In the end, this "renewal campaign" was a great success.

No one can escape from Jiang Yan, who is as tall as lightning, and no one can redeem his ordnance from Dolly at the original price.

I could only watch helplessly as my weapon turned into an inexplicable mushroom show.

This sport is so exciting that after that, the Fools spontaneously organized a massacre of wild mushroom beasts to express their "love" for the sport of "Mushroom Elf".

Even for a long time, the fools stationed in Sumeru used a vicious swear word:

"Let's go watch mushrooms with the whole family, @#¥%!"


And on the much-anticipated main battlefield, the battle between the magic dolls and the huge machine dolls is still going on.

The entire Lidu Valley has already been deeply "cultivated" again, and a large part of the ground has been cut off, and it is still going on, as if it will not stop until the ground is level with the deep valley.

The powerful "God of Righteous Opportunity" seems to fear that others will doubt his identity as a god with every move, and he never cares about consumption.

As soon as he raised his hand, he sprayed out a huge pillar of fire that engulfed the entire area in front of him.

As soon as he clenched his fist, the tornado that shot straight into the sky swept across a radius of tens of meters.

With a wave of his arm, the ground and air in front of him were covered with frost, and a huge fist of ice fell from the sky.

As soon as the power is charged, the thunder's majesty covers the entire sky, attacking all creatures within the range.

The Chi Wang's divine gnosis is far more powerful than everyone imagined.

It contains countless high-level means and methods of using primordial energy and elemental power, and even with the ability of the "god of positive opportunity", it is impossible to fully display them all.

It wasn't until the colleagues who had been silent for some reason, finally provided themselves with a large amount of auxiliary computing power support as agreed, that the stragglers finally reached the full output in the test, and with this power, they finally took the initiative on the scene.

The stragglers were extremely intoxicated by the sense of fulfillment brought about by this kind of power.

Seeing "she" entrusted all the dolls, constantly moving and dodging under this powerful force, she can only parry, but has no power to fight back.

What else can prove yourself and excite yourself more than this?

"It turns out that being a "God" is such an experience..."

"Indeed, it is easier and more boring than using the ordinary God's Eye."

The triumphant straggler began to tell the doll in front of him what it was like to be a "true god".

"Really? I haven't used the Heart of God, and neither have Shadow, so I can't understand this experience."

The general cut open the tornado covering his whole body with the Thunder Blade, and replied seriously.

Compared with the "God of Positive Opportunity" whose attack style is extremely gorgeous, the general's attack style is extremely low-key.

No extra counterattacks will be carried out unless necessary.

If it is not necessary, no moves will be used to bombard.

Use high mobility to shuttle and dodge as much as possible, and the opponent's large-scale attack is just simple interference and destruction.

Everything is carried out on the premise of the best exchange ratio of elemental power. What she needs to protect is only the space around her body.

For the general, Ying's order is absolute, and what will happen to Li Dugu and even the entire Sumeru is completely out of her scope of consideration.

Since Ying asked not to kill this guy, then he won't kill him.

With the strength of the opponent, after three to five hundred days, the body should collapse, just as an object to hone one's martial arts and adapt to the new body.

As a puppet, the general does not have any logical design such as "yin and yang".

But this kind of honest answer, on the contrary, drove the stragglers the most crazy.

Since when, without the heart of a god, is it a sign of a true god?

Although he can easily refute it, the other six gods all have the heart of God, and they have all used the heart of God.

But it was meaningless, what he dreamed of becoming was the "her" who didn't use the heart of God.

Not qualified to be a Narugami, but in the end, he had to become a garbage god who sheltered savages in a certain corner?

If you give up everything and finally write this kind of script, you might as well kill him.

"Don't use your tongue! At this moment, reappear the corner of the Demon God War, and come to "rectify" my birth as a god! "

"Reincarnation for a hundred calamities!"

Angry stragglers fully drive the God's Heart that has just cooled down and can export power.

A large amount of elemental power with almighty power spewed out, and even the Bazhisan double seal on the chest shone with dazzling light.

However, at this critical moment, just like several times before, it seemed that the slash that wanted to cut the entire sky came unexpectedly:

"In the end, ten thousand calamities!"

The powerful power just derived from the Heart of God has no time to transmit, store, and transform, so it is forced to accumulate it in the least efficient way to form a protective wall.

Only in this way can we block this powerful mystery that can cut even space, there is no other way.

The tens of meters long blade of robbery swept across the Lidu valley in an instant, and the soil on the entire surface instantly turned into a layer of fly ash, and then, it slashed heavily on the shield of the god of righteousness.

This move is not the general's all-out effort, purely pursuing "fast", the purpose is only to interrupt.

After the stragglers successfully extracted energy from the Heart of God twice and provided themselves with all-round reinforcements, the general felt the difficulty of the opponent with unlimited recharges.

Although generals like martial arts, the importance of completing tasks is always higher than honing martial arts.

So after that, the energy extraction of the stragglers never went smoothly.

Once he senses that the opponent has signs of drawing energy, the general will not hesitate to use up the secrets to force the opponent to defend.

However, the stragglers have nothing to do with this kind of attack rhythm like a bright card.

The stragglers are among the fools, and the main task is actually to be studied by others.

Although he has completed some missions, how much actual combat experience is there to speak of against enemies of the same level by relying on his physical strength to crush the enemy?

Facing the general who was being beaten by Jiang Yan day and night, ah no, the charging general, the gap in skills was obvious.

This kind of situation where hard power clearly has advantages, but is still unable to win, makes the stragglers feel humiliated.

The opponent used a new body, and he couldn't hold it down.

If the opponent uses the original body, wouldn't he even have an advantage?

Even, if "she" came by herself, wouldn't she be completely defeated?

Seeing that the battle is about to turn into a long war of attrition, even if they win, what can they prove?

Prove that your battery is powerful enough?Are you the god of continuation?

Once again, the recharging was interrupted, and the dispirited skirmishers could only use the huge computing power again to split the power in multiple dimensions and carry out airtight continuous attacks of various elemental forces.

Although this method of warfare is not efficient, it hits the general's deathbed.

The newly created body, even after the emergency "charging" of Shadow and General;

But in terms of quality, it is definitely not as good as the original body that was directly transformed from the body of a god.

In terms of strength accumulation, it is also incomparable with the "God of Chance" who has been planning for many years.

Compared with the opponent with its own "power bank", even if the general uses his skills to make a better exchange ratio, he will suffer a loss in a war of attrition.

The reason why he has been able to persist until now is entirely because the general has provided himself with powerful power from the soul by relying on the power of the will that he has shouldered for 500 years.

The general doesn't mind that these wills are completely consumed.

Since waking up, she can see it everywhere:

Today's Dao Wife is still not perfect, but with the help of "him", the people's good wishes are gradually being realized.

Now that the wish has begun to become the path under the feet, as a puppet, the future self only needs to fulfill the duty of protection.

Therefore, she calmly followed each move, searched for opportunities step by step, and distributed her willpower according to the standard of three to five hundred days.

protracted war?In the face of missions, time is meaningless, whether it is 500 days or [-] years.


The crazy outpouring of firepower from the "God of Positive Opportunity" brought about a huge consumption of computing power.

Under the excitement of the stragglers, the strength of their output has already exceeded the rated power stipulated by the "doctor".

If the "doctor" is present, he will definitely scold such pig teammates.

But it is a pity that he has no secret channel to communicate with the stragglers after the hub "Omega" is controlled.

The auxiliary computing power provided by "Doctor" is of course transmitted through the void.

In the case of Azar refusing to provide the highest authority of the void network, he has already reserved a backup.

Through the "believers" and the "dummies" who only exist in the void network, countless channels pretending to be private visits have been established.

And in this way, it secretly provides huge computing power for the "God of Positive Chance".

The number of daily visits to the void by the Xumi people is in the millions.

The number of visits is so vast that even if you have permission in a short period of time, it is impossible to screen out these "believers" and "dummy".

By the time the opponent successfully establishes screening rules, the battle has already been settled.

It's a pity that the wishful thinking of the "doctor" completely came to naught in front of the pig teammates.

No matter how hard it is to screen, it can't stand the active overload of pig teammates.

Soon, Naxida, who had just arrived at Jiangzhumo Mountain, captured these a large number of abnormal visits, and through reverse tracing, quickly found the whereabouts of these computing power.

Use my void network to serve my enemies?snort!

For Nasida, who has the highest authority on the Void Network, it is very simple to forcibly disconnect the stragglers.

However, after hearing that the scholars planned to paralyze the Heart of God through "distributed access attacks", she soon had a better choice:

For her memory of being disconnected from the Internet, she was very happy to use the power of dreams to open the Void Network, and lightly swiped her finger on the signals of those abnormal visitors:



Dazhang pays the debt, there will be an update later.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 603 Chapter 583 Is there something wrong with each showing their special abilities?

Since "Doctor" can steal the net, of course Nasida can also steal computing power.

Under the guidance of Nashida, this part of the power was quickly provided to the "One-eyed Flying Bunny" next door to the God of Positive Machines.

The "One-eyed Flying Bunny" who was charging slowly became energetic suddenly, and began to spit elemental bullets, providing fire support for the three of Dixia.

"What the hell is this?" Dadalia, who was suddenly caught off guard, couldn't help but look at its "master" Alheisen and asked.

In his eyes, he was full of doubts about the aesthetics of this scholar with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

"Take it as a gift from the gods,"

Elheysen did not want to dwell on the subject at all.

After this battle is over, even if he pays any exchange conditions, he will cover up all the rumors about this.

Moreover, the three people who had never participated in such a fierce battle were all extremely exhausted at this moment.

With the help of this terminal, the other party was forced to slow down their stormy offensive. They didn't have the time to chat, they just wanted to take the opportunity to recover and rest.

Facing a powerful enemy that has never been seen before, to be able to resist until now, except for the killer, everyone has almost done everything they can.

Even so, the three of them almost all hung up the dots.

Of course, Dadalia is not feeling well either.

Whether it was Port of Ormos, or the nearby Sumi City, the reinforcements had not come for a long time, which made him very irritable.

Although I want to enjoy the "main course", if there is a rout on the battlefield as a whole, I don't want to be the "main course" at all because of my love for fighting.

The experience of being redeemed by colleagues, once, well, twice is enough.

Therefore, Dadalia, who was anxious to find out the overall battle situation, no longer had the mood to continue the war of attrition.

The trio who are getting more and more tacit in front of them, plus the props bestowed on them by the gods, if they continue to be underestimated, they may capsize in the gutter.

More importantly, if he continued to consume like this, even if he didn't activate the Demon King Armament, he would not have enough physical strength to fight against the strong enemy.

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