"Children of Leaf and Snow wandering outside, do you come to me for guidance?"

"Doctor" has always felt irritated by this subtle title.

vagabond?blade?When he was driven away with a pitchfork by the ignorant villagers, he was no longer a citizen of Sumeru.

When he came back this time, Xumi had long since changed, only the stupidity of the Holy Order remained the same.

Even if he is called a researcher with this group of rigid, stupid and rotten minds, the "doctor" feels a shame.

blade?I'm just a unique "doctor", I don't need belonging and comfort, these weak people's things.

Under the influence of such emotions, the "doctor" gave up the obvious deceitful behaviors such as pleasantries and stereotypes, and directly asked a question in a slightly rude way:

"Your Majesty Little Auspicious Grass King, I wish to know whether the so-called devil scale disease really originated from a curse from above?"

This question did not surprise Naxida and Jiang Yan at all.

Compared with the news delivered by the enemy, it is naturally the proper meaning for fools to get the news from an earthly ruler.

Although the gods have different personalities, stories of lying to mortals have been almost unheard of for thousands of years.

At least in this regard, the entire Tivat, even fools, agree.

So the little auspicious grass king told the "doctor" again, the truth that Jiang Yan had told him.

"That's right, no one in the world has ever witnessed the eternal law, but the law always governs everything in the world."

"At the price of everything they have, the two gods finally endured everything on behalf of the people before the catastrophe came."

"Just provide me with the strength of other colleagues, and together, we can completely remove the sharp sword hanging above this land."

With the endorsement of the Little Auspicious Grass King in the names of the two fallen gods, and the close connection with the history of Sumeru.

The "doctor" finally admitted that he only saw the phenomenon in the research of the magic scale disease, but did not capture the essence of this major mistake.

However, although I have made mistakes in my research, it does not mean that I will fully accept the solution of the weak god.

I have done enough pre-research topics, where do I need help from the gods?

This trivial matter cannot be resolved as a mortal, so how can it be "beyond the gods?"

Thinking of this, the "doctor" brought up the test tube he never left his hand, shook it gently, and said arrogantly:

"Little Auspicious Grass King, you are a smart consul. I believe you understand the difference in combat power between us"

"Is there any job that only you can do, but I can't?"

The "Doctor" had the upper hand in several air-to-air fights with Nasida.

Whether it is changing the mining frequency of the void, or exporting the power of the heart of God, or even directly "disconnecting" the gods, they have successfully achieved their goals.

After successive victories, even he who is absolutely rational, could not help but feel a little contempt for this young god in front of him.

Instead of witnessing the gods to solve the problem, why not directly seize the authority of the gods and save all the souls of Sumeru by themselves?

It must be very interesting to let this group of ignorant Xumi people be forced to worship people who they had misunderstood and exiled.

Is there anything better than this to prove that you have surpassed the gods?


Nasida was not angry at the arrogance and arrogance of the "Doctor".

This is the case with the Holy Order that serves him, so why should he care about this "enemy" in front of him?

It's just that some responsibilities can only be borne by oneself after all. Thinking of this, Naxida said seriously:

"The laws of heaven have been silent for a long time, and the heart of God is a symbol of their control over Tevat and all laws."

"Wandering blades, I don't doubt that you can derive the power from them."

"However, are you sure that you want to fully activate the power of the heart of God as a mortal to awaken the long-silent law of heaven?"

The truth, it is indeed the truth, Nasida never lied.

But whether it can really awaken the law of heaven, Naxida is not clear.

But just "possibility" is enough to discourage this mortal.

Sure enough, as soon as the statement discussed with Jiang Yan was uttered, the "doctor" fell into deep thought.

Regarding the meaning of the Heart of God, the greatest ideal of the Fools is to seize the authority of the gods through the Heart of God. Naturally, everyone has this level of cognition among several executive officers.

But so far, research on the Heart of God has been limited to utilizing the enormous power contained in it, even the "Artificial God" project is no exception.

Fully activating the power in the heart of God will awaken the law of heaven?

Although I have never heard such a statement, but according to theory, it is very possible.

Although the "doctor"'s research on the heart of God is almost written on his face.

But he is well aware that in terms of results, the progress of the current experiment is still only at the level of "power".

And pure power is never placed in the eyes of beings above the sky.

With the power of the light realm and the primordial energy, the power they can call is endless.

But when it comes to earthly authority, that's a different story.

Even if countless phenomena show that the harsh principles of heaven have fallen into silence in this generation;

However, once one of the seven hubs controlled, if there is a huge abnormal state, no one can guarantee whether it will be "woke up" or "woke up" under the strong impact.

Just taking a look at the various high-intelligence omnics that are absent from the Red King's Mausoleum, there is no need to doubt the integrity of the various "rules" that monitor and restrict the rules.

Not to mention, the "doctor" learned of a very dangerous situation after exchanging information with the great sage of Sumeru:

When the god in front of me was just born, even though his mind was like a human child, he could still use the power of the void very easily.

Whether it is the council that misses King Dacishu, or the "doctor" who is dedicated to surpassing the gods, they don't want to sanctify this phenomenon.

However, if this answer is not accepted, the Heart of God has a certain degree of "authentication", which can almost be said to be a certainty.

The risks brought about by this conclusion have been lingering throughout the entire process of the cooperation of "Doctor".

But fortunately, even in the "Day of Endless Reincarnation", the void system in the Heart of God was overloaded, and there was no worry, which made the doctor gradually relieved.

It turns out that the basis of God's Heart judgment is power rather than power?

Is this blackmail, or is it real? "Doctor" was a little hesitant.

The "doctor" turned to look at the "servant", and the "servant" also thought for a long time before shaking his head slightly.

Don't dare to bet, alas.

Not to mention that the credit of the gods is very strong;

Considering only the impact of the awakening of heavenly principles, the "doctor" dare not bet on a "possibility" with the entire crowd of fools, or even the entire solstice.

None of the executives would dare.

Judging from the various dusty, taboo, and obliterated histories, the logic of Tianli's work is very simple.

Draw a circle according to race, country, civilization, and era, and then destroy everything in it, leaving no remnants and no survivors.

The hundreds of years of its silence are almost the best days that the creatures of Tivat have lived.

Who dares to awaken it?Is it not good to live?

Whoever does this is afraid that the other six countries will work together to promote it.


The sudden meeting came to an end.

At this point, it is no longer the level where "doctors" and "servants" can be the masters.

After emergency communication, emergency meeting and questioning with the imperial court;

The theory of "forbidden knowledge" and the curse from Gao Tian, ​​as well as the theory that the power in the heart of the gods should not be moved lightly, has been double-approved by the gods and the commander.

The importance of confirming and witnessing "purification" has also been directly elevated to the same status as obtaining the heart of God.

Soon, another wave of reinforcements from Zhidong set foot on the fast boat to Sumeru.

The leader of the team is none other than the Chief of the Fools, the Commander "Harlequin" Piero!

Whether it is due to the balance of power or the obsession of 500 years ago, he can no longer sit in the Winter Palace.

Therefore, in the name of the Queen, he personally led the elite forces of the Fools to confront Liyue's monsters and the dolls made by God to ensure that the "answer" and the heart of God can be obtained stably.

Since it was impossible for their own side to lead this "purification" activity, the Fools simply gave up bargaining in this regard.

The "doctor" who didn't want to see that bastard Liyue again soon visited the Jingshan Palace again, and directly communicated with Naxida about details such as how the two sides will deliver the God's Heart, and how to guarantee the return afterwards.

Now that the other party has taken the bait, Jiang Yan will naturally not be polite.

Soon, the "Doctor" got a shocking and visual answer from Nasida, or a quotation for gambling.

Xumi's fate will be decided in two battles:

The ownership of the God's Heart of the little auspicious grass king will be determined by the battle between the little auspicious grass king and the "doctor", and the little auspicious grass king will personally take the stolen God's heart.

The ownership of Narugami's heart will be determined by the result of the battle between the newly born "Kami" and Narugami's dolls.

Of course, the participants in the war will also include the "Native Xumi forces" who are working hard to defend Xumi.

Whether before or after the war, large-scale harm to mortals is strictly prohibited.

In return, everyone will patiently wait for the perfect birth of the artificial god.

Regardless of the outcome of the two battles, it will not change the result that the Little Auspicious Grass King will hold two God Hearts to purify the World Tree, and then deliver them to the "servant" Arechino.

But once one's own side wins, the price difference between "taking God's Heart" and "trading God's Heart" will be paid by the Ice Queen.

For example... tuition fees;

Another example... Concession on a certain occasion in the future.


Hearing Nasida's subtle punctuation about "my own" plan, the doctor almost crushed the test tube in his hand.

This way, this offer, this means...

"Doctor" stared viciously at the back of the little auspicious grass king, as if he could stare that bastard Liyue out of the void.

Facing the bastard lurking behind the scenes, he endlessly blamed his own gods;

Even the "doctor" who drives himself with absolute rationality almost exploded his lungs.

"Then, as you wish!"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 581 Chapter 562 Is there something wrong with the armed pilgrimage

Except for the wonderful countries like Fontaine and Sumeru, in the normal Seven Kingdoms of Tivat, mortals are full of worship, faith, and love for their gods.

Even if he is as strict as a shadow, the handicrafts of the Great Imperial Palace are always out of stock;

Not to mention that since thousands of years ago, the solstice of the Ice Queen's brainless fans per capita.

In terms of love for the gods, probably only Liyue, who has walked with the gods for thousands of years, can compare.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Yan's attitude of "paying the tuition fee", "letting the gods pay the bill", and "talking to her" at every turn is really frantic for Zhidong people to break the defense line.

The feeling of several executive officers towards Jiang Yan is probably equivalent to facing a big pig's hoof staring at their beautiful mother.

If possible, there is only one thing everyone wants to do most:

Talk about a hammer?Kill him!

But behind this bastard, there will always be one or several gods backing him up. It really makes people itch with hatred, but there is nothing they can do about it.

It is said that in Inazuma, the most important job of a witch is how to better serve the gods.

This bastard must have learned some mysterious technique to please the gods from there.

It's really... enviable.

Well, let's not talk about the executives who are fools, they have filled Jiang Yan's brain with hundreds of thousands of words to entertain the gods.

After this plan was thrown into discussion by the "Doctor", it immediately aroused the executive officers who usually intrigue with each other, a rare common hatred.

Although Zhidong is not popular with Keqing, he can't wait to completely replace the gods and let mortals handle everything by themselves.

But if you don't do your job well, the gods will pay the bill in the end. What's the use of you people?

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