"Come, let me reproduce the scene of the war of the demon god. Let's unveil the birth of the god!"

After all, a big purple hand suddenly rose from the floor!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 579 Chapter 560 Is there something wrong with spiritual attack

"Use this as a prison!"

The general was not at all afraid of the big purple hands. With a wave of the naginata, a large amount of thunder element power was emitted from his body like flowing water. In a blink of an eye, it formed a huge puppet palm and violently "slapped" it down!

Two huge palms clasped together, and the huge roar shattered all the glass, doors, and ceiling made of colored glaze in the Wisdom Palace Library.

And the three thunder element masters floated up under the repulsive force of the electric charges in the same direction, and landed easily without any injuries.

In the ear, there is only the sound of a piece of wind chime falling to the ground, like a waterfall, continuous.

Amidst the crisp and clear sounds one after another, Jiang Yan didn't take any extra actions, no matter whether he was floating up or falling steadily, he just locked the "servant" and "doctor" firmly with his breath.

At this moment, with the golden light in his eyes, he could hardly look directly at him, and with his astonishing elemental power, he conveyed the most straightforward message:

No matter how dare to act rashly, the Cangyan Star, which fell from the sky, will definitely announce the end of those who are obsessed with fortunetelling!

But even with the help of the gods, for both parties, this is still just a test.

Jiang Yan needs to confirm whether the opponent's artificial god really has a god-level contribution.

And the "doctor" also needs to confirm whether the information that "the doll that replaced the god for 500 years" is true.

After all, the battle between the two sides has always been based on the general framework of "I support you with everything other than support for your top iron".

Even if there is a competition for interests, it is after the success of the "Doctor"'s artificial god.

But now, the time has not yet come.


"Scaramucci, stop!"

"General, stop!"

After some probing, harsh words, and restraining the standards of his subordinates;

The two sides resumed their confrontation in a mess.

Facing the stragglers who took his own move, the general was very interested.

Although the strength of the opponent's move was not pure enough at first, the sudden burst of strength almost caused the general to suffer a small loss.

This is the power of the heart of God?not bad.

However, just relying on this, you can call yourself a god?Innocent!

Is your target Heulia?

The general can clearly perceive from this move that the weakness of skirmishers is extremely obvious.

Although Ying's God's Heart provided her with extremely powerful thunder element power;

But her control over the power of the thunder element is far from reaching this level, not even the Yae Shenzi.

This is normal, after all, her divine gnosis does not originate from the Naruto who is the incarnation of Thunder, but from the old god who is said to be under the Great Red Sand Sea.

The control of elemental power stems from one's own cognition and attributes, absorbing the gnosis of other gods, even one's own foundation has shifted, how can it be possible to exert the power of the heart of God to the extreme?


As a pure warrior, what the general despises the most is someone who borrows power that does not belong to him.

Thinking of this, she looked at the expressions of the stragglers, full of disdain.

And the stragglers don't care about the outcome of this move, their trump card has never been above the attributes of the heart of God.

He intentionally concealed his true strength, and was able to fight against the half of the "her" in front of him. This result was enough to satisfy the skirmishers.

"Come on, I will use your defeat to prove "her" wrong! "

Skirmishers are extremely satisfied with the script of "Stepping on the General to God", which perfectly solved all her demands.

Defeat the highest technological achievement of Xumi Mortal?In comparison, it is an insult to the gods.

It was rare for the other party to send him in front of him, and the stragglers planned to directly use this geographical advantage to carry out a surprise attack that neither side would have thought of.

In front of the perfect Ascension script and sacrifices, the team?plan?what is that?Gods need to care about the opinion of their fellow mortals?

In an instant, a huge thunder spear appeared in her hands, and it turned into countless "starlights" of ice and fire thunder, waiting to shoot at Jiang Yan.

"Yuan Neng? You have a hand!"

Jiang Yan looked at the scattered soldiers with admiration, and skillfully transformed the thunder elemental force in the heart of God into primordial energy, and then transformed it into various elemental forces.

Yuan Neng is a variant of Light Realm Force, which can be transformed into various forms of earthly elemental power by using the unique skills of Yuan Neng Omnic.

After obtaining the Chi Wang's divine gnosis, I didn't expect this guy to master this skill.

Facing the aggressive stragglers, Jiang Yan didn't intend to teach her to be a human being with a star knife, but suddenly stretched out his right hand, and a stack of pictures appeared in his hand.

Afterwards, Jiang Yan gently activated the power of the wind, countless pictures hovered in the air, and they were about to fly out of the window along the completely shattered window.

It wasn't until this moment that the three executive officers saw clearly what the picture in Jiang Yan's hand was.

It was when the straggler was still "him", the precious travel photo of being pressed down by a boulder with all four feet facing down like a little turtle in Longji Snow Mountain.

"By the way, as a newly born god, I suddenly remembered that you don't have a famous name yet."

"Speaking of which, if Ying isn't here, I have the obligation to name you, but I'm really not good at it."

"Since this is the case, how about spreading your heroic appearance all over the entire Sumeru, one person counts the shortcomings, and the other two counts the strengths, and see what good names you will have if you gain the wisdom of everyone, how about it?"

Jiang Yan's tone was flat, but as soon as the malicious words fell, the entire Wisdom Palace was blown up!

This move of violently opening the box naturally has no effect on the general strong.

To kill you, isn't it me who writes the public opinion of mortals at will?

However, it is different for the stragglers. The stragglers have long been obsessed with "justifying their names", and they are all focused on becoming a god that everyone fears and believes in.

Imagining that she is about to become the "Turtle God" and "Squashed God", how can she accept her own god-ascension ceremony and turn it into a farce, a joke?

So without any time to think about it, the stragglers simply used the fire element power transformed in their hands to turn into a cloud of fire, completely burning everything in the air.

But when she lowered her head, she found that Yae Shenzi, the general and Jiang Yan had long since disappeared.

"It's that cunning woman! I should have thought of it earlier!"

Yae Shenzi is very good at using the flow of earth veins to move at high speed, and although Jiang Yan and the general are not proficient in this way, it is not difficult to follow the veins planned by Yae Shenzi.

From the beginning of the negotiation, Yae Shenzi began to link the earth veins here, and using his control over the power of the thunder element, he used the talisman in his sleeve to make a portable magic circle.

Before the general and the stragglers turned their faces, a fast-moving magic circle had already been constructed in Yae Shenzi's long sleeves.

Seeing Jiang Yan's secret sign, the Yae Shenzi talisman was displayed, injecting elemental power, and the three of them arrived outside the Wisdom Palace in a blink of an eye.

It's not that I'm afraid of this awkward guy, but before I use up the tricks arranged for him, how can I be willing to beat him to the ground?

How did you get that winter saying?

You have to grow up well, don't lose to the wind, don't lose to the rain, don't lose to Dongxue, don't lose to Yanxia!

Baby, although I don't want to keep out the wind and rain, I am willing to blow the wind and make rain for you!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 580 and Chapter 561 are the rules released, is there something wrong?

Leaving aside the frantic stragglers, the "doctor" and the "servant" were not surprised by the result of this negotiation.

When the opponent doesn't talk about martial arts and brings all the dolls made by gods, the whole situation is no longer under his control.

However, the greatest advantage of the Fools is that they have "righteousness".

No matter how strong this group of guys are, they are afraid to do great things and cherish their lives, they will eventually make a way out.

Under the white phosphorous star, my destiny is mine, this is absolutely true!


Well, the biggest characteristic of fools is to have this kind of enigmatic self-confidence.

They don't know the layout of Orobus in units of epochs;

I don't know the plans of the gods to show their strengths;

Not to mention that Jiang Yan's gaze had already been placed on the throne of heaven.

In their view, the Fools are the only responsible group in the world, and other gods and mortals are cowards who buried their heads in the ground.

However, it is precisely because of this self-confidence that it is better than me that makes the fools gather together and makes them dare to challenge any powerful existence.

For example, now, "Doctor" is about to do a thing that overreaches and pulls the man - to question the little auspicious grass king.

That Liyue man knew all kinds of secrets about the Sumeru Demon God like a treasure.

"Doctor" didn't realize that he had a close connection with Little Auspicious Grass King, so he didn't deserve to be called "Doctor".

So he took his "servant" who was proficient in intelligence investigation and analysis, all the way to Jingshan Palace.

Under the illusion and brainwashing, the guards along the way completely turned a blind eye, allowing the two Winter Solstice people to step into the place where the gods lived.

This is the first time the "Doctor" has set foot here. After all, if it is not necessary, he does not want to have any dealings with this newborn god.

The goal of the "Doctor" is to surpass the gods. If he gains wisdom or power from the gods, his great achievements will be discounted intolerable.

This was something he was so proud of, he couldn't accept it no matter what.

So even if there are countless opportunities to persecute, negotiate, and trade;

He still only chooses to cooperate with the great sage who thinks he is smart, rather than the seemingly weak and deceitful newborn god.

And the "doctor" who stepped into the residence of the design object for the first time is feeling with great interest the support of the "sacred tree" to the gods, and the vague connection between the heart of God and this place.

Looking up again, seeing the extremely delicate "birdcage" made by the great sage to "imprison" the gods, the doctor smiled disdainfully.

Weak and incompetent protection.

The God of Wisdom has endowed his people with excellent wisdom, but how can he protect his own god with wisdom alone?

Wisdom without strength to practice is nothing but cleverness.

However, although the "doctor" doesn't like any earthly ruling that helps the evildoers except the queen.

But this new god, who was imprisoned here since birth, was naturally not among them.

The "doctor" naturally didn't have any malice towards her other than official business.

Stepping forward, he raised his voice and said:

"Your Majesty Little Auspicious Grass King, let us forget about this silly trick and have an open and honest talk."

Well, this is already an arrogant "doctor", the limit of politeness.

Even in the face of the "clown", he still has this attitude.

Nasida naturally didn't care about human etiquette at all, and quickly accepted the "Doctor"'s invitation to talk.

"As you wish, wandering leaves."

Nashida gently opened the exquisite birdcage that the great sage built for her to protect her, and jumped down gently.

After landing lightly, he tilted his head and thought for a while, then waved to the ground, and three chairs with vines were born, and he sat on them first.

"Please forgive me for the poor greeting, that's the way to say it here."

In fact, all her understanding of etiquette comes from imitation with half-knowledge.

Thankfully, she used the occasion this time instead of entertaining two guests with a happy trip to the bathroom first.

The "doctor" and the "servant" looked at each other, ignored the slightly subtle words of the gods, and sat down slowly.

This is the first time Nasida has had a face-to-face conversation with the "enemy".

Even though Jiang Yan taught her all the speaking skills and routines in the dream, Naxida still felt a little nervous.

It's not that I'm afraid that I will encounter danger, but that I'm a little worried that because of my improper handling, things will not achieve the desired result, and my cherished Sumi will be hurt.

Quietly feeling the warm breath in her dream, Nasida gained courage from it again.

Looking at the dangerous mortal in front of her with her lovely eyes, she asked kindly:

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