Seeing that the two of them were safe and sound, it finally made Sano and Elheysen feel relieved.

In fact, everyone underestimated Tinari's combat effectiveness.

If it is just about fighting, Tinari may not be the opponent of Sano and Elhaysen, but when it comes to surprise attacks, the "Great Patrol Officer" who is a genius scholar of the Life Theory School is too powerful.

Hallucinogenic pollen, hypnotic spores, and allergenic grass species, under the urging of grass elemental power, produced unparalleled sneak attack power.

As long as there is enough air in the air that people can't even smell it, a seasoned mercenary or foolish fighters can be easily tricked.

Some fell into a deep sleep on the spot;

Some people fall into hallucinations and don't know it at all;

Some people suddenly had large areas of itching, redness and swelling unbearable, with runny nose and tears, so they had to seek medical attention urgently.

All kinds of intangible means of hurting people made Kawei feel cold all over, and vowed that he would never offend this student who was like the mascot of the Holy Order Academy and seemed harmless to humans and animals in his life.

Soon, the two put down the guards along the way, easily arrived at the gate of Shanjian Palace, and began to serve as guest guards until they finally joined the main force.

But seeing everyone surrounding the great sage, it was like a group dance in victory.

The heads of Tinari and Kavey are also full of question marks.

Although the original plan arrived here, it has already changed beyond recognition and has become a mess.

But you... are you exaggerating?

Even the great sage is his own?Is the people of Xumi so united?What have we been tossing about all this time?

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 588 Chapter 569 Is there something wrong with opening the birdcage?

At the gate of the Palace of Good Seeing, Azar pushed back his followers.

To show his trust, he is going to take this group of "surrenders" to meet the little auspicious grass king.

In fact, no matter whether it is the high-ranking Senuo, Alheisen who is being cultivated by the Academy, or Tinari, who is the person in charge of the city of Shenglun faction, scholars all admit that they are worthy of the favor of great sages. Qualifications.

But two brutal and rude mercenaries?Can you also get this honor instead of yourself?

Hazard's followers were outraged.

To be honest, Hazard thought so too, but the power guide behind him was so convincing that he didn't even dare to propose "let the two mercenaries wait outside".

Fortunately, as a great sage, Azar's wisdom has never been doubted.

Under his politically correct slogan "In the eyes of the gods, the people of the desert and the people of the rainforest are her children." The followers had no choice but to accept this fact. Entered the sacred Jingshan Palace.

In fact, this is also the first time for all "pilgrims" to enter Jingshan Palace.

Ever since Naxida's God's Heart was taken away, the state of the gods has been strictly kept secret by successive guilty councils and passed down from generation to generation.

In order to avoid being brainwashed by beliefs, only the great sages and their followers are eligible to go to the Palace of Good Views to make routine offerings and supplies for the gods.

It is forbidden to stay longer, and it is even forbidden to enter the second floor where the gods live daily.

So this "pilgrimage" can be said to be an unprecedented honor in 500 years.

With great honor, the "pilgrims" stepped into the mysterious palace of Shanjian and looked around.

As a result... that's it?

Servant of the gods, no.

Offerings to please the gods, no.

Comfortable environment, no.

The funding of the Holy Order is so tight?

Even Mond, who hadn't appeared for a thousand years before the gods, still has a solemn and solemn West Wind Cathedral.

The earthly residences of most of the other gods are gorgeous palaces.

Otherwise, it is impossible to express the respect and love of the people.

As a result, when we arrived at Sumeru, the Holy Order arranged for an unfinished building?

Although among the several "pilgrims", none of them are really devout believers of Little Auspicious Grass King.

But even the most arrogant Elhaysen, who thinks that gods are only a powerful creature;

I also think that even with this power alone, and the protection of mortals, gods deserve to be respected and treated.

Throw it into a deserted small building and ignore it?Is this too outrageous?Are you not afraid of divine punishment?

Faced with all kinds of needle-like eyes, Azar didn't realize it, and directly led everyone to the second floor.

Compared with the desolate and lonely first floor, the painting style on the second floor changed suddenly.

The Holy Tree is the daughter of the World Tree, shaping the best environment she can provide.

The softest blade is her cushion;

The smoothest wood is her walls;

The translucent thin leaves block the direct sunlight for her;

And the breathing branches filter out the freshest air for her.

It's a pity that this princess who lives in a high tower is being imprisoned in a dark green cage, suspended in mid-air.

Although expected, but unexpectedly, Hazard really did this!

Although the Little Auspicious Grass King is a "non-existent god", everyone knows that without the Great Mercy Tree King, there would be no whole Sumeru at all.

But Xumi was not wiped out by Zhidong, largely because no matter how weak Xumi was, there was indeed a god in charge of Xumi, so Zhidong had to respect the most basic rules governed by the seven gods.

In the face of such harmless humans and animals who are kind to Xumi, the Holy Order was so swayed by interests that they were imprisoned?

"Quickly, release the little auspicious grass king!"

Faced with this behavior, Sano was the most angry.

You really treat the "six sins of the root cause" as air, you act so recklessly, and now you are arrogant and frivolous, the original sages are right.

If the desire for knowledge is not restricted, the Holy Order will sooner or later lead to self-destruction.

But now, Sino sees a living example.

Resisting the urge to wipe out the blasphemer immediately, Sano quietly took a few steps forward;

Without words, just oppressing Hazard with distance reminded him of the painful memory that had just passed.

Azhal felt extremely stressed at the moment, so he hurried forward, input elemental power into the magic circle in a decent manner, and made some meaningless circuit adjustments.

"Okay, I have lifted the prison, you can let me go." Azar stopped, waiting for the little auspicious grass king to come out of the "birdcage".

However, a period of time passed, and there was no sound in the birdcage.

Seeing this, the other "pilgrims" hurried forward a few steps, and surrounded the dazed Azar with unkind expressions.

I really didn't expect that at this juncture, he would dare to play tricks.

Seno, you are really weak!

As for Sano, his complexion was already dark, and he planned to ignore Hazard's age and directly increase his strength.

"Don't mess around! The restriction has really been lifted!" Hazard explained anxiously.

And at this time, Alheisen, who had been carefully observing Hazard's technique, frowned and said:

"He's lying! Although he can't break the magic circle in a short time, it is impossible to introduce his own unique elemental power fluctuations into the magic circle with this method!"

"..." Hazard fell into complete silence.

What to say?

I'm lying to you, the method is fake, but the confinement is also fake, so the negative is positive?

The confinement is real, and the technique is also real, so it's all real?

Either way, it sounds completely unconvincing.

Just when Azar was desperate and listening to a group of people discussing how to "strengthen" himself, Nasida slowly fell from the luxurious birdcage like a leaf.

When this group of people arrived at the Jingshan Palace, Naxida, who was working with Jiang Yan on the release of the Dream Flower, had already noticed it.

Just about to get out of the cage and happily accept the people's rescue, she was stopped by Jiang Yan.

If this great sage doesn't accept some due compensation, isn't this world too unfair?

But looking at the pitiful and helpless look of the old man, Nasida immediately forgot about the past when she was bullied.

Xiang Jiang Yan clasped his hands together, made a "sorry" expression, and then projected his consciousness back into his body.

Seeing the little auspicious grass king push the door out of the "birdcage" without hindrance, the audience immediately fell into an embarrassing silence.

I hit the wrong person, what should I do?

Although he is still guilty, it is true that he has been wronged in this regard.

Say sorry now, Azar, no, can the Great Sage forgive himself?

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible. You can see that he was so wronged that he was about to cry.

In the end, Dexia, who hadn't participated in the torture at all, was more quick-witted.

Go straight up to change the subject, ah no, salute and greet:

"Your Majesty Little Auspicious Grass King, we are here to save you!"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 589 Chapter 570 Is there something wrong with the network cable raid

Unlike this group of scholars who have weak faith in gods and only believe in knowledge;

The two people of the desert, on the contrary, have true belief in gods.

Especially Dishiya, influenced by Dina Zedai, can almost be regarded as half a follower of the Little Auspicious Grass King, and this rescue can also be called sincere.

And Naxida is also very happy that her people really took great risks to save herself.

Compared to being imprisoned here for 500 years in the Order Academy, this makes her so much happier, doesn't it?

To this end, she used the majestic expression she had secretly rehearsed for a long time, and said seriously:

"Thank you, my children."

Deliberately referring to the expression of Ying seen from the earphones, it did not add any substantive majesty to Nasida, but instead gave her a little more cuteness pretending to be an adult.

Fortunately, everyone didn't have much expectations for this new god who could be locked up by mortals;

Instead, they naturally clustered around her, ready to use their lives to open up a path for her to Huacheng Guo.

Naxida, who had been preparing for today for a long time, of course would not let her own people use their lives to protect herself.

The big drama that belongs to her has just begun.

Today is the beginning of her protection of Xu Mi!

She just said softly to several "pilgrims":

"Please wait a moment, there are still some obstacles on the way out of here."

Afterwards, seeing Nasida put her hands together, she established an extremely powerful link with the dream, and sent a signal to each node:

"Grass, come on!" Jiang Yan, who was in Huacheng Guo, used the dream shared with Naxida to quickly inject all the power of the grass element and the power of the dream into it;

Numerous rehearsals and cooperation made the beautiful flower of dreams bloom gorgeously in the center of the dreamland, waiting for unexpected visitors.

In Huana Lanna, the Jue Wang tree swayed gently, and the huge power poured into the dream like a spring.

Lan Rama, who can no longer speak and sing, is using his actions to pay the highest respect to the creator of the first Juewang tree.

And not far away, under the tree of dreams, the ancient "stage" for singing has already been prepared.

Lanlaja, the incarnation of the dream tree, issued a command to the long-awaited Lannaro to make them cheer:

"Lanaluos, it's time to sing for the little auspicious grass king."

Afterwards, the purple light of the dream tree flickered, and Lan Lajia took the lead in launching his power.

And the strength of the Lannaluos quickly turned into the most beautiful singing voices, which lingered repeatedly in Nasida's dream by virtue of the channel opened by the Dream Tree.

"Thank you everyone, I will work hard!"

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