Strength, skill, coordination, awareness, all have merit.

Fighting this kind of enemy is the happiest thing.

Now that apart from that bastard's long-awaited opponent, the other enemies are gone.

It's not bad to have some delicious snacks before the big meal.

Thinking of this, Dadalia calmed down, put away the full-fire mode of the Demon King's armed forces, and planned to use it to make a final decision after taking the opportunity slowly.

Although Wang Zha was handsome enough in the opening hand, he couldn't lose in seconds, so he was embarrassed.

And the tacit combination in front of him, no matter how you look at it, it is not an existence that can be won with three or two strokes.

Dadalia, who likes to hunt in the mountains, has always been patient with prey.


Compared to Dadalia's ease, the three "pilgrims" looked solemn.

Although the opponent did not show earth-shattering strength, his martial arts were extremely amazing.

Coupled with the ominous power that can erupt without warning, it is the most difficult type to deal with when life and death are at stake.

The three of them exchanged eye contact and decided to fight a war of attrition first, waiting for the support of Jiangmo Zhushan to break the deadlock.

There may not be only one reinforcement among fools, and now is not the time to show your cards.

In the next moment, the four of them fought together again.

Among the three "Pilgrims", Sano, who can summon the gods to rely on and incarnate as the "Oath of Enlightenment", is naturally the strongest.

In a sense, the evil eye is just borrowing the power of the demon god.

However, compared to Dadalia, who has experienced countless life and death battles in the abyss, although Sano is extremely compatible with this power, he seriously lacks experience in fighting opponents of the same level.

Dishiya is the only one who can catch up with Dadalia in terms of combat experience, and the artifact in his hand that was excavated from the remains of the Red King is amazing in terms of its sturdiness and elemental power.

But other than that, she is only the peak level of combat power that mortals can cultivate.

Elhaysen possesses extremely powerful grass element power due to his extraordinary talent, and through his profound knowledge, he can flexibly drive his grass element power to act on the body, and turn it into countless sharp blades to attack the enemy.

However, because he didn't intend to spend too much time in combat, he only practiced hard on defense in his training, and his attack routines were really good.

The characteristics and weaknesses of the three were quickly discovered by Dadalia after repeated trials.

Dadalia, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, quickly thought of the corresponding tactics, so the rhythm of the battle suddenly changed:

"Surrender is not an option. I will treat you defeated generals very gently."

While speaking, Dadalia gave up his continuous suppression of one against three.

With a bow in his body, the next moment, a thrust that seemed to pierce through everything, pulled out a long line of thunder, and headed towards El Heisen.

"It's no use hiding behind!"

Just as Elheysen was about to parry, Dadalia stopped suddenly, he threw the spear forward, leaned back, and kicked the spear.

This sudden emergency stop instantly swayed the pincer attacks of Sano and Dishiya, and at the same time, the Thunder Spear circled irregularly and flew towards El Heisen.

This unreasonable and strange move made El Hesen flustered in an instant, and Dadalia directly took advantage of the situation and drew out the big bow, and began to project a large amount of water elemental force.

Even if he is the least proficient in archery, but with enough elemental power, the water polo can still hit the area where El Heisen is like a cannonball.

In the face of wide-area elemental force attacks, the blessing of grass elemental force to the body is meaningless;

And Dixia, who focuses on offense and light defense, is not good at the subtle application of elemental power;

In the blink of an eye, the two of them were in a dangerous situation.

For a while, we could only rely on Dishiya to wield a huge sword to create a sea of ​​flames, that is, to passively and ineffectively block the water cannons in the sky.

Seeing that his teammates were in danger, but the other party showed little weakness, Sano had no choice but to give up the surprise attack, use his own speed to leap into the air, pull out a thunder net, and smash the falling water cannon ahead of time.

However, when Sano chose to return for help, he fell into a trap carefully arranged by Dadalia.

Get together, powerless to resist, isn't this the basic recipe for feeding whales every year?When all three of them get together, it's no wonder that the grades are not good.

Dadalia bent his knees, and the astonishing water element force gathered violently at the front of his bow, blurring the surrounding air.

Soon, there was a pleasant whale song in the air, and the water element force in the air, so thick that it almost turned into mist, finally condensed into shape.

That is the manifestation of Dadalia's will and soul, the Destroyer who can devour planets.

"Star Sea Whale!"

The huge creation of water elemental power almost covered the sky in front of the three of Sano, and violently smashed down with the nearly deafening whale singing of "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." when approaching.

This move condenses the massive power of Dadalia's evil eyes and God's eyes, even Jiang Yan back then needs to be taken seriously.

This is not a problem that the three "pilgrims" can solve.

Just as Dixia raised her big sword horizontally, she fully urged her fire element power;

Sano's "Envoy of Enlightenment" is fully opened, trying to restore as much as possible the power of the gods that appeared in the past;

Elheysen racked his brains, but couldn't find a way to break the situation.

The "One-eyed Flying Bunny" floating behind El Heisen suddenly emitted a strong light, and from its one eye, brilliant thunder rays shot out, hitting the huge Xinghai swimming whale head-on.

Although it was not enough to completely defeat this move, the delay of this cute machine also gave the three of them enough time to deal with it.

Without any hesitation, Dishiya and Sano clamped El Hesen between them, and they both sprinted fiercely, avoiding the giant whale's attack range.

This is, what the hell?

Whether it was the three pilgrims or Dadalia, they were all amazed by this enigmatic reinforcement.

And the "One-Eyed Flying Bunny" who helped Elhaysen solve the big problem just trembled slightly with two cute big ears, looking triumphant.

"Praise me! Praise me!"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 597 Chapter 577 Is there something wrong with Wuxin

"One-Eyed Flying Bunny", as Nasida's triumphant masterpiece, certainly does not have such a simple function as simply accessing elemental power from different places and giving man-made gods a ruthless blow.

In Nasida's plan, the balance of the leylines is related to the survival of all creatures on this land, so countless scholars of the School of Bioscience have devoted a lot of energy to this.

But as difficult as it is to maintain this balance, it is as easy to destroy it.

After thousands of years of research by human beings, any scholar, as long as he is not afraid of the disciplinary officers coming to his door, and is willing to spend money to build a machine, can extract the elemental power in the leylines at will for his own research.

However, it will take at least a few weeks for the Holy Order to discover the abnormality of the earth veins caused by him, because only then will the earth appear obvious abnormalities;

However, restoring the damage he caused would require several months of self-regulation by the earth, as well as the careful adjustment of the ecological balance by a ranger of the School of Biosciences.

In view of this situation, Nasida feels that the times are progressing, and mortals are also making progress.

It is meaningless to sanctify and protect the power of the leylines.

Therefore, Nasida had a bold dream during hundreds of years of doing nothing in the Palace of Good Views:

When she can protect mortals, she must manage Xumi's elemental power like knowledge to achieve a dynamic balance.

And "One-eyed Flying Bunny" is the product of her dream.

As an elemental power terminal, the "One-eyed Flying Bunny" has the same function as the void terminal, allowing mortals to borrow the elemental power in the leylines very conveniently.

Even though it has the same authority level restrictions as the Void Network, for the vast majority of mortals, being able to use elemental power directly, making them stand at the same height as the "Original God" who has the eyes of God, the attraction is already unnecessary doubted.

Of course, if it was just like this, the only result would be that the earth veins would be easily squeezed dry by mortals. Naturally, Nasida's thinking for hundreds of years would not be so simple.

In addition, "One-eyed Flying Bunny" has three more important functions:

The first function, "One-eyed Flying Bunny" will recycle the excess free elemental force between heaven and earth according to the elemental force density of the environment, and return it to the elemental force network.

In this way, once someone uses a large amount of elemental power and the elemental power in a certain area is enriched, the "One-eyed Flying Bunny" will immediately participate in the maintenance of the balance of the earth's veins, which will greatly alleviate the damage caused by the depletion or enrichment of the earth's veins. Influence and release the work pressure of rangers.

The second function, since "One-eyed Flying Bunny" is an elemental power terminal, elemental power will naturally be transferred between terminals. According to the original elemental power terminal—her own guidance, it is easy to realize the entire Xumi Cong The enriched area is constantly shifting to the deficient area, so that the entire Xumi is in a dynamic balance of elemental forces.

The third function, after the extensive use of "One-Eyed Flying Bunny", is equivalent to adding countless eyes to Naxida. Temporarily disable" and "current limiting" to prevent further deterioration of the environment.

For example, at this time, after Dadalia used a large amount of elemental power, Nashida left a trial version of her divine sense "One-eyed Flying Bunny" to absorb these energies.

At the moment of crisis for the three of them, he decisively gave them a big surprise.

"It's amazing! It is indeed a gift from the gods."

"Quick! Give that blond boy another ruthless blow!"

Dixia, who escaped from danger, grabbed the "One-eyed Flying Bunny" and began to happily rub its smooth surface and rub its big ears.

Although Dishiya looks mature and cold, she has no resistance to this cute creature.

Dina Zedai successfully domesticated her "Lion with a Blazing Mane" with this kind of cute little eyes.

Otherwise, although Humayi's family is rich, they can't afford to hire the mercenary queen who has been doing "big business" all the year round as a bodyguard.

Having been a senior holster person for hundreds of years, Naxida is definitely at the level of heaven in the world of cuteness.

Every move is completely instinctive and likable.

I saw "One-eyed Flying Bunny" shaking his head, avoiding Dixia's ravages, turned around and tilted his head, lighting up his cute big ears.

Inside a big ear, there is a timing bar similar to "remaining power", which has reached the bottom pitifully.

The other big ear shows the enrichment of elemental power in the environment, which is only a part of the baseline.

Well, this kind of "quite limited output" has already made several "pilgrims" extremely grateful.

After all, in front of the eyes of the three of them, the big whale formed by the elemental force directly smashed a deep hole, and everyone was shocked to see it.

If it wasn't for the backhand left by the gods, it helped delay the critical timing.

Otherwise, if you insist on this trick, even if you don't die, you probably won't have the ability to resist.

Of course, they were rejoicing, but Dadalia, who had missed one move, was not in such a good mood.

People in all other countries are very confused about the various "miracles" of Sumeru based on the World Tree.

Obviously there is no power source, no conduction, compression, and other necessary parts, but it can release power.

Dadalia's feeling at this moment was like seeing Lannaro's "Doctor".

Looking at this machine with its cute eyes wide open, its two big ears swaying slightly, and its elemental force not fluctuating, I fell into a life of doubt.

Is my own stunt blocked by such a thing?This is not scientific!

However, there is no time to get entangled in deathmatch. The trio who did not insist on special skills regained the initiative in an instant, and after a period of running-in, they found the most suitable collective fighting method for them.

Dishiya, who has the most combat experience and whose attributes are mutually restrained, resists the front, only defending but not attacking.

No matter what the other party wants to do, just destroy the other party's rhythm.

And Alheisen, who has poor actual combat experience but has strong analytical skills, is responsible for catching fighters by himself.

Mainly responsible for making up for the defensive loopholes of Dishiya, and always guarding against the opponent's key breakthroughs with their own goals.

The only main attacker is Sano.

He has the right to fire freely, even if it affects Dixie and Elheisen.

His only mission is to let the other side throw the mouse and maintain a strong restraining force.

If the opponent shifts the target to himself, he will use his speed to escape without any confrontation. Anyway, time is on his side.

This tortoise-like combat method directly hit Dadalia's deathbed.

On the premise of not opening the devil's armament, his speed, strength, skill, and explosive power can all be called the pinnacle of mortals.

However, like most mortals, the only protection for the body is the shield formed by driving elemental force.

After being hit head-on, it is easy to get injured, bleed, and even die.

No matter how powerful it is, it cannot directly fill the body with elemental power like an elemental creation creature.

Therefore, Dadalia never wanted to take a hard hit on the opponent's moves of the white-haired boy who possessed the power of an unknown demon god.

This kind of opponent whose style is similar to his own is fighting for who can seize the initiative. When the opponent only focuses on sneak attacks, it is as annoying as tarsal maggots.

And the two tortoise shells on the front did not have the dignity of a warrior at all.

Ignore them, they will form a defensive formation, and the user of the grass element force will accumulate a large number of sharp blades, making it difficult for people to dodge, and they can only fight head-on.

Treating them, but keeping it airtight, has no intention of fighting back at all, as if consuming their own physical strength and elemental power is all their dreams.

Pooh!Something without the soul of a warrior!I really misjudged you at the beginning.

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