As for the fact that he had already offended this little auspicious grass king, it was easy.

After saving Xumi, what is the meaning of the position of great sage to me?It happened to be handed over to the group of opponents of Huacheng Guo.

Azar is confident. After showing the results of his humiliation to the short-sighted generation in Huachengguo, he believes that even if they don't accept his explanation, they will accept this intellectual heritage.


In a study room in the Palace of Wisdom, Elhaysen managed to meet Azar, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, while Rahman and Dhisia, who were underprivileged, could only wait outside the door, waiting for an opportunity.

The plan of "Recruitment" was drawn up very hastily, so it was naturally difficult to run smoothly.

For example, in front of him, he looked at the great sage who was protected by several senior mercenaries with evil spirit weapons and scholars with the eyes of God;

Even if Elheysen wanted to launch a surprise attack again, he had to wait for the signal from Sano, who would arrive at some unknown time, to have a chance of winning.

But how do you spend such a long time?

What should I do if the meeting is over and Sano hasn't come yet?

Even someone as witty as Elheysen still has a headache about this, so he had to adopt the common method among scholars.

Among scholars, the easiest way to kill time is naturally debate.

I have no choice but to have a battle of ideas that I don't like the most.

So Elhaysen raised his head, looked at the great sage and said:

"Long time no see, Hazard."

Compared with the meeting when he was recruited by "filling the knowledge of the gods", the great sage in front of him was much older.

Is it because of guilt, or huge mental pressure?Elhaysen was not interested, it was just the reward for the betrayer.

But even though he is old, Hazard's eyes are still sharp.

He looked at this young man who was extremely optimistic about his success and even intended to be his heir, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Oh? I thought you should call me Your Excellency the Great Sage, no matter because of your knowledge or your age."

"My youngest clerk, the traitor of the Holy Order!"

Elheysen never engages in too many verbal disputes with others. In fact, most of the epistemological scholars who regard language and characters as the core and essence of the world are like this.

The way they communicate with other people is usually "Do you know how to read?" "You don't understand even if you say it".

But when it was time to delay, Elheysen didn't mind using the sharp words in his defense:

"You said I betrayed the Holy Order? Maybe."

"But you, Azar... You betrayed the entire Sumeru, its god!"

Facing the young man's questioning, Hazard was not surprised at all.

In fact, since he cooperated with Fools, this kind of questioning has never ceased even among his followers.

Not all scholars can be bought by knowledge, and a large part of them have a naivety about the world that does not match their wisdom.

For this kind of naivety, in most cases, Azar doesn't even bother to explain, not everyone is qualified to obtain the wisdom and answers of the great sage.

However, in the face of this young man who is about to accept his intellectual heritage, even in such a tense situation, Hazard does not mind giving him some guidance.

"I remember when I nominated you as the Disciplinary Officer, I said, "When you bury your head in the past in the book, the starry sky and the future will pass you by."

"Your so-called facts are only based on the appearance you see, and a real wise man should look for the most suitable one among the branches of fate."

"However, as a reward for not being as impulsive and irritable as other young people, I can tell you a story... When you have heard all this, you will naturally make your own choice."

After all, Hazard slowly told El Hessen about the future he saw in his destiny and the results of his "bear the burden of humiliation".

But it's a pity that although Azar is full of sincerity, let alone the firm-willed Al Hessen, the knowledge group who is buried in the past and the Ming group who is looking up at the future have never been able to talk together.

In Elheysen's view, when you observe your destiny, this action has already changed your destiny, and your destiny has been unpredictable.

Even though the great sage's knowledge was countless times better than his own, his arrogance made him forget this simple truth.

On another occasion, Elheysen would definitely refute him in this regard by citing scriptures, completely defying the power of the great sage.

But now, how can there be a better way to delay time than talking to the other party?

So Elheysen perfectly showed the attitude of a skeptic and a knowledge seeker, listening carefully to Azar's self-satisfaction, and asking his own questions just right, making the whole explanation process more detailed.

However, as the other party's eloquent explanation gradually came to an end, Elheysen's anxiety level also increased steadily.

After hearing the story, it's almost time to make a statement. What will I do if the reinforcements don't come?

I can't really vote.

Fortunately, just when Hazard first looked at this young man who was "teachable" with expectant eyes;

Outside the window of the study room, a ray of thunder suddenly shone in, swaying over Alheysen's pupils, and it was fleeting.

Elhaysen stood up suddenly without hesitation, and shouted "Do it!", and the sound of fighting was heard outside the room in an instant.

At the same time, Elhaysen violently threw a bag of hypnotic spores carefully prepared by Tinari to the opposite side after using the power of the grass element to spawn them, and it turned into a cloud of mist in a blink of an eye.

Several mercenaries and scholars felt a little dizzy after only touching these spores. They quickly covered their mouths and noses with their sleeves or eye masks, and began to drive Zhenling to protect themselves.

And Alheisen, who had been prepared for a long time, took out a special mask, drew his sword and rushed over, using a rainstorm of stabs, preventing the scholars with the eyes of God from performing any wind spells.

Unfortunately, the next moment, a storm erupted from Azar's hands, blowing away all the spores.

And in his hand, he was holding a disc inlaid with precious jades of various colors, and the emerald jades in it were shining with light.

"Damn it, the original channel guide!"

Since the discovery of the original energy guide disk, as an instrument that can drive mortals without the eyes of God to use elemental power, it has always been a key research topic of the Academy of Holy Orders.

However, limited by precious materials and output, it can only be used as a control hub for large-scale ceremonies.

Who would have thought that the council had already turned its secret individual soldiers into a single soldier?

Just when El Hessen, who was driven away from the fog of sleep, was about to deal with the siege;

A spear and a big sword were thrown in along the kicked open door with a strong sound of breaking wind.

And the huge rock demon lizard Erling residing in the spear also appeared out of thin air, and rushed towards several mercenaries holding the weapons of Erling.

The one who entered the door with the flying weapon was Dishia, who was like a black and red lion, and she was rushing towards Azar fiercely.

And Rahman, who followed closely behind, drove his own elling, and took advantage of this surprise attack to suppress the few mercenaries who also used elling weapons, so that they had no time to liberate elling.

However, this time there was a tacit understanding of splitting up and attacking together, but it still didn't make a difference.

White orbs shone on the power guide secretly made by the council, and thick ice walls rose flatly, blocking the flying spears and giant swords.

The "Blazing Mane Lion" Dixia followed with a violent lunge and full-strength fist. Although the ice wall was shattered, he couldn't make an inch in front of a suddenly rising rock wall.

At this time, Rahman and El Hessen were already busy with the counterattack of mercenaries and scholars respectively, and they had no time for others.

Seeing that the situation was about to collapse, the real trump card fell from the sky.

The glazed windows shattered into pieces, and Sano swooped in from the window, his long arms wrapped around the bandages shining with thunder, and instantly strangled Azar by the throat, pulling him in front of him.

At the same time, his left arm swept across the air, knocking away the power director in Hazard's hand.


Sino found this secret room and went through too many twists and turns.

He never expected that the entire Palace of Wisdom was full of confrontations between fools and scholars.

No matter how well his identity is disguised, he can only play one of them, and it is meaningless before the other.

So Sano could only advance slowly, put on the clothes of the Fools in the area controlled by the Fools, avoid the inspectors as much as possible, and move forward.

In the area controlled by the great sage, put on the uniform of the Holy Order, avoid the inspectors as much as possible, and move forward.

Fortunately, both sides are urgently increasing their troops, and the management of the entire team is already full of chaos.

Otherwise, no matter whether it is a group of fools with strict identity management, or a highly professional academy, it will be difficult to fish in troubled waters.

Faced with this situation, Sano was also very anxious. If he wasn't there, what was the difference between El Hessen and the others and giving away the head?

After repeated tortures, he finally learned about the "representative of mercenaries" and the "representative of betrayal scholars" surrendering to Azar.

Sano didn't have the slightest doubt whether Elheysen really betrayed.

No matter what you do, you won't be in the same boat as the blasphemous bastards.

This information provided enough information for the keen Senuo.

First of all, in the face of two famous mercenaries, and El Hessen, who has the eye of God and almost became a disciplinary officer because he was able to beat him, Azar will definitely not take less guards.

But in this situation where the enemy and the enemy are unknown, it is impossible for Azar to meet them in a large open room before confirming that they are sincerely surrendering, so as to avoid being slapped in the face by false surrender.

That being the case, there are not many meeting rooms to choose from.

Senuo, who is good at scouting, quickly found the room where Azar and Elhaysen were located through screening and screening from the eligible rooms.

After accumulating his stunts, Sano was above the optimum assault distance while sending out the signal, patiently waiting for the best opportunity to strike.

Although the power of this power guide is far beyond Sano's imagination, no matter how good the prop is, it must have a strong enough user.

Through Dishiya's continuous raids, Sano discovered two flaws in the force guide.

Multiple orbs cannot be used at the same time;

And after each orb is used, it will be "extinguished" for a short time, and it needs to be reactivated the next time it is used.

So seeing his comrades in danger, until Azar used the three attributes of wind, ice, and rock, Sano did not hesitate to send out an unreserved full blow.

Whether it is the overload effect or the shock effect, Sano is confident in his ability to endure pain, far surpassing the pampered great sage.

And in the thunder attribute battle, he will not lose.

As for the grass attribute, the wise and courageous Elhaysen will definitely help out.

This raid will definitely make a difference!

With such awareness and calculations, how can Hazard, who only relies on a powerful item, be his opponent?

With just one blow, the power director protection that was highly rated during the secret test inside the council was completely defeated.

After lifting Hazard with one arm, Sano used his jackal-like eyes, with a strong killing intent, to say the lines that the disciplinary officer had long wanted to say:

"Azar, you once said that I am not qualified to judge you. So now... how about judging you in the name of God?"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 586 Chapter 567 Even if I kill it, I don’t know if I made a mistake

Sano has always been proud of the duties and significance of the disciplinary officer.

Until one day, the great sage who has been working for him said to Sano himself:

"The power of the Great Wind Disciplinary Officer has been bestowed by the sage, you have no right to judge us."

After hearing this tinge of naturalness, Sano understood that the subject of the trial "in the name of the Holy Order" was meaningless.

In the eyes of the great sages, the Disciplinary Officer is just a tool for the sages to control "knowledge".

The original oath of the disciplinary officer, the principle that has been adhered to so far, has become a complete joke in the current Holy Order.

If the law applies only to the weak, it is no longer a yardstick of justice and fairness, but a weapon of bullying.

Sino didn't want his lofty ideals and persistence to be reduced to such things.

Therefore, he decided to establish a brand-new justice and fairness, according to the ancient contract between the original sages and the disciplinary officials——"Six Root Sins", to judge all violators of the law fairly, and so did the sages.

For this reason, he chose to exile himself. In the Dachisha Sea, he got like-minded allies by accident.

Taking advantage of the huge commotion of "knowledge liquefaction", he won the support of colleagues in the discipline officials at Kawanyi.

Since then, Sano has decided to use the name of the Little Auspicious Grass King to open a new path of trial.

And Hazard in front of him will be his first trial target!

"Sinner of blasphemy, hand over the key to the cage that imprisoned the little auspicious grass king!"

Seeing that the great sage had been captured, the mercenaries and combat scholars also stopped fighting and began to confront Rahman and Elhaisen:

"Let go of the Great Sage!"

"lay down your weapon!"

And Sano only exerted a little force, and the nails strangling Azar's throat moved forward, and the blood flowed down the neck.

Afterwards, he glanced at this group of menacing enemies with ruthless eyes, and said flatly:

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