"Scaramucci, wake up! The Xumi people are calling at the door!"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 594 Chapter 574 Is there something wrong with the puppet war

Faced with such an incomprehensible teammate, "Scatterers" wanted to kick him to death.

But the news he brought was what he had been looking forward to for a long time.

Forget it, the greatness of the gods is not understood by ants.

Thinking of this, "Scatterers" ignored Dadalia's introduction, and with a clenched right fist, the right arm of "God's Body" stretched out, and slowly supported "Scatterers" with their hands, and sent them into the in the cab.

The consciousness of God begins to dominate;

God's gnosis, join the connection;

The power of God began to flow.

Code Name: God of Positive Opportunities, activate!

Accompanied by a huge roar, outside Sumeru City, the camouflaged valley cracked a huge hole;

And the machine puppet, the size of a mountain, rose slowly from the hollow and reached the clouds, showing its ferocious face to the world.

There are no joysticks and seats in the "God of Righteousness".

The incomparably huge "God of Positive Opportunity" is nothing more than a larger body in front of the extremely powerful "Scatterers".

To control your hands and feet, where do you need any props?

And the "God's Wisdom" that can easily drive mortals into madness is also easily used by him:

Finding the enemy, recorded content, the heart of God of Grass.

Enemy hunting is complete, the coordinates, Lidugu, have been locked.

The Spear of Judgment is ready, open!

I saw the "God of Positive Opportunity" raised his hands horizontally, his right arm was slowly drawn horizontally from the void, and a huge thunder spear emerged out of thin air.

The divine gnosis of the "God of Positive Opportunity" is derived from the "primordial energy" of the Scarlet King, which can easily transform power into elemental power of various attributes.

However, for "Scatterers", as a symbol of the grand debut of a brand-new god, it is natural to have a sufficient sense of ritual.

The stunt directly transformed by the power of the source is qualified as a good "greeting".

The gnosis of the gods gave him powerful computing power.

The trajectory, landing point, and path were engraved in his mind almost instantly.

Bend the right arm back, slightly bend the right knee, and step forward with the left foot.

Due to the huge height advantage, the "God of Positive Opportunity" threw the Thunder Spear that seemed to be only "arm length" forcefully in a downward-slamming posture.

Until the thunder spear breaks away from the mountain-like machine and flies into the air;

Those lucky enough to witness it discovered that this "arm-long" spear was almost as high as the main tower of the Casazale Palace built by Kawi!

Thunder, sweeping a large amount of plasma and storm, created a huge disaster out of thin air in the clear sky.

Along the way, the trees on the mountain peak fell down one after another, and the highest plants were even uprooted directly, and after being brought into the air, they instantly turned into fly ash.

And this is just the aftermath of this move.

The target of the move is Nashida and his party who escaped from Sumeru City by taking the branch slide.

Flying footsteps are meaningless in front of the power of thunder;

At this moment, they have just arrived at Lidu Valley.

But across a long distance, the divine punishment brought by Zidian Daoguang suddenly descended in an instant!


Such a big machine puppet suddenly appeared on the flat ground. Naxida and his party were not blind, so of course they had seen it long ago.

Compared with the petite and lovely Nasida, this terrifying existence in front of me fits all people's fantasies about gods.

However, this does not mean that everyone will happily turn into ashes with a smile under the "God's Punishment".

Looking at the Thunder Spear, which was powerful enough to pierce the sand wall, everyone launched their strongest defense even though they knew it was meaningless.

At the same time, they are all using their peripheral vision to look at everyone's gods.

Lord Little Auspicious Grass King, save me!

However, Nasida, who seemed to have a plan in mind, was no less shocked than others when she saw the Thunder Spear.

Although in terms of mental attack, she is a real god.

However, although she, a newly born god, looks decent when she sneaks up on others, how has she ever fought against someone in real battle?

In the face of the opponent's ultra-long-distance attack, the mental attack cannot hit at all;

And how can she use the shield formed by the grass elemental power to block such an astonishing move?

Facing the god-level esoteric attack, Nasida's thoughts are very simple and pure:

anyone there?help!

Fortunately, a voice that always reassures me came from Nasida's dream at just the right time:

"Don't be afraid, Xiaocao, reinforcements have arrived."

As soon as the words fell, the Thunder Spear hit a huge samurai sword more than ten meters long in the air.

Holding the Dream Yixin, which is more than ten times the length, is an equally huge purple puppet arm.

Whether it's on the blade or on the arm, the eye-catching thunder light is shining crazily, which shows that the power of the thunder element has been driven to the extreme.

And the one driving it is none other than General Lei Dian, who is dressed in a divine attire and stands proudly on the hands of two thunderbolts!

At this moment, in her eyes, endless thunder and fighting spirit danced;

Holding the naginata in his right arm, he swipes vigorously from left to right in the air:

"cut off!"

As soon as the words fell, the huge puppet's arms moved with the sound.

The place where the thunder spear meets the katana instantly turned into a mass of purple "suns" that one couldn't look directly at.

With an earth-shattering explosion, whether it was a thunder spear the size of a tower or a huge samurai sword, both of them turned into thunder snakes that filled the sky.

Fortunately, these chaotic and violent energies smashed into Naxida's group without any rules;

It was completely absorbed by the translucent purple shield that appeared out of thin air and completely covered the hillside where they were.

This move was evenly divided.

"Are you a god? If you beat me, say this again!"

The general looked directly at the huge doll, and although he didn't say anything, his attitude conveyed the past clearly.

"Exactly what I want!"

How could a god be born without enough sacrifices?

How can there be better than this god's representative, my "sister", to prove that I have surpassed the past, surpassed the mundane, and surpassed the expectations of "her"?

The "Scattered Soldiers" fully drove the power of Yuanneng, and huge flames were ejected from the back and soles of the huge "God of Righteousness", forming a large cloud of flames behind him.

The lush forest behind him turned into a black and gray land at this moment;

Trees, grass, and even animals were all reduced to ashes in front of the flames created by the gods.

And the "God of Positive Opportunity" also relied on this driving force to leap high with its huge body.

And in the air, the "God of Righteous Opportunity" stretched his feet straight, and his legs, like thunder spears several times the size just now, violently kicked towards the general's position.

If this move is solid, there will be no Lidu Valley on Xumi's map.

But the general is still not afraid, at this moment, she has never been so powerful.

After lightly spinning twice in the general's hand, Inamitsu Naginakusa was tightly held by the right hand in front and the left hand behind.

The general lowered his center of gravity, took a step forward with his right foot, and slowly pulled the blade back, preparing for a full-strength horizontal cut.

And the divine body "Evil Yaoying Xiangtian Demon" controlled by her also retracted the blade of the Thunder Giant Blade into the void with a synchronized movement, leaving only a huge hilt on the body and hand.

The endless elemental power of thunder quickly converged on the light of the grass.

In the blink of an eye, the blade of the naginata has pulled out a "ribbon" of thunder element power as long as a river.

Razer danced crazily around it, the density was almost like a spider web.

When the power was accumulated to the extreme, the general swung his knife cleanly:

"All evil, beheaded!"

There is no trace of swinging the knife, such a powerful force cuts the space just as it is swung.

In contrast, before the hilt of the sword in the hand of "Evil Yaoying Xiangtianmo", a huge space crack suddenly appeared, and a purple beam of light flew out violently from it, devouring everything along the way.

Shouldering Inazuma's 500-year-old people's will, the general's will far exceeds that of weak "stragglers".

With the power of will, the space torn apart by the extremely compressed thunder, with ominous black light and huge space cracks, met the thunder kick of the "stragglers" head-on.

In this confrontation, the "God of Opportunity" should have had the upper hand.

Speaking of "quantity", the huge gap in body shape means that the "God of Positive Chance" has been "charging" for a long time.

Speaking of "quality", the power of the "God of Opportunity" all comes from the original power of elemental power guided by the heart of God.

In fact, this is also the case. Soon, with its huge size and unrivaled momentum, the "God of Positive Opportunity" took the initiative.

But what surprised the skirmishers was that no matter how they drove their strength, it was difficult to break through the general's sword encirclement.

No matter how powerful it is to oppress, even if the aftermath of the force completely razes this small hill to the ground.

However, he couldn't retract an inch from the space-tearing sword that stood in front of him.

Soon, the moves of "God of Positive Opportunities" were completely exhausted, and they could only detonate the huge energy on both feet for the final explosion.

Under this move, the entire hill, no, now the entire rocky ground, seemed to explode like the sun.

All were forced to close their eyes because nothing could be seen but purple.

After a long time, everyone regained their vision, and they were horrified by the general blocking behind them:

Except for this safe area where I was, almost all the rocks and soil in the entire "front hill" no longer existed, and all of them were blown away without a trace by the wind of energy caused by the thunder eruption.

Nothing but solid rock remained on the ground.

And even after encountering such a powerful energy hedge, the general's blade still hasn't retracted half an inch.

"How is this possible?" the straggler said in amazement.

No one knows the situation of the general better than "Scattered Soldiers".

Although it is also the work of "her", this "sister" has always been blessed with unique conditions.

She directly used the body transformed from "her" body.

She has "her" divine gnosis from the beginning.

The only limitation is that as a puppet, her output is still limited by the strength of her own soul.

But with such conditions, how can she not be strong?

For a long time, "stragglers" have been brooding about the difference in fate between themselves and this "sister".

But now, the brand-new body made by this "sister" with the materials provided by herself can display the strength to compete with herself who has been prepared for a long time. What is the reason for this?

Faced with such a weak question, the general replied disdainfully:

"God? What is a god?"

"This body holds the great power of the world, and promises the unchangeable eternity of the subjects for thousands of generations, and shoulders the power of thousands of wishes."

"In this way, this body can be said to be the most noble and noble body, and it is a god."

"What's on your shoulders?"


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