yan, who were hidden in the dark, possessed far more information than El Hesen and the others;

Therefore, in the eyes of the two of them, the feasible plan is full of uncertainty in the eyes of the rigorous trio.

First of all, all the scholars in Xumi gathered in Huacheng Guo, and all the people in Sumeru knew what the scholars were doing, so how could they expect to sneak attack on that "exile"?

Even if the opponent's intelligence is blocked, and the ubiquitous camps of fools are not vegetarian, how can there be such a reason for plotting so loudly?

The exile was exiled because he was too smart and had no boundaries, not because he was too stupid.

Allotment to Aru Village is not a punishment that stupid violators are eligible for.

Heretics with different "Tao" are eligible to be exiled;

As for the guys who simply lowered the standard of the Holy Order, the Holy Order would usually directly expel their students and would not recognize them as scholars.

After losing their status as scholars, it is another matter whether they end up in prison or clean and tidy.

The attitude of the Holy Order has remained the same for a hundred years: Greed can be tolerated, but stupidity cannot.

Since the identity of the "Doctor" surfaced, Sano has already collected all the information about him from the historical records of the disciplinary officers.

After the exile was sent to Aru Village back then, he was able to obtain all the "experiment" resources close to the water, and it was inevitable that a certain senior member of the council participated in it.

An obvious answer lies ahead: "Doctor" must have supporters and internal supporters in high positions in the council, and there is no way to talk about confidentiality.

This is also the reason why the three of them have been holding small meetings. Even if they have concerns about each other, at least based on their understanding of each other, they can't be colluding with fools anyway.


In addition, the three of them are not optimistic about whether the firepower limit of this relic colossus is enough.

As the leader of this grand plan, Elheisen personally participated in the Battle of Oser, so he naturally knows the difference between the colossus of the relic in hand and the light of the world.

Liyue's light of the world, although almost no use of Canria's forbidden technology, but all countries have pulled out their own almost bottom-of-the-box technology;

It is true that the mechanical technology of the ancient country Kanria is unique in the world, but in the final analysis, the version has been improved for 500 years, and it may not be the same as it was in the world back then.

Because in the links of energy extraction, compression, conduction, restraint, and launch, any short board in any environment will limit the upper limit of the final output.

Kanria is its longest item in terms of energy extraction. Whether it is perpetual energy or energy block system, it is far superior to the Seven Kingdoms of Tivat, even Fontaine's crystal vibration technology cannot be compared.

As for energy conduction and compression, Purcina's light nail charging technology is originally derived from Kanria's technology, which is almost well-known in Xumi.

Purcina, as a scholar of biological theory, if she said that she developed it by herself, it would be an insult to everyone's IQ.

However, the Academy of Holy Orders has made little progress in its research and optimization for hundreds of years. Compared with the original version, it is just more suitable for the surface environment.

Therefore, the energy compression part can basically be regarded as benchmarking.

In terms of energy conduction, Kanria is the birthplace of taboo alchemy. Even if there is no such excellent natural material as jade steel, miracles can still be cast by relying on the violent stacking of taboo alchemy.

After careful inspection by scholars of the Miaolun School, thanks to the unity of the format and pulsation of the energy block, the internal energy conduction is still extremely smooth even after 500 years;

In terms of value, it is not inferior to the energy transmission system of the light of the world formed by excellent materials, excellent craftsmen, and talented alchemists.

After all, the energy source of the light of the world is quite heterogeneous, and it must be compatible to a certain extent without being purified by the energy block system.

However, the good news ends there.

It has not been maintained for 500 years, completely destroying the element force insulation of the energy circuit of the relic colossus.

As for the inert element force metal technology used by Kanria, Sumeru does not have a technology that can hold its own, and can only be replaced by similar products that are much less effective.

Therefore, even after a complete screening, the zeroth rated power output by detonating the chaos core is still not dared to use.

Once used, the entire relic colossus will inevitably turn into a leaking kettle, explode directly, and fly into the sky with the entire Mountain of Falling Demons.

According to the preliminary calculations of the scholars of the Miaolun School, even if the first rated power of the full load is reached, it must be prepared to be destroyed in one shot.

In contrast, the Liyue people directly used the talisman and sealing technology to seal the demon god in the element force transmission pipes, condensation pipes, and base buffer and hydraulic parts of the light of the world.

It is precisely because of these god-derived technologies that it supports the last self-destructive shot of the light of the world.

Although during the cooperation period, these data are public.

But obviously, the upper limit of this protection far exceeds the limit under normal conditions.

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