Jiang Yan knew that if he didn't give the fools a reasonable explanation, there would really be nothing to talk about.

No one wants to work with a madman who has no reason to feud, and God knows when he will fall ill again.

And if he is purely out of individuality, rather than organized hostility, the other party will only kill without reservation.

After all, no matter how strong an individual is, he is just an individual. Even if he is as strong as Oser, wouldn't he be beaten to death by a group of mortals?

However, if we talk about such things as friendship, human affection, and feelings, it may not make sense to the indifferent fools.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Yan decided to use a very lofty reason to fool this fool who likes "big plans":

"More than two thousand years ago, under the guidance of Barbatos, the seven rulers of the world were in power in Liyue Port. They gathered, feasted, and made a covenant to watch and help each other."

"And when there is a conflict between them, the responsibility for mediation and adjudication is precisely in the hands of the emperor as the host."

"After thousands of years of vicissitudes, this agreement is still valid today."

"If you don't believe me, just ask Lord Barnabas."

"And as the god of the contract, the emperor had already arranged everything well before he flew to the moon."

"This responsibility was not assigned to me."

Sure enough, just after Jiang Yan finished speaking, "Harlequin" quickly fell into deep thought.

The easiest thing to deceive others is never a lie, but a misleading combination of many "truths".

The banquet of the gods is true;

It is also true that the emperor is in charge of mediation and adjudication.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, it is true that the emperor entrusted himself with the work of transcendence.

No matter what channels are used to confirm, no other results will be obtained.

Since all are "truths", the other details, the Carrian who is obsessed with various great plans, will naturally use his brain to string them together.

What Jiang Yan thought was right, in the heart of "Harlequin", this monster that Arechino couldn't find a reason to become stronger no matter what, finally showed his roots.

In his mind, he has already imagined an epic "God-made doll" plan:

In order to prevent Liyue from returning from the Moon Palace under the surprise attack of other forces after she left, Liyue's god specially created this puppet.

This puppet, as a human being, will guard Liyue, who is known as the "rule of man" on the stage.

Based on that god's exhaustive strategy, it's even possible that the puppet itself doesn't know its true identity.

Pooh!False gods!

However, if the puppet has this powerful god personally forging the shape, giving it strength, and even directly endowing it with the gnosis of the god, everything will make sense.

Possessing great strength, of course, is because he himself is an existence beyond Scaramucci.

He has a close relationship with the gods, of course, because he himself represents the existence of the gods.

As for not looking like a puppet, of course it is because he himself is the existence used to protect Liyue on the stage.

After "figuring it out" everything, "Harlequin" heaved a sigh of relief, and his whole being suddenly became enlightened.

Isn't it natural that great plans would be thwarted by the gods?

In the blink of an eye, there was an expression of fighting spirit.

Although Jiang Yan is looking forward to his words can fool the commander of the fools.

But looking at his contempt, sympathy, and "I've seen through you" expression, it makes people want to punch him.

Bastard, what do you know?

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Jiang Yan didn't know that in the "Harlequin"'s mind, he had already been made into a powerful puppet whose duty was to run around to maintain peace-Captain Liyue Dragonfly.

Although he is indeed doing the work of Captain Dragonfly - openly and fairly.

In his opinion, it is a bit too much for fools to go to Sumeru to engage in a wave of people relying on high-end combat power.

Once this precedent is set, maybe one day Liyue and Dao's wife will be organized by a large number of fools and executive officers to steal their home. Is this okay?

So he unceremoniously blocked in Port of Ormos, just to show this attitude:

Wouldn't it be better for everyone to watch the Mushroom Elf together, and then go back to their respective homes until the dust of the war settles?

Of course, if the opponent doesn't like peace, it's not unacceptable to use the Meteor Knife to neutralize it.

And his way of thinking, after the "clown" misunderstood Jiang Yan's identity, actually reached a subtle and correct understanding.

For the possibility of returning the two hearts of God, a powerful brain-filling endorsement has been added.

After serious thinking, "The Harlequin" started a fierce negotiation on how to end decently:

"Until Dottore and Capitano are released, I don't think there is anything to talk about with each other. Fools never fear war."

Facing the "mediation of other earthly ruling parties" in his imagination, the "clown" threw out his own limit without hesitation.

Whether it is Dottore's various technologies, or Capitano's organization and management of the army, they are completely irreplaceable among fools.

If something happens to two people at the same time, the fools really have only one option to start a full-scale war.

This request was not too much, and Jiang Yan never intended to beat the two of them to death.

Especially for "Doctor", although it is very simple to kill a bird in a cage, it is difficult to surround it without harming it.

On the premise of not destroying his spirit, building a birdcage that can firmly trap enemies of this level will bring great mental pressure to Xiaocao even if the risks are not considered.

That being the case, it is better to let go directly on the premise of confirming that the opponent can exit.

However, the biggest reason why everyone can't agree is because of this "premise".

If there is no real guarantee, if such a powerful combat power and smart head are directly released in Sumeru City, the whole battle situation may collapse immediately.

Jiang Yan can't pin everyone's lives on the reputation and reputation of fools.

Even the "Harlequin" himself couldn't guarantee in his heart whether the "Doctor", who must take revenge, would take revenge immediately after waking up.

In the end, Jiang Yan thought of a compromise:

Xiaocao will first release all the "slices" except the Omega who leads the plan.

And the "clown" issued an emergency order to the fools in Sumeru City through the communication device to "abandon the mission and return to the port of Ormos".

Xiaocao will not pay the "final payment" until the "slices" do not cause any trouble and honestly arrive at the port of Ormos:

Unleash the "sliced" omega of its prime.

In fact, not all slices of "Doctor" are good at fighting, and Omega, as the hub of the "Doctor" network, also has special significance.

In the case of Omega falling into the enemy's hands, the possibility of the "Doctor" refusing the "Joker"'s order and giving it a go is almost zero.

"Harlequin" accepted the plan after careful consideration.

After reaching a consensus, "Harlequin" also got the real situation of another colleague from Jiang Yan's mouth:

"I'm sorry, "Captain" may not be able to come back until Nata's gods have fun."


Cutting, slashing, and piercing, "Captain" Capitano's swordsmanship, no matter which one, has reached the limit that human beings can imagine.

You can cut raindrops, cut through flames, and pierce the sound barrier with just one hand. These skills, which are almost invincible in the world, can only be exhausted at this time.

Because this time his opponent is a god.

He was praised as the "Military God" by the population of Zhidong National Army, and he met the real military god.

Even if the gods use the same output, the fire feather sword that seems to be able to burn the entire world is still unmatched.

As a cumbersome weapon, the giant sword has never been good at moves.

However, in front of the god's "timing" to the extreme, it looks like the wings of a fire phoenix, flying freely in the sky, dancing a dance that brings death.

Just as Capitano, who was about to be beaten to the point of unconsciousness, tried hard to comprehend the coping skills of the past few days, he jumped and chopped with a long line of fire, and chopped off on the head again.

Unreserved heavy hits, generally speaking, are easy to dodge.

However, the attack of the god in front of him is always launched at the limit distance, the limit timing, and the limit force that he can't avoid.

It seems that when this sword is cut out, the result is doomed, just to check the results of the previous offensive.

As a result, Pitano, who couldn't dodge the card, could only retreat again and again by blocking, and never had any other results.

But the other party shrank, and the next moment, he put his left hand on the blade, and the eagle's lunge-like thrusts came towards him.

There are no cohesive movements, and there are no redundant moves. The opponent's rhythm has always been so terrifying.

Ordinary mortals seldom use the thrusting move with a giant sword.

The shortcomings of the narrow attack range and high requirements for arm strength and center of gravity often give this move a huge flaw.

However, in the face of the opponent who pulled out a long tail flame, Capitano could only bow and kneel and wait.

Because of this move with such a big flaw, what it got in exchange was a completely uncertain attack distance and exertion time.

This is also a terrifying technique for the opponent to deal with himself almost invincible.

Sure enough, when the distance between the two was still far away, Munata stretched his right arm forward, holding the hilt of the sword tightly with his left arm supporting the giant blade.

In the next moment, in Capitano's eyes, the fire-feathered greatsword suddenly "lengthened", stabbing directly at the blade of the sword that had not exerted force on time and barely blocked it.

Even with some resistance, Capitano was still blown away by the stab.

The whole person was like flying through the clouds and riding the fog. He didn't stop until his back hit a tree heavily after flying out of nowhere.

Such a simple move, but people have no way to deal with it.

After taking the lead, Capitano has never caught the thrust stably.

Although it was not blown away several times by virtue of prediction, that was only the beginning of a bigger tragedy.

Forced to stay where he is, his posture has long been unstable, and he will follow the trend in an instant, as if he can cut through the air, and he will no longer have the ability to resist.

If it weren't for Capitano's extremely rich actual combat experience, and the fact that this wayward god kept his hands visible to the naked eye, he would have been chopped into countless pieces.

Ever since one day, when he was about to go to Sumeru to support him, he was directly stopped by a huge fire bird that fell from the sky, and this miserable day has continued.

Have a meal?no problem.

rest?no problem.

meditation?no problem.

But want to run?dream!

If you perform poorly, you will encounter humiliating humiliation.

Capitano has negotiated with the god countless times, but the reason is completely unreasonable.

Threat with Nata?The other party didn't care, and was even very happy to use the flames of war to strengthen the will and character of the Natalians.

Threatened with death?Judging by the opponent's posture of longing for a strong enemy, even if Capitano thinks he is not as resourceful as his colleagues, he will not do such a stupid thing.

Incentives?It's not like fools don't have items that can make even gods fall in love with them.

But now that I am trapped here, how can I call it?

Capitano angrily vowed for the thousandth time in his heart that once he found the culprit who put him in this situation, he must be torn to pieces.

Unfortunately, the "culprit" obviously has a different view:

"It's my fault for recommending a toy to sell favors?"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 601 Chapter 581 Is there something wrong with the withdrawal of gold medals?

Hearing such an understatement, "Harlequin" had a new understanding of this bastard's nerves, and he was even more convinced that this guy was a puppet carefully cultivated by Morax.

You can get acquainted with the gods who have fallen for hundreds of years in a short time, so just invite them to help you?Talking about nonsense should also be based on the principles of heaven, okay?

But figuring out the "truth" can't change the current situation.

The tacit understanding between the earthly rulers in the past few hundred years is completely unknown to Nata, the long-fallen god.

So how to get her God's Heart, I really have to count on this guy who represents the Banquet of the Seven Gods.

After all, that God of War is not comparable to Sumeru's New God;

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