When Nasida learned the truth, she suddenly realized.

During the Demon God War, countless demon gods fell.

But the birth of a demon god did not happen overnight, and the reappearance of a demon god with the same power as well as evidence, at least after a thousand years.

Even the vast majority of demon gods are still just grievances and wreckage, and examples of completely new demon gods are born, but rare.

Therefore, it is a bit too reluctant to use "sprouts" to explain the situation where I appeared in a blink of an eye and successfully inherited power.

But for a long time, the memory was gone, the power was gone, and Nasida could only think that she was a brand new god.

If everything becomes the "sand-proof wall" of the World Tree, it will naturally make sense.

However, it is clearly an "anti-sand wall" for isolation, why are scholars now able to connect to that consciousness?Why did the curse spread again?

Sensing Nashida's doubts, the phantom of the Great Mercy Tree King said helplessly:

"In the final analysis, this kind of protection is only an emergency measure. We, born from the World Tree, are inseparable from the World Tree."

"500 years have passed, even if we try our best to stop it, the world tree has passed through the isolated part and has been polluted by a small amount of taboo knowledge."

"And the unintentional links of scholars have also allowed a small amount of taboo knowledge to enter the world."

"Although taboo knowledge cannot be tolerated by mortals, and those who obtain it will soon fall into madness, but once this knowledge is transferred, Jiemie will restart again."

"So, the next thing is all up to you, the new "I" of reincarnation. "

Nasida was entrusted with such a glorious mission, but she looked helpless.

As the daughter of the World Tree and the god of Sumeru, it is naturally my duty to solve this problem.

If turning into the third layer of the "Sand Wall" can solve the problem, she will sacrifice herself without hesitation.

But let’s not say that I didn’t inherit either memory or strength;

Just talking about the two-way leakage situation in front of me, it is impossible to use this method to solve it anyway.

However, since I left this fragment in the last reincarnation, it must not be to tell myself "it can't be cured, just wait for death, there is no way to save it".

"Then please tell me how I should do it."

Naxida, who was still waiting to report the good news to Jiang Yan, and reported her worries by the way, gave up thinking directly.

Facing the phantom of King Dacishu with a "guess it" expression on his face, he pressed a "skip" button.

The phantom of the Great Merciful Tree King never imagined that the self in the new reincarnation would be so boring.

Shouldn't it be a fun thing to question and think about "myself"?

Is there anything more important than this intellectual game?

But there is no way, after all, I am just a fragment, and the important task of saving Sumeru depends on this young "self".

King Dacishu had no choice but to fast-forward to the answer link:

"You don't need to worry about power. First of all, I created the Void Terminal and ruthlessly took away the dream of Sumeru just for this moment."

"Just follow this "address", and you can use the "power of dreams" that has been accumulated for thousands of years..."

The Great Mercy Tree King was halfway through his speech when he was interrupted by Naxida:

"Eh??? It was "I" who took away the dream of Sumeru?Not the Holy Order? "

Nashida was in a state of confusion, and she had been protecting the frail Sumeru people in fear.

And for this reason, he has privately complained about greedy scholars countless times.

In the end, it was actually "I" who did it?

The murderer is me?

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 573 Chapter 554 Is the link jump wrong?

After being explained by the phantom of King Dacishu, Naxida knew what the "human brain mining" that she and Jiang Yan had been filled with righteous indignation was all about.

After King Chi sacrificed himself and King Dacishu sacrificed his strength and memory to build the first layer of firewall, she began to plan how to completely solve the problems caused by "taboo knowledge".

The polluted "sand-proof wall" can only be completely removed in an instant to ensure that there is no leakage.

And this requires a large amount of elemental power and dream power to act on the root system of the world tree in consciousness and reality at the same time.

If he is still there, there is no need for mortals to bear all this.

But King Dacishu, who had already fallen half, had to think about how to solve this problem if the emergency measures in front of him failed and he needed to completely transform himself into a "sand-proof wall".

So King Dacishu established the Void Network, intending to gather the power of mortal dreams to achieve such a huge impact of dream power.

That's right!The establishment of the Void Network was originally for this purpose, not for downloading and uploading knowledge.

How could the Great Merciful Tree King, who was opposed to filling knowledge in the first place, deliberately let the Xumi people indulge in this method of inerting themselves?

Even a kind person like the Great Merciful Tree King, in the face of the catastrophe of the entire civilization, did not hesitate to sacrifice the dream of the Sumeru people and harm the research potential of the Sumeru people.

And the result of this kind of squeezing has become the most important legacy she left to Nasida.


After getting such a horrifying truth, Nasida finally discovered where the sense of disobedience of the "human brain mining" of the Holy Order Academy came from.

There is a reward for doing bad things.

The Holy Order has been "doing all kinds of evil" for 500 years, but who is the beneficiary?

Council members?On the contrary, many of them are trapped by mundane affairs and affect the progress of scientific research.

University schools?How can this large-scale distribution of pork be hidden from everyone?

equally distributed?Not to mention that it is even more difficult to hide. People with this kind of thinking would do such bad things?

And the greater sense of disobedience stems from the endless birthdays of the Flower God.

During that period, Xumiren's dreams were squeezed a thousand times, and the "doctor" successfully used the situation when the God's Heart was turned on to its maximum power, and derived part of the power of the God's Heart.

All of this is normal, but the question is, where is the computing power thousands of times gone?

The usage of "Doctor" can be said to be overclocking the omnic core, and then successfully using this heat to fry an egg.

But the result of overclocking, who is using it?

The great sage and his followers didn't even bring a void terminal, so how could they use this part of the computing power?

And "Doctor" is not connected to the void network at all, even if he has done all the bad things, this matter has nothing to do with him.

It's just that everyone focused their attention on "becoming a god", but ignored the most obvious problem.

Of course, at least this group of the Holy Order is not innocent.

Turning a blind eye to the extracted dream power, instead cooperating with fools to extract the power in the heart of God through overloading.

This kind of stupid and bad decision to use the omnic core to fry eggs can never be blamed on the head of the Dacishu King.

After figuring this out, Nasida no longer feels guilty about using these powers to solve the immediate problem.


"What's next? What should I do?" Naxida asked the Great Mercy Tree King while feeling the sea-like power accumulated in that "address".

"Although the "power of dreams" is extremely powerful, this kind of scattered power cannot be used directly without sorting out. "

"There is a mausoleum of the Red King in the Great Red Sand Sea, and above that, there is a golden dreamland called "Aru". "

"The original consciousness in "Aru" has long been self-destructed by that idiot, and what is left is that I re-do it according to the rule he left behind of "melting thousands of thoughts into one, unifying thousands of calculations into one" Fill and modify. "

"You only need to go to the Great Red Sand Sea, obtain the control of "Aru", and then inject this "power of dreams" into it and sort it out, so that a huge dream power can burst out in an instant. "

While talking, the phantom of King Dacishu looked at Naxida with an increasingly weird expression.

Nashida finally understood why she could access "Aru" so smoothly.

It is obviously not the power of the same source. It stands to reason that she had planned to digest it slowly over a long period of time, but in the end she was able to connect all of them smoothly, which surprised Nashida at the time.

But in any case, smoothness is a good thing after all. After careful inspection, Naxida found no hidden dangers, and later gave up on this abnormal smoothness and continued to analyze it.

Now I finally found the reason, and Nasida sighed silently:

It really is "reincarnation", even if there is no memory inheritance, everyone will put their ideas in the same place.

Finally, there was a place that made the "old self" look at it with admiration. Naxida triumphantly showed the interface of "Aru" to the phantom of King Cishu in front of him.

Feeling the familiar dream power coming from Nasida's consciousness, the expression of the phantom of the Great Mercy Tree King also became happy.

"As expected of the "I" of the new reincarnation!This saves us a lot of time! "

But after she finished speaking, her expression became serious again:

"The next step is the hardest."

"In the World Tree, destroy the polluted taboo knowledge, and you cannot use the power of dreams."

"Because when dreams come into contact, they will intersect and create new pollution."

"So, we need extremely powerful elemental power, and we need a personality that can affect the world tree."

"Therefore, the "I" in the new reincarnation, you need to borrow a heart of God from a colleague, and under your guidance, use it to erase everything in my two "addresses". "

"This way, only "I" who are the daughters of the World Tree can do it. "

"Barnabas owes me a favor. Although I don't know if she is still so kind and lovely after seeing her for hundreds of years, but that child will never refuse people. I believe that in the name of "me", there is no problem. "

Nashida looked at the phantom of the Great Mercy Tree King's evaluation of Barnabas, and hesitated to speak.

That "kind and lovely" child who "never rejects others", not to mention sending the heart of God, even her own heart of God will be snatched away by her, okay?

But even if it was just a phantom in front of her, Nashida didn't want to make the "previous self" sad and disappointed, so she just nodded and passed in a vague way.

Anyway, although I don't know a child who "never rejects others", there is also a sun who is willing to fulfill all my wishes.

I believe it will be fine if you leave it to him, eh!

At this time, the phantom of King Dacishu in front of him gradually dimmed.

She smiled and stretched out her hand, wanting to stroke Nasida's head, but she reached out in the air, and was afraid that she might contaminate her, so she stopped and said softly:

"The last link is the easiest."

"Even if everything about me is destroyed, whether it's piles of old paper, stone slabs, under the darkness, or the hearts of living beings, there may still be traces of me."

"As long as the traces are still there, these traces will still be written into the completely emptied "address", and the knowledge of "I" and taboos may still be revived. "

"So, please accept my authority, set rules for my two "addresses", and redirect all links to your "addresses". "

"From then on, from the beginning to the end, there will be no "Great Mercy Tree King", and the taboo knowledge and curses that have entangled Sumeru for thousands of years will also disappear. "

"For the sake of this beautiful rainforest and desert, please let the world... forget me."

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 574 Chapter 555 Is there something wrong with modifying cognition?

The Great Merciful Tree King, who created this rainforest and guarded the entire Sumeru, wants to be forgotten by this world?

Even as the new reincarnated "I", Nasida felt that this was too cruel to the previous "I".

This is not a fall in the usual sense. Even if Patty Saran has fallen for a thousand years, her peerless beauty and the joy she bestows on the world still flow in poetry, in the hearts of the town spirits of Moon Maiden City, and in the dreams of every desert citizen. .

But as long as Naxida changes the jump of the "address", the whole world will no longer have the existence of the "King of Great Mercy Tree" from the most distant past to the end of everything, only the little auspicious grass as the "jump" Wang, the cognition of the whole world will be reversed:

The alliance of the three kings is the red king, the flower king, and the little auspicious grass king.

The establishment of the rain forest is the little auspicious grass king and her followers.

Void is the work of Little Auspicious Grass King.

The way of endless life will also be taught by the little auspicious grass king.

The King of Thousand Trees will also be the honorable name of the Little Auspicious Grass King.

Although this can only be regarded as an inheritance 500 years later, the little auspicious grass king does not want to accept this gift.

As the existence of "Naxida", she has never accepted the power and memory of the Great Mercy Tree King, and even her body is a sprout born from the World Tree;

I have my own time, my own memory, my own strength, and my own sun, so I can be said to be another individual.

From the beginning to the end, I didn't have any inheritance with the "Great Mercy Tree King", so how could I have the nerve to take away all her glory and fame?

If it is said that in order to protect Sumeru, she needs to sacrifice herself to become the "Great Mercy Tree King", Nashida will never hesitate.

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