Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 584 Chapter 565 Is there something wrong with twenty shots of hard work?

Take a group of mercenaries against two foolish executives who are as powerful as gods?

Even if the three of Elheisen thought about it, they knew how "hungry for talents" the great sages are today.

If at this time, when someone told him that the scholars of Huachengguo planned to "prioritize the overall situation" with him, how would the great sage react?

There is no time to hesitate, Sano, Kavi and Tinari may be in danger at any time, and they must quickly use all means to get close to the great sage himself.

So Elheysen proposed directly, without any routine, and the three of them asked to see Azar directly.

Of course, Hazard will definitely not be able to see it directly.

However, it does not prevent the three of them from saving the country in a curve, starting from the lowest-level guards, asking for communication and reporting one by one.

No matter who you meet, you will say this until the great sage meets them.

"I'm afraid this kind of trick can't be hidden from Hazard."

Rahman shook his head at this overly simple plan.

"As far as I know about him, this man has never trusted anyone, not even his cronies."

"Especially at this sensitive time point, he may not necessarily expose himself to danger."

"Once we can't see him, we will be the ones who fall into the tiger's mouth."

Rahman's skepticism is very reasonable, and even Dishiya agrees with him:

"This kind of trick must not be hidden from Hazard, and the timing is not right at all."

"There has just been a conflict here. Even if the news reaches Huacheng Guo with wings, there must be some time to think about it."

"If it was me, when a stranger happened to hand me a bag of wine when I was on a mission and wanted to drink, I would definitely suspect that the wine was poisonous."

With her rich experience in licking blood with the tip of a knife, even if Di Xiya couldn't explain the truth, it was enough for her to discover the inconsistencies.

For the objections of the two companions, Elhessen was not surprised, but explained very seriously:

"What we need is not to convince Hazard that it doesn't matter even if his subordinates can't be fooled."

"In this crisis situation, both Hazard and his followers need the message 'reinforcements are available'. "

"So as long as we work hard to spread this attitude, there will be a large number of people who want to believe it, and even try to help us find rationality and try to believe it."

"Even people who don't believe it in their hearts will spread the news and let others believe it."

"When the news spread among Hazard's followers, whether it was true or not, he had to meet us in person."

Both Rahman and Dishiya have led teams before, and they naturally understand the psychology of the mob.

A life-saving straw, never need to hide that you are just a straw;

But people in despair always take the initiative to beautify it.

All the more so when the desperate are a group.

Anyone who does not believe in this straw will become a heretic and be regarded as the enemy of life and death.

And as a leader, don't deny the straw, even when you can't create the straw, you will be directly abandoned by your desperate subordinates.

This truth has been witnessed more than once by Rahman and Dishiya who are begging for life in the sand sea.

Even they themselves once drew straws for their subordinates that they didn't believe in.

But looking at El Heisen, a scholar in the greenhouse, opening his mouth is the most wicked routine;

The two mercenaries looked at each other and resonated in a subtle way.

——Scholars really have a dirty heart.

Of course, if you want to ask them if they want to use this method, it is natural to use it.

Anyway, there are scholars who take the lead in being bad guys, and I am a mercenary who takes money to do things, so what pressure does he have?


The next thing is simple, the three of them don't seek success at all, they just need to let others know that "someone wants to be recruited", that's enough.

"Rahman? Are you here like this? Aren't you afraid of being captured by the Holy Order?"

"Haha, I came this time to take a gamble. No matter how bad Sumi is, it is also from the desert and rainforest. When will it be the turn of the savages of the solstice to show off their power here?"

"Is there a way to help introduce the great sage? It's not that only a group of 30 people can be a big dog in the rainforest."

"No problem! We are short of manpower, and I will help you find out later!"

"Okay, your reward will be indispensable at that time! Where can I find me, you understand."


"El Heisen? You have been declared a traitor by the Holy Order, did you come from a trap?"

"No, the issue between me and the Council is just an academic issue. This time I am here to apply to resist the aggression of the Winter People."

"That's right! Who would stand by and see the country fall into the hands of a bunch of winter barbarians?"

"Needless to say, I'll ask the sage if an amnesty is possible! We are in urgent need of manpower now!"


"Lion with a blazing mane? Don't you want to be Humayi's dog anymore?"

"If Xumi goes on like this, I'm afraid there will be no Humayi family, so I decided to accept the commission to beat Zhidongren."

"Well said! You and your companions wait for my notice, and I can still be the master of a commission experience!"


In this way, all the followers of the Great Sage soon learned the exciting news:

"A large number of mercenaries" and "a large number of exiled scholars" put the overall situation first in the face of the enemy, and they are willing to be hired by the Holy Order to join the ranks of confronting fools.

The followers of the great sage are not fools. When confronting the elemental force guns of the fools with their flesh and blood, if they say they are not panic, they probably don't even believe it.

They dream of returning to their familiar research life.

As for defending the country, selfless devotion, what do these words have to do with Xumi scholars?

Therefore, someone wants to fill in the good news for everyone, and in a blink of an eye, it spreads to ten, ten to hundreds.

Both the news itself and the number of reinforcements in the news expanded faster than the mushroom beasts.

At the top level, the news has already become "the mercenaries of Dachishahai want to abandon their past suspicions and accept collective employment", and "the exiled combat scholars plan to contribute to the Holy Order."

It's no wonder the great sage can believe this kind of nonsense.

He would rather believe that the Great Mercy Tree King was resurrected from the roots of the world tree, and he could not imagine that the consciousness of the people in the desert could suddenly rise to a big level.

But when things got to this point, his "seeing through" couldn't solve it anymore.

A human voice is only a voice;

The voices of two people are just discussions;

But this kind of happy event quickly turned into a collective trend of thought, rushing towards the great sage at the top like a tide.

Countless followers of the great sage are waiting for the great sage to accept this group of rebels for his own use, or directly push them to the front line to replace himself as cannon fodder.

This desire is so strong that even Hazard himself will be swallowed by it if he ignores it under the spotlight.

Forced into desperation, Azar had no choice but to issue an order in his busy schedule, preparing to meet these "mercenary representatives" and "betrayal scholar representatives" who represented thousands of troops.

When the news came out, there were thunderous cheers.

Along the way, countless people spontaneously came to the good viewing position of the holy tree,

When they boarded the Wisdom Palace, their eyes were full of anticipation.

But it is a pity that this "recruitment" will come to an end without a problem.

The "representatives" have already geared up and are ready to turn their faces on the spot without saying a word.

The good "big picture"?

What are you kidding?Didn't this great sage do all these shitty things?

Who can guarantee that this bastard will not sell everyone to fools?

The biggest overall situation now is that Hazard must die, because the Holy Order must live!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 585 Chapter 566 Is there something wrong with jumping on the spot?

Elhaisen's grievances with the council are a bad debt.

As a gifted scholar who has attracted much attention since he entered school, Elhaysen has always been the focus of the council's training.

However, Elheysen has always been lukewarm towards the council.

I can get everything I want from research, so why should I lower my figure and participate in their gangster game?

Fortunately, this kind of behavior is not considered deviant in the Holy Order, where the atmosphere has not been completely corrupted.

Especially the epistemologists who regard language and characters as the core and essence of the world.There is very little demand for research resources, and naturally there is no dependence on scholars who need large-scale experiments.

El Heisen's behavior of being noble and pure, rejecting the resource advantages brought by any faction, gave him quite a good reputation on the contrary;

The great sage Azar even nominated El Hesen as a candidate for the Disciplinary Officer at one point, but for a simple researcher like him, any power would hinder his research, so he declined it.

Instead, out of love for books, Elheysen did not refuse the council's appointment to knowledge management.

In addition to being the youngest clerk, he is even one of the strong candidates for the clerk of the Knowledge Theory School.

Therefore, whether it is the great sage or the council, the relationship with El Hessen was actually quite good at the beginning.

However, although the council has cultivated him a lot, it can't change his way of doing things and principles.

Whether it is "engineering" or the vigorous extraction of mortal dreams, it violates his biggest principle of being a man and doing things.

From the beginning to the end, he turned a blind eye to the council's solicitation and hints, as well as hypocrisy and pretentiousness. Naturally, this attitude would not satisfy the council.

In the eyes of the followers of the great sage, this bastard has "ungrateful" and "other thoughts" written on his face.

So they planned to let Alheisen investigate the "knowledge filled with gods" and turn him into a madman to completely deal with this hidden danger.

The vigilant Alheisen was not fooled, but the two parties fell into a state of rift because of this.

"Abandon previous suspicions"?

"The overall situation is the most important thing"?

Hazard doesn't think this is something Elheysen can do.

He has always paid attention to this genius scholar.

The reason for these social creatures, no matter how you think about it, is impossible to tell from the researcher who lives in his own world.

Maybe he will do something that is just and kind in general;

But that too was due to his own morals and principles, not anything collective.

However, in the face of this deception, Hazard still plans to meet him.

Indeed, as Elhaysen expected, Hazard at this time really needs some good news to boost morale, and is really extremely "thirsty for talents".

Even the desert mercenaries who were usually useless, he was willing to pay a high price to hire, not to mention El Hessen, who came from his own family and had a simple conflict of ideas.

On the other hand, Hazard really hopes to have a good talk with the opponents of Huachengguo.

In this cooperation, from the beginning to the end, Azar did not put his hope on the artificial god whose main consciousness was provided by fools.

Compared with the fools who firmly hold the dominance of the "project";

Azar's focus, in addition to firmly grasping the authority to use the heart of God Naxida as a means of safety, is to spare no effort to collect and organize all knowledge about artificial gods with his followers.

This knowledge was successfully pieced together through brainstorming.

From then on, Xu Mi can build a mature body for the little auspicious grass king after the materials are collected again at any time.

And what is the difference between the little auspicious grass king who uses a powerful body, coupled with his own god's wisdom, his own consciousness, and his own god's heart, from the great compassion tree king?

That's right, what Azar wants from the beginning to the end is only a powerful god who can shelter Xumi and belongs to Xumi [-]%.

As for the knowledge of gods, it is just a bait to lure followers.

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