It is the kindness and innocence towards human beings.

The resentment of being imprisoned for nearly 500 years and the dissatisfaction with human beings are completely invisible to her eyes.

The wisdom of the gods may be beyond his reach, but this kind of kindness from the soul can be clearly perceived as long as she is by her side, and it is definitely not false.

Facing the beauty that surpasses all humanity in front of us, the "divine" existence;

Azar finally understood why the previous great sages were forbidden to communicate with her too much.

Even if it was just the beginning of greetings, he wanted to immediately rescue this god from the cage.

How could such a kind god cause harm to Xu Mi?How could it be possible to hold grudges against everyone?

But as the conversation deepened, Hazard changed his mind again.

The god in front of him has never cared about the conditions and offerings of his own life from beginning to end, nor has he made any demands.

Faced with an important conversation that may be years, decades, or even decades.

She only cares about the problems that mortals can't solve in Sumeru recently;

And, I sympathize with myself that I will be involved in too much research energy by general affairs, and I am comforting myself with unreasonable world affairs, but sincerely.

She, who has been imprisoned by humans for nearly 500 years, still has the mood, sympathy, and comfort to herself who has just climbed to the pinnacle of Sumi's power?

However, for Azar, this sympathy and comfort seemed so precious in the midst of well-intentioned congratulations and joy, malicious curses and spurning, or humble flattery.

"Stupid guys, what do you know?"

Azar, who had no intention of power and used it as a tool, has been annoyed countless times by the kindness and malice that come from these stinking.

The young god in front of him directly touched the softest part of Azar's heart with only a comfort.

While being extremely moved, Hazard also made up his mind.

This kind of existence, like the dew in the morning, should be protected by mortals, not let her go to the front to protect mortals.

So, Hazard hardened his heart, and even said goodbye directly with a little impoliteness.

He chose to inherit the choice of the sages for hundreds of years-to use the power of the gods to protect the gods.

If he had a choice, he would also like to be like the sages who followed King Dacishu thousands of years ago;

Just follow the footsteps of the gods closely and devote your wisdom and life, in exchange for knowledge and fame for generations.

Simple and easy, and without any hesitation.

But he couldn't do it, because he was the great sage of Sumeru.

Everyone can pin their hopes on the future and refer to the past, but only he must consider the "now".

The catastrophe is coming, whether it is from the results of astrology or from the various signs of Tivat, it can be clearly concluded that there is no doubt about it.

However, how could this innocent, kind and weak god be able to protect Xu Mi?

Evil only needs to abandon the inner conscience, but kindness needs enough strength to overcome the world.

Therefore, Azar is willing to bear this arrogance and blasphemy, hoping to become a "power" driven by "goodness".

Even when Nasida was "imprisoned" in a birdcage, Azar did not give her any explanation.

Now, this short but long karma has finally come to an end, I don't know what kind of reward I will get?

God's punishment?trial?exile?Or clean up?

Hazard couldn't help being very curious.

However, there was nothing until everyone filed out, and no one paid any attention to the "great sage".

For El Heisen and the others, since the Little Auspicious Grass King was unexpectedly powerful, the hostage of the Great Sage would be meaningless if they walked with her.

Everything will be decided by the upcoming battle with the "artificial gods".

So at present, instead of continuing to control him, it is better to simply put him back to his followers.

Whether it is to change the past, or continue to help the evil, at least the basic order of Sumi City can be maintained.

Even if it needs to be tried, it will only be meaningful after victory.

And this kind of ignorance hurt Hazard deeply, and even made him feel more painful than the clean trial.

A person who can become a great sage is certainly not a fool. He understood what Elhaysen and the others were thinking in a blink of an eye:

On the upcoming battlefield of the gods, neither the council nor the great sages are useless.

Even as a "trophy", "righteousness" has no value.

Is this the feeling of being abandoned and ignored because of weakness?

This is really... the reward of fate.

Just as Azar was tasting the bitterness that fate rewarded him, before opening the door, Nasida suddenly turned around and said softly to Azar:

"Little Hazard, you have worked hard all this time."

"I'm really sorry, I always make you worry about Xu Mi, and leave the next thing to me..."

Nashida has no memory of the abuse she was subjected to.

This Minglun scholar, fearing fate, made some struggles and efforts that he thought were right, and there was nothing wrong with that.

Nacida never considered short-sightedness, weakness, and weak-willedness a sin for mortals.

As long as you use your own actions to practice the rightness and kindness in your heart, you are a good boy.

As for not returning the actions of Hazard and his followers to "correctness";

Nasida believes that this is just her dereliction of duty as a god, and they are not to blame.

I did not give them a sense of security;

Nor did they provide enough guidance when they were lost and helpless;

In the face of the dead zone, they did not give them enough shelter;

That being the case, why blame them?

What's more, Naxida also accurately captured Azar's tenderness towards her.

He seems to be blasphemous, but he has always been very concerned about the worship of the gods. No matter every time, he can see the traces of his personal involvement.

When faced with the threat of the "Doctor", he immediately used the legacy of King Dacishu to make an exquisite "birdcage", hoping to protect her safety.

He didn't owe him anything, but Nasida felt that she felt guilty for this little guy who shouldered all this on her behalf.

But fortunately now, I have a chance to restore all this, so let little Hazard rest well.

After that, everyone walked out of the Jingshan Palace.

After a long time, I feel the consolation from the gods that Quan Xumi is the only one who is qualified to comfort him;

Azar, who practiced the way of reason all his life, left his only tear in adulthood in the empty Jingshan Palace forever.

What came out was just a shell full of final responsibility and guilt.

He will work hard to fulfill his responsibilities, and after handing over a complete Sumeru City to the successor chosen by the gods, he will go to the place where he has already planned to end.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan Horse in Sumeru: Chapter 591 Chapter 572 Is something wrong with short track speed skating

Although the gods are benevolent, mortals may not be so.

To be honest, both Sano and Alheysen really wanted to give Hazard a trial on the spot first.

But it's a pity that the current situation really requires everyone to race against time.

Although after the "Doctor" was defeated, in terms of consciousness operation, Nasida no longer had an opponent.

But in a battle of this level, if the other party doesn't have any high-end combat power hidden underwater, no one will believe it.

Leaving aside, just looking at the orderly and well-organized reinforcements of this wave of fools, it is definitely not the handiwork of "doctors" and "stragglers" who disdain ordinary affairs.

The style of those two in Sumeru, even as enemies, everyone knows a thing or two from the fugitive scholars.

No matter how you think about it, it doesn't seem like you can personally dispatch troops and arrange plans.

Therefore, even if the "doctor", the core figure of this "project", has temporarily withdrawn from the stage, he must not be taken lightly.

In the case where the "site" is all her own people, it is meaningless for the fools to hide. Naxida quickly obtained the place where her God's Heart is kept from the communication with the holy tree.

Relying on the power of "Fantasy" to shield the enemy's senses, everyone swaggered forward.

Perhaps the executive officers can rely on the abnormal enrichment of grass elemental power to avoid this surprise attack without anyone noticing, but the ordinary elites of fools are definitely not among them.

Every time I saw Nashida's power unfolding, and then nodded slightly to everyone, the fools along the way were like deaf and blind people, completely ignoring her group.

Even if he passed by himself while patrolling, he didn't have any perception.

This strange and incomparable power gave everyone a new understanding of the power of their own gods.

Even Elhaysen, who believes that "gods are relatively powerful creatures", has a new definition of "comparison".

Soon, everyone arrived at the secret room where the "Doctor" sits in person.

The door opened, and there was the sound of panicked military boots running far away.

Obviously, the fact that the "Doctor" was successfully attacked by surprise has been known to all fools.

At this moment, Sai Nuo took a step forward and respectfully saluted Nashida:

"Your Majesty Little Auspicious Grass King, I am traveling very fast, do you want me to catch up with him?"

The fastest, he felt that he could try to silence the opponent before he reached the location of the mysterious cadre responsible for organizing the crowd of fools.

Nasida shook her head and said softly:

"It's running out of time and can easily put you in danger."

"And, my friend, gave me a better way."

After finishing speaking, Naxida opened an exquisite transparent container on the table, and after 500 years, she held her God's Heart again.

Slowly taking it into his body, he recovered the evidence of power that had been deprived since he was born.

When she had it last time, Nashida's mind was still like a human child, completely unable to understand everything contained in this item.

And as he gradually matured, even though he could control it remotely, the heart of God had become the hub of the void.

In order to avoid huge fluctuations and damage to the void, Nasida had no choice but to give up controlling this powerful prop that belonged to her.

Now, the Heart of God has finally returned to his control.

Even after being away for 500 years, Nashida can easily feel how mysterious and powerful the evidence of power endowed by heaven to govern the world is.

I can use the power of power in it to realize the orders that I couldn't realize before to the same elemental power between the heaven and the earth.

It can also lead to a part of the power, as a proof of the power of the whole world, even a "part" is like an abyss like an ocean.

However, further research, of course, is not now.

What she needs right now is pure strength.

So, she guided a large amount of grass elemental power from the heart of God, and pressed her hands on the wall of the secret room.

Dazzling green light bloomed in the entire secret room.

With the injection of power, Nasida once again made a willful request to the sacred tree that has loved her for hundreds of years.

From being spawned to the present, the Holy Tree has been bearing the initial and final instructions of its Creator without complaint - shouldering the entire Sumeru City.

However, compared to this thousand-year-old order, it wants to get closer to its Creator.

So it happily accepted the power and request of its Creator.

The crown of the tree rustled, giving birth to a long, but extremely smooth branch, which stretched obliquely until it reached its own tree roots.

And the wall of this secret room suddenly cracked a hole enough for everyone to pass through.

Chamber of Secrets?Even the venue is his own, so what can be called "secret" in front of Naxida?

Outside the door at this time, powerful elemental power fluctuations were approaching without any disguise.

It was two strong men rushing at full speed.

At the same time, there was a great deal of noisy army action.

But for everyone who has already sat on the "branch slide", it is no longer important.

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