Jiang Yan gently stroked Naxida's little head, and seriously comforted her and said:

"Words and poems are blown by the wind, slates and books are passed on from one to another."

"I will let what Nashida has done for the world be firmly engraved in the hearts of mortals, I promise."

"After all, I know a good poet and an elder with a good memory."

For this guarantee from her friend, Naxida believed extremely;

Not because of "a good poet" and "an elder with a good memory", but because he has always been her sun and never disappointed her.

After rubbing her little face greedily and absorbing the warmth for the last time;

Nashida finally turned around resolutely, took a few steps forward, and sensed the position of the World Tree with her consciousness.

She clasped her hands in front of her chest, and made an unprecedented deep connection to the World Tree with a prayer-like pious posture and mood.

"The owner of everything yesterday, the recorder of this moment, and the ruler of tomorrow morning, your daughter is looking forward to your answer."

The World Tree has never rejected any request from her beloved daughter, but this time, when Naxida's link just touched the depths of the World Tree's roots, recording all the past, present and future places in the world;

The link, suddenly broke.

A mature voice that is incomparably similar to himself but completely different emerges mysteriously from the link.

"We finally met, me in the new reincarnation."

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 571 Chapter 552 Is something wrong with the digital life

New reincarnation?After 500 years, you told me it was a new reincarnation?

On Naxida's cute little face, there were mixed flavors that had never been seen before.

"Reincarnation" is the unique outlook on life of the lineage of King Dacishu.

When other powerful beings are seeking eternity and immortality;

In the view of King Dacishu, everything in the world will gradually wear out under the wind of time.

The only thing that can truly live forever is the endless wisdom.

So only memory, and the wisdom derived from it, is where "life" is.

Therefore, there is no need to miss the breathing body, as long as wisdom can continue, then "life" will continue.

This process is just a "reincarnation".

Lan Naluo is the wonderful family created by King Dacishu based on this idea and referring to his own model.

Countless people have been curious about how this group of seemingly fragile little guys exerted their incomparable power?

There are even crazy people who try to do experiments, but still get nothing.

In fact, although these cute little guys often say that memory is their power, but the other way around is also fine, power is their memory.

Their fragile bodies are not long-term bearers of power, but just an "elemental power terminal" like a void terminal.

That's right, the idea of ​​the "One-eyed Flying Bunny" made by Nashida comes from the Lannaluos.

Usually, in Lannaluo's body, only the "address" and "authority" of these forces in the leylines are possessed.

It can be said that Lannaluo's body is just a terminal with authority;

And their soul is this "address".

Whenever they use their power, the power in this part of the leylines will be extracted to Lan Naluo, the terminal of elemental force, and released by calling the authority of the leylines.

So almost every Lannaro has different powers, because they represent different "addresses".

Even if the power is the same, the corresponding "address" and the memory attached to it will be different.

After the power was released, the memory attached to it also disappeared, and Lannaro naturally lost his memory.

And when Lannaro falls without releasing his power, as long as other Lannaro or newborn Lannaro inherits this "address", he will naturally get this power and memory.

Similarly, when encountering a crisis, Lannaro will also become a seed that only saves the "address". Same power and memory.

Lannaro called both of these methods "reincarnation" and regarded them as his own rebirth.

And this is also the reason why King Dacishu is extremely powerful.

Even if her body is destroyed, she will use the new body cultivated by the world tree to easily retrieve her strength and memory with the "address".

Even if her power is exhausted and her memory is lost, she can quickly recover through the World Tree's rapid replenishment of her "address" power, and rely on the "mirror backup" in the leylines to quickly restore her memory.

It can be said that within the scope of Sumeru, the Great Mercy Tree King should have been an almost unkillable existence.

However, when it came to Naxida, there was a problem.

Naxi Dakong has authority, but her "address" is not the original "address", but a brand new "address".

This directly caused her to be born without any power or memory, just like a human child.

Fortunately, Nasida's authority is extremely powerful. With the powerful talent brought by her authority, she quickly obtained wisdom and strength far beyond ordinary people from the world tree and the void.

But even so, even if Naxida spent a lot of time finding the "address" of King Dacishu from the vast world tree information, she found that she couldn't use it at all.

Nasida couldn't even read the "mirror backup", let alone use and copy it.

At present, all the inheritance of King Dacishu is made up by Naxida bit by bit, finding fragments about her from World Tree and Void Terminal.

Even though these fragments easily accepted her, Nashida still had no clue about the most important "address" error.

For this unprecedented phenomenon, after a long period of analysis and calculation, Naxida can only think that the King of the Great Mercy Tree has completely fallen due to unknown reasons, and she is just a new sprout of the birth of the World Tree.

Since it is not your own "address", it is natural that you cannot access it, which is also normal.

This is not surprising, all good things will eventually die, and Nasida calmly accepted the fact that she is a "sprout".

So she never used her status as the Great Cishu King to gain anything for herself.

Otherwise, she only needs to declare that she is the rebirth of King Dacishu, and she has temporarily lost her strength. Naturally, there are a large number of loyal believers of the Shenglun Sect, protecting her from the harm of the council.


However, when Naxida thought she was the moon and suffered 500 years of sins;

Suddenly, King Dacishu came and told her that he was really a "new reincarnation";

Naxida, who planned to activate all her authority to violently copy or decipher the "address" of King Dacishu, felt extremely complicated.

There are thousands of things I want to say, but in the end I can only ask this "old reincarnation":

"Are you here to find me to be one?"

The phantom of King Dacishu shook his head and said helplessly:

"I'm sorry, the rest of the road, you can only rely on yourself."

Nasida was very surprised at the clean rejection of the "other self".

Even if everyone grew up in a different environment, since they are the same "self", in the face of such a big crisis encountered by the people, they will not ignore it.

"Wait a minute! Another me!"

"At least tell me how to lift the curse my people have suffered!"

The phantom of the Great Mercy Tree King nodded and said slowly:

"This fragment of 'I' exists for this. "

"However, this is a long story, and you need to listen patiently for a while."

After that, the phantom of the Great Mercy Tree King slowly sat down, and in the empty space, called Nasida to sit beside her, ready to start telling a long but very shocking story.

"In ancient legends, there were three close friends who walked hand in hand, and one of them finally withered like a rose and rotted in the mud. The country of flowers was ground into a story by wind and sand, and became a dream in the song..."

As soon as she heard this familiar beginning, Nashida started to get dizzy.

When she told the story, she talked endlessly and often digressed a lot. Nashida herself also had this bad habit.

Of course, no one knows "self" better than herself. Nashida knows very well that once she is allowed to speak at this pace, it will not be able to finish in one night or two nights.

If the occasion were different, Nasida would be happy to hear the "other me" tell the story that she did not pass on, and the longer the better.

But at this time, his own sun is waiting sadly for him to become the King of the Great Mercy Tree.

If you have really changed, then naturally you don't need to say much, and you don't need to think too much.

But seeing that "I can only rely on myself", I naturally want to tell my own sun the good news as soon as possible.

Otherwise, after waiting anxiously and helplessly for my own sun, I find that there is no change in myself.

And the reason for waiting turned out to be "listening to my own story"? !

This will really make friends, and even get pinched on the cheek.

"I'm sorry, Sumi is currently in a huge crisis, please simply tell me."

Nashida stared at the phantom of the Great Mercy Tree King with a serious face, and said the most incomprehensible words for her "self".

Created to tell the "fragments" of this story, a mouth full of words is gagged.

At this moment, her expression was full of resentment, and what she wanted to say was written on her face:

"I don't even like to listen to stories, are you really my "new reincarnation"? "

However, Naxida, who had made up her mind, completely ignored this questioning and resentful look.

With her small four-leaf clover eyes, she stared closely at the phantom of King Cishu, who was almost identical in appearance but much larger in size.

After a long time, the phantom of King Dacishu sighed and reluctantly made a concession.

"Well, this long story and this stubborn "taboo" originated from our friend Amon, the fool known as the Red King! "

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 572 Chapter 553 Is there something wrong with building a firewall?

King Dacishu's storytelling can really be called "knowing everything".

Even when she was lecturing in the rainforest, a large number of followers felt their mentality explode directly because of her infinitely jumping logic and all kinds of wonderful metaphors.

But fortunately, the one who understands oneself best is the other self.

Whenever she talked about rising, and was about to tell a story as a metaphor, or tell something related, Nashida would always stare at her to interrupt her extended thinking.

Under such restrictions, the phantom of the Great Mercy Tree King in front of him finally succeeded in making a condensed narration that even the main body could not do.

"...Where did I come from just now? By the way, that idiot, in order to fulfill Patty Saran's wish, intends to create a "world she wants". "

"In the end, after giving everything, he finally realized that what he wanted was "a world with her", that's all. "

Seeing that King Dacishu was about to publish another big piece of emotion about love, Naxida quickly used the "cute eye attack" to interrupt her about to start emotion.

"Okay, okay, I'll continue." King Dacishu said helplessly.

"In order to create that world, he didn't know that what he obtained from the black snake in the abyss was a kind of knowledge that did not belong to this world, an incomprehensible 'truth', called "forbidden knowledge". "

"As a man of noble birth, he doesn't need to worry about presumptuousness, but this also brings him great arrogance."

"He who claims to be wise, how did he know that even if this kind of knowledge seems harmless, the existence itself violates the sacred plan cast at the beginning."

"The original contract is also an eternal law, even the throne of heaven must not violate it, let alone this idiot."

"The law is ruthless. Anyone who imitates the taboo technique will be regarded as an accomplice, and will be punished with the power established by Gao Tian."

"At that time, because of the fall of Patty Shalan, we had already broken up."

"But the ruthless law never cares about these private affairs. Since the catastrophe is over, the scope will be the entire civilization, the entire Sumeru."

"In order to protect myself and save our people, I used my power to turn it into the "sand wall" of the World Tree, blocking the spread of all taboo knowledge. "

"Otherwise, once the World Tree records these taboo knowledge, what awaits us will be a complete catastrophe."

"At the price of isolating all the power, and that idiot's violent self-destruction, taking away all the taboos with sunlight and fire, I finally stopped the coming of catastrophe thousands of years ago."

"Unfortunately, 500 years later, the power that erupted from the disaster tore off the double seal between me and that idiot."

"At that time, I, who could only use the power in the mirror image, had no choice but to use all my power again to rebuild the second layer of "sand-proof wall". "

"But this time, I have completely lost all my strength and memory, and I can only leave behind a new reincarnation of me, which is you."

"As for this fragment, it's just to tell you all about it."


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