Even if you put on an inexplicable helmet and combine the two into one, there is no problem.

But Naxida couldn't accept it if she didn't inherit anything and directly coveted the achievements of the sky.

Seeing the phantom of the Great Merciful Tree King, he smiled gratifiedly.

Sure enough, even if there is no relationship between spirit and body, "I" is "I" and will never become another existence.

Thinking of this, she said softly:

"Little Nasida, this gift should be regarded as compensation for being 500 years late."

"There is already a memory of the "Great Mercy Tree King" being polluted in the leylines.Although it can be completely eliminated, the memory of the "Great Mercy Tree King" among all things, even for thousands of years, may eventually revive it again. "

"Since it is impossible to erase the memory of all things one by one, then what is more suitable to accept this responsibility than "I"? "

"All good things will eventually die. On this land, countless civilizations, countless segments of good things are endless, and reincarnation alternates. The "Great Mercy Tree King" may be great, but it is only one of them. "

"However, the fallen leaves will eventually become nourishment, nourishing all the creatures on this land."

"The forest today is more lush than the time I lived in, and the little auspicious grass king born in my fallen leaves and ashes will eventually become a more beautiful existence."

"For the sake of all the children yearning for life, the "Great Mercy Tree King" will eventually leave the stage, and the next thing will depend on the "Little Auspicious Grass King". "

"Please, cute little Nashida, whether you want to be the new reincarnation me, or the brand new little auspicious grass king, anyway, come on!"

"Then, goodbye. Although we can't meet in Yuanhai, we will eventually intertwine on countless branches of fate."

"At that time, if you are grateful, let the main body say it."

At this point, the phantom of the Great Mercy Tree King was almost transparent, he bowed his knees slightly to Nashida, saluted, and then disappeared without a trace.

Seeing that the "previous me" directly abandoned this responsibility and ran away, Naxida didn't know what to say for a while.

Such fragments, of course, will not last long.

People are gone, what is there to bargain for?with air?

Faced with this style of taking everything seriously and not letting go of herself, Nashida has nothing to do.

And compared to this, she has a bigger problem in front of her.

I thought this trip was a one-way trip to sacrifice myself, so I mentioned all the provocative words and willful demands during this time.

People are going to be gone, so my own sun will naturally not bargain.

But the retribution came too fast. When I was "lost" by "myself", it was my turn to pay off the debt.

How to do?How to do?How to do?

What kind of hopscotch, flower rope and so on, I had fun at the time, but now that I have to settle it, I will definitely be slapped in the face, for sure!

Nashida listened to the story told by King Dacishu for less than two hours, but thought about how to break the situation for an hour before she dared to come out from the link of World Tree.

Her method is not wise, but it works, that is - crying.

Coming out of the link of World Tree, apart from anything else, under Jiang Yan's surprised gaze, he hugged him and cried.

Nasida, who is full of emotions and has no way to vent, doesn't need acting skills at all, she just needs to vent out the emotions that have been suppressed for 500 years.

Seeing her crying so excitedly and sadly, Jiang Yan couldn't bother her, so he could only stroke his soft little head until Jiang Yan himself felt a little sleepy. to the story.

Faced with such a explosive inside story, even Jiang Yan, who had seen the market widely, never thought that the Dacishu King would be so flamboyant.

What's more terrible is that she is only responsible for raising the demand, and then "the rest is all up to you".

Other jobs are easy to say, how can the heart of God be so easy to borrow?

If it was a year ago, Ying's God's Heart would be easy to handle;

But now, after a good negotiation with the "doctor", if I increase the price temporarily, I'm afraid I have to make plans to completely tear myself apart with the fools.

If you don't want to fight a fire that is strong enough to destroy the entire Sumeru, you must find a solution that is acceptable to both parties.

But "both parties can accept" may be possible, but the parties concerned may not be able to accept it anyway.

Who dares to move the God's heart in the chest of the straggler who is about to become a god?Even if the opponent is the Queen of Ice, he will risk his life!

After all, if this guy talked about loyalty, the other executives would probably laugh out loud.

So after Jiang Yan discussed with Naxida for a long time, there was still no feasible plan.

After all, when it comes to interests, there is never a win-win situation. Even if you are eloquent, it is extremely difficult to get things out of other people's pockets.

"Borrowed and used" at such a sensitive time?

Even if she is as naive as Nasida, she doesn't believe that the other party can trust her.

For example, now, Naxida must return to Sumeru City.

Even if her consciousness can wander around at will, but at least during this time, the body needs to be her canary honestly.

The princess imprisoned on the high tower should not leave the cage for too long. This is also a tacit understanding between the two parties. Who knows if you are going to suddenly turn your face and go to war?

Everything that breaks the tacit understanding will completely disappear under the constant suspicion, so that the cooperation that could not talk about any trust in the first place will be completely wiped out.

There was no other way. Nashida, who had absorbed the warmth again, had no choice but to reluctantly return to Sumeru City, and the two continued to communicate with each other through dreams.

And Jiang Yan also decided to find Ying to find a solution, after all, it is her doll, maybe she will have some special methods?

Wait, I always feel like I forgot something?

Jiang Yan looked at Naxida, who bounced away and gradually went away, and fell into confusion...

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 575 Chapter 556 Is there something wrong with the arrival of reinforcements?

Unless there was something urgent, after Jiang Yan and Ying met in the arena, they would habitually fight first.

Today's two people no longer need to go through a life-and-death fight with all their strength to improve their martial arts.

The decisive battle skills and limits of the two sides are clear to each other.

What fun is there in a game where no one ever makes a mistake?

Therefore, the two of them have already changed their styles and started to find gains and fun from the collision of tactics and creativity.

For example, during a visit to Mond recently, Ying commented "very interesting" on Xifeng swordsmanship, which has a strict posture, a majestic atmosphere, and a combination of offense and defense.

The two met to fight each other with all their strength based on the west wind swordsmanship and each developed a set of tactics.

Sure enough, even if it was the same set of swordsmanship, the two had completely different styles of using it.

Ying's fighting style is quite true to Xifeng's swordsmanship. No matter how Jiang Yan attacks, he will use the smallest consumption, the smallest movement, and the most appropriate torque to perfectly parry it.

At the same time, use the continuous pressure of footsteps and positions to hinder the smooth connection of the opponent's moves.

Whenever the gap between the opponent's rhythms accumulates enough, a full blow will come as promised.

This kind of attack based on the premise of breaking the move is extremely difficult to defend. Often the whole battle just seems to passively parry a dozen moves, and then Jiang Yan is suddenly taken away by one move.

Of course, this is not an attack at all, but the accumulated result of countless times of oppression of distance and time. If people do not understand this point, they will definitely die inexplicably.

But Jiang Yan's style of play is completely different.

He often fights as a challenger, and never uses parry as the basis of his tactics.

Because attacking the strong with the weak, as long as you start busy parrying, this game can basically be declared sent.

So his style of play is -- use defense to attack.

In the intersection of swords and swords, there is no room for falsehood. For example:

If the opponent exerts ten percent of strength and you exert less than seven percent of strength, the only result is that the sword will fly out of your hand.

Only if you put out eight parts of your strength, and if you have enough skills and timing, are you qualified to follow the opponent's attack line and perform a long-axis unloading with stiffness.

If you score nine points and grasp the timing well, you are eligible to deflect the opponent's attack line to achieve the weak attack strong.

Of course, being able to overwhelm your opponent in terms of strength, skills and ability to capture timing, most of them will not be inferior to yours;

Therefore, the usual positive solution is to counteract this attack head-on with the same strength.

And Jiang Yan's style of play completely violated this point.

Can use [-]% of force, never use [-]% of force.

You can use nine points of force, but never ten points.

Even if the scene is ugly and passive, it is necessary to use an excellent exchange ratio to gain the advantage in rhythm.

Therefore, if his West Wind swordsmanship is seen by Captain Qin or the legendary Grand Leader, he will probably shake his head again and again.

Jiang Yan used the formidable West Wind swordsmanship in only one direction, forward.

Use assault to suppress the opponent's movement space, and when the opponent counterattacks, use short-distance unloading to perform quick dismantling moves with extreme speed and strength.

With precise calculations, save that one or two fractions of strength, and use it for the next attack with full force, without giving the opponent any chance to recover.

In his hands, the West Wind sword technique has become a weird sword technique that uses extreme distance to bury himself in defense and counterattack.

This is not in line with the philosophy of Xifeng swordsmanship, but it maximizes the benefits of "defense", and it has the taste of "rebound" in the swordsmanship created by Beidou.

This kind of extreme fight between one foot and life and death is risky, but it goes without saying that it is powerful, even Ying has overturned a few times.

Of course, more often than not, it's just playing off and being knocked down by Ying who suddenly changed the rhythm.

But even so, the two of them confirmed each other with great interest for a long time before they came to an end and started discussing serious matters.

Ying is also very troubled by Sumi's various coquettish operations.

She participated in the whole battle of the demon gods, although she was barely the first generation of earthly ruler.

But compared to Barbatos and Morax, whose "big background" is almost written on their faces, she really doesn't know much about Sumi's dusty past and various big pits left behind.

However, Yang Ying fully supported Jiang Yan's idea of ​​"borrowing a god's heart".

Jiang Yan said borrowing, that is borrowing, if you don't believe it, you can ask yourself.

disagree?If I don't even give you face, then don't do this God's Heart deal.

Such a domineering point of view left Jiang Yan completely speechless.

The attitude of gods towards mortals is really true.

Don't look at the "doctor" in front of Nasida, as a "executive officer comparable to a god", making the little guy feel like a big enemy, and even disconnected from the Internet.

But in Yingyan's eyes, I am afraid that this "doctor" who has never met is just a delivery man with the eyes of God.

Regarding this arrogance, Jiang Yan only wanted to say:

Well said, I like it.

If I repeat the original words to the "doctor", this guy who has already been disgusted by himself once, is afraid that he will be even more angry than a wind slime, and those belts with unknown meanings on his body will not be able to restrain him.

Create gods?Would the "god" you created dare to speak loudly in front of these real chicken-eating players?Let him vent your anger for you!

But Jiang Yan was not particularly worried about this "doctor" from the beginning to the end.

It is not terrible that the opponent is a smart person, because facing a smart person, most situations can be discussed.

Although Captain Tingqin had hinted to himself that the "captain" among the fools went to Nata and was probably waiting for support.

However, you only need to pass the news of "a good toy delivered to your door" to Munata who is itching, and at the critical moment, "justice" will naturally come from heaven to hold back the "captain".

Under the ebb and flow of combat power, the "doctor" may not be able to really tear his face apart.

But the problem has never been with the "doctor", but with the wayward puppet who is about to "become a god".

Faced with the decision to reclaim the heart of God, it is almost [-]% that there will be a big fuss.

At that time, even in order to protect their "experimental results", the fools can't sit back and watch themselves dig their hearts out on the spot.

When it comes to her doll, Ying is also very troubled. She, who is fragile and sensitive, finally gave a good way out, but now there is another change.

That kid, I really can't handle it by myself, so let's leave it to the Son of God.

Just right, you can have more helpers.

People who spend eternity with themselves, why should they worry about the faces of mortals?

Ying was very disapproving of Jiang Yan's worries about mortals.

They may have their great ideals, but what does that have to do with us?

In the face of fate, many beings have the awareness and practice of changing it, whether they are bright or dark, and no one is more noble than the other.

Wouldn't it be better if he didn't die from misunderstanding, or even die from the enlightenment of the people he was supposed to save?

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