Ying never talks about these exchanges and strategies when doing things. She only has one method that she is best at and has always been—to coerce the audience.

"Well, I see, I will send someone to assist you."

Ying, who didn't want Jiang Yan to be embarrassed because of his moral cleanliness, simply said it directly, and left the arena after another fight.

After discussing with Zhen, Yae Shenzi was summoned early the next morning, followed by a strange but familiar figure.

"That guy who always looks confident will ask for help? It's really rare, ha ha ha ha..."

Facing the guy who robbed his master, although the fox had a good relationship with him, he never said a good word.

"It's not asking for help, it's just taking into account my thoughts." Ying is very serious about rectifying Jiang Yan's name.

In her opinion, if Jiang Yan took action without any scruples, those so-called executive officers would have no choice but to escape even if they used the power Barnabas bestowed upon them.

Of course, if Barnabas made a long-distance shot himself, the backup he sent would naturally come in handy.

Yae Kamito rolled her cute eyes helplessly for her own god's completely unreasonable and mindless behavior of standing in line;

Then, with a "yes, yes, yes, yes, you are right" expression, continued:

"It just so happens that Sumeru is holding a "Moon Lotus Cup Beast Tamer Contest" that I am very interested in. It would be a pleasure to participate in it myself. "

"As for beating, killing, and teaching disobedient children, my guards will naturally do it. Are you right, General?"

"Humph! Why do you need to say more about the betrayed abandoned doll? Just cut it off!"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 576 Chapter 557 Is there something wrong with ruthless fish frying

The construction of the general's body has actually been going on, but it is limited by some rare materials, so it can only be made while waiting for materials.

These materials cannot be solved by Mora or the authority. Some are from the excavation of the ruins, some are treasures brought by plane travelers, and some output time is calculated in hundreds of years.

Inazuma started to prepare related materials 500 years ago. After making the trial skirmishers and generals, some important materials have been used up, and the follow-up movies have entered Yixin Pure Land, so naturally they have not been replenished.

When construction restarted, Ying regretted not starting to replenish spare parts earlier.

Even gods can't create something out of nothing.

However, after hundreds of years of preparation for this, Sumi, who also has the designated seller of the Immortal Witch Alice in the domain, met the fools who ran rampant in the Seven Kingdoms, and things became simple.

The "Doctor" ordered the fools to collect in the Seven Kingdoms for many years, plus the huge inventory of the Holy Order, so that the materials can not only be used to build the God's body of the stragglers, but also a "trial".

However, this "trial" directly stimulated the sensitive nerves of the stragglers.

With the attitude of "it's a big deal, it's a big deal and it's two parts", plus the hint of "this is part of the deal", half forced and half misleading, he asked the "doctor" to pack up all the redundant materials and send them to Daozao.

It's no wonder that "Doctor" thinks so. It's too difficult for him to understand "emotion" for a purely rational and profit-driven person like him.

Inazuma giving God's heart in vain?Are you insulting my IQ?

Compared with illusory, irrational "feelings";

Talking about the cold "deal", the "doctor" felt relieved.

Although the material is not easy to come by, it is not worth mentioning for the artificial god project, so the "doctor" shipped it quickly.

As for Daozuma, who planned to send the puppet to "realize the dream" for free, but accidentally mailed over materials that exceeded expectations, Ying naturally would not be polite.

With the assistance of her sister, Yae Shenzi, and Hu Zhai Gong, Ying worked day and night to completely complete the general's body, and completed the soul transfer ceremony under the sacred cherry tree.

He even made a puppet of Qi Qi as a belated reward for obtaining the Immortal Art of Reviving the Dead.

Although Zhen Yuying loved this newly created "sister" very much, the revived general didn't have any special feelings.

Taking orders and fulfilling them is her only need.

As long as there is an order from the master, it doesn't make any difference to her whether it is in the castle tower or in the sacred cherry tree.

So even if the puppet that was tried before she was built 500 years ago returned her materials for building herself 500 years later, the general didn't have any good feelings for this "sister".

The puppet actually betrayed its master?Unforgivable sin!

Even if the general once confronted the shadow sword, it was because he obeyed the master's order to restrict even himself.

It is completely difficult for her to understand, what kind of failure is it that can act of betrayal because of boring emotions?

It's better to destroy it, so as not to affect the reputation of the master and the reputation of being the master puppet.


Seeing that the general was full of fighting spirit, with a look on his face intending to activate "Evil Yaoying to the Demon" to dismantle the stragglers, Ying nodded in satisfaction.

Hearing from Jiang Yan that a group of so-called "executives" who were empowered by Barnabas dared to bully little Buyer, Ying was also very angry.

As the God of Wisdom, in the era of the Banquet of the Seven Gods, there were very few mortal rulers who had not sought the help of King Dacishu, and Daozao was no exception.

Aside from the bad habit of endlessly telling stories and digressing far and wide, no one didn't like to ask this beautiful and intelligent colleague for advice, or to ask for some allusions.

The Great Mercy Tree King fell in order to protect mortals, but her heir became the target of bullying by the mortals she guarded with her life?How unreasonable!

Even without Jiang Yan's request for help, Ying also planned to help little Buyer in return for seeking the wisdom and guidance of the Great Mercy Tree King back then.

For those ungrateful guys in the Sumeru Holy Order, Ying only remembered a passage from the long story that King Dacishu told her and Zhen:

A group of frogs begged the gods to grant them a king.

They are stupid, they are already doomed from life to death, so why do they need a king?

The gods granted their request and threw a large log into the pond.

After fear, hesitation, and testing, the frogs finally found that this "king" was nothing special.

They rode on the head of the "king" and continued to pray loudly to the gods to give them a new king.

The angry gods satisfied their request again, and threw another waterfowl down. When they were hungry, angry, or bored, they would eat a few frogs by the way.

From then on, they finally obtained their majestic "king" as they wished.

Although it's not good to take the place of others, but if they continue to fight, Ying still doesn't mind letting these ungrateful guys know:

Not only will the sky rain down big logs, but water birds will also rain down.

Of course, what made Ying even more angry were the group of Barnabas' subordinates;

Why, your slogan of rebelling against the law of heaven is implemented in action, that is, to bully the gods who fell in order to protect mortals, Lian Lianshou?Give you face?

While I was in Yixin Pure Land, I happened to settle the account of Dao's wife's affairs thoroughly this time.

The value of a mortal never lies in what he says, but what he does.

The person who spends eternity with him has faced the threats from the sky and the abyss countless times, so where does he need to make concessions to this group of people who have empty slogans?

Since there is an agreement with Barnabas, it is not convenient for him to make a move, so it is the same to let the general make a move.

So Ying simply ordered to the general:

Scattered soldiers are not allowed to kill, and stay with her after defeat;

Once the other executives are rude, they can be executed!

Even if the skirmishers were about to "become gods", Ying didn't think that the recreated General Thunder would lose.

At the beginning of the design, he was used as a substitute for the shadow and the general of the executor of the will. He is not comparable to the artificial gods put together by "the body of the gods", "the gnosis of the gods" and "the subjective consciousness".

For the body of God that skirmishers dream of, the general originally built it according to this standard.

The stragglers need to extract from the veins of the earth and piece together the god's gnosis, and the general was born with a complete copy of the shadow.

As for a strong enough subject consciousness?The general is a complete consciousness, and there is no need to adapt at all.

In terms of advantages, even if a straggler becomes a god, the only advantage is the heart of God in his chest.

However, the Heart of God has never been a stable source of power, and Ying himself had thought about it. Although he could derive some power, he couldn't achieve continuous energy supply.

She didn't think that the "doctor" was able to do things that a mere mortal could do even the owner of the God's Heart could not.

What the general will face is at most a "god" who possesses a very powerful force when it explodes, that's all.

Since that kid wants to "become a god", there is always a "god test" to prevent him from indulging in false power.

Even if she lacks the heart of a god, she just doesn't know what the god she imagined would look like. Can a battle be fought when she meets the original god form with the general's magical outfit "Evil Yaoying Xiangtianma"?


As for Ying's act of not talking about martial arts at all, and directly violently bombing fish on the battlefield of mortals, Yae Kamito simply didn't bother to talk about her.

Stingy, vengeful, bad tempered, where did the character of that puppet come from, don't you have any idea?

Presumably if the general or Jiang Yan suffers, the eager guy in front of him will definitely borrow the general's body, pull him into the pure land of one heart and start fighting directly.

Even Yae Kamiko, who thinks he has enough scorn, can only secretly look at the helpless Zhen, and the two resonate with subtle eyes, and complain about the younger sister and the master together.

Be a god, really...

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 577 Chapter 558 Is there something wrong with the harmonious negotiation

When Jiang Yan and Nashida's consciousness came to pick up the people at Ormos Port, they found the general who appeared behind Yae Shenzi, which made Jiang Yan look confused.

He recognized the general without a word.

Feelings, even with a veil on, can leak out of the eyes.

Not to mention, no matter whether it is shadow or real, when they see themselves, they will not have such an extremely unwilling expression.

Only his defeated general was still thinking about being hanged up and beaten by him.

In fact, the same is true. Since the general was born 500 years ago, one of the things that bothers him most is being hanged up and beaten by this mortal in the consciousness space of the divine cherry tree.

That humiliating defeat almost made the general doubt his existence.

It wasn't until later in the sacred cherry tree that he heard again and again that this mortal's achievements were getting more and more outrageous, and that several mortal rulers were under his sword, that the general's mentality was slightly balanced.

But even so, she took this former opponent as a goal that must be surpassed.

After all, those who are useless can enjoy life with peace of mind;

What is the value of a puppet that is not useful?

So the only thing the general said when they met was: "Ying wants you to compete with me a lot, and I will do as you please."

Afterwards, he stayed behind Yae Shenzi like a real puppet, without saying a word.

And Yae Shenzi also said that he was ordered to come here this time mainly to participate in the "Moon Lotus Cup Beast Tamer Competition". As for fighting and killing, he can completely order the general.

Jiang Yan was very happy with this "surprise" brought by Ying.

This is more than just reinforcements, it's like playing chess with an extra apple that can be thrown on the board.

General Thunder and Lightning, who can activate the "Evil Yaoying Xiangtian Demon" divine outfit, may not be inferior to him in terms of peak output alone.

After all, God's Wisdom has a great advantage in the compression and utilization of elemental power.

This kind of body can no longer be called the incarnation of a god, it is completely a half-body body of a god. Does this conform to the default rules of fighting strength in the world?

But thinking about how foolish executives are bullying others with the power bestowed by the Queen of Ice, Jiang Yan feels that his moral bottom line can be relatively flexible.

Now that you have yourself, the general, and Yae Shenzi, what else do you have to say to the fools? Why don't you just go over and talk about it?

have opinions?Have you seen the two-meter-long shavings of rice?


Soon, the Palace of Wisdom welcomed three visitors, who sat opposite each other at the long table in the library.

Jiang Yan and Yae Shenzi were smiling, and the general looked ready to draw his sword at any time. The division of labor and cooperation between the three was very reasonable.

the person in charge as the leader;

Specialized problem-solving technicians;

And a negotiator with an active atmosphere.

A very standard combination, and the "sincerity" of the negotiation almost overflowed on the face of the opposite party.

But unfortunately, this "sincerity" did not move the trio on the opposite side.

Just one table away, the atmosphere on the opposite side was as cold as ice, as if returning to the solstice of winter.

No matter how powerful intelligence work is, it has its limits;

Faced with the secrets of the gods, whether it is a doll made by the gods, or a "deal" between Narumi and his own gods, how do mortals know it?

From the emergency communication of the fools in Port of Ormos, when they learned that the god of Inazuma had come to Sumeru in a big way, the "doctor" and his group were shocked.

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