Even among the executive officers, "Captain" Capitano, who is known for his force, didn't even have a chance to summon him. This is evident from this.

If you don't want to attack at the cost of multiple executive officers, you are definitely not a match for you.

Since it is related to the third heart of God, which is more difficult to get, "Harlequin" feels that his bottom line can be loosened a little more.

Entertainment activities such as Mushroom Elf are not without merit.


When the slices of "Doctor" opened their eyes one after another, what came into view was the caravan of "everyone" lying side by side, and the convoy outside being "escorted" by the 30-member regiment and the scholars of the Holy Order.

"It seems that the collected data is biased..." "Doctor" smiled wryly at himself.

He is not a fool, the opponent's ridiculously strong multiple forces, no matter how you think about it, it is not a one-on-one match.

However, to lose is to lose, Scaramucci is also using "believers" on a large scale, which itself is a manifestation of the power of the gods, and "doctor" never makes excuses for his failure.

After examining their own conditions, the "doctors" quickly discovered the problem:

The strongest slice Omega as the hub has been unable to wake up and connect.

In addition, everyone's current situation is also very suspicious.

The defensive formation of the mercenaries is obviously inward.

When you fell asleep, the cooperation broke down?

Judging from his physical condition, he should not have been asleep for long.

Just relying on the rotten people of the Holy Order, can Arechino and his direct subordinates be "gifted out of the country"?

The "Doctor" is deeply skeptical.

Although I don't like Arechino's domineering and domineering appearance, "Doctor" still approves of her abilities.

With her ability, and relying on the arrangements she left behind, her direct subordinates, and the support of the Hearth House, even if the other party uses the power of the gods, what they get can only be the Palace of Wisdom that has been turned into ruins.

But looking at the weird atmosphere in front of him, it didn't look like a fierce battle had taken place.

In the end what happened?

Due to the unknown situation, the "Doctor" walked out of the caravan with a "slice" after simple networking and restored basic combat power. Under the vigilant eyes of the 30-member group, he found Arechino who was at the front of the convoy and asked details.

"How is the plan going, what's the situation now?"

However, what responded to him was "Servant" Arechino's expression of wanting to kill:

"There is an order from the commander-in-chief to return all the staff to the port of Ormos, there must be no mistakes."

After all, he turned his head, not wanting to make any comments on this issue.

Back in time not long ago, Arechino, who was trapped in the Palace of Wisdom, did not sit still.

She began to frequently use emergency contact signals and devices to communicate with the fools in various strongholds outside Sumeru City, as well as "Shenetsvna" and "Shenetsvich" who had been lurking in various places in Sumeru for many years. "Guys, prepare to launch the emergency plan directly.

When the "Doctor" and "Small Soldiers" were single-mindedly making artificial gods in Sumeru, the focus of Arechino's work was how to get out with the fruits of their work after the two guys made big news. .

Arechino didn't know how strong the artificial god was.

But she knew that as long as the fools wanted to continue to carry out the great plan in Tivat, no matter how strong this "god" was, he would not be able to blaze a trail through massacres.

And the God Heart of the Little Auspicious Grass King is Xumi's greatest lifeblood, the carrier of the void system, no matter which side of Xumi's power, it is impossible to allow fools to take it away.

Therefore, Arechino has always planned to let Sumeru fall into power chaos. Only in this way can he fish in troubled waters.

For this reason, she has planted secrets in the tribes in the oasis of the Dachisha Sea in the west, Huacheng Guo adjacent to Liyue in the east, and the free city-state of Ormos Port in the south.

And today, it is a critical moment to officially activate these "dark sons" that can only be activated once in a lifetime.

However, just when the plan is ready, just waiting for an order to make Sumeru go everywhere;

In the direction of Port of Ormos, an emergency signal of the highest standard came suddenly.

After Arechino cracked it urgently, he found out that it was an order to give up their mission and meet at Port of Ormos.

For the highest level of secret text, each executive has a different encryption method, and only the commander "clown" has everyone's encryption method, so it is impossible to leak the secret no matter what, it must be true.

However, the two sides are facing each other in the Palace of Wisdom, how can they withdraw if they want to?

So even if he didn't want to waste all his previous efforts, Arechino could only lower his head high in the face of such an absolute order, and negotiate with that treacherous bastard great sage.

Able to become a great sage, if Azar is not the smartest person in the entire Sumeru, he is at least a strong competitor.

Before Arechino could open his mouth, he keenly grasped what was behind the other party's sudden change of attitude, and naturally he would not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the fire.

There is really nothing to talk about in this kind of negotiation where people are fighting for the knife and I am for the fish. Even with Arechino's ability, he can only make concessions step by step.

Do not bring anything other than personal belongings, including all documents of the Project;

Need to be evacuated under the "escort" of a group of 30 people;

After agreeing on such humiliating conditions, Arechino walked away and began to direct the overall evacuation work.

Although Hazard understands that the conditions that are too persuasive are not the best choice, they can only form a deep hatred;

But that didn't prevent him from precisely stepping on a position not far from the bottom line of the fools.

The specific effect can be seen from Alecino's frosty complexion.

This kind of condition made the "cooperation" of fools in Xumi almost lose everything except for the artificial god.

Arechino's embarrassing attitude that his lungs were about to explode was quickly passed on to the "doctor" who had just woken up.

And the "doctor" who put all his dreams and energy into Sumeru received even more stimulation than Arechino, who was a halfway reinforcement.

What kind of critical situation happened to make the "doctor" urgently summoned now?

A change in the local disaster?

The gods shamelessly carried out a joint raid?

The "doctor" and "servant" with all kinds of terrible inferences are naturally not in the mood to entangle with the Sumeru people too much.

Facing the humiliating result, he could only see what he saw and see what he saw, and was "escorted" all the way to the port of Ormos.

But there, what the two anxious executive officers saw was the scene where "Harlequin" and that bastard of Liyue were chatting happily and watching the Mushroom Elf competition together.

@#¥%& (to winter swear words)! ! !

The anger of the two most advocating absolute rational executives at this moment is going to burn the entire Port of Ormos!


No need to wait tonight, I will adjust my biological clock, and I will make up the second one during the daytime tomorrow.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 602 Chapter 582 Is there something wrong with more flowers?

Battle report:

Jiang Yan & Yae Miko VS "Harlequin" & Fool's Elite Force

Everyone enjoyed the "Moon Lotus Cup Beast Tamer Contest" together, and there was no time for a clone.

Nashita & All Lannaro & Jue King Shulan Rama & Dream Tree Lanlaga & Jiang Yan VS "Doctor"

"Doctor" was brutally killed by a gang of justice, and the sliced ​​​​omega consciousness was detained;

A small part of Nacida's energy is used to imprison Omega.

Azar and his followers VS "servant" Arechino and his subordinates.

Arechino was recalled forcibly and left the field.

Munata VS "Captain" Capitano

In the process of unilaterally ravaging...

Desia & Elhaisen & Sano & "One-Eyed Bunny" VS Dadalia

In fierce battle

Skirmisher "God of Chance" VS Raiden General "Evil Yaoying Xiangtianma"

In fierce battle


Although the "clown" can be regarded as a good word among fools.

However, whether it is a "doctor" who has established the evil eye and elemental weapon system, or a "servant" who directly reports to the ice queen with all his strength, they are not objects that can be taken lightly.

Faced with the expressions of them wanting to directly use their big moves and kill their teammates together, the "Harlequin" Mushroom Elf Contest is naturally impossible to watch.

If the chatting and laughing continues, I'm afraid there will be infighting on the spot.

In fact, they really wronged their boss.

Jiang Yan sat with him, of course not to discuss which mushroom had the stronger water splash, but to have been communicating about the curse of heaven.

The curse of heaven is the eternal pain in the hearts of people in Kanria.

Every bereaved family attaches great importance to this knowledge, and "Harlequin" is no exception.

In terms of how to alleviate and circumvent the curse, Jiang Yan obtained a lot of dry goods from the "clown" by relying on the research results of the moon-cutting Zhuyang Zhenjun and the phantom of the Dacishu king's phantom to Naxida.

Of course, the "clown" also gained a lot.

There are very few gods in the entire world who understand the details of the "original contract".

If it weren't for the revelation of the remnant soul of King Dacishu, even after another 500 years, everyone would not know the root of this curse, let alone make any substantial progress in research.

With so much information, and being able to corroborate with the information collected by the "Harlequin" himself, the "Harlequin" completely believed in Jiang Yan's sincerity.

These things cannot be forged by people who have no research in this area.

It would be of great significance to Zhidong if he could witness how Sumi escaped from the entanglement of the curse.

Even if the Heart of God is acquired a while later, it is completely acceptable.

This risk is worth taking!

After explaining the importance of this choice to "Doctor" and "Servant".

The two rebellious subordinates finally expressed their understanding.

Of course, understanding the boss doesn't mean they can understand this bastard who used off-the-board tricks.

Soon, they launched their own backhands respectively:

"Fortunately, there is still a little free time, enough for me to pack everything before I leave"

Even if there is no hub of the "Doctor" network, "Doctor" can still form a ring network and connect enough powerful forces.

In the blink of an eye, the "God of Prosperity" once again received strong computing power support through the mysterious channel, and the conversion efficiency of Yuan Energy has suddenly increased by a large margin.

"As I said, they will pay the price."

"If the drama ends because of that, we don't count as an early exit."

Arechino also activated all the arrangements he could mobilize so far.

Soon, the fools hiding in various strongholds outside Sumeru City began to march towards Lidu Valley, preparing to support Dadalia and Scaramucci.


Jiang Yan didn't care if the "doctor" and the "servant" did any tricks.

In fact, he would be surprised if they didn't make small moves.

If you don't talk about martial arts by yourself, and use external moves to overturn the table, it is strange that others don't retaliate.

Jiang Yan's current task is very simple, sit in Port of Ormos, and strive to increase die-hard fans for the "Moon Lotus Cup Beast Tamer Competition".

Once any of the fools did not walk out of the port of Ormos as agreed, he would immediately capture him, seize his equipment, exchange for a ticket for the game, and tie him to a chair to watch the game forcibly.

Why is the advanced weapon of fools only worth one ticket?

The behind-the-scenes organizer of the competition, Mr. Sangge Mahabay, will naturally give them a reasonable explanation.

Without ten times the profit, expect Dolly to recycle the junk?nonexistent.

As for revenge afterwards?

With Alice's shelter, she is completely fearless of any threats.

Unless they want to see Teyvat Travel Guide - End of Winter subtitled with all sorts of explosions.

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