Feeling the gathering of huge power, Naxida nodded lightly, then raised her head suddenly, and the amazing power of dreams "bloomed" in the entire Jingshan Palace.

In just a split second, Nasida completely covered the entire Jingshan Palace with her "dream" domain.

Facing such a powerful field, both Hazard and the "pilgrims" were all stunned!

During the 500 years of captivity, the little auspicious grass king never showed his strength.

Even when he took action to save some people, it was only using the fleeting elemental power.

The powerful force in front of me, like the abyss and the sea, is completely beyond the imagination of the Xumi people.

Almost instantly, everyone was drawn into Nasida's dream without any resistance.

And this is just the aftermath of this power, which couldn't be smaller.

Even if she has a hint of malice, just this one moment, everyone will become a doll in her dream.

And what's even more frightening is that expanding such a huge field is naturally to make a difference.

With a move that is so powerful that even the precursor is so powerful, who is the enemy of His Majesty the Little Auspicious Grass King?What on earth is she going to do?

Everyone can't help but look forward to this completely impressive god.

Nashida didn't keep them waiting. Driven by huge power, she held up the "Holy Tree" of the entire Sumeru City, and quickly responded to the Creator's request.

In the real world, two holes suddenly protruded from the smooth wall. The size of the holes was just enough for Nasida to put her two little hands into them.

And this seemingly inconspicuous hole is the vein that the holy tree has fully protected itself, unreservedly exposed to Naxida.

At the moment when Naxida injected power into the sacred tree's veins without hindrance;

In the lobby where the "Doctor" was located, the floor suddenly cracked.

The huge hollow tree trunk suddenly burst out of the ground, and the power of dreams gushing out like a fountain instantly covered the entire hall and all the slices of "Doctor"!


After God's Heart was disconnected from the Internet, Jiang Yan and Nasida discussed countless countermeasures.

But it's a pity that none of these methods are sudden and strong enough.

Fortunately, after talking with the phantom of the Great Mercy Tree King, Nasida, who had obtained sufficient authority, obtained a very powerful dream attack method - pulling the network cable.

This idea comes from Jiang Yan.

Since Nasida can "go online" - attack through the void network;

You can also use "Bluetooth direct connection" - direct coverage with the power of dreams at close range;

Then "pull the root network cable" - through the cooperation of the holy tree, it is very reasonable to directly pull the earth veins there!

As the creation of the Great Mercy Tree King, the "Sacred Tree"'s love for Nasida is beyond compare.

Even with such an outrageous request, "Sacred Tree" still agreed without hesitation at the cost of damaging part of its own organization.

Who can guard against such a brain hole?

"Doctor" is also considered a well-informed person. Whether it is using the leylines, extracting the leylines, guiding the leylines, or transforming the leylines, he has seen a lot.

But he never dreamed that there is a god who directly smacks the face with the earth's veins, and the two of them pull a network cable and fight directly!

Caught off guard, he, together with all his slices, was pulled into Nasida's dream in an instant.

After entering the enemy's home field, the "Doctor" secretly yelled that something was wrong after simply observing the environment.

Looking up, the Shaluo double tree composed of the Juewang tree and the dream tree has already surrounded it tightly.

And the "House of Maya" of countless Lannaluo incarnations is covering the "doctors" tightly, making it difficult for them to fly.

Located in the very center of the "Palace of Maya", it is the flower of dreams that is blooming magnificently.

Moreover, it is constantly vibrating slightly in a wonderful rhythm, and every leaf of green grass in the "House of Maya" is also pulsating with this beat and at the same frequency.

This seemingly harmless tremor is a terrifying meme pollution.

Once the spirit of the "doctor" adapts to this frequency, it will open a stable channel for Nasida's dream in her own dream.

From then on, his dreams will no longer defend against Nasida, and even pollute his whole spirit into a part of Nasida's huge dream kingdom.

The "Doctor" himself is also a strong manipulator of the mind, facing this terrifying combined attack, he was shocked and turned pale.

Without hesitation, he blocked all external spiritual communication of other slices, and established a network of "doctors" with almost only closed-loop connections between each other.

In an instant, the other slices of "Doctor" all fell to the ground, except that the power was still flowing at high speed among each other, it was impossible to even tell whether they were in a living state.

The only thing standing is the only external interface of the "Doctor" network, the strongest slice - "Doctor" Omega.

Whether it is sensory, stimulation or reflex, it is a kind of interaction with the outside world. Even for defense, "Doctor" cannot completely close the entire network.

Otherwise, completely cutting off all interactions is almost the same as death.

Therefore, this old acquaintance who "cut off the Internet" for Naxida can only gather all the power of the "Doctor" network, and carry out a difficult confrontation with Naxida's stunt.

The "Doctor" network is not weak.

Each slice is equivalent to a strong person;

How powerful will it be when 24 slices can share spiritual power, elemental power, and computing power due to the same origin?

No one knows, because the opponents who were hostile to this form before are all dead.

It is rumored in Tevat that the power of the second "Doctor" of the Fools is comparable to that of a god, and it is precisely because of this terrifying "Doctor" network form.

However, the "Doctor" himself scoffed at this.

In his opinion, this form of himself represents the final form of human beings, which has already surpassed the so-called gods.

What I lack is just a grand stage to prove myself.

However, reality has taught him the truth of life.

When the gods don't talk about martial arts, and take the power of the family members from the same source for their own use;

How can my own 24 slices defeat God knows how many Lannaro and two branches of the world tree?

"Little Auspicious Grass King, you will regret it!"

"Doctor" Omega, who was only able to parry and had no power to fight back, let out an angry roar.

Of course, he still didn't know that the delicate flower in the center of the field that made him feel embarrassed was the Liyue monster that made his teeth itch with hatred.

Otherwise, his anger index would at least be doubled.

It's a pity that no matter how strong the anger is, it can't stimulate Jiang Yan, who has no bottom limit in fighting.

Wude?what is that?

In order to get the first victory, let alone flowers, I will choose toads!

Of course, this kind of coquettish talk was destined not to reach the ears of the "doctor". With everyone's joint efforts, the doctor's resistance soon became completely powerless, and everyone began to gradually reduce their efforts.

There is no way, even if the "doctor" who is angry and grudges, everyone has a lot of grudges, but there is no way to directly turn the number two of fools into an idiot here.

Just like "Doctor" had countless chances, but still showed mercy to Naxida.

Many things cannot be put on paper, but everyone has enough tacit understanding.

No matter how great the conflict of interests is, everyone is in the same boat, and many things will not be considered at all.

"I'm sorry, but you're already out of this game." Nasida said softly.

Soon, the leaves representing spiritual isolation in the "Palace of Maya" were born one after another.

After wrapping up the "doctors" layer by layer, causing his spirit to sink to a deep sleep, he announced the end of this short but fierce battle.

And everyone present, also at this moment, returned to reality in a blink of an eye.

In reality, except for the deformed wall that is slowly returning to its original shape, nothing has changed, as if everything I experienced just now was really a dream.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time, we can go now."

Leaping down the stairs, Nasida turned her head, tilted her head suspiciously, and looked at the "rescuers" who were all in a daze.

Of course, at this moment, she has secretly given herself a perfect score in her heart;

As for the cheers, laughs, and celebrations, save that for after it's all over, alone with your own sun, hehe.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 590 Chapter 571 Is there something wrong with karma

who are we?

where are we?

what are we doing?

Seeing the young gods that everyone was going to protect with their lives, half a palace of wisdom was separated, and the "doctors" who were "comparable to gods" were killed in one move, and there were a lot of "doctors".

The thinking of everyone present has fallen into stagnation and confusion.

What's next?

get away?His Majesty the Little Auspicious Grass King is so strong, why are we running away?

One more trick, won't the man-made god be defeated in seconds?

Everyone communicated hesitantly with each other's eyes, and their pace began to slow down.

It was only then that Nasida realized that her "magnificent debut", although the effect was full;

However, due to being too successful, it made everyone have unrealistic expectations, and quickly explained:

"The move just now was not my own strength, but actually the joint strength of many of my dependents. I will explain it to you later."

"Let's go, although I still have some spare energy, but I can't start a battle with the opponent's artificial god here, and the entire Sumeru City will be destroyed."

This is not a lie. Although Nasida's move completely imprisoned the "Doctor", the power required to maintain the confinement is a bit high on the premise that he cannot erase his spirit or leave a back door in his consciousness. .

Jiang Yan and Naxida had another battle to follow, so they had no time to distract themselves.

At present, only the King Jue Tree, the Tree of Dreams, and the collaborators Lan Naluo can keep covering with "leaves" to maintain the suppression of the doctor's consciousness.

Therefore, it is impossible to do this trick to the "Scattered Soldiers".


It was only after hearing the god's self-admittance that everyone realized, how could such a powerful force be free?

But if there is no strength to suppress the enemy in an instant, how can Sumeru City, where countless ordinary people live, withstand the battle between gods?

Run away quickly, according to the established plan, leading the "artificial god" into the established trap is the correct choice.

So everyone hurriedly filed down from the second floor together with Naxida, preparing to take the little auspicious grass king to Huacheng Guo for temporary shelter before the preparation of the god body of the "Scatterers" was completed.

At this time, the only one who was separated from the crowd was naturally the great sage Azar.

The impact of Nasida's "great display of power" on him was at least a hundred times and a thousand times that of others.

He now feels that all his efforts and arrangements for decades are a joke.

The gods may still not be powerful enough, but they have strong enough dependents to protect all malicious things beyond catastrophe.

Speaking of which, among the sages in the past 500 years, why no one doubted that King Dacishu, who was considered exhaustive, would leave enough backers for himself?

But it is meaningless to say these now.

Hazard has never seen a "good ending" for himself in his star-reflected fate.

However, when the time came for him to leave the stage, he couldn't help but feel a little bit reluctant.

Azar still remembers the first time he saw the little auspicious grass king in front of him.

Generally speaking, in order to avoid being swayed by beliefs, even great sages are forbidden to chat with the little auspicious grass king.

This is the invisible rule of the council for 500 years. Once it is known, even a great sage will be impeached by the sages.

In the final analysis, the so-called great sages are just the speakers who were elected by the six sages representing the six colleges.

However, the first visit after the successive great sages took office is the only exception.

After all, it is related to the gods and this great sage's supply, worship and relationship mode for many years to come, so there must be a simple connection.

When Azar stepped into the Palace of Good Views for the first time and met the long-awaited god.

What surprised him the most was not her girlish body.

Nor is it a seemingly weak force.

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