For this reason, led by Tinari, the trio specially consulted with him many times on the cracking of the magic scale disease.

The True Monarch of Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun doesn't have a good impression of Zhi Dong's group of reckless guys. How can there be someone so bad that he can wash the brains of a city person?

If it wasn't for the inconvenience of being in a foreign country, True Monarch Moon Cutting and Building Sun would have flown over to deliver deer antlers, ah no, punishing rape and eradicating evil.

Therefore, for Tinari, the True Monarch Moon Cutting and Building Sun naturally cooperated with all his strength, and even took the initiative to make a lot of talismans to cooperate with them to strengthen the protection of the relic colossi.

If it wasn't for the large seal, it wouldn't be done overnight, in January or two, and he was even willing to help Sumeru set up a set.

But right now, I can only help these poor mortals who have no homes to return to, and do a little research to make up for omissions.

However, this kind of temporary repairing, coupled with the fact that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, naturally cannot compare with the specifications of Qunyu Pavilion, which used thousands of years of savings;

With the help of True Monarch Moon Cutting and Building Sun, it can only guarantee that after the first rated power of one shot, the scholars will not have a great possibility of dying in it directly.

Therefore, even after the transformation of the relic colossus, a larger energy source, better compression, and the same level of conduction can be achieved, but it still cannot achieve the light-level output of the world.

The water that a wooden barrel can hold depends only on the shortest board, and the bondage of energy becomes this hateful board.

Faced with this desperate situation, the three top wise men of Sumeru did not give up hope.

Continuous discussion, throwing away countless "impossible";

In the end, what is left is the only way within their field of vision.

The real plan of the three, hidden from all scholars, is even more blasphemous than the Holy Order:

——Rescue the gods first, and then persuade the gods to gather energy and fire in person!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 567 Chapter 548 Is there something wrong with rescuing the hostages?

Of course, this secret plan called "Pilgrim" cannot be hidden from Nashida who has been worried about them.

Knowing that this group of people wanted to save her, and wanted her to drive Gundam as well;

Although Naxida was in a complicated mood, she was still quite happy.

Except for my own sun, it turns out that there are other people who really remember that they were imprisoned in the Jingshan Palace.

Seeing that the two sides were gearing up for the fight before, but let alone the people, even the enemy completely ignored her, Naxida's mood was extremely complicated.

What are you?The packaging bag of the heart of God?

snort!When I master the trick, I will impress that "Doctor" and "Scattered Soldier"!

In fact, Nasida really wronged the "doctor". The "doctor" didn't completely ignore Nasida, but he really couldn't think of a way to deal with it, so he could only ignore it.

captivity?They have been imprisoned for 500 years and have not moved.

Absorb strength?The most important thing is the Heart of God already in hand, so what's the use of a god who can even "disconnect" himself?

Do experiments?In case someone detonates the Heart of God, wouldn't it be a chicken-and-egg fight?

Facing this kind of little guy who has no benefit and is easy to cause big trouble;

Although the "doctor" said that his ideal is to surpass the gods, he didn't feel that surpassing such a weak god would give him any sense of accomplishment.

It's good to live in peace, it's good for everyone.

But it's a pity, even if it's just to remember that there are a few people of God like herself, Naxida has no intention of "living in peace" with him.

Since someone believes in me, I shouldn't let them down!

With such an idea in mind, Nasida began to retrieve knowledge about the ruined colossus from the World Tree;

And prepare to directly help these "pilgrims" through the power of "fantasy" at the critical time.


Rescuing a god is no easy feat.

Although I don't know whether the little auspicious grass king is imprisoned by the great sage, or by the people of Zhidong.

But look for clues from the great sage first, it is always better to directly smash the "doctor" who can brainwash a large scale, or the "god" who is about to be born.

So the three "pilgrims" decided to use the great sage as a breakthrough.

However, this breakthrough is actually not so simple.

Although the great sage has never been good at force, but as the most talented scholar in the past 500 years, it is unbelievable that he does not have a few hole cards.

What's more, at this point in time, everyone swaggered into Sumeru City, waiting to be collectively brainwashed and become "believers".

In desperation, the three "pilgrims" had no choice but to take the risk of leaking the news and expand their team a little.

——At two o'clock in the middle of the night, in the corner of Huacheng Guo, an inconspicuous tree house——

"At this point in time, why did you call me here without saying a word? Can you give me a reason?"

Elhaisen's "roommate", Kavey, a genius architect of the Miaolun School, is yelling at Elhaisen angrily.

Anyone who is forced to open a window and jump into a house in the middle of the night will be scared out of their wits.

Although he knew that his junior was definitely not an unreasonable joker, but if he didn't give himself a suitable reason, Kawei would definitely teach him a lesson.

However, the one who responded to him was El Hessen, who had been waiting for the staff to arrive for a while, and also wanted to read a book, and did not raise his head perfunctorily:

"You will know in a while, or depending on the situation, you don't need to know in a while, you can go back to sleep."

This kind of attitude made Kavi angry like a wind slime in one sentence.

"Huh!? That's why I hate discussing anything with you. Your ridiculously arrogant attitude always gets in the way!"

The God's Eye on Kavey's body was already shining, but in the end he forcibly suppressed his anger.

After silently saying "Junior brother is not a man without a target" ten times to himself, he calmed down.

Soon, Sano also pushed the door open and entered the tree house, bringing a black and gold-haired desert mercenary and a one-eyed desert man to the tree house.

"Several distinguished scholars, I have seen your arrogant attitude. If you don't have enough reasons and rewards, you will have to learn a lesson from Shahai."

Desia and Rahman, who came here from Kavan Station half-requested and half-coerced by Sano as "it is related to the safety of the little auspicious grass king" and all kinds of secrets circulated in the files of the disciplinary officer, have completely different expressions. Not friendly.

And the last ones to arrive were Tinari and the Moon-Cut Sunshine Lord whom he had secretly invited.

After so many people entered the small wooden house, everyone could only gather in a circle, look at each other, and wait for El Hessen, the organizer, to tell the truth.

And Elheysen has never ordered any talent points related to Circus, but simply closed the book and told everyone:

"Today, the three of us gathered everyone here for the safety of the little auspicious Grass King, as well as the fate of Sumeru..."

Then, all the stories were told.

As for the three of them, since they discovered the changes in the decree, what they have seen, heard, experienced, and secrets in Sumeru... have been laid out in detail.

The three people pieced together all the facts in the eyes of ordinary people from three directions.

This horrific news stunned Dishiya, Rahman and Kawi.

The great sage led the wolf into the house?Imprison the gods?Artificial gods?Brainwashing the whole city into mining?

What else are they afraid to do?

But in addition to being surprised, even bigger doubts arose spontaneously:

"Although as a citizen of Sumeru, I don't mind doing something for our gods, but as a person, I will not take any action until the situation is settled."

"Please tell, why us?"

Rahman and Kavi heard the words, looked at Dishiya, and nodded.

No matter who was present, they were not some young brats who saw the big scene and jumped into it.

If there is not enough reason, then the sin of fooling oneself should be counted.

Elhaysen didn't feel offended at all, but continued to introduce the project called "Pilgrim" in a strict manner:

Since the people of Sumi City have started dreaming and mining again, only Azar and his followers did not fall asleep.

Therefore, Sumi City, which seems to be dangerous everywhere, is actually full of loopholes. As long as Hazard is under control, all problems will be solved.

In Alheisen's plan, in order to avoid being brainwashed, Sano, Tinari and Kawi, who is proficient in various architectural structures of Sumeru City, will follow the sewers reserved when the Wisdom Palace was established to cooperate with Tinari. The Shenglun faction transformed the sacred tree technique and sneaked into the Wisdom Palace collectively.

"This kind of thing can only be done by you who have read all the large-scale architectural drawings of Sumeru." Elhaisen said calmly to Carvey.

"Okay, I accept this reason." Although Carvey wanted to be calm, he couldn't control the corners of his mouth when faced with the rare praise from the usually aloof genius junior.

"And Lord Zhenjun, please give us a few talismans to cover up mental fluctuations."

Elhaisen performed a Liyue salute to True Monarch Moon Cutting and Building Sun.

"It's okay, it's only natural for the two countries to help each other."

"What's more, to punish these villains, although it is inconvenient for the real king to take action, he is also duty-bound." The real king who cut the moon and built the sun nodded slightly.

Closer to the point, the three who sneaked into the Palace of Wisdom will be acted by the best Sano alone;

Meanwhile, Tinari and Kawi stayed as close to the Jingshan Palace as possible, waiting for the commotion to come.

On the other side, Elhaisen himself was used as a bait, and together with Desia, he became a prisoner of Rahman.

It's no secret that Elhaisen and Dexia fought side by side in the Red King's Mausoleum.

The group of scholars who possessed the Chi Wang's divine gnosis are currently placed in Aru Village by them. Under the crowd of people, El Heisen never thought of keeping it secret.

Although Rahman is a radical of the Gilded Brigade on the surface, he has helped the Holy Order many times in private, and has the qualification to report directly to the assistant of the great sage.

Even better, no one knew that Rahman had been hired by fools some time ago. In the secret room of the Red King's Mausoleum, he had seen the truth of everything with El Heisen and his party. attitude.

Therefore, it is impossible for the Council to doubt that he will be in the same group as El Hessen and Dishiya.

"We need a mercenary who can stand on our side, but the great sage Azar can still trust."

"Rahman, only you who have known the truth of history in the Great Red Sand Sea can reassure us." Elhaisen said to Rahman.

"If this can repay the great compassion tree king whom I have misunderstood and hated, I can participate." Rahman nodded.

In Alheisen's script, he and Dishiya were "captured" by Rahman using a trap in the Dachisha Sea.

And Rahman, who found out that he had caught the big fish, immediately took himself to the Holy Order to claim credit.

Naturally, this kind of dirty work related to filling mysterious knowledge cannot be handed over to the 30-member group.

As for the bait of El Heisen, no matter considering the identity of the clerk or the whereabouts of the rescued scholars, it is enough for the assistant of the great sage, and even himself to intervene.

And this is their chance!

If it is his assistant, Rahman will surprise and stun the other party in an instant when delivering the prisoners, and then move to a safe place for interrogation together.

After finding out the recent activity route of the great sage, you can find the most favorable position to sit on the sidelines.

If it was him himself, Sano, who had joined everyone and hid in the dark, would work together, and the four of them would subdue the great sage Azar in an instant without causing too much noise.

"Dishia, you are the only one who is most trustworthy in the Gilded Brigade, and you are able to do this." Alheisen looked at Dishya and said calmly.

"My bid is not low." Di Xiya was not coaxed by this rainbow fart. She sold her great sword and urgently needed a batch of money to return her blood.

"In terms of remuneration, there is no need to worry."

In Sumeru, where are the successful scholars who are short of money?

In terms of savings, Haidif, who is famous for his wealth in the stratum rock abyss, may not be comparable to El Hessen. After all, he of the knowledge school does not spend any money on research, and only makes money.

In any case, after subduing Azar, the fools in the secret room will temporarily become blind and deaf.

As long as you act quickly before the other party notices it, you don't have to worry about the other party discovering yourself, and strengthen the void force to carry out large-scale brainwashing.

For this reason, Elhaysen will use the highest authority of the great sage to connect to the void while acting, and prepare to use the authority to paralyze the void network in a short time to provide convenience for everyone to escape.

And others will use the "key" or "method" tortured from Azar to go all the way to the Jingshan Palace, meet with Tinari and the others, release the Jingshan Palace's imprisonment on the little auspicious grass king, and bring everyone's gods Back to Huacheng Guo.

If the "keys" or "methods" are in the hands of fools, they simply use unloading the void as a threat to force the opponents to release the little auspicious grass king.

If the other party refuses to trade, then it will be a fake show, and the void will be completely unloaded, taking advantage of the fact that the enemy cannot be brainwashed, and retreating first, preparing for the decisive battle.

The plan that was perfected and considered almost all possibilities made everyone nod their heads and put forward their own opinions and details of their discoveries.

This kind of wrong step is a situation where it is difficult to die. Everyone is afraid that they will not think carefully, and of course they will not find it long-winded and troublesome.

It was not until dawn that everyone basically completed the plan, and they left quietly in order to deceive others.

However, everyone still ignored a magical possibility.

——What if the Little Auspicious Grass King was not imprisoned at all?


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