If you have the guts, let's skate together!


"Servant" Arechino learned the news that the "doctors" were lying unconscious on the ground from the report of his routine inspection.

Different from the two "brainless" and "unhappy", Arechino's Hearth House often cooperates closely with the fools, and is very familiar with the command of the direct subordinates.

Considering that the other party is likely to launch a surprise attack, she stipulated that the mechanism of dispatching messengers to conduct routine inspections at regular intervals has successfully played an early warning mechanism.

Otherwise, with the "doctor" and "straggler" who are isolated from the world after research, I am afraid that when Naxida arrives in Huacheng, they are probably still immersed in their own projects.

After learning of the situation of the "Doctor", Arechino almost immediately started emergency response.

Although he hated this colleague, Arechino also knew that this guy was ridiculously strong.

Such a powerful guy is defeated, no matter how the opponent thinks, he will not be unscathed.

So Arechino made a decisive decision and took Dadalia, the only high-end mobile force;

And mobilize all the high-end combat power above the team leader level in his hands, go to the room where the "trophy" is located, and plan to come and beat the dog.

According to the previous agreement, after the opponent wins, he will definitely come to take the spoils of this victory.

However, Arechino never promised that after getting the "trophy", the opponent could start the next match unscathed.

Can the "Doctor" be defeated remotely without a trace?This kind of combat power made Arechino extremely startled.

As for the evaluation of Little Auspicious Grass King's combat power, Arechino had already collected all her "manifestation" deeds.

Even for ordinary people's "manifestation", she has many records of "response to wishes" due to limited power.

In any case, the current effect cannot be achieved.

So Arechino strongly suspected that this god used other powerful forces to defeat the "Doctor" unruly.

That being the case, if the opponent's combat power is not weakened as much as possible before the second battle, Scaramucci will not have any good results.

With this in mind, in Arechino's action plan, the moment the door is opened, Dadalia will prepare to summon the star sea whales and launch a surprise attack directly.

However, after opening the door, Arechino and D'Addaria found helplessly that the fish could not be recruited.

What caught their eyes was an extremely absurd scene.

The windowless "secret room", the wall of the trunk, had a passageway big enough for two people to pass through.

Outside the passage, this group of mysterious enemies is sitting on the extremely slender branch slide, lubricated by the considerate sap of the sacred tree, gliding at high speed like riding the wind and waves all the way, and they are about to reach the ground.

D'Addaria just wanted to jump up to chase, but was held tightly by Arechino.

Sure enough, no sooner had the enemy reached the ground than the nutrients in this giant twig slide began to be recycled by the trunk.

In an instant, the branch slide began to dry, wither, and finally break off in pieces, turning into a piece of dead wood debris.

Although Dadalia can water ski, he can't trapeze.

At a height of several hundred meters, the slide suddenly broke, and even with his skill, he would have to fall to the ground, and then he would give the enemy another big gift bag.

This naked geographical advantage made the two executives very angry, but there was nothing they could do.

Even if this so-called "sacred tree" shows blatant partiality and hostility, it is impossible for fools to destroy this big tree that carries the entire Sumeru City.

It is even said that fools have to take good care of this "holy tree".

Once there is a big problem with this tree during the battle between the two sides, all the fools will bear the big pot of "destroying the capital of other countries".

Watching the huge tree holes begin to slowly close together and become a solid wall again, Dadalia could only use his lightning spear fiercely to insert on the "wall" of this secret room.

Pieces of wood splashed everywhere, but it was meaningless.

The bark does not hurt and does not hurt.

In Shengshu's view, there are hundreds of villains beating him every day, and he can't tell the difference between them at all.

When there is no order from the Creator, it is just a big tree.

Looking at the impotent and furious Dadalia, Arechino's heart remained unmoved, and he even showed no expression.

Most of the missions of "House of Hearth" are in foreign countries, home field advantage?She has seen a lot.

Afraid of this, just learn from those political and business people and hide in the solstice of winter?

What are you doing when you come out to perform missions for Her Majesty the Empress?

So she gave the next step instruction to Dadalia who was plucking the tree with a voice that was as indifferent as ice in the north:

"Use your speed, immediately notify Scaramucci, let him directly force start, launch a pursuit, and prepare to start the war in advance."

"Once the opponent uses any combat power beyond the agreement, there is no need to hesitate, you will immediately attack with all your strength!"

"I will also mobilize my troops and arrive later."

"We must never let the other party carry out another surprise attack."

Hearth House never wallows in failure.

This round, you win.

But the final victory will definitely be in our hands!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 593 Chapter 573 Is there something wrong with the underground fortress

Even within Zhidong, the evaluation of "stragglers" is very bad from top to bottom.

But the reason why he can still secure the sixth seat despite being hated by people, and even the proud "doctor" is forced to hold his nose to cooperate is very simple-he is strong enough.

Although Ying originally designed his purpose is very simple: the container of the heart of God.

But this simple purpose has surpassed the upper limit that ordinary people can achieve in many places.

Although it is called "container", the reason why "Scatterers" is designed as a beautiful doll, rather than a box or jar in a boxy shape, is precisely because of this "container", which does not only require " "Containment" also needs to be used as "device".

Guide the energy in the heart of God, and store it for your own use to a certain extent, and release it when needed;

Use the power of the heart of God to guide and utilize the thunder elemental force between heaven and earth.

This is Ying's expectation for the "container": relying on the power and strength of the heart of God to create a strong man close to himself, and use this endless power to promise "eternity" to the subjects.

Shadow failed. The Heart of God is not a prop that can provide stable energy. Only a fierce impulse can trigger the huge energy in it.

Having a fierce heart will make you a qualified fighter, but using it to maintain "eternity" is the opposite.

This is also the beginning of all the tragedies of the skirmishers.

However, when Zhidong needed a god who only needed to fight, she naturally became the only candidate.

Because she was originally designed to replace the gods, she has too many unique advantages:

She can easily draw out and control the huge power in the Heart of God;

She can not be swayed by the gnosis of God, and will not become a puppet of power;

She can use his powerful soul to flexibly manipulate the "body of a god"

Even before Narugami's Divine Heart was obtained, the "Doctor" screened throughout Solstice, and he never met a qualified person whose suitability was equal to one-tenth of "Scattered Soldier".

However, no matter how suitable she is, if there are other options, the "doctor" will not choose "stragglers".

Is it really an "artificial god" to create a god by using a doll made by a god?

The "doctor" who doesn't want any stain on his great ideals doesn't like this "compromise" from the beginning to the end

In addition, her bad personality also made the entire fools hesitate to "use" her.

No loyalty at all, extreme inferiority and arrogance, and unchangeable obsessions will make this guy a landmine all the time.

But right now, there is no other choice. Dadalia only hopes that this double-edged sword will destroy the enemy in front of him while hurting himself.

The testing ground where the "Scatterers" is located has long been moved from the underground chamber of the Wisdom Palace to the outside of Sumeru City along the secretly opened underground passage.

The reason is very simple, the Wisdom Palace no longer has enough space to accommodate the increasingly large "body of God".

It may be due to the limitation of heaven, which is consistent with the situation encountered by Yingyu. Even if the "doctor" racked his brains, he could not realize the stable export of energy using the heart of God as a power source.

However, what the "Doctor" needs is not an "eternal" maintainer, but a simple god-level combat weapon, so there is naturally a tricky way.

Unstable energy supply?Then just increase the upper limit of energy storage?

In this way of thinking, the "Doctor" continuously injects the energy derived from the Heart of God by the "Scatterers" into the "Body of God", and expands when it is full.

In this way, under the sufficient supply of raw materials, the "body of God" will soon become bigger and bigger.

Until the underground secret room of the Wisdom Palace is completely unable to accommodate, only the scholars of the Miaolun School can secretly excavate a huge underground fortress as a new "engineering" site.

Having said that, this is the first time Dadalia has reached this underground fortress.

For Dadalia, who has always believed that the great power belongs to himself, he has never been interested in the so-called great plan that the two technicians don't know.

After working so hard for so long, I don't know if I can take the sword from my master with both hands.

He, who has seen the scenery from high places, dismisses all opportunistic tricks.

However, due to Liyue and Dao's wife "working people and money" twice, in the internal expenditure settlement of the fools, Dadalia successfully took the last place and firmly occupied the top of the prodigal list.

Facing the endless explanation of the huge bills from the "rich man" and "rooster", Dadalia had no choice but to apply to come to Xumi to make up for his mistakes.

After discussing with everyone, the request was happily approved.

After all, this simple guy is a little stupid, but his luck is really good.

Making troubles on the faces of several gods, unexpectedly every time they can come back with all their beards and tails.

Xu Mi's battle is not a matter of life and death, if he can continue to use his strength of "stupid people have stupid blessings" to save money and eliminate disasters, it would be good.

Of course, all this is beyond the knowledge of Dadalia, who is so focused on making amends.

He has never had a chance to fight since he came here, but this time he finally has a chance to fight, and he is very excited.

God doll?is a good opponent.

His old opponent, Liyue's monster?It's great to be able to get revenge!

Do the young earthly reign?I didn't pay attention to it at first, but it seems that it is a very good prey to be able to kill "Doctor" in seconds.

what to do?No one wants to give it to that grumpy and mean-spirited dwarf.

Dadalia was caught in the "painful and happy" choice of eating fish or bear's paw while he was on his way.

However, this entanglement did not affect his footsteps. Soon, he passed through the long passage and reached the top of the underground fortress.

The seemingly inconspicuous entrance has only one elevator, like the entrance to the abyss, guiding him to enter.

There is no button, no mechanism, just as Dadalia stepped into it, the elevator began to descend under the flickering light of the element spar.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, Dadalia was surprised to find that the elevator was still descending at a high speed.

How deep is this?

Just when Dadalia thought he was about to return to the kingdom of the abyss, the downward trend stopped.

And what caught his eyes was an extremely shocking scene.

"What the hell is this?" Dadalia couldn't help complaining.

As far as the eye can see, the purple thunder light is appearing and disappearing on the surface of the machine as huge as a mountain.

In the huge pipeline behind, the power of the thunder element is like a liquid, flowing at a high speed in it.

And the "grumpy little man with a bad temper and a bad heart" is holding his hands up high, with his back turned to him, as if immersed in some fanatical emotion.

Without turning around, Scaramucci started the "introduction" to Dadalia in a trembling tone like a stage play.

"Did you see it? This greatness, this power to change the world!"

"Even the whole world is trembling for the birth of a god."

"She'll see, she'll see it all!"

"Be honored, you will be the first witness of a new history!"

Dadalia's whole body is not well, this person is already crazy, what is he barking at?Is there any logic?

Dadalia, who was born in an ordinary farmer, does not have the stage skills, nor does he have the "virtue" of the Mond people to unconditionally cooperate with the second disease.

Everyone has no friendship, and the dwarf in front of him is not Tok, so it is really difficult for Dadalia to improvise.

So Dadalia can only turn a blind eye to those who should cooperate with him in the performance:

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