I got stuck in thinking yesterday, deleted everything I wrote, and asked for a day off.

Nearly half of it was made up today, and it has been made up one after another in the most recent period.

Don't panic, since the book was published, the hedgehog cat has been on full attendance every month, and the amount of leave has been fully made up.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan Horse in Sumeru: Chapter 568 Chapter 549 Is the Flying Bunny wrong?

Nasida was indeed "imprisoned".

Anyone who tries to break the barrier from the outside will see that this barrier is a complete protection that condenses the wisdom of the Holy Order for hundreds of years and the highest achievement of Azar.

However, there is only one flaw in this enchantment. The imprisoned god can easily open the cage at any time and walk out from it.

Azar knew very well that Sumeru could lose the heart of God, but he could not lose the only god.

Losing the gods meant that Sumeru lost the precondition of equal status with the other six countries.

Even though the god has disappeared for a long time, the people of Mond have always emphasized that they have never lost the favor of Barbatos.

What's more, among the countless futures calculated by Azar, the empty Sumeru was lost, and the Holy Order also lost the most important jurisprudence governing this country.

Needless to say, the integration of the desert people in the Great Red Sand Sea has never been smooth.

The southwestern states with Ormos Port as the core were originally city-states established by the vassal kings under the command of King Dachisha, but they are actually not much stronger.

Once the void is lost, if Xumi takes a wrong step, it will end in disintegration.

Therefore, no matter which ending Azar saw in the starry sky, if Sumi is to remain a whole, he can only rely on the only little auspicious grass king who can integrate all forces to come to the fore and let her continue to lead Everyone.

So even if he knew that Little Auspicious Grass King didn't have any good feelings for him, after walking to the front desk, he wouldn't have any good end for himself;

Azar still "imprisoned" Nasida before the stragglers were about to "become gods", making her like a princess on a high tower, waiting for the rescue of the warriors.


And this princess on the tower doesn't really pay much attention to her own body.

Her consciousness as the main body is doing scientific research happily and hard in Huan Nalana.

It was the first time that Nashida was very excited when faced with a prayer other than a believer's, and it was a prayer related to the fate of Sumeru.

I am finally a god who is useful to Sumeru. For this expectation, I must work hard.

So she worked hard for a few days in the ocean of knowledge of World Tree, and finally produced the result that satisfied her most:

Just as Jiang Yan was practicing Dream Flower hard in Naxida's dream;

I saw Naxida holding a "one-eyed flying bunny" with a big one-eyed eye and a cute four-leaf print ornament on the tip of two long ears. offering treasures.

"Come and take a look! My new void energy terminal! Do you think my people will be satisfied?"

Jiang Yan saw that there was nothing wrong with it, it looked like a pet-like prop that only a cyber magic girl would bring, even as a fun person, he sympathized with El Hessen for a full minute.

Although Nashida has the knowledge in the World Tree, but due to the super lack of common sense that cannot be written in the book, the things she makes are always extremely subtle.

Thinking of El Heisen, who has a cold face, a head that can be broken, and is unstoppable, pulling out the decisive weapon in front of many scholars-the one-eyed flying bunny, Jiang Yan is almost dying of joy.

"Well done, Xiaocao, this one-eyed flying bunny will definitely be able to satisfy your people's wishes." Jiang Yan nodded without saying a word.

In addition to the appearance that makes people unable to complain, Naxida amazed Jiang Yan both in terms of technology and thinking.

The expectations of the "pilgrims", Naxida shared with Jiang Yan immediately.

After Jiang Yan thought about it carefully, before admitting that he and Naxida had taken it for granted.

In the case of unequal information, scholars do not have to fight with this big toy without considering their own and Xiaocao's combat power.

But Nasida couldn't help much with Kanria's technology, so she decided to use existing resources to find another way.

Although Void is based on the heart of God, it is by no means simply a creation of spirit and dreams, but a great cause that can only be realized based on a greater existence—the World Tree.

In addition to consciousness, managing the circulation of the elemental force of the entire Sumeru is also one of the functions of the world tree.

And even if the connection to the void is disconnected now, Nasida can still easily connect to the World Tree, and rely on her own identity to communicate with the World Tree.

As for the prayer to the World Tree, power is not important at all, what matters is whether you are her daughter or not.

So Nasida's solution was completely beyond Jiang Yan's imagination:

Since the highest output cannot be restrained, then the excess elemental power will be introduced into the world tree, and the first rated power will be released steadily.

At the same time, the void energy terminal made by her, the one-eyed flying bunny, will take out this massive elemental power from a different place in the blocking position of Lidu Valley, and launch a surprise attack on the stragglers.

After being attacked by such a high enough personality and without warning to break through the barrier and limit the movement of the "god", even the first rated power can still move.

In terms of results, it is even better than achieving the maximum output.

"Remote access to elemental power? Can such an outrageous thing be done?"

Jiang Yan was completely shocked. He inherited the authority of the Dragon King Ruotuo, and he could guide and command the earth veins to a limited extent. In the mortal world, this is already extremely powerful.

Even if Munata saw it for the first time, he suffered a big loss.

However, this elemental force is accessed in a different place... the elemental force "stored" in from Huacheng Guo, is "taken" directly from Lidu Valley?

Where is this power?This is obviously the direct parent of World Tree playing on behalf of the parent!

Where is the GM?Someone is blatantly cheating!

Worthy of being the daughter of World Tree, in comparison, King Ruotuo, the incarnation of the earth veins, immediately became a godson.

Jiang Yan was only envious of this.

Even if he has learned all the skills, World Tree will not recognize his relatives, and the elemental power stored in it is absolutely stable like a mud cow entering the sea.

However, if there is enough authority, this system is simply invincible.

In Daozuma, the elemental force of thunder is extremely abundant.

Ying has always considered making a wireless power supply system to radiate powerful thunder element power to Gao Tian.

Then, by using the electromagnetic resonance between the sky and the surface, any mortal within Daozuma's range can use the terminal made of thunder cherry seeds to receive these thunder elemental powers.

These terminals will be used as energy supply means to charge all kinds of Thunder Element Force machines at any time, so as to greatly relieve Daowife's work pressure and achieve the eternity in her heart.

However, as the functions of this system were continuously improved by Ying, Ying discovered an extremely embarrassing problem:

Optimize to optimize, people in this link are actually the most useless...

Because people don't have to pay anything, and Shadow has no need for them, a system that is completely based on "rewards", how is it different from the Sky Island in the previous era?

As long as she makes this opening, sooner or later the officials under her will establish an eternity with no one at all. What's the point of that?

In the end, I spent a lot of thought on Ying, but I couldn't think of a solution, so I had to put it on hold for the time being.

But Xumi's system based on World Tree is completely possible.

In the face of Void's powerful computing power, off-site storage, zero-deposit and lump-sum withdrawal, identity management, and elemental power trading are all achievable.

Isn't this running into the civilization of the universe?

"Xiaocao, how long will it take you to make one of this void energy terminal?"

Jiang Yan looked at this cute one-eyed flying bunny, as if he saw some peerless treasure.

If it is possible to provide wireless energy for the whole people, what if everyone becomes a magical girl?

Unfortunately, Naxida gave Jiang Yan an unexpected but very reasonable answer:

"The production is very fast, but if my consciousness does not enter it, I can't use it at all."

Xiaocao blinked her beautiful four-leaf clover eyes, and answered with a questioning face.

Without the authority to personally guide it, how could World Tree give feedback directly?

"That's all right..."

Facing the very real reality, Jiang Yan was visibly lost with the naked eye.

The daughter-in-law connects to World Tree to show cuteness, and asks World Tree to do something, and World Tree will definitely do it;

But tens of thousands of people took the signatures of their own daughters to ask for work, so it's strange to ignore you!

Give it back to me, give me back my technological soaring dream!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 569 Chapter 550 Is there something wrong with the hidden plot?

Even if the weather in Xumi is calm at this time, the smell of an impending storm cannot be hidden from anyone who cares.

It's just that no matter which side, it needs enough time to prepare, so that the tranquility before the storm looks extremely peaceful.

In this tense situation, the only creature who did not forget his original intention was the True Monarch Moon Cutting and Zhuyang who came to study the Demon Scale Disease.

In the first month, according to the research directions provided by his disciples, True Monarch Moon Cutting and Zhuyang made some elixirs with dragon lizard blood, and obtained good results.

This caused True Monarch Moon Cutting and Yangyang to be like a god in Huacheng Guo, and even in the hearts of patients with Sumi Demon Scale Syndrome.

But just relieving the symptoms is certainly not what True Monarch Moon Cutting and Building Sun seeks.

As a proficient in the art of alchemy, after satisfying the needs of critically ill patients, it plunged headlong into the research on the source of the magic scale disease and how to cure it.

However, this research has not been smooth. From the wise men of Dachishahai to the scholars of Sumeru, the research in this area has been going on for nearly a thousand years, but there has been no breakthrough.

True Monarch Shaping Moon and Building Sun is no exception. After analyzing all the materials, patients, and medical records at hand, he, who is known as "the living dead, flesh and bones" in Liyue, still has no feasible direction.

Immortals never do things halfway.

Even in the face of the huge hustle and bustle of Huacheng Guo a few days ago, after providing the scholars with the necessary shelter and help, True Monarch Moon Cutting and Building Sun still continued this difficult work.

But at this time, he seems to have been forgotten by Xu Mi's scholars.

Although the equipment and supplies are still almost whatever they ask for, the ranger patient has been actively cooperating;

However, the researcher of the Sumeru monster family and several volunteer assistants were no longer able to continue to participate in the follow-up work.

The True Monarch Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun didn't care about these mortals' disrespect. Not everyone can study a chronic disease with a history of at least nearly a thousand years when the country is about to collapse.

It's normal for mere mortals to think, "It's been like this for 1000 years anyway."

However, for True Monarch Moon Cutting and Building Sun, "mortals have already suffered this kind of suffering for 1000 years."

As for invitation and slow treatment, it doesn't matter in the eyes of immortals.

Studying alone is simply commonplace for the Xian family.

Even without worrying about the effects of ordinary people's fatigue, hunger, thirst, and sleepiness, his research speed has increased.


This kind of mentality also allowed fate to give this true king who is the most kind to mankind, a unique luck.

Of course, it can also be said to be the luck of Sumi mortals.

Just when everyone was busy with the fate of Sumi, Zhenjun Moon Cutting and Zhuyang made a terrible discovery.

Different from his disciples' views, the Moon-Cut and Sun-Building True Monarch, who had experienced the accumulation of time, was not particularly optimistic about Jiang Yan's "the theory that the magic scale disease originated from the evolution of the human body" from the very beginning.

The dragon lizard's powerful self-evolution ability stems from its terrifying ability to adapt to the environment. Humans do not have this noble bloodline ability.

Even if human beings will have a corresponding autonomous evolution, it will never appear suddenly and last for 1000 years without making any progress.

Sure enough, True Lord Moon Cutter and Yang Yang found the biggest abnormality in the large number of patients and blood samples that Tinari had summoned with his personal prestige.

The biggest abnormality of these patients is that there is no abnormality.

Generally speaking, it is precisely because of some kind of "mutation" that the disease occurs.

And the blood, circulation, and circuit of this group of patients, except for the excessively enriched elemental power, are full of "normal", and there is no sign of "original" at all, just like they should be patients by nature.

Faced with this situation, after a few days of contemplation, True Monarch Moon Cutting and Building Sun asked Tinari to collect two very strange data.

——Whether there are Sumerians who have been living in other places suffering from the devil scale disease.

——Whether there are Xumi's mixed-race children suffering from the magic scale disease.

Although the devil's scale disease is a terrible terminal disease, it is famous because it has no cure, not because there are many patients.

It is said that thousands of years ago, this disease was extremely popular among the people of the desert, but after that, the probability has been stabilizing, and it was not until recently that it began to increase again.

With such a rare probability, the difficulty of collecting accurate information can be imagined.

But information itself is also a commodity, and Tinari knew a businessman who claimed that as long as the profit satisfied her, she could get all rare commodities.

In front of the convincing Mora, Dolly activated all her transportation and trade channels.

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