Dadalia, who had been unable to attack for a long time, inevitably became more and more irritable.

After thinking about it several times, the Demon King opened fire with full force and took down the three people in front of him, as well as the strange machine.

But when he thought of using the trump card, Xu Mi's tempting main dishes, he could only watch onlookers.

Dadalia, who was extremely entangled, had no choice but to suppress this impulse and continue this war of attrition.

"Damn it, the bastard Arechino asked me to help, where did he go? It's time to crawl!"

Dadalia, who was waiting wholeheartedly for the reinforcements to liberate him so that he could eat the "main course", thought impatiently.

"Also, when will the reinforcements from Port of Ormos come over? Did they sell it to us again?"

This familiar behavior of watching reinforcements from the sidelines gave Dadalia a strong sense of déjà vu, and even created a psychological shadow.

This group of teammates is worthy of my trust only in terms of not being human.

Damn it, I don't want to, the more I think about it, the angrier I get.

"You guys are still a little bit better, but I can still do this for a whole day!"

Swinging the thunder spear, Dadalia vented all the anger brought by the past memory on the three overwhelmed blockers.

"Come on! Watch me crush you!"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 598 Chapter 578 Is something wrong with continuous blocking

"Servant" Arechino is certainly not an incompetent person who delays the fighter plane.

After dispatching Dadalia to quickly summon Scaramucci to start the war, she quickly assembled all the fools involved in the project.

With such a big thing happening, it's strange that the other party has no back-up.

Arechino used the emergency channel to contact the Port of Ormos and various strongholds outside the city, ordering them to approach the "God of Positive Opportunities" urgently.

At the same time, he ordered the "Shenetsvna" and "Shenetsvich" who were ambushing everywhere to release all concealment and launch immediately.

At the same time, he led his direct subordinates to prepare to evacuate the experiment site, and then occupied the gates of Sumeru City and several important roads.

However, the long-standing partner seemed to have gone crazy. Under the leadership of the great sage, they confronted and besieged with no room for change.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

Arechino's face was as cold as ice, and the fools behind him were all armed, pointing their guns and swords at this great sage who had always been considered "arrogant" but "weak and deceitful".

However, even if he lost the power guide device he relied on for protection, Azar still faced countless swords without fear, and said in his always calm and arrogant voice:

"In your capacity, I don't think I need to explain anything to you."

"Before everything is over, you and your companions, stay here quietly."

Azar, who decided to stand on the last post, summoned his followers and prepared to prepare the final pavement for the gods to return to the vision of Xumi in his personal capacity.

He wasn't worried at all that he would be taken hostage again at such a close distance.

What the opposition can do, the fools cannot.

His identity is the best shield.

If the fools want to continue to carry out operations in the Six Kingdoms, it is impossible to touch even a hair of the great sage who is about to be deprived of his position.

This is also true in fact. As the founder and manager of Hearth House, Arechino is of course very clear about the limits and limits of actions in various countries.

Provoking public outrage or collective vigilance is absolutely to be avoided.

So even if she fires all the firepower, she can instantly turn this great sage into a piece of ice, but she still can't solve the clown standing in front of her.

Because the clown wore a hat that was valuable enough.

However, Arechino, the "servant" who can bring out a group of ruthless "Shenetsvna" and "Shenetsvich", is not a soft-hearted person.

Facing Hazard's obstruction, she said without hesitation:

"Master Great Sage, how many people do you think Hearth House has in Sumeru City?"

"Although we have never personally subverted the country, if necessary, we are always a powerful force for the opposition, saboteurs, and lunatics."

"The safety of me and my companions is not worth mentioning to Zhidong. But if you continue to go your own way, I can guarantee that the entire Sumeru will soon be caught in a flames of war."

Hazard was not swayed by Arechino's threat, he just helped his monocle and said slowly:

"Now, all the people in Sumeru City have re-entered the endless dreamland."

"Of course, including your spies."

"If you want, you can also use Huacheng Guo, Ormos Port, or even Aru Village."

"I don't mind letting all of Sumeru's people wait for the dust to settle in a dream."

When both "Doctor" and "Scatterers" were absent, the control of the entire project returned to Azar's hands.

And without hesitation, he activated the overload mode that put the entire Sumeru City people into a deep sleep.

Who is the spy, Hazard doesn't care at all;

Whether it will cause harm to a few mentally fragile people, Hazard doesn't care at all;

As long as Xu Mi's immediate crisis can be resolved, Azar, who has already been covered in crimes, doesn't mind adding some "odds".

Of course, now that the Heart of God has been taken back by Nashida, he is no longer the highest authority of the Void Network.

Just like what the "Doctor" did to Nasida at the beginning, physically cutting off the other party's visit, the authority is naturally out of the question.

If Nacita physically denies the Overdrive request, Azar turns into a pure clown.

However, Azar believed in his gods, even if he did not forgive himself, he would definitely rely on the wisdom of the gods to make a correct judgment.

Nasida did not live up to his expectations.

When faced with the request that she was very disgusted with before, Nasida passed the application for modifying the rules without hesitation.

Now that the "God of Right Opportunity" has been dispatched, the overload mode has long lost its meaning to both the fools and the Holy Order.

So when Azar submitted an application to continue mining against common sense, Nasida chose to believe in this great sage who had always been on the opposite side of her.

The entire Sumeru City was like this, and soon became a silent city.

Although I don't understand how the other party did it, but the link that is constantly disconnected cannot be faked.

Facing this ruthless character who used the heads of the whole city to mine mines even if he disagreed with him, even Arechino, who considered himself cruel and ruthless, felt quite a headache.

When the other party has no morality, how can morality kidnap him?

There was no other way, so Arecino had no choice but to confront Hazard tit for tat, and expected her colleagues to break the deadlock as soon as possible.


It's a pity that his colleagues are also in a predicament at this time.

On the warships of the Fools moored in the port of Ormos, suddenly descended from the sky, and welcomed an unexpected visitor holding a leaflet.

"Welcome to sign up for the "Moon Lotus Cup Beast Tamer Competition"! "

"Brand new gameplay, fair competition, a brand new style of Xumi that foreign travelers should not miss!"

If it was a purely commercial promotion, the Fools would definitely send the provocateur directly into the prison under the cabin, and let him know why the Fools should not be taken lightly.

However, as soon as the opponent landed, he activated the power of dreams, pulling all the ordinary soldiers on the ship into sleep in an instant.

This kind of rude behavior, under the effect of "the beauty of intensity", generally has a powerful persuasive force.

Facing the situation where all his subordinates have become "hostages";

Even if he is not afraid of fighting, the Commander "Harlequin" Piero can only listen patiently first, what exactly does this Liyue monster want?

"There are enough pieces on Xumi's chessboard, how about we play another more interesting game together?"

Jiang Yan didn't show off, but with a smile on his face, he said these extremely arrogant words.

He actually planned to use himself to "exchange sons" with a whole boat of fools and executives!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 599 Chapter 579 Is there something wrong with excessive brain supplementation?

To be honest, it is not what fools wish for the battle situation in Sumeru to go to such an extent.

In the polar region where there is no sun and no moon, countless soldiers are fighting bloody battles, and any deployment of troops will bring huge hidden dangers.

Once the black calamity is allowed to rush out of the land where only the white phosphorous green star shines, the entire northern border may cease to exist.

Therefore, no matter how strong the fools are on paper, in reality, high-end combat power will always be stretched.

Even this big battle related to the ownership of the hearts of the two gods is extremely important to the fools.

But they still can't afford to gamble, nor can they delay.

However, things didn't go as they expected.

The work that I thought could be done by Dottore alone, despite the unexpected return of Scaramucci, still became a helpless fight in front of endless opponents.

Arechino, Dadalia, and "Captain" Capitano joined the confrontation one after another, but the balance of power never shifted.

Even "Harlequin" Piero himself was forced to come to this bloodless meat grinder when Capitano did not arrive at Xumi for some reason.

Not only to witness the truth of the "curse of heaven", but also to become the heaviest weight.

However, the reinforcements of the idiots, who were gearing up to suppress the audience, had just arrived at Port of Ormos when they got the bad news that Dottore's consciousness had been imprisoned by the opponent.

The matter has come to this point, and the war must not be fought.

Counting Capitano, whose whereabouts are unknown, and the price of two high-ranking executives falling at the same time, the fools can't afford it.

Even in exchange for two hearts of gods, it's not worth it at all.

So, even if Piero wanted to beat this bastard who had been messing around behind the scenes for no reason;

But for the sake of the overall situation, I can only sit down honestly and discuss the "Moon Lotus Cup Beast Tamer Competition" with him.

Pooh!Ghosts will go to see some mushroom fights!

"Release Dotorre and Capitano, otherwise the entire Sumeru will cease to exist!"

"Harlequin," Piero said in a stern tone.

He never spoke falsely, even if the guy in front of him once fought against the demon god, he didn't think he could protect this land under the full revenge of the fools.

Destruction is always infinitely easier than protection.

Even with the strength of the King of Rocks, he can only "only wish to cleanse all directions and protect a corner of the floating world"

The translation is: Only by killing the bad guys before they come to the door can the pots and pans at home be kept.

I believe that the other party, who is a citizen of the Rock God, must understand this truth.

Of course Jiang Yan understood, but threatening him with the land of Sumeru?He is not a curry star who will die if he can't eat masala.

Facing this naked threat, he just threw up his hands.

"Please, this ungodly land, if you are willing to clean it up, that would be fine."

"Perhaps in the face of a destructive and powerful enemy, maybe some faith in the gods can be regained here."

"If you want me to have some scruples, I suggest you try to threaten me with Liyue..."

Jiang Yan's attitude was very frank, so frank that the "clown" greeted him a hundred times with Kanria dirty words in his heart.

It's amazing to have a big boss, who has the ability to destroy Liyue, so I'm here to read the stupid flyer in your hand?

Thinking of this, "Harlequin" couldn't help asking Jiang Yan:

"So, you who don't care about this land, what qualifications and status do you have to participate in it?"

Fools actually have a long-held phrase "None of your business" for this bastard of Liyue, and they want to tell him kindly.

Starting from Longji Snow Mountain, fools have met this bastard endlessly in various countries.

Every time, except for a certain executive officer, it is because the plan encounters inexplicable setbacks, and no matter how you think about it, it is inseparable from this guy.

If everyone is their own master and their own destiny, the fools will not have too much resentment.

But this bastard is a Liyue man, what does Mond, Dao's wife and Sumi have to do with him?

Do you have any grudges?If we say revenge, it should be us...

This soul torture full of resentment is really difficult to answer.

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