For a moment, they thought that the other party was going to overturn the table and clear all taboos in the name of heavenly principles.

Just when the extreme executive officer was preparing to destroy all facilities and traces and engage in a decisive battle.

Through the senses of their own "believers", the stragglers who felt the strength of the opponent were the first to discover the true identity of the opponent.

——It wasn't "her", but his own "sister".

What's the meaning?Are you sent by "she" to mock me?

Even though his eyes were about to spit fire, the stragglers knew that their willfulness had made the basket bigger.

In desperation, he had no choice but to find a few colleagues who were preparing to destroy the evidence, and confessed the details of this "Narukami".

Knowing that the lineup was good, his teammates sent a holy sword. Several executive officers were so angry that they almost broke up the skirmishers into "scattered" soldiers on the spot.

But the enemy is riding on the face, even if this ghost must be killed, it shouldn't be now;

What's more, since the other party walked over swaggeringly, at least it shows that there is still something to talk about.

However, the basis of all negotiations is the balance of power;

Faced with the extreme inclination of the balance of combat power, several executive officers had no choice but to turn Arechino from the dark to the bright after deliberation, and Dadalia, who was hiding in the secret room, was ready to launch a surprise attack at any time.

Although the difference is that the whole army is wiped out in a blink of an eye, and the whole army is wiped out after struggling;

But the executive officers are confident that even if they face this god-made puppet, they can at least bite off a piece of the other's flesh with their joint efforts.


Of course, the team in this kind of atmosphere has a natural atmosphere... well, it's already considered everyone's hard work if they didn't kill the skirmisher on the spot first.

For example, "Doctor" is looking at the ghost teammate, the straggler, with a "Look at what you did?" expression.

Although he had already learned from the body of the skirmisher that Inazuma also possessed the technology of making dolls.

But he never expected that the other party would actually build a "God" before him!

The stragglers have never said anything about their own stories, the kind who ask whoever asks who is in a hurry.

Even the doctor only knew that she was a puppet made by Inazuma's General Raiden, but he didn't know that the other party's "general" entered the practical stage as early as 500 years ago.

Where did such a mature subject consciousness come from?

Is the knowledge of God so easy to copy?

Where did the opponent get the manufacturing technology of the body of the god?

At this moment, the "doctor" felt as if he had been robbed of a paper, and his mood couldn't be worse.

What's even more irritating is that the material for the other party's experiment was given to him by himself.

Take your own materials and rush to publish your own papers?

As a researcher, "Doctor" didn't make a big move on the spot, because the general's naginata really has a calming special effect.

As for Arechino, who was in charge of intelligence, his face was as hard as ice, and even the stragglers didn't even bother to take a look.

These two self-proclaimed smart idiots, is this what you should do?

In her opinion, after this incident, this colleague has already become the target of trial and purge, so let's talk about it if you want to capture him back to Zhiwinter.

In this way, under the atmosphere of spring on one side and winter on the other, Jiang Yan finally spoke first:

"Don't be nervous, first of all, all transactions will be completed normally."

However, there was no reaction from the other side of the table to these words to ease the atmosphere, not even an expression of "I believe you a ghost".

You even smashed the half of the gods, can you stop saying things that slimes don't believe?

A routine greeting, only in exchange for three different styles of "Please continue your performance" indifferent, smelly, and angry.

Jiang Yan, who was left in the cold, thought about it, and gave up the step-by-step opening remarks he had thought up.

Facing this group of winter savages who have no sense of humor and no diplomatic etiquette, it is really meaningless to waste those feelings. It is better to start the topic directly.

So he organized some words and said:

"The World Tree has encountered a huge crisis that you can't imagine. The little auspicious grass king hopes to use two God Hearts at the same time to destroy a large part of the World Tree's periphery."

"Of course, as a prerequisite for trust, we will hand over the little auspicious grass king to you to take care of during this period, how about it?"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 578 Chapter 559 Is there something wrong with the sword negotiation

"You mean Sumeru's "Magic Scale Disease"? "Facing the opponent's lion, he opened his mouth, but the "doctor" calmed down instead.

Just like seeing off Lowefart in Mond, the bigger the scene, the more difficult it is to fight.

The other party dared to call out such a one-size-fits-all bid, and there was naturally a reason behind it, otherwise it would be better to just start the fight directly.

Moreover, the other party's master, Master Qiyue Zhuyang, settled in Huachengguo to treat the magic scale disease. Now it is a hot topic in the entire Sumeru, and several executive officers have naturally heard of it.

Numerous patients with magic scale disease and their family members are flocking to Huacheng Guo like a tide, waiting for the treatment of Immortal Liyue.

Although the same research was carried out by "Doctor" decades ago;

However, it only solved the superficial problem of how to get rid of the enrichment of elemental power in the human body.

But as to "why the Xumi people have a probability of producing abnormal elemental power enrichment.", it still doesn't make sense.

Later, the "doctor" lost interest in this topic, and the follow-up research naturally came to nothing.

However, now that I heard that this subject that I started to study has made great in-depth progress, the "doctor" has rarely become interested.

"You speak, I'm listening."

Seeing that the opponent took the bait, Jiang Yan decisively threw out the meat:

""Magic scale disease"?If your chief coordinator were here, the answer would have been different. "

"This is not a disease, but a curse that has destroyed countless civilizations throughout history."

"All civilizations that come into contact with the "taboo" will be wiped out by this curse. "

Jiang Yan did not sell officials. Although Gao Tian's law is not something the world can covet, but warning mortals to stay away from "taboo" itself is not a "taboo" thing, it can be said bluntly.

"But what does that have to do with us?" Arechino said disdainfully.

It is true that fools resist the laws of heaven and the abyss, but they are not the Virgin who saved Tevat, as can be seen from the reviews among the six kingdoms.

"Is this the 'servant'? "Jiang Yan's eyes swept over this icy girl."

"As a servant, when discussing serious matters, I suggest you only bring your useful eyes and ears." Jiang Yan directly denied her qualification to participate in the discussion with a pun.

"You...!" As the eyes and ears of the fools, Arechino's position is not as simple as a seat.

The "servant" is not the servant of the fools, but the servant of the Ice Queen. She has the power to report directly to the Ice Queen, bypassing the Commander "Harlequin" in an emergency;

When other colleagues violate the Queen's will, they are even more qualified to issue direct accusations as supervisors.

With such a status, how often has she been wronged like this?

Just when she was about to retort, she was interrupted by "Doctor" with a wave.

As the second "Doctor", he is far more familiar with the history of Teyvat and the mysterious commander than Arechino.

So what Jiang Yan said was actually for him.

"Doctor" also accurately captured the message Jiang Yan wanted to convey.

What's the matter?Have you asked "The Harlequin" yet?

Where do you think the technology in his hands came from?

Why do you think his kingdom is gone?

Everyone seeks to rewrite the laws of heaven, which is originally a taboo.

Instead of looking for a solution to the curse problem now, why don't we wait until one day in winter when there are people all over the place, and then conduct research?

"Evidence, I need evidence, whether it's convincing us, or mobilizing people from home."

As for the precautionary measures of the natural law countermeasures, for the fools, the importance is naturally not lower than the heart of God, but it is impossible for anyone to accept two hearts of God with empty words.

"I don't have any direct evidence."

Seeing that the other three were about to attack, Jiang Yan added calmly:

"The reason why taboos become taboos is precisely because everyone who comes into contact with them has been completely destroyed by the curse, even powerful demon gods are no exception."

"Xumi got the solution at the price of the downfall of the two demon gods, and the "key" is in the hands of the little auspicious grass king. "

"I think, compared to the illusory evidence, letting the gods complete all this in front of your eyes is much more credible no matter how you think about it."

The three executive officers looked at each other, and quickly reached a consensus - disagree.

As "eyes" and "ears", Arechino seldom made his own decisions outside of the Queen's orders.

At this time, the stragglers refused to have any extra problems other than becoming a god.

Even the "doctor" who is quite interested in it thinks that although this matter is happy to see it happen, it is not worth the risk for fools to pay for it.

Even if fools don't cooperate, wouldn't the little auspicious grass king not do it?

If all this was true, even if she went to the god of Fontaine, the god of Nata, she would still complete the work.

After all, this is related to the fate of the entire Sumeru.

And this will just give the fools a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to obtain their god's heart.

Of course, this kind of reason is not enough to explain to the Liyue people in front of them.

So under the hint of "Doctor", Arechino categorically refused:

"The Heart of God has absolute significance for our great plan, and we will not take any risks for it."

Since she didn't want to turn the tables on the spot and make bad faces, it was natural for her to do it with the negotiating assistant.


Jiang Yan and Yae Shenzi were not surprised by their rejection.

Although the two of them would bicker when they met, they hit it off very well in terms of their style of doing things.

Before coming, the two of them were not particularly optimistic about this negotiation.

"Borrowing" the heart of God with empty teeth, this kind of thing comparable to strategic blackmail, was originally a matter of luck.

If it didn't succeed, it was nothing more than starting the next plan.

So Jiang Yan looked calm, and said lightly:

"It's okay, this time, we are mainly here to inform you."

"The gods return to the gods, and the world to the world. No matter how the gods choose, before there is no clear order, everyone will have to have a fight.

"When the time comes, don't worry if you lose the God's Heart. The Little Auspicious Grass King will return it after you use it."

This attitude of completely treating himself as not a god completely angered the stragglers.

"You think you're sure to win? You humble creature... Pay attention to your position! What you are about to face is a newborn god!"

"Unreasonable!" With a wave of the general's naginata, the long desk was split in two.

Although he is not reconciled, the existence in front of him is the person chosen by Ying to spend eternity together, the person who defeated himself with a mortal body, how can the defective product in front of him be humiliated?

"Humble? Defective product, who gave you the courage to be so arrogant? Is it the heart of God that is abandoned like a shoe?"

"Let me see how much you can use it for?"

After all, the general's naginata was already shining with thunder.

Facing the general's actions, the straggler covered his face and began to laugh wildly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

At this moment, he is very happy.

The scene of ascension to the gods he hoped for should never be just to show his strength by trampling a few ants to death with one foot. What's the point of becoming a god?

What else, than defeating his obsession all along, can prove that he has surpassed himself, transcended the mundane, and surpassed "her" imagination?

This must be fate, guiding me in the dark, allowing me to revive this "sister" whose fate is closely entangled with him.

This is really, really good!

"Very well, it seems that you and I are destined to have a battle."

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