A large number of names, data and deeds came back one after another like a tide in just a few days.

——Although there are not many of the first type, there are indeed, and even a Sumeru who has settled in Fontaine for two generations has also suffered from this disease.

——As for the second type, I have never heard of it even though I have asked many countries.

After cautiously waiting for two weeks, until the news of Zhidong at the farthest end could be compared, Zhenjun Moon Cutting and Zhuyang tapped the ground with his front hoof, falling into deep thought.

This is not good news.

Any disease that spreads in the blood, if it is not a special case and is stable, it should never appear "suddenly".

Some common congenital diseases in Liyue, even when Gu Liyue people lived in Tianheng Mountain, all of them had been established without exception.

This kind of "suddenness" is neither natural nor man-made, so it is... the curse of blood.

It is not an easy task to curse a bloodline, because even if the world is in power, it only has the power of herdsmen.

This kind of phenomenon happened to be studied during the long life of True Monarch Moon Cutting and Building Sun.

500 years ago, the ancient underground country encountered a curse from the sky.

In desperation, almost all the citizens have turned into monsters one after another, and they cannot escape even if they are in a foreign land.

At that time, several Karrians in Liyue lost their skin, then their limbs rotted, and finally turned into twisted monsters.

At that time, although the diplomatic relations between the two countries had been severed, the friendship between everyone at work would not be canceled along with it.

When True Monarch Cutting the Moon and Building Sun was invited by the Seven Stars of Liyue to go to Liyue Port to treat these patients, his memory of such a terrifying scene was still fresh.

Even if the elixir that can be called a cure for the dead is used, it can only be declared helpless in the end.

This kind of curse originating from the rules directly modifies the "reason" of the bloodline, and the means of the world cannot stop it.

Now that True Monarch Cutting the Moon and Building Sun can produce the elixir that can delay the symptoms, it is only inspired by his disciples to carry out a certain degree of blood transformation on these terminally ill patients.

When the bloodlines are not the original bloodlines, the curse will naturally be unsustainable.

Although the hidden dangers of this kind of bloodline transformation are quite large, the impact on future generations is also unknown.

But life is almost gone, who cares about these things?

However, this outrageous method is only an emergency measure after all.

True Monarch Moon Cutting and Building Sun can't turn all Sumeru people into Dragon Lizards.

Let alone making it so big, it will definitely be nailed;

The gods of Sumeru would never agree to such a solution.

In the world, probably only the Dragon King Ruotuo would be happy about this, True Lord Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun thought so.

He was originally here to relieve the epidemic for mortals, but he discovered such a big secret by accident, which really made him scratch his head.

Naturally, such a level of taboo cannot be disclosed to ordinary people, so the True Monarch Moon Cutting and Zhuyang had no choice but to contact his disciples through the communication talisman.

Recently, Jiang Yan's life is quite comfortable.

In the current chaos, Jiang Yan thinks that even if he is not a squirrel, he can be called a barbell on a chessboard.

No matter what the rules are, just run over them.

With this kind of mentality, I feel naturally happy. Every day I listen to Xiaocao talking about the results of my secret observations, and my hard work in cultivating the power of dreams, waiting silently for everyone to finish their preparations and start playing.

Jiang Yan, who noticed that the communication talisman in his arms was trembling slightly, thought at first that good things were going on, and that his master had finally solved the big trouble of the devil scale disease.

It wasn't until I contacted with excitement and saw the rare seriousness of the master, asking him to sleep before he dared to get down to business, that I realized that I had stabbed such a big hornet's nest.

"That's probably the case. As for how to completely solve this problem, it's not for us ordinary people to talk about."

"During this period of time, the Master Association is still in Huacheng Guo, helping those mortals with severe symptoms, doing their best."

"Seven kingdoms in the world, it is only reasonable to watch and help each other. If possible, I hope you can help the gods of Sumeru to find a solution as soon as possible."

During this period of time, True Monarch Cleaving the Moon and Building Sun had seen many sufferers suffering from the Demon Scale Syndrome, and his heart of compassion arose spontaneously.

Even if it wasn't for the sake of his disciples, he would not see ordinary people suffering from such difficulties.

Whether it is the order of the teacher or the favor from Xiaocao, Jiang Yan naturally has no reason to refuse.

Soon, he came to Nasida's dreamland and told her the whole story to her who was still immersed in her dream.

Naxida, who was hugging the one-eyed flying bunny, imagining that she was surrounded by people and holding her high, felt like a bolt from the blue at this moment.

My own written script, everything is ready and it is about to be released. Why did such a mysterious hidden plot suddenly appear?

After working so hard for so long, just to be surrounded by a group of Qiuqiu people?

When was Sumeru cursed?I do not know how?What about inheritance?

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 570 Chapter 551 Is there something wrong with reading the archive?

The matter of "the devil scale disease originated from the curse of the blood" is by no means a trivial matter.

In its heyday, Kanria's technology and living standards were far above the Seven Kingdoms.

When other countries were still using swords and spears thousands of years ago, Kanria had already started to use various machines driven by energy blocks to replace all kinds of tiring production work.

For such a powerful country, just this curse has caused it to fall apart in madness.

Even without considering the catastrophe that followed, it was enough to completely destroy that powerful country from spirit to body.

What is even more frightening is that the Chuchus have a history far older than the Curse of Kerriya.

God knows how many countries have been destroyed in history by this terrible curse.

Not to mention far away, such as the upside-down country in the rocky abyss, the ruins of such a huge city, but not a single skeleton was found.

And that pool of purified water that is now used to "soak the feet" of Dragon King Ruo Tuo, what exactly was originally purified?

Presumably the truth will never make people happy.

After learning the terrifying news, Nasida's white eyebrows were kept tightly locked.

Even when I was imprisoned and ignored, I didn't have such worries.

It was not until a long time later that she raised her head and said seriously to Jiang Yan:

"No matter how bright the moonlight is, when dawn is approaching, return the sky to the sun."

"Looks like it's time for me to leave."

Jiang Yan was shocked when he heard it, what's the matter?Are you going to fill in the hole again?

Didn't you say that you agreed to fill the hole with the newly created god?

Since the "doctor" wants to create a real god, isn't it good to fill in a pit that can only be filled by a god to prove himself?

"Tell me in advance that all my help and friendship are only valid for you Xiaocao."

"If Sumi doesn't have you, what does it have to do with me, a Liyue man?"

Jiang Yan did not believe that Naxida, who had such awareness, would listen to her own persuasion.

But, Jiang Yan is a pragmatist, he can't be persuaded, he can be threatened.

Sumeru without grass?He felt that he must have raised the Holy Order as a funeral object for the little guy, and then he would never come to this garbage place again.

Nasida was not surprised by this conclusion, but said softly.

"Originally, I planned to accumulate my own memories through my own eyes and body, and return to the World Tree after thousands of years."

When Nasida said this, she recalled with great nostalgia what she had experienced during this period, then paused, and continued to speak firmly.

"However, although the sprouts represent countless possibilities, when the storm comes, it still needs to grow into a big tree with luxuriant branches to shelter animals and plants from the wind and rain."

Seeing Jiang Yan's sad expression, she comforted again:

"This does not mean that I am gone. My dream and your dream, my memory and your memory have long been intertwined and inseparable. I will still live here."

She gently pointed to her heart, and then opened a beautiful dream flower in her hand.

"This dreamland will belong to Xiaocao and Jiang Yan exclusively, and it will never dissipate."

Jiang Yan could clearly perceive this kind of awareness.

Because not so long ago, Ram Rama did the same.

Sacrifice yourself and become a Juewang tree that can't run around, talk, or sing.

And all these good things are exactly what Jiang Yan planned to give to Xiaocao, who has been imprisoned for 500 years, but has never been able to do so.

This kind of ending is too unfair to this new god.

Jiang Yan doesn't believe in any damn fate, after all, in the hands of a higher being, fate is nothing more than a spindle thread she wove at will.

As long as you are strong enough, whether it is tearing the silk thread or reweaving it, what is impossible?

"It's useless..." Sensing Jiang Yan's attitude, Naxida was very moved and shook her head slightly.

"The curse does not originate from the black mud of the abyss. If the source of the curse, that is, the "taboo" is not solved, it cannot be stopped."

"So I have to connect to the World Tree, retrieve all the memories of King Dacishu, and find the real answer."

"But by that time, probably "Nashida" will become the reborn sun. "

"Don't worry about me, at least in this dream, I will still be your "little grass". "

"I've been living in a dream since I became sane, and for me, this is where I live."

"So, it's okay."

Having said that, Jiang Yan finally understood.

Nashida intends to use her body to reload all the memories recorded in the World Tree by King Dacishu.

Compared with King Dacishu, Naxida only has an empty memory of 500 years. After loading the memory of King Dacishu, this part of memory is like a drop in the ocean.

Can Nasida, who has very little memory of her own, be considered Nasida?

Under the scouring of massive memories, soon, the emotions of this body will be reshaped, and it will become a brand new Great Mercy Tree King.

Only Nashida's body can perfectly carry the memory of the same origin as the Great Mercy Tree King.

Otherwise, even at the cost of maddening countless scholars, imitating the "doctor" to forcibly extract;

What will be created will not be the Great Mercy Tree King, but only scattered soldiers who will become gods.

Faced with this only choice, and the demon god's instinct of "lover", Jiang Yan finally gave up persuasion.

Instead, she began to work hard to help Naxida create enough dreams that belonged exclusively to "Little Grass".

For this reason, the two gave up continuing to practice the skills of dreaming, and also gave up the continuous practice of co-tuning skills with Lannaro. Instead, Jiang Yan accompanied Naxida to play everywhere in Quanxumi.

Anyway, after the resurrection of the Great Mercy Tree King, he will naturally perform these tricks with a thousand times the proficiency, so why bother?

With a sense of guilt for his own incompetence, Jiang Yan even accepted the company of various childish games that he had never agreed to before.

Jiang Yan also endured a huge sense of shame for games that he had never experienced since he was born, such as hopscotch and turning the rope, and played happily with Naxida and Lannaluo.

Happy times are always short-lived.

Even if the curse is not urgent for a while, Sumi City and Huacheng Guo are at war, and the situation that is only waiting to explode makes it impossible for Naxida to continue to immerse herself in the biggest willfulness and the longest joy since she was born.

Saving Sumeru requires enormous strength;

And the power of the newly born Great Mercy Tree King will be like the scorching sun, melting all plots and contradictions.

So, on a seemingly unusual day, the princess who was imprisoned in the tower sneaked out of the beautiful unlocked cage for the first time by herself;

Came to the southeast of Huacheng Guo, the closest location to the World Tree.

At this moment, Naxida is very greedy for the first time to use her own eyes and body to see this beautiful world and the person who gave her this beauty.

After a long, long time, I am still attached to it.

And Jiang Yan seemed to be able to wait for her until the end of the world, just silently guarding this last time belonging to Naxida.

It wasn't until the sun was high and the direct sunlight pierced through the mottled tree shadows that it hurt the eyes of the young god who hadn't been out for a long time, and then her little greed was interrupted.

Naxida turned around, embraced Jiang Yan with her small hands, and whispered softly:

"As long as you remember me and the world remembers me, "Little Grass" will always exist. "

"Even if life flows to Yuanhai, our memory and destiny will still be entangled with each other. I have never doubted that."

"So I just hope that this world can not forget me."

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