That being the case, what's the point of hiding tricks?

Therefore, Dadalia decided to fight, no matter whether he won or not, he would evacuate directly and go to other battlefields for support.

Dadalia, who had made up his mind, was extremely decisive. He leaped high with a double-headed thunder spear in hand, and slammed down like a meteor.

The violent thunderstorm raged around him in an instant, stirring up countless smoke and dust, and repelled all three people who were besieging him.

After the smoke and dust passed, an armored knight full of ominous aura appeared in front of them.

"This little brother seems a little anxious. Do you have any tricks to suppress the bottom of the box? If you don't use them, you will have to wait until the next life to use them."

Cheerful Dishiya smiled and said to El Hessen and Sano behind him.

As the person in charge of the frontal confrontation, she had the most minor injuries on her body, bleeding, scorching, and bruises in more than ten places, but she didn't care at all.

What's the big deal if you didn't even lose a single part of your body?

However, judging by the momentum of the opponent's move, not to mention the parts, it is obviously rushing to let everyone die without a whole body, so it would be stupid to keep any trump card.

So Dixia set an example and injected most of her remaining elemental power into the giant sword in her hand with a special frequency.

Soon, the mysterious runes on the obsidian giant sword began to shine, and after Dixia inserted it into the ground, he pulled out his spare sword from the space.

"A relic from the Royal Court of Achmal?" Alheisen was not so much asking, but confirming.

"Haha, I haven't fully figured out the specific use, but it's pretty easy to use."

As soon as the words fell, Dadalia rushed in front of her with a sprint swept by the wind and thunder.

Dixia firmly blocked this powerful thrust with the giant sword in her hand.

But even with Dishiya's natural power, it is still not enough to see the explosive power of Dadalia's God's Eye and Evil Eye.

"The Price of Carelessness!"

Dadalia suddenly exerted his force for the second time, and under the action of Peiran's huge force, Dixia's feet dragged a long track on the ground in an instant.

When Dishiya was about to be knocked into the air, the obsidian giant sword she had inserted into the ground suddenly rose from the ground and slashed at Dadalia!

Faced with such an unreasonable attack, Dadalia had no choice but to temporarily change his tactics and knock the giant sword into the air.

However, the giant sword that was knocked into the air stopped flying away as if it was being manipulated by someone, and once again slashed condescendingly towards Dadalia.

Dixia took the opportunity to attack skillfully with the unmanned giant sword, and she didn't lose the wind for a while.

This indestructible obsidian giant sword is actually not a sword, but the "scepter" and "key" given to the guardians of the royal court by the Akhmar Dynasty to control the self-discipline organs.

Although there is no identity certificate provided by the red sand slate, the "key" alone cannot pull out an army of yuan energy machines in the Red King's Mausoleum.

But the "key" itself is also a powerful self-discipline machine.

Of course, Dishiya didn't understand these dusty stories for thousands of years.

In fact, even the scholars of the cause theory school don't know anything about this proof of power bestowed by the Chi Wang himself.

But Dixia, the mercenary queen, naturally has her own way of dealing with things she doesn't understand.

After obtaining this weapon in the Red King's Mausoleum, after trying day and night, I finally figured out one of its usages.

When a large amount of elemental power is injected, it can be partially activated, and under the guidance of the user's elemental power, it can carry out self-disciplined attacks.

This is the first time Dixia has used it to face such a powerful enemy. Fortunately, the effect is not bad.

Of course, Dadalia, who can't be defeated by all three of them, even if he has an extra automatic attack sword, with his full firepower, it will not change the situation.

Soon, Dadalia completely saw through the weakness of the self-disciplined attack mode's rigidity.

The easy parry and counterattack made the effect of this move become worse and worse soon.

However, as the armament bestowed by the Red King, of course it will not be so simple.

When he slashed from the sky again, Dixia leaped forward like a leopard, holding the obsidian giant sword that attacked by itself in the air.

Shaking it vigorously and injecting elemental force, the giant sword, which was still acting autonomously, quieted down and became a handy weapon again.

The only difference from the beginning is that the runes on the sword are still dazzling.

Afterwards, Dixia violently used her footsteps and her strong and slender waist to spin herself like a top, and in an instant, a violent flame tornado was set off.

"This move is somewhat similar to Rosalind."

Seeing the move very similar to the deceased colleague, Dadalia's expression under the mask also showed a little nostalgia.

Dadalia, who has seen the "lady" perform unique skills, naturally knows the limitations of this move.

Although this move is difficult to move, although it is powerful, it has great limitations.

If it's not in a tight environment, it's too easy to dodge.

Having said that, Dadalia also cautiously opened a distance, preventing the other two enemies from restricting his movement.

However, one of the enemies is still urging his grass elemental power with all his strength, and he doesn't know what he is calling.

The other one was nowhere to be seen, presumably waiting for a surprise attack.

However, in the next moment, the seemingly bulky flame tornado in front of him suddenly "jumped" onto the face of Dadalia, who was guarding against other enemies, as if sitting on a slingshot at a crazy speed.

The violent fire elemental power raged wildly and burned.And cut violently under the action of the giant sword.

If it wasn't for the powerful protection provided by the Demon King's armed forces, Dadalia would have lived and died immediately with this move.

Even so, Dadalia was still impacted by a powerful elemental force, so he could only forcibly detonate the Thunder Spear in his hand, and bounced back in the violent explosion.

"how can that be!"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 604 Chapter 584 Is there something wrong with the remote agent

Since it is the proof of power bestowed by the Chi Wang, this "key" is certainly not as simple as self-discipline.

The previous slashing was just to hang the Yuanneng beacon on the enemy during the weapon exchange.

Next, Yuan Neng can provide strong traction at any time to realize the teleportation-like enemy attack.

It's a pity that Desia's Semod bloodline can be said to be pure, but she has not received the inheritance of Yuanneng martial arts.

Just by infusing elemental power and then converting it into primal energy through the weapon itself, the effect is naturally much worse.

Whether it is the speed of searching for the enemy, the speed of displacement, or the frequency of searching for the enemy, they cannot achieve the effect of the year.

But even so, this function also makes up for the most important shortcoming of Dixia's powerful stunt.

Even Dadalia, who was armed with a demon king and was as powerful as a demon god in a short period of time, suffered a big loss when he was caught off guard.

He was directly and severely involved in the flame storm, and seeing that the demon king's armament was damaged in many places, he could only reduce his output and slowly repair it.

However, Sano and El Hessen did not take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to expand their advantages.

At this moment, they are holding back their big moves.


Sumeru is a relatively peaceful land with high-end combat power, and there is no Liyue's remnants of demon gods everywhere, and there is no civil war of rice wife or expedition of Mond.

The strong man who grew up in the greenhouse, most people's trump card, is more inclined to exert his full potential, rather than bursting out his strongest power in an instant that is partial to actual combat.

It's not a bad choice for someone who doesn't often walk between life and death.

Without repeated training and many actual battles, if you force an instant explosion, it is completely unknown whether you will directly blow yourself into a ball of human fireworks.

Even if it is barely released, [-]% of the moves that cannot be precisely controlled, as well as the inevitable sequelae, are unbearable for the "training field type powerhouse".

Of course, it is safe to spend a lot of time to stimulate the potential and sort out the tricks released by the elemental force;

The price is that the moves are extremely slow, and when life and death are fought, it is very likely that the soul will return to the source sea with a stunt that has no chance to be released.

However, adequate preparation will also bring sufficient benefits.

Once they are given enough time to hold back their big moves, the astonishing power and precise control are enough for them to bridge the large gap in strength and experience.

When Dadalia was busy dealing with the flame storm that Desia would eject infinitely, behind Desia, a huge green lotus had already risen from the ground wrapped in the grass elemental power that seemed to be real.

The divine sword blessed by the deep forest can arouse the power of thousands of trees and grass.

And the form that integrates them is the flower of life circulation like the lotus of robbery.

Life flows endlessly, and the blooming thousand lotuses will never wither.

The power of the grass element condensed into a substantial lotus leaf, turned into an indestructible sharp blade, and under the guidance of El Hessen, it flew non-stop towards Dadalia.

After being resisted, it fell into the ground and returned to the thousand lotus, which seemed to be isolated from the world.

Unless the entire area is completely destroyed, or the controller El Hessen is simply destroyed, the powerful attacks will never stop.

This powerful esoteric art seamlessly connects to Dishiya who has reached the end of her strength.

And under the cover of the barrage of "One-Eyed Flying Bunny", Dadalia was completely unable to approach, and at the same time, it covered Dishiya's safe retreat.

However, the Achilles' heel of this move is very simple, and Dadalia has seen through it at a glance.

After dodging back and forth and escaping from this area, the mighty Qinglian had nothing to do with it.

Although this is the only way to Lidu Valley, Dadalia doesn't think it can last forever with such an outrageous move.

However, after waiting for a while, it was found that this green lotus still showed no signs of disintegration under the nourishment of the grass elemental force.

It even seemed like a real plant, stretching and trembling in the air, as if it was "breathing" and "circulating", and Dadalia could not stop cursing secretly.

Although the grass elemental power is insufficient in direct destructive power, it has always been known for its long-lasting power effect.

Although Dadalia knew about this for a long time, he never expected that it would be so outrageous that he could almost take root in place.

In case it opens for ten days and half a month, how can it afford to wait?

However, Dadalia has never been afraid of this kind of defense.

Whether it is a majestic castle or a strong fortress;

Whether it is a powerful enchantment or a solid magic circle;

Dadalia is confident that in front of the Xinghai Whale driven by him with all his strength, he will be swallowed up like the legends of these powerful creatures that feed on the stars!

So Dadalia stood still from the farthest range and began to drive his terrifying elemental power.

Of course, it wouldn't be a straight-forward esoteric attack. Before the attack, Dadalia first activated his own body protection.

The other party is not an idiot. With such an extremely passive move, there must be countermeasures, especially the third person who has been silent all this time.

Facing an opponent with the power of a strange demon god, no amount of preparation is too much.

So soon, under the action of the powerful thunder element force, the previously damaged demon king's armament on Dadalia was completely repaired.

Even in the blink of an eye, it was even better than before, and the dazzling thunder began to flow on the armor of unknown material that looked like metal.

Dadalia is self-confident, and the fully-driven demon king's armament is enough to resist any move of the opponent in a short time.

After taking all the protections, he began to unreservedly drive his stunt.

Soon, even the ground around him began to surge like a rising tide.

This trick, when using the power of God's Heart, Evil Eye, and Queen's Blessing at the same time, is a powerful mystery that can truly touch the threshold of the Demon God level.

Using the divine power bestowed by the Queen of Ice, the Xinghai Whale pulled from the spiritual world is not comparable to the pure elemental force released before.

When Dadalia used this trick to fight desperately, it was invincible.

It wasn't until he met Jiang Yan that he suffered a big loss for the first time.

He didn't think the three guys in front of him had the outrageous ability to throw a mountain.

This wave, steady!

So Dadalia, who saved his strength at ease, quickly turned the ground in front of him into a vast ocean, and under the turbulent water surface, the melodious "Woo—" whale song has begun to faintly come out.

Apparently, a devastating stunt is about to happen.


"Hey, Discipline Officer Dafeng, you don't need to come out to do anything, you just have to wait for that little brother with green ears to come back and dig some lumps of mud with a shovel to commemorate us."

"Although this beautiful flower is strong, it cannot be stopped."

At this time, Dixie was still in the mood to joke.

Although she didn't know about spiritual space and demon god-level mysteries, the moves that made the air tremble were beyond what they could resist.

"I'm sorry, even if I show it, I can only be sure of dying together."

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