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Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 595 Chapter 575 Is there something wrong with fast charging

The general wasn't lying.

For her, who has created a divine body—"Evil Yaoying Xiangtianma" with the power of thousands of vows in the past 500 years, the root of her strength is this wish to move forward.

In a sense, she is not even in the shadows in this aspect alone.

However, "stragglers" are not interested in such clichés at all.

In the past, he also shouldered thousands of expectations, but in the end, he was caught in a fire and disappeared.

Since then, he has chosen "freedom".

Unfriendly, do not promise expectations.

With all the scenery in the world, she just wants to laugh and curse and be a traveler.

Strength and responsibility?As long as you are strong enough, there will be weak ones seeking refuge under your wings.

Even though she never pretended to be false, didn't she have a group of direct subordinates who didn't know when to get together?

Shoulder thousands of wishes?Thousands of crimes are it!

A doll without a "heart", of course, doesn't pay much attention to it, or doesn't want to admit the strength of the "heart".

What she cares about is more rational issues.

The "Scattered Soldiers", who have participated in the rudimentary form of the man-made god plan, understand the difficulty of creating the "God's Body" better than anyone else.

A brand new body requires a lot of time to inject and adapt to elemental power.

Even if you have the gnosis of God, you have to work hard to adapt yourself.

And one's own consciousness must also be worthy of this strength in order to exert its due power.

According to the calculation of time, my "sister" came to Sumeru not long after she got her body, even if "she" was eccentric, she didn't have the time to warm up.

"Where does the power in your body come from?" The skirmisher couldn't help being curious, and made a very un"godly" move.

However, the general blushed slightly, pretending to be disdainful and replied:

"Foolish question! What does it have to do with you?"


Although the "God's Body" of "Scatterers" has been prepared for a long time, the God's Heart has never been a stable prop for energy supply.

Even with the ability of stragglers, they can only be mobilized twice a day with all their strength, triggering the huge energy in it, and then transferring it to the "body of god".

It is no problem to use this huge energy to attack;

But if you use it directly to strengthen yourself, you are lucky if you don't turn yourself into ashes.

It is precisely because the "Doctor" has developed a magical device that can slowly release this energy after many years, and it is possible to create the "God's Body".

However, Ying's own charging of the general does not have this trouble at all.

General, a puppet built entirely according to his own body data, the shadow transmits power, of course there is no barrier.

When the soul-shifting ceremony was completed and the general had just completed a simple adaptation of his body and soul, under the effect of the magic circle, Ying and the general hugged each other tightly like two ends of a mirror, and the transmission of power began.

Whether it is the field or the form and frequency of the thunder element force, the two are almost completely consistent;

Therefore, as long as two people contact each other as closely as possible, establish an inseparable circuit of elemental power, and continue to circulate, the power will naturally flow from one body to the other smoothly, and it is almost indistinguishable from the one obtained by oneself. .

However, due to the tense situation in Xumi, it only lasted for a few days. After the basic mastery and nurturing of the body had just been completed, the general was ready to leave for Xumi with Yae Shenzi under Ying's order.

Although the strength in his body is still insufficient, the general is confident that he can still defeat all enemies with the thousands of wishes he has accumulated over the past 500 years.

However, Ying said to the general confidently:

"There is no need to worry about the body, I have already made arrangements."

As early as the battle of Shenyingshu, Ying agreed to the general and arranged the best training partner for her, so that she would have stronger strength to guard eternity.

Now that she's successfully resurrected, it's time to fulfill the promise.

In fact, the original plan was to buff the general's new body after the general's soul-transferring ceremony was completed, for example, to lend her Dream Yixin.

Not only can one's own soul be used as a battery for the general in it, continuously supplying energy;

At critical moments, you can also directly "I won't act", and directly pull the enemy into the pure land of one heart to cut.

Isn't it reasonable to kill the enemy instantly after a flash of purple light with a thousand strikes?

It was Jiang Yan who talked and talked, and finally succeeded in dissuading Ying from acting so inappropriately.

Although Jiang Yan doesn't like the kid "Scattered Soldier" either, well, this little girl.

However, killing people is nothing more than nodding their heads, and people risk their lives to prove themselves by defeating their "sister", and the creator can no longer give another stick.

Mercury lamps are not so miserable, okay...

However, he was hooked, and Ying was waiting for this sentence.

Seeing that Jiang Yan was thinking of her so much, she nodded in satisfaction, and said along the way:

"In that case, then in your opinion, let them face off fairly."

"However, she has already made preparations. For the sake of fairness, you will be responsible for helping the general catch up when he falls behind."


So a few days later, Jiang Yan confiscated the life-size doll that Ying sent with an unwilling expression on his face.

"He will lead you to quickly restore your former strength, even better than before."

"After reaching Sumeru, just follow his orders."

The expression on this shadow at the time was very meaningful, and the general could only honestly accept the order given by Shenzi with a smirk, no matter how outrageous it was.

The worst thing about the general is that he only recognizes the rules, and even his shadow will be chopped off if he violates the rules.

The best thing about the general is that he only recognizes the rules. As long as the rules allow, he is very easy to bully.

This is also the reason why Shadow gave up "Scatterers" and chose to remake the general.

Although Ying didn't understand the Omnic Crisis, he also knew that forcing an emotional soul to do things he didn't want to do endlessly would cause big problems.

But the general is different, even if she wants to defeat Jiang Yan and prove that she has the ability to protect eternity;

However, in the face of the creator's instructions, she still can only hug him tightly to "charge" in the same posture as Ying at that time.

After Jiang Yan and Ying spent several years together, no matter the field or the power of the thunder element, they had already blended indistinguishably from each other.

So much so that Jiang Yan was able to "charge" the general with an efficiency not much different from that of Shadow.

Feel the almost equally smooth flow of elemental force;

There is little conflict between fields;

And the constantly pouring in, although a little strange, but incomparably coordinated power.

While the general felt the enrichment and comfort that was constantly increasing, his mood was extremely complicated.

How many, uh, inappropriate behaviors did you go through to get to this level?


Of course, Jiang Yan is still very resistant to this kind of taking advantage of others.

It's not necessary, if you don't hug a real person, why do you want to hug a life-sized doll that you are not familiar with?

However, Ying's debt to the general made her extremely persistent in this matter.

The puppet is extremely concerned about whether she can complete her mission. When she lived in Shenyingshu, her depression was almost visible to the naked eye.

Only when she accepts Ying's instructions and finds some work for her, such as channeling Lei Ying's network, can she regain her spirit.

And Ying believes that in the entire Tivat, only Jiang Yan's opportunity can restore the general's state, mood and fighting spirit as soon as possible.

Therefore, even if Jiang Yan has a high degree of human moral cleanliness, he can't stand the forced arrangement of Yingying, which is both soft and hard.

In the eyes of the Demon God, since everyone has decided to live together, the integration of domains is a matter of time, so can they hide away forever?

Jiang Yan's only hope was the general who looked reluctant.

However, for dolls, it is a personal opinion not to be invited, and it is a duty to accept orders, and there is no conflict between the two.

Instead, he began to urge Jiang Yan to start quickly, so as not to affect the execution speed of the order.

His teammates cast cleanly and neatly, leaving Jiang Yan with no choice but to accept this "task" that outsiders seem to be extremely glamorous.

However, the difficulty of this "task" was much greater than Jiang Yan imagined.

It's not the connection between the domain fusion and the element force circuit, these "difficulties" in the general sense are very smooth.

But the real difficulty stems from unimagined aspects.

Embracing the extremely familiar body tightly, the spirit and body are closely blended, Jiang Yan is too familiar with this situation, too adapted...

Feeling the extremely familiar luxurious body, Jiang Yan can only rely on his formidable perseverance to stop himself from starting the process.

As for the copied body of the general, it is obvious that some subtle muscle memory and conditioned reflexes have also been copied from Ying's body.

Soon, unconsciously, he entered an extremely embarrassing state for the general.

"Extremely rude!"

Although the two are in perfect harmony with each other, they need to be in an environment of absolute trust and absolute safety.

Because once this state is suddenly and violently interrupted, it is likely to be like breaking a mirror, causing countless "tearing" damage to the elemental force circuit and field of the two.

That's why the general didn't even dare to suddenly interrupt this coordination with a roar, and could only convey this protest and his annoyance towards himself with wide-open eyes.

How could Ying become like this?Is she still a noble god?

Did anyone know this guy's previous body could be replicated?If my duties allow, I can go back to the God Cherry Tree and wait another 100 years, really.

"I don't want to either." Jiang Yan could only use his honest and reliable eyes to try to cover up to the general, no, explain.

There is really no way, the more you don't think about it, the more you don't look at it, the more hearing, smell and touch will occupy the high ground of the senses, and the greater the reaction will be.

Just when the general's whole body began to turn pink, and Jiang Yan was almost dizzy by the familiar body temperature, watery soft touch, and faintly fragrant breath, and completely forgot "not me".

Jiang Yan finally thought of a solution to the "problem" in front of him - two-line operation.

After conveying the spiritual fluctuations of meditation, and hinting with continuous blinking and closing of eyes.

While the two continued to transfer and blend their power, they gradually handed over this work to their instincts.

At the same time, the spirits of the two began to sink into meditation, waiting to meet again in the arena.

"Summon, General Thunderbolt"

"Please see the teacher!"

The reason why Ying has great confidence in Jiang Yan's "recharging" for the general is because Jiang Yan can provide more than just pure power.

More importantly, there are countless new skills and tactics that the two of them have honed over the years between countless lives and deaths.

And these things are [-]% compatible with the homologous power injected into the general's body.

Skills and tactics act on the soul, making power easier to drive.

And power acts on the body, making skills and tactics more suitable.

This powerful power shared by Jiang Yan and Ying was completely "written" into the soul and body in this way, and it was all instilled in the general.

So, since the general came to Sumeru, the two of them have never left the room.

From spirit to body, they blend with each other almost all the time.

When someone else installs the program, she directly GHOSTs, and the general's "charging" speed is naturally conceivable.

If the "stragglers" are eating hard-to-digest compressed biscuits, the general is completely injecting nutrients directly into the blood vessels, and it is not surprising that he can overtake cars in violent corners.

Of course, this speed is not without cost. The general suffered a second humiliation outside the space of the divine cherry tree in the arena:

"Don't relax the rhythm! Don't learn Ying's bad habits! Fighting is not enjoyment, it's work."



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