"Put down your weapons and get out."

Everyone in the entire Sumeru City knew about Dafeng's brutal reputation, and no one believed that his threat would not come true.

As the scholars dropped their magical weapons and ritual swords cleanly, the hired mercenaries were also powerless, and left the evil spirit weapons in resentment, and walked out of the study room.

Next, it was torture time.

Everyone has no time to ask about the details of the cooperation between Azar and the Fools;

There was no time to ask him about his grasp of the weaknesses of artificial gods;

Tinari and Kawi are still on the upper floor of the Palace of Wisdom. They don't have Sano's disguise and camouflage skills, and the current situation is very dangerous.

What's more, with the current situation, once the fools get the news, they are likely to launch a surprise attack without leaving any survivors, and let Azar die at the hands of the "Huachengguo Opposition".

There are all witnesses and material evidence, and the dead will not refute, anyone will believe it.

Afterwards, they only need to use this great righteousness to support the puppet to come to power, and then sweep the Huacheng Guo, and Sumi will be completely finished.

So everyone's purpose is very clear: quickly force Hazard to give up the "key" to lift the ban on the little auspicious grass king

However, the usually unfavorable Dafeng Disciplinary Officer was suffocated this time.

Sai Nuo, who can usually make ordinary scholars confess with just his eyes;

Several methods were used in succession that would not damage Hazard's old body, but would also cause him unbearable pain, but the result was extremely unexpected:

Even though the screams are sympathetic, Hazard, who seems to be pampered, cannot reveal any real content:

"I've said it all, there is no restriction, you can open the cage when you go."

"You bastards, how many times do I have to say, there is no restriction! There is no restriction!"

"What answer do you want? I'll tell you, but there is really no such restriction!"

"How can you be so rude to an old man? How can you doubt the credibility of a great sage, there is no prohibition!"

During this process, no one had no doubts.

For example, Dishiya once put forward her own views:

"I said, what I mean is that it is possible, is there really no restriction in the Jingshan Palace?"

But after thinking about it, everyone still rejected this point of view.

Everyone has witnessed the persecution of the Little Auspicious Grass King by the Holy Order.

And the fact that the little auspicious grass king kept saving his people from the void network some time ago is not a secret in the eyes of those who are interested.

After that, the actions of the Little Auspicious Grass King stopped suddenly, and the presence of a huge magic circle could be sensed from outside the Jingshan Palace.

Thinking about it with her feet, she also knew that it was the evil council that trapped her.

Sure enough, it was no accident that the great sage became the ruler of the Holy Order.

This toughness alone is unique among the pampered bureaucratic scholars.

So, it's still about strength.

Just when Rahman was planning to replace Sano, give up the "gentle" method of the Holy Order, and try to use the method of extorting a confession in the desert, Azar finally "confessed".

Well, in fact, Hazard finally figured out how to convince the bastards in front of him.

"Stop hitting, I said."

"The confinement of the little auspicious grass king uses a unique technique and records my unique elemental force pulse frequency."

"Only by taking me to the Jingshan Palace can it be lifted."

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

That's right, how can it be possible without some complicated tricks to imprison a god's magic circle?

Originally, everyone planned to take this hostage and go to Jingshan Palace together;

The followers who were kicked out of the house were not children of enlightenment. Now God knows how many traps and ambushes have been set outside the door.

Without this hostage, everyone couldn't rush out at all.

However, even if Hazard finally "confessed honestly", there is still a very big technical problem in front of everyone:

Azar's recent large-scale increase in staff, if there were not a few spies of fools mixed in, it would be a strange thing.

Everyone has made such a big noise, and it is pure self-deception to expect that the fools will not be aware of it.

According to Sano, due to the large-scale confrontation between the Holy Order and the Fools, he was forced to pass through the area controlled by the Fools through disguises many times before arriving here.

But now, with such a large group of people, how could it be possible for them to come together and repeatedly disguise themselves?

Although everyone wanted to kill the gods immediately to rescue the gods, but they also knew that if they took Azar head-on at this time, it would be the same as sending the whole Xumi package in a takeaway box. guilt.

Therefore, regarding Hazard's safety issues, everyone can only "seek help" from him.

"Azar, you don't want to fall into the hands of fools in this state."

"So, for your own safety, please order your followers to create a conflict big enough to clear a path for us to the Palace of Good Views."

"Before the news here reaches the ears of fools, please make a quick decision."

Sai Nuo, who had just established "effective communication", said while the iron was hot.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 587 Chapter 568 Is there something wrong with FireWire Surrender?

Azar looked at Sano bitterly. He was kidnapped and had to help the kidnappers solve the security problem.

I have served Xu Mi for decades, how could I bring out these two bastards?

But what Elhaysen and Sano can think of, Hazard can naturally think of it too.

It's not a big deal for me to be killed by these bastards.

The knowledge of man-made gods has long been backed up by himself, and will not be lost because of his death.

And these bastards who "save the gods" can just rely on this great achievement to integrate the forces of Xumi, and all unite under the command of the gods who have a stronger body and can protect Xumi.

However, the premise of all this is that he must not fall into the hands of fools.

Otherwise, the fools who have achieved righteousness are likely to bring about a catastrophe for all the forces of Xumi.

Therefore, even if Azar really wanted to put all these bastards in prison, he had to find a way for them right now.


So soon, the scholars and mercenaries who surrounded the door of the secret room were let in.

In the house, it was a scene that shocked their eyes.

The great sage is at the head, and several "assassins" are at the bottom respectfully.

The Great Wind Disciplinary Officer stood behind the Great Sage like a loyal dog, guarding his safety.

What's wrong?All surrendered?

The great sage's personality charm is so terrifying?

Everyone thought about it but couldn't figure it out, why in the blink of an eye, a group of vicious assassins, the crystals were about to explode, why did they all vote?

At this time, Hazard said solemnly as usual:

"Ahem, there's no need to make a fuss. Everyone is fighting over ideas. These children have adopted some radical measures just to have a chance to advise me."

"The enemy is now, when they are unanimous, I have forgiven their crimes, don't worry!"

Even if the great sage didn't blink his eyes when he said such things at such a time, his followers would not believe it.

As if they didn't hear it, they all shouted "Master Great Sage, are you okay." While expressing their loyalty, they rushed to Azar's side.

And several "assassins" did not stop them, and even moved away from Hazard's side.

It wasn't until everyone surrounded Azar and checked the traces of the technique quietly, and found nothing abnormal, that everyone felt relieved and began to scold the "assassins" viciously.

"Bold and reckless guy, it is not too much to die a hundred times!"

"If it wasn't for the kindness of the great sage, you are already in prison!"

And several "assassins" also smiled all over their faces, with expressions of gratitude and repentance.

Of course, except for Sano, no one dared to scold him, and he was still standing not far behind Hazard.

The hand hidden in the robe tightly grasped Azar's power guide.

Once he sees something wrong, he will drive the power guide according to the method just tortured at any time, and turn Azar and the followers around him into coke with the deadly thunder.

Hazard certainly didn't want to taste the power of his power guide.

Although he knew that Sino was not someone who would be swayed by words, Hazard didn't want to gamble on this chance.

He was cremated on the spot for such an outrageous reason as "making followers addicted to his mouth". This kind of ending is not suitable for a wise man.

So he waved his hand and stopped his followers with a stern tone.

The followers are not the establishment of the Holy Order, and they are closer to Liyue's "recipients" in terms of relationship, so he said directly without any politeness:

"I have already said that the crimes of this group of people and the fugitives from Huacheng Guo have been pardoned by me when the enemy is at hand."

"No one should mention this matter again, and this is not an example."

"And, as an atonement, they said that they would take the lead in confronting the fools, save His Majesty the Little Auspicious Grass King who was isolated by the fools, and take back our engineering achievements."

"Whether this sincerity is true or not, we will just have to wait and see."

Someone help yourself to fight in front?This can have!

Everyone looked at the "assassins", ah no, the "surrenders", and immediately became pleasing to the eye.

Soon, this good news spread throughout the Palace of Wisdom. The great sage personally led the team, and several "surrenders" opened the way at the front. Soon, they reached the area controlled by the fools.

"Go away! We are going to see His Majesty the Little Auspicious Grass King!" Facing a large number of foolish soldiers holding firecrackers, Dixia said bluntly.

The fools were full of a sense of psychological superiority towards Feila's unbearable churchyard. Facing their approach, they raised their guns without saying a word, and aimed at the front.

"No one is allowed to pass through this place without the order of the executive officer."

At this time, Azar took a few steps forward, facing the muzzles of the fools without fear and said:

"As a collaborator, why don't I remember the instructions of the Fools? When did I get it under the command of the Holy Order?"

And Sano followed closely like a loyal dog, as if he was always going to block the bullet for the great sage.

Of course, this "loyalty", if Hazard can make himself forget the force guide in his hand, he will be more moved/dare to move.

The captain of the fool who was in charge of guarding this place suddenly fell into a very difficult state.

When everyone accepted the executive's order, they were repeatedly emphasized that unless the other party attempted to enter the experimental site, all actions could only be at the level of "deterrence", let alone firing at the great sage.

Fight in a foreign country, open fire directly in the opponent's capital, and kill the supreme leader.

This kind of news spread to the other six countries, and the fools may be unable to move an inch in any country in the future.

Even the commander-in-chief can't afford this blame, let alone the second-ranked "doctor".

Facing the situation where the great sage of the Holy Order personally led the team up, the fools could only retreat steadily for a while, and urgently sent a message to request further orders from the executive officer.

Unfortunately, none of the executive officers dared to approve the fire.

However, if they are blackmailing and mediating, the experiment has entered the most critical moment, but they really have no time to spare.

In desperation, the "doctor" could only order that the troops guarding the upper floors be withdrawn first, and stick to the secret underground space where the "project" was carried out. After the experiment was completely successful, they would settle accounts with those trash from the Holy Order.

As for the god whose desire to act is too strong, he can only let her go first.

After her magic circle is completed, she will naturally know the strength gap between the two.


Facing the hasty evacuation of the fools, the Academy cheered from top to bottom.

No one likes these sneaky guys, and the Fools never get a better reputation in the Seven Kingdoms.

Even if some cooperation is necessary, one can imagine the mood of ordinary people in the Holy Order Academy.

The great sage who led everyone up, as well as several "surrenders", became heroes in the hearts of scholars and mercenaries in an instant, and the atmosphere suddenly became completely harmonious.

Everyone can't wait to show Sumi's characteristic dance steps, and everyone dances all the way to the top floor of the Wisdom Palace.

Soon, everyone arrived at the gate of the Jingshan Palace, and two familiar figures were guarding it dutifully. They were Tinari and Kawi in mercenary costumes.

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