"Doctor" and "Soldier" became the hope of the whole village.

Want to equip?Want props?No problem, open your mouth when you fancy something.

Want assistance?Want to sparring?No problem, whichever roll call you like.

But if you lose and humiliate Her Majesty the Queen, everyone will not be so easy to talk about...

Of course, even without the "active encouragement" of other colleagues, the "doctor" and "stragglers" who were full of anger did not intend to let Jiang Yan go.

Facing the suddenly plentiful budget and support, "Scatterers" took the opportunity without hesitation to propose that the "God's Body" should be strengthened again.

Weapons, power, props, knowledge, he wants them all.

The goal of life is close at hand, and the "stragglers" have no intention of thinking about it, and made all promises and transactions easily.

Fortunately, to catch up with this god-given opportunity, no one will set up obstacles for him;

He easily obtained everything he dreamed of, and built the strongest body he could imagine;

At this moment, he is gearing up, waiting to give his "sister" and that bastard a "surprise".

As the second seat of the "doctor", he did not need the support of others, but simply applied for a large number of precious magic circle materials.

Provoked by Jiang Yan again and again, he rallied and planned to use his full strength to teach this bastard a strong lesson.

He gathered all his slices, and prepared to use many consciousnesses to form a network through a large-scale ceremony developed by himself.

And he who is in Xumi - the strongest slice, numbered Omega, will be the hub of the "Doctor" network;

From this, spiritually, he directly obtains a strength beyond that of the gods to deal with the invasion of the power of the gods' dreams.

Soon, everything is basically ready;

However, the simultaneous retreat of the two most important plan executors gave the scholars of Huachengguo a long-awaited opportunity.

This group of people, who were despised because of their strength, captured this momentary gap with very powerful action, and first brought a big "surprise" to the strong.


The expanded "pilgrims" have never given up on saving the gods.

It's just that this kind of extremely risky behavior must be based on the fact that once the surprise attack fails, it can seamlessly switch to a strong attack.

Otherwise, it would be no big deal for everyone to save the gods, and the scholars who turned the city into a panic under the cover of the grass and startled the snakes, I am afraid that they will immediately usher in a catastrophe.

So no matter how anxious they were, El Hessen and Sano were like seasoned hunters, waiting patiently.

Wait for the transformation of the relic colossus to complete;

And waiting for the opponent to show a flaw.

Unexpectedly, at the delicate moment when the colossus of the ruins was about to be completed, the flaw that everyone had no longer expected actually appeared!

On this day, Sai Nuo, who was still watching from afar and catching all the clues in the city, suddenly discovered that the fools had carried out a large amount of undisguised delivery of goods.

Soon, after the completion of the delivery, the actions of the fools and the coercion of the sages showed a sense of stagnation visible to the naked eye.

Out of the keen sense of a judge, Sai Nuo decisively took risks to enter Sumeru City and captured a sage alive who was trying to leave the Palace of Wisdom.

Without torture, only relying on his notoriety in the Holy Order, Sino got the news he wanted:

Not only the reason, but the "project" suddenly carried out a large amount of unplanned resources and personnel replenishment in the Winter Kingdom.

The "driver" proposed a new technical specification and personally promoted this wave of unplanned optimization.

However, the person in charge of the project, the "exile", surrounded by a group of mysterious people, was building an unknown large-scale magic circle.

This kind of behavior of creating side effects without discussion at the moment of the door, naturally met with extreme resistance from Xumi's partners.

But at this time, the fools, who did not know whether they were looking for help or relying on others, rejected any opinions from the great sage and his followers in a very rude manner, and directly took over the rest of the work.

This sage was caught by Sano just as he was about to escape from Sumeru City because of a bad opportunity.

After getting the key information, without saying a word, Sai Nuo handed over the scholar to his disciplinary officer, and then rushed back to Huacheng Guo at the fastest speed, and urgently summoned all the "pilgrims".

There was no time for a detailed discussion, and after a brief introduction of the situation, Sino planned to forcefully push the "Pilgrimage" to begin immediately.

"Although it sounds good, are you really not worried that it's a trap for the other party?"

Dishiya felt that what Sano said was too childish.

On the eve of harvesting the fruit, the other party suddenly and violently fought among themselves, and the No. [-] and No. [-] characters all had no time to clone themselves.

Where in the world is there such a good thing?

As an outcast who was born outside the sand defense wall, Dixia didn't believe that she would have such luck.

"Scams need plausibility, facts don't, and I'm leaning towards that to be true."

Elheisen put down the book in his hand, looked around for a week, and expressed his opinion.

Tinari, who is also a talented scholar, also holds the same view.

However, as an activist, he did not express his views;

Instead, he directly started to sort out the equipment in his hands, expressing his support for Sano and Elhaysen with actions.

"If the weak win the strong, the most important thing is to gamble. If you don't try this kind of opportunity, don't come out to do things."

Rahman nodded. As a radical, he has done many evil things.

After learning the truth, he was driven by a huge sense of guilt, wanting to find every opportunity as soon as possible to make his own compensation and repentance to the gods.

"Hey, are you serious? Just take a confession and start acting directly?"

Carvey was full of resistance to go straight up.

"Don't worry, at least your safety is not a problem, the scholars of the Miaolun School only need to use "maintenance" as an excuse, and they can appear wherever they want.

Elhaysen calmly "comforted" his senior.

And the content of "comfort" is taken from an underground best-selling book of the Holy Order——"Miao Lun School Joke Collection Essence Edition"

"You are prejudice against the Miaolun School! Prejudice!"

"Well... you can't let you take risks alone, can't I go?"

I can't watch my boarding junior brother run to die by himself, so Kawei had no choice but to agree.

"Well, since everyone agrees, I naturally don't mind giving it a try."

Dixia's questioning was only out of reason, and her intuition also told her that this is a rare opportunity.

There is no fool here.

Although the whole thing is very unreasonable, but the opponent has taken the initiative and advantage, and there is no need to sell such flaws to fish.

Whether it is true or not, the current chaos in Sumeru City is always true.

The key to saving people is not how strong force is, but the chaos that can be used to fish in troubled waters.

So, whether this is a trap or not, it is worth stepping on.

If it is fake, everyone feigns a shot, and there is still a lot of room for manipulation.

If it is true, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is in front of you. If you don't take action before the great sages and fools reach a compromise, or before the new fools stabilize their positions, this godsend opportunity will be completely missed.

If so, what are you waiting for?

"Operation Pilgrimage" begins!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumi: Chapter 582 Chapter 563 Did the plumber make a mistake

"If I were the designer back then, I definitely wouldn't have designed Sumeru City in such a horrible way!"

Kawi, who walked through the vines and huge leaves, was complaining to Sano and Tinari angrily.

Although Kawei, who is a genius scholar of the Miaolun School, has seen the structure diagram of Sumi City a long time ago, and has also conducted research in his spare time.

However, looking at other people's abstract art with a spectator mood is completely different from the experience brought by climbing up and down to dig into the heart and rhizome of a big tree.

Although Sumeru City is a city, it relies on the life of the sacred tree, and the maintenance of all these is naturally mainly scholars of life theory.

Design codes, building codes, etc. must give way to the "harmony" of the Shenglun School.

Therefore, the so-called "maintenance channel tour" has become:

Walking fearfully on the trembling big leaves;

Glides on wet water-carrying rhizomes;

Climb on rough tree trunks;

Walk one by one on the crumbling branches.

This kind of working environment is enough to drive any Miaolun school of scholars crazy, and Carvey is no exception.

"Look at your seniors, what exactly did they do?"

The advantage of racial talent made Tinari feel like a leisurely stroll here.

And the skilled one is Sano, so naturally he won't be hindered by the complicated terrain.

Seeing the ease of his companions made Kawei even more defensive.

Unable to vent, he had no choice but to complain to Tinari, who was also a sect of life.

Facing this poor senior brother, Tinari did not add fuel to the fire, but explained calmly:

"Sumeru City was built by King Dacishu relying on the sacred tree. At that time, the Miaolun School had not yet become a school, and there were only scattered knowledge."

"At that time, the Shenglun School was just an association formed by the followers of King Dacishu because of the same ideas, and it was not qualified to evaluate the works of gods."

The Shenglun faction does not take this blame.

Probably King Dacishu didn't expect that the number of weak human beings at that time would grow countless times in the blink of an eye.

Carvey naturally knows these things, who is not a genius scholar?

His brain understands these principles;

However, the worn hands and feet don't understand, and the angry stomach doesn't understand, so what can be done?

It can only let the mouth temporarily abandon the brain, venting for the hands, feet and stomach.

Fortunately, the two companions were very strong. With enough help, they quickly reached the waterway of the Palace of Wisdom between the branches of the "Holy Tree".

The waterway in the Wisdom Palace was created by the Great Mercy Tree King using his power to transform the main root system of a sacred tree.

The waste water generated in the study and life of scholars will be evaporated and filtered by the water storage tree sac, and then flow into the water channel to provide water supply for the trunk of the sacred tree and reduce the pressure on the roots.

However, considering that the water required by the "sacred tree" is not constant, the water will only be released when the water in the tree bag has accumulated to a certain level, or the Miaolun School scholar in charge of maintenance manually turns on the mechanism.

As for the frequency and time of routine water release, Carvey just knows it.

If the gap is fully blocked, a surprise attack that outsiders can't imagine can be completed. This is the main reason why Elheysen invited Kawei to join the "Pilgrim".

Facing two powerful executive officers who are comparable to gods, and considering that they also have the heart of God to control the dreams of Xumi people.

The difference in combat power is so large that ordinary methods do not need to be considered at all.

Before the "pilgrims" come into contact with the little auspicious grass king, they must not be discovered by any fools.

Therefore, in this surprise attack, "time", "geography", and "human harmony" are indispensable.

Everyone's sincere cooperation has created an undoubted "human harmony".

The opponent's internal strife created a fleeting "time"

And as long as you have Kawei, a genius scholar of the Miaolun School, you will have enough "geographical advantages" in any place in Sumeru.

This is also the reason why Carvey still has to come to the scene in person even if his skills are not good.

The reason why the huge waterway can achieve a surprise attack is precisely because the interval between releasing water is far shorter than the time to climb up.

Once people are still in the waterway when the water is released, it will flush the three of them all the way to the roots of the "sacred tree" like Fontaine's flush toilet.

This is a road that, in the eyes of most people, is simply impossible to move forward.

However, the waterway of the sacred tree is of course not a straight line, but like a big tree, with intertwined branches.

Once you make a mistake, you will soon reach a dead end in constant choices.

However, the staggered routes also mean countless natural avoidance points.

As long as you find the right time and enter the branch to avoid the flushing water, you can raid all the way into the Wisdom Palace.

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