
"What are you talking about in your sleep?"

When the proposal was first proposed, Carvey was completely dismissive.

This kind of person is comparable to planning the route on the shipping timetable, and the Port of Ormos has starved to death a lot.

How could it be so smooth in reality?

The water channel of the sacred tree originates from its own root system, so the entire channel is surrounded by moist fibrous tissue, including the feet.

No matter how familiar he is with the structure diagram, when he drills the water channel, it will not be easier because he is familiar with the terrain.

Once you step on it, it is a puddle that is difficult to get your feet out of.

Even if they could prepare water boots specially designed by the Miao Lun Sect for this situation in advance, in this environment where one foot is deep and the other is shallow, the speed of movement is not so fast.

What's more, plants will grow, some roots and branches will wither, and some new roots and branches will be born.

With a map drawn 1000 years ago and last maintained decades ago all the way up?

Would you like to see us ride the giant water slide?

Faced with the advice of a real expert, most people would retreat, but not Elheysen.

No one knew the weakness of the boarding senior better than him.

"Do you want to completely update the map of waterways from 1000 years ago? Do things that the predecessors of the Miaolun School couldn't do at all?"

"Tinari will tell you when the rhizome was born, and Sano will provide you with enough mobility, even if it pulls you forward."

"You only have this chance, it's up to you if you want to do it or not."

Elhaysen raised his head calmly, and threw out a "tour".

"......I do."

The most intolerable thing for Miaolun school scholars is the discrepancy between the drawings and the actual situation. Faced with this undeniable condition, Carvey had no choice but to compromise with hatred.

"This bastard! You should let him come together, and then watch him be washed to the ground by the water!"

He was hiding in the branch vein, watching a large amount of water gushing past Kawei in the main vein, and commenting on his junior indignantly.

Pure original ecology, without any signs and signs of the waterway, how can it be so easy to identify?

Even if Tinari only needs to touch the "wall" for a moment, he can quickly tell Kawei the approximate birth time of this area, but the three of them still walk bumping.

Almost half of the time is spent avoiding the flushing water and looking for branches that can avoid the flushing water in advance.

And the harsh terrain environment is even worse than the previous tree-to-tree travel.

It makes Kavey, who is completely a pure scholar except for having the eyes of God, miserable.

Seeing that the time was getting tighter and tighter several times, Kavey had to get into a special sleeping bag by himself, and then Sano quickly dragged Kavey into a branch like a mouse dragging an egg, so that he was able to escape the danger.

But in any case, it took a lot of hard work, and very good luck;

The three of them finally managed to follow the long waterway and climb up to the inaccessible water storage room of the Wisdom Palace.

When the three of them came out of the huge reservoir, the scholars who were conducting experiments here were stunned.

"What are you doing? Where did you come from? How is this possible?"

This kind of behavior is comparable to watching a Super Mario emerge from the faucet at home. For scholars, it is too ruinous.

But Sano didn't give him a chance to think.

In an instant, Dafeng Disciplinary Officer was like lightning, and rushed out with a lot of water.

Every scholar's worst nightmare, apart from not being able to write a paper, is probably that the disciplinary officer comes to his door.

This kind of surreal scene where the disciplinary officer suddenly came out of the reservoir and "the lotus comes out of the water" made him feel like he was dreaming.

Under great astonishment, the scholar was directly knocked out without any resistance.

And Sano skillfully took off his uniform and identity card, and put them on his body;

And for his very characteristic appearance, he used magic formulas and potions to cover up.

After it's all done, the three will part ways briefly.

"Thank you, Mr. Carvey."

"Next, I will go down below to join El Hessen and the others. You two, be careful."

The aloof Sano nodded to Tinari and Kavey, and then walked out of the water storage room in a posture that looked more like a scholar than any scholar.

And Tinari also changed his uniform at this time, looked at Kawi who was sitting weakly by the reservoir to recover his strength, and politely reminded:

"Senior Kawei, let's start too."

"Since the chaos had already occurred before we arrived, let's try to get close to the Jingshan Palace directly."

Tinari took out the bag full of sleeping seeds that he carefully collected and organized, and prepared to go directly upstairs to try his luck.

"Wait, wait! Don't wait for them to make some noise below?"

Kawei, who was ruthlessly driven by his fellow students, is still collapsing.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 583 Chapter 564 Is there something wrong with plastic cooperation

When the trio of plumbers successfully infiltrated the Palace of Wisdom, Rahman also "escorted" El Hesen and Dishiya to the foot of the Palace of Wisdom.

He is usually responsible for doing dirty work, so naturally he will not have a meeting warrant issued by the great sage.

Every time, Rahman used the secret communication method to connect with the confidants of the great sage, and then they led him to meet the great sage.

Therefore, although this chaos created a good opportunity for their infiltration, it also created an unexpected problem:

Most of the great sage's cronies were sent to confront the fools.

This directly led to the fact that Rahman, who does not exist on the bright side, could not find anyone to connect with, let alone lead the way.

A notorious radical, calling the famous clerk Alhaysen a sinner?Who believes it?

As a result, "sinners" and "criminals" had to hide together from the group of 30 people who did not know the truth and were maintaining order in the city.

Faced with this situation, the three decisively changed their appearance temporarily, and used their disguised identities to walk through the streets and alleys of Sumeru City, collecting information through their respective channels.

Two mercenaries who have been licking blood for many years, plus a local snake, naturally each have their own intelligence network;

Soon, the three of them met at the hiding place that Rahman reserved for themselves, and looked at each other as they watched the truth that everyone had pieced together.

Although everyone thought that Sumeru was in chaos, they never thought that it would turn out like this!

This huge chaos is not so much dissatisfaction with the fools crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, but rather a general outbreak of conflict between the fools and the council.

The great sage has been in charge of the Academy for many years, although he has great prestige and many followers.

But scholars, creatures whose first allegiance is always to knowledge, expect them to talk about "loyalty", and I am afraid that they are thinking too much.

The cooperation with fools is based on the foundation that "fools can extract the knowledge of gods and share them".

Saving the rainforest is certainly a good thing.

But taking such a big risk is not good for oneself, who would want to go crazy with the great sage?

Therefore, with a large number of "mad scholars" digging in the desert, the knowledge other than "God's Gnosis" dug out has almost become a reward for followers.

But how can these ordinary knowledge satisfy the desires of these "sages", "clerks", "scribes in charge" and "instructors"?

The main course of this feast, of course, is the great knowledge of the gods.

Azar has long proposed that after successfully creating a new god controlled by the council, all knowledge will be shared publicly with the participants. This is the biggest carrot that hangs them.

But this carrot, after the "driver" arrived, the sweetness level plummeted.

Can this stinky brat really listen to us?

Can this bastard who opened his mouth and shut his mouth as a "humble creature" share the knowledge of the gods as agreed?

Can the heart of God controlled by the great sage really make this wicked guy bow his head?

Quan Xumi's hope was placed on a bad-hearted and bad-tempered stinky brat. No matter how well the great sage said it, it would be difficult to give people any sense of security.

And the recent continuous increase in the number of soldiers in Zhidong has directly detonated this suspicion.

Under the control of the Heart of God, the person carrying the void terminal in Sumeru City can become everyone's marionette at any time.

In this case, the strong men of Zhidong still appear in Sumeru City one after another. Who are they defending against?Fungi Beast Siege?

Believe in you!

Countless voices fed back to Hazard from the bottom up, and even Hazard couldn't ignore it.

Although he has already passed various methods such as magic circles, rituals, and props, and took off the void, so that everyone is free from the control of dreams.

But in the face of the pure threat of violence, Azar can only rely on the urgent expansion of the 30-member group that took off the void, and the method of recruiting scholars with the eyes of God and combat ability to confront the fools.

Although the high-end combat power is insufficient, the strange soul-suppressing weapons of the people of the desert, which are powerful in exchange for devouring souls, are still higher than the elemental power weapons of the fools.

Coupled with the advantages of local combat, at least in terms of "quantity", the Holy Order and the Fools successfully formed a stalemate.

More importantly, even the "doctors" and "stragglers" who have no scruples in doing things dare not really launch a war to destroy the country.

Once this kind of thing is done, the harmony and tacit understanding with the other five countries will be completely over in an instant.

What's more, this kind of behavior is absolutely impossible to be approved among the fools.

Fools absorb talents from the Seven Kingdoms mainly rely on "righteousness". Once the noble "righteousness" is turned into destroying and plundering other countries, this "righteousness" will naturally become a joke.

People are scattered, how can the team lead?

So even if the fools are in Xumi's high-end combat power, they can easily use Wushuang to suppress the audience;

"Doctor" still can only rely on the confrontation of troops to prevent the opponent from acting rashly.


To be honest, the "doctor" himself has a hard time.

As long as there is a choice, he also wants to pack and post that bastard "driver" back to Solstice Winter.

Apart from playing up the mentality and undermining unity, he has played no role at all.

But this doll, which has no merits other than its precious body, is the most irreplaceable existence in the whole plan.

Therefore, the "doctor" himself was full of anger, but he could only bear it, and even maintained his morale.

However, as arrogant as a "doctor", asking him to serve as a political commissar to encourage his teammates not to vote, and not to follow this general knowledge of mentality, is really embarrassing.

He can only treat teammates who have been made full of negative energy with what he thinks is a more "kind" attitude.

But in fact, scholars have never had the same evaluation criteria for offense as ordinary people.

The mania of the illiterate middle-aged man, for everyone, is just one of the low-quality people that can be seen everywhere.

In contrast, the "Doctor", an exile who has dropped out of school, ordered everyone to do things with a face of arrogance. To be honest, it even broke the defense of a group of senior scholars.

Even if he didn't say anything, as long as he stood in this position, it would be a mockery of the Holy Order.

Not to mention the person "Doctor", even with a mask on, relying on the mocking ability of the exposed mouth and eyes, he is no longer under the "Scatterers".

With such a cooperation led by a pair of crouching dragons and phoenix chicks, one can imagine the attitude of the Holy Order from top to bottom towards this cooperation.

Once detonated, it became the overwhelming malice it is today.

The situation is so deadlocked.

The massive increase of mercenaries, the crowd of fools walking around, and the appearance of mysterious people of unknown origin one after another made the current Sumeru City, and even the streets, full of clouds and heavy rain.

The residents of the City of Wisdom naturally have a keenness above the average level of Tivat.

Seeing this scene, all are full of worry;

Many keen businessmen even decisively went to the Port of Ormos to avoid the limelight.

And the entire Palace of Wisdom is centered on the underground secret room where the "project" is located, and there are tense situations where fools, agents and desert mercenaries are facing each other everywhere.

In this case, send prisoners?Meet the Great Sage?Who is free for you?

But if the delay continued, the result of several "surprise attack" partners in the Wisdom Palace bumping headlong into the center of the storm might not be very good.

So the three of them made a quick decision after a brief discussion, and planned to revise the plan temporarily, adopting the method that can best attract the attention of the great sage, so that he can meet them in this busy schedule:

——Officials, I want to recruit!

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