"Don't wait for the opponent to play a card with an expectant attitude, but force the opponent to play a card!"

"No need to repeat! A guy without the heart of a warrior!"


"Don't have the arrogance of the gods. Being unscathed is meaningless in front of the exchange ratio and rhythm."

"Such an ugly way of fighting, do you have the heart of a strong man?"

"What the hell is that, a hard power champion?"


The general's tactics are basically derived from the shadow's copying and his own honing over the past 500 years.

It looks strong, but it is actually flawed.

Her soul doesn't have the strength of shadow, so in fact, it can't match [-]% of shadow's tactics.

As for his own training, due to the lack of comparable opponents, there are also many things that are taken for granted and cannot stand the test.

Therefore, compared to the pure life-and-death competition last time, Jiang Yan, who is now relaxed, has too many ways to magnify these shortcomings, and let the general feel it with his body without mercy.

This kind of humiliation was even worse than last time.

The last time he lost, the general could at least comfort himself: the opponent and Ying practiced against each other for a long time, and it was understandable to take the lead if they did mental calculations or did not intend to.

But now, I have been systematically denied from the beginning to the end by standing at a higher height.

Apart from the fact that he shoulders thousands of vows for his own use, and that his self-created divine body "Evil Yaoying Xiangtianmo" is praised by the other party, and he knows what to do, other...

Humph, what am I happy about?

While being taught, feel the warmth and care from the spirit;

While feeling the other party's continuous flow in the body, the strange but incomparably kind power;

Let the general's emotional logic appear too much confusion and bugs.

Unable to understand, she had no choice but to give up thinking.

Anyway, Ying asked me to obey him and follow him, and Ying's order was absolute.

So as a puppet, it's okay not to think.

After all, although I have never experienced this feeling before;

But, not bad.

The puppet thought so, so it has been immersed in this double warmth until the "charging" is completely over, and it still uses "learning tactics" as an excuse to continue "strengthening itself to better complete tasks" the behavior of.

It wasn't until he felt the activation of the man-made god that the general rushed out and started a fateful duel with his "sister".

But how can this experience be explained with the "trial product" in front of me?

No matter how you ask, the general has only one sentence:

"Stupid question!"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 596 Chapter 576 Is there something wrong with the Earth Vein Horror Rabbit?

Facing the inexplicable and powerful reinforcements, the "pilgrims" looked at a loss.

who is thisIs the Little Auspicious Grass King a friend?It must be too good to fight.

What does this gesture have to do with Inazuma's Naruto?

But no matter what, Sumeru's battle cannot be entirely dependent on outsiders and gods.

No matter how bad the current Holy Order Academy is, it has shouldered all the responsibilities of Sumeru.

Everyone is working hard to overthrow the Holy Order and save the gods, is it just to replace a group of giant babies who rely on the gods for everything?

Even in order to prove that everyone is qualified to build a better Sumeru, this battle must be fought with the momentum of a Sumeru mortal.

So after a brief discussion, everyone decided that Rahman would return to Kavan Station, and with Seno's seal, he would lead the desert mercenaries and disciplinary officials to the port of Ormos as soon as possible to stop the reinforcements of the fools.

And Kavi and Tinari covered the little auspicious grass king and rushed to Jiangzhumo Mountain as soon as possible, preparing to launch a distributed access attack and fire support from the main gun of the relic colossus.

The most skilled Dishiya, Elhaisen and Sano, were in charge of staying and using the original matrix to intercept any reinforcements from the fools coming from Sumeru City.

Nasida did not object to this determination to risk her life to practice her ideals.

After all, no matter how cruel the gods are, they should not deprive mortals of their dreams, even if they would do anything for it.

However, if mortals burn themselves, it is their own responsibility to ensure their safety.

Therefore, Nashida took out the "One-eyed Flying Bunny" she had prepared for a long time, and triumphantly gave it to three brave mortals as a parting gift:

"It's a little thing I spent time making. Think of it as an updated version of the Void terminal. "

"Although its output is not high for the time being, it will be helpful to you when I reach the Jiangzhumo Mountain and connect to the elemental power terminal of the entire Sumeru."

Facing this white and green color matching "One-eyed Flying Bunny" with big one-eyed eyes and cute four-leaf prints on the tip of two long ears, no matter how cool El Hessen is, Both Sano and Dexia, who was still a mature type, wanted to refuse very much.

My temperament will be completely destroyed by this cute machine floating behind me in an instant.

But it's a pity that after the "One-eyed Flying Bunny" circled in the air, he felt the familiar power of the grass element, so he chose his own master.

——Flying to the side and rear of El Hessen on his own initiative, he stopped there.

"It seems that this child likes you very much." Nasida said happily, completely ignoring Elhaysen's expression that was about to get tensed.

This thing is not so much a machine as a cute digital life similar to Lannaro.

When Elheysen tried to put it away with a look of disgust, he even lowered his ears and turned around with a "sulking" look.

Naturally, the gods would not be aimless, so Elhaysen had no choice but to accept the "artifact" bestowed by the gods with a complicated expression.

Sure enough, when the figure of Lord Shenming had just disappeared on the horizon, from the direction of Sumeru City, a huge water elemental force rushed towards him with a fighting spirit like a raging wave.

"Executor of fools?" Elhaysen, Sano, and Dixia looked at each other with solemn expressions.

Although everyone is a strong party, they are quite confident in their own strength.

But after experiencing "Doctor" and "Scatterers" who are always brainwashing on a large scale, manipulating the heart of God, and even creating terrifying enemies of gods, the three of them can't help but feel a little bit numb to the executive officers of fools. .

Although activating the element matrix will definitely make the executive officer in front of him look ashamed, and if he does mental calculations or not, he may even make meritorious deeds directly.

However, this trick has cost countless scholars of the Sulun School the killer's trump card, and it must be left to the huge man-made god behind him anyway.

Then the one in front of him can only rely on everyone to go up.

I hope this guy is not as strong as the previous two.

As if sensing the emotions of Sano and Elhaysen, Dishiya raised her sword and leaped high without hesitation.

The artifact unearthed in the sea of ​​sand sparked a sea of ​​flames in an instant, and greeted the blond young man in a hurry with "enthusiasm".

"This road doesn't work!"


In Dadalia's heart, he had already killed the "stragglers" countless times with the Xinghai Whale.

This bastard, after having a fit, ran away talking to himself.

The tail flames brought out by the huge "God of Righteous Opportunity" almost burnt him into disgrace.

Does this short-tempered and mean-spirited dwarf have even a little sense of teamwork?

If it weren't for this bastard who still has the heart of God that is extremely important to the mission, Dadalia would definitely come to "make friends with martial arts" on the spot.

But now, even if he wished to have him chopped into seventeen or eighteen pieces by Liyue's monster or a puppet made by God, Dadalia could only stretch his own two legs and chase after him hard.

In the end, before reaching the battlefield, a red and black lioness came oncoming, with a powerful heavy slash.

Unprepared, Dadalia could only burst out the water elemental power with both hands, turning into two water blades, and holding the golden sword by mistake.

And the raging fire that rushed towards the face turned into a ball of steam in front of the hovering water shield.

With the force of the shock, Dixia let go of the heavy sword. After a light backflip, she picked up the fallen sword with her right hand, twisted her waist without a trace of fat, and made another gesture Sweep vigorously.

Although very strong, he was not taken seriously by Dadalia.

If it is normal, Dadalia doesn't mind not using the evil eye and the devil's arm, and have a good discussion with this skilled female mercenary.

But now, he who is wholeheartedly waiting to eat such feasts as gods, god-made dolls, and unidentified monsters, how could he be interested in this kind of dessert?

Dadalia, who was already in a bad mood, aroused his evil eyes without hesitation, pulled out his proud double-pointed spear, and threw it directly at lightning speed when Dishia was caught off guard.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry. If you don't get out of the way, you will really die."

However, the opponent didn't care at all that this move was far faster than his own horizontal slash.

Just before the thunder spear was about to pierce through it, the huge thunder hand held the spear tightly and pulled it out of Dishiya's attack trajectory.

"Go ahead and capture it!"

It was Sano, who was the fastest, who arrived at the critical moment and blocked this move for Dixia.

And Dixia knew that the opponent was definitely not an enemy that could be defeated without taking risks after only one move.

She chose to trust her teammates completely, and used her life as a bet to seize the opportunity to attack.

However, just when the great sword was about to strike the blond winter man, his right arm was suddenly covered with a layer of thunder armor, and the powerful and unknown thunder lingered on it, and an iron fist was unstoppable. Unable to dodge, he directly met Dishiya's blade.

In an instant, extremely powerful power came from the great sword.

Dixia immediately let go of her hand immediately, and the giant sword flew high in a circle.

And Dishiya successfully rushed into Dadalia's arms by taking advantage of the momentum of the forward charge and the opportunity obtained by giving up the weapon.

The beauty threw herself into her arms, but there was no trace of beauty. Dixia took advantage of the strong momentum when she sprinted, and used the gauntlet of her left arm to slam an elbow hard.

This move, even before Desia had obtained the God's Eye, had crushed the ribs of countless people.

But now, under the influence of the powerful fire elemental force, Dishiya's whole body is like a cannonball, with scattered flames, directly bombarding Dadalia's chest.

"Did it work?" Even Sano and Elhaysen were very excited about the success of this move.

However, opening champagne in advance is really not advisable.

The opponent's chest was covered with the same Thunder Armor the moment it was exposed.

The strong overload reaction brought about a violent explosion, which stirred up countless flying sand, rocks and smoke, and also knocked Dadalia away heavily.

In a cloud of dust, Dishiya has no solid sense of accomplishment at all.

Although the opponent was repelled by him, the center of gravity did not change at all. The next step to take advantage of the situation to increase the distance is...

"Be careful!" Dishya reminded loudly after reacting.

"It's my turn!"

Sure enough, in the next moment, behind the mask, a metallic voice came from a distance with the power of wild thunder:

Another Thunder Spear came towards him with a huge Thunder Slash, but was firmly blocked by the seemingly inconspicuous one-handed sword.

Elhaisen, who was a step slower than Bi Nuo, held the sword in both hands and used his retreat to unload the force, and firmly blocked this move.

However, this move was five consecutive slashes.

Dadalia was in control, slashing, sweeping, vertically slashing, backhand stabbing, and finishing off with a violent spear throw.

El Heisen, who hastily met the enemy, could only retreat again and again, and was even directly bounced away by the terrifying thunderbolt.

Fortunately, Dixia firmly supported him to help her relieve her strength, so that he could not turn into a rolling gourd.

Fortunately, their teammates did not waste this opportunity.

Sano hid behind Dishiya, stomped hard on her shoulder, and like a jackal pounced on his prey, he choked Dadalia's throat with his thunderous arms.

Facing the tempest-like combo coordination, with Dadalia's ability, he fell into a situation where the old power was exhausted and the new power was not born.

But when it comes to working hard, Dadalia thinks he is no less than anyone.

In a critical moment, he detonated the gauntlet part of the demon king's armor in his hand without hesitation, turning it into a raging elemental force, and knocking Sano into the air in an instant.

However, this move would not be without cost, the disordered thunder was raging around in his hands, causing great pain.

But Dadalia didn't realize it, and drove the elemental force to "throw" it hard, turning the group of elemental force into a thunder snake, and threw it to the duo of scholars and mercenaries who wanted to fight back, stopping their footsteps.

The first round of warm "greetings" has come to an end.

As a "dessert", this group of people gave Dadalia a nice surprise.

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